51 research outputs found

    Próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras: um estudo clínico retrospectivo preliminar

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance (retention rate) of fiber-reinforced composite fixed partial dentures (FPDs). Polyethylene fiber (Ribbond®) was used combined with restorative composite during FPDs fabrication. FPDs were placed in thirteen patients in a private clinic. Nineteen FPDs were evaluated. The prosthetic space was filled with only one pontic using extracted teeth (2 cases), acrylic resin teeth (11 cases), or with composite resin (6 cases), combined with Polyethylene fiber. The clinical criterion used was based on retention rate of FPDs. If FPDs were in function in the mouth at the time of examination without previous repair they were classified as Complete Survival (CS) restorations. A classification of Survival with Rebonding (SR) was assigned in the event of an adhesive failure, but after rebonding the FPD still remained under evaluation. Treatment was classified as a Failure (F) if the FPD restoration was lost. The time of evaluation was 41.15 months (±15.13). The FPDs evaluated were retained (CS=94.75%), and no failure was found except for in one situation which required rebonding (SR=5.25%). According to the survival estimation method of Kaplan-Meyer the mean survival time was 42.3 months. At the time of evaluation investigated, polyethylene-reinforced FPDs showed a favorable retention rate in preliminary data.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance clínica (percentagem de retenção) de próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras. Fibras de polietileno (Ribbond®) foram usadas em combinação com resina composta durante a confecção das próteses. Os tratamentos foram realizadas em 13 pacientes, em uma clínica privada., sendo que 19 próteses foram reavaliadas. O espaço protético era preenchido com um pôntico usando o próprio dente extraído (2 casos), dentes de acrílico (11 casos) ou confeccionados com resina composta (6 casos), em todas as situações eram empregadas fibras de polietileno. Os critérios clínicos usados foram baseados na percentagem de retenção das próteses parciais fixas. As próteses que estavam em função no momento da avaliação, sem nunca necessitar de qualquer reparo prévio, foram classificadas como sobrevivência completa (SC). A classificação de sobrevivência com nova colagem (SR) foi utilizada para os casos de falha adesiva, com posterior cimentação da peça, a qual permanecia em função. O tratamento era classificado como falha (F) quando a restauração era perdida. O tempo médio de avaliação foi de 41,15 meses (±15,13). Nenhum caso de falha foi detectado, em apenas um caso houve falha adesiva com posterior colagem da peça (SR=5,25%) e em 94.75% dos casos as próteses permaneciam em função.. De acordo com o método de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meyer o tempo médio de sobrevida foi de 42,3 meses. As próteses parciais fixas reforçadas por fibras mostraram uma percentagem de retenção favorável neste estudo preliminar

    Post-Retained Single Crowns versus Fixed Dental Prostheses: A 7-Year Prospective Clinical Study

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    Biomechanical integrity of endodontically treated teeth (ETT) is often compromised. Degree of hard tissue loss and type of final prosthetic restoration should be carefully considered when making a treatment plan. The objective of this prospective clinical trial was to assess the influence of the type of prosthetic restoration as well as the degree of hard tissue loss on 7-y clinical performance of ETT restored with fiber posts. Two groups (n = 60) were defined depending on the type of prosthetic restoration needed: 1) single unit porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns (SCs) and 2) 3- to 4-unit PFM fixed dental prostheses (FDPs), with 1 healthy and 1 endodontically treated and fiber post-restored abutment. Within each group, samples were divided into 2 subgroups (n = 30) according to the amount of residual coronal tissues after abutment buildup and final preparation: A) >50% of coronal residual structure or B) equal to or <50% of coronal residual structure. The clinical outcome was assessed based on clinical and intraoral radiographic examinations at the recalls after 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, and 84 mo. Data were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier log-rank test and Cox regression analysis (P < 0.05). The overall 7-y survival rate of ETT restored with fiber post and either SCs or FDPs was 69.2%. The highest 84-mo survival rate was recorded in group 1A (90%), whereas teeth in group 2B exhibited the lowest performance (56.7% survival rate). The log-rank test detected statistically significant differences in survival rates among the groups (P = 0.048). Cox regression analysis revealed that the amount of residual coronal structure (P = 0.041; hazard ratio [HR], 2.026; 95% confidence interval [CI] for HR, 1.031–3.982) and the interaction between the type of prosthetic restoration and the amount of residual coronal structure (P = 0.024; HR, 1.372; 95% CI for HR, 1.042–1.806) were statistically significant factors for survival (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01532947)

    The management of an endodontically abscessed tooth: patient health state utility, decision-tree and economic analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A frequent encounter in clinical practice is the middle-aged adult patient complaining of a toothache caused by the spread of a carious infection into the tooth's endodontic complex. Decisions about the range of treatment options (conventional crown with a post and core technique (CC), a single tooth implant (STI), a conventional dental bridge (CDB), and a partial removable denture (RPD)) have to balance the prognosis, utility and cost. Little is know about the utility patients attach to the different treatment options for an endontically abscessed mandibular molar and maxillary incisor. We measured patients' dental-health-state utilities and ranking preferences of the treatment options for these dental problems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty school teachers ranked their preferences for conventional crown with a post and core technique, a single tooth implant, a conventional dental bridge, and a partial removable denture using a standard gamble and willingness to pay. Data previously reported on treatment prognosis and direct "out-of-pocket" costs were used in a decision-tree and economic analysis</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Standard Gamble utilities for the restoration of a mandibular 1st molar with either the conventional crown (CC), single-tooth-implant (STI), conventional dental bridge (CDB) or removable-partial-denture (RPD) were 74.47 [± 6.91], 78.60 [± 5.19], 76.22 [± 5.78], 64.80 [± 8.1] respectively (p < 0.05). Their respective Willingness-to-Pay (CDN)were1,782.05[±361.42],1,871.79[±349.44],1,605.13[±348.10],1,351.28[±368.62](p<0.05).</p><p>ThestandardgambleutilitiesfortherestorationofamaxillarycentralincisorwithaCC,STI,CDBandRPDwere88.50[±6.12],90.68[±3.41],89.78[±3.81]and91.10[±3.57]respectively(p>0.05).Theirrespectivewillingnesstopay(CDN) were 1,782.05 [± 361.42], 1,871.79 [± 349.44], 1,605.13 [± 348.10], 1,351.28 [± 368.62] (p < 0.05).</p> <p>The standard gamble utilities for the restoration of a maxillary central incisor with a CC, STI, CDB and RPD were 88.50 [± 6.12], 90.68 [± 3.41], 89.78 [± 3.81] and 91.10 [± 3.57] respectively (p > 0.05). Their respective willingness-to-pay (CDN) were: 1,782.05 [± 361.42], 1,871.79 [± 349.44], 1,605.13 [± 348.10] and 1,351.28 [± 368.62]. A statistical difference was found between the utility of treating a maxillary central incisor and mandibular 1st-molar (p < 0.05).</p> <p>The expected-utility-value for a 5-year prosthetic survival was highest for the CDB and the STI treatment of an abscessed mandibular molar (74.75 and 71.47 respectively) and maxillary incisor (86.24 and 84.91 respectively). This held up to a sensitivity analysis when the success of root canal therapy and the risk of damage to the adjacent tooth were varied. The RPD for both the molar and incisor was the favored treatment based on a cost-utility (3.85 and 2.74 CNDperyearoftoothsavedrespectively)andcostbenefitanalysis(0.92to0.60CND per year of tooth saved respectively) and cost-benefit analysis (0.92 to 0.60 CND of cost per $ of benefit, respectively) for a prosthetic clinical survival of 5-years.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The position of the abscessed tooth and the amount of insurance coverage influences the utility and rank assigned by patients to the different treatment options. STI and CDB have optimal EUVs for a 5-year survival outcome, and RPD has significantly lower cost providing the better cost:benefit ratio.</p

    The randomized shortened dental arch study (RaSDA): design and protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Various treatment options for the prosthetic treatment of jaws where all molars are lost are under discussion. Besides the placement of implants, two main treatment types can be distinguished: replacement of the missing molars with removable dental prostheses and non-replacement of the molars, i.e. preservation of the shortened dental arch. Evidence is lacking regarding the long-term outcome and the clinical performance of these approaches. High treatment costs and the long time required for the treatment impede respective clinical trials.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>This 14-center randomized controlled investigator-initiated trial is ongoing. Last patient out will be in 2010. Patients over 35 years of age with all molars missing in one jaw and with at least both canines and one premolar left on each side were eligible. One group received a treatment with removable dental prostheses for molar replacement (treatment A). The other group received a treatment limited to the replacement of all missing anterior and premolar teeth using fixed bridges (treatment B). A pilot trial with 32 patients was carried out. Two hundred and fifteen patients were enrolled in the main trial where 109 patients were randomized for treatment A and 106 for treatment B. The primary outcome measure is further tooth loss during the 5-year follow-up. The secondary outcome measures encompassed clinical, technical and subjective variables. The study is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG WA 831/2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The particular value of this trial is the adaptation of common design components to the very specific features of complex dental prosthetic treatments. The pilot trial proved to be indispensable because it led to a number of adjustments in the study protocol that considerably improved the practicability. The expected results are of high clinical relevance and will show the efficacy of two common treatment approaches in terms of oral health. An array of secondary outcome measures will deliver valuable supplementary information. If the results can be implemented in the clinical practice, the daily dental care should strongly profit thereof.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The trial is registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under ISRCTN68590603 (pilot trial) and ISRCTN97265367 (main trial).</p

    Resin bonded bridges: techniques for success

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    Resin bonded bridges are a minimally invasive option for replacing missing teeth. Although they were first described over 30 years ago, evidence regarding their longevity remains limited and these restorations have developed an undeserved reputation for failure. This article provides a brief review of the literature regarding bridge success and continues to highlight aspects of case selection, bridge design and clinical procedure which may improve outcome