2,522 research outputs found

    Multinationals and diffrsion of technology Between developed countries

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    This paper analyses the role played by foreign direct investment (FDI) as a mechanism through which technology flows between countries. After a short review of the existing literature it is observed that aggregate studies do not obtain evidence of the existence of technology spillovers amongst the OECD countries. These results oppose the presumption among many academics and policy-makers that FDI helps accelerate the process of economic development in host countries. The conclusion drawn is that spillovers have taken place, but that there is a problem of overlap between the variables used in these analyses which prevents their impact being captured properly.

    How Will Public Health and Primary Care Come Together in Massachusetts?

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    The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aims to place public health and prevention practice closer to the clinical care delivery system by mandating basic preventive services and creating a national prevention plan. The Massachusetts health care system has a number of elements that can help foster closer linking of public health practices in the primary care setting. This research set out to examine whether the current healthcare system in Massachusetts will enable public health and primary care integration as intimated upon by the Affordable Care Act. This study will assess the current connection between public health and primary care practice in Massachusetts and identify factors affecting further linkages with the aim of predicting the degree to which the Affordable Care Act will serve to better connect public health and primary care. Data for this study originate from expert interviews from health care institutions and organizations. Interviews questions focused on assembling findings related to the role of ACA in integration, how close Massachusetts is to integration, those characteristic enabling or inhibiting integration, and policy changes that need to happen to further foster integration

    On the Design of a Novel Joint Network-Channel Coding Scheme for the Multiple Access Relay Channel

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    This paper proposes a novel joint non-binary network-channel code for the Time-Division Decode-and-Forward Multiple Access Relay Channel (TD-DF-MARC), where the relay linearly combines -- over a non-binary finite field -- the coded sequences from the source nodes. A method based on an EXIT chart analysis is derived for selecting the best coefficients of the linear combination. Moreover, it is shown that for different setups of the system, different coefficients should be chosen in order to improve the performance. This conclusion contrasts with previous works where a random selection was considered. Monte Carlo simulations show that the proposed scheme outperforms, in terms of its gap to the outage probabilities, the previously published joint network-channel coding approaches. Besides, this gain is achieved by using very short-length codewords, which makes the scheme particularly attractive for low-latency applications.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; Submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Theories and Methods for Advanced Wireless Relays, 201

    The Ciborium or Lantern Tower of Valencia Cathedral: Geometry, Construction and Stability

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    Early 18th century treatise writer Tomas Vicente Tosca1 includes in his Tratado de la montea y cortes de Canteria [On Masonry Design and Stone Cutting], what is an important documentary source about the lantern of Valencia Cathedral. Tosca writes about this lantern as an example of vaulting over cross arches without the need of buttresses. A geometrical description is followed by an explanation of the structural behavior which manifests his deep understanding of the mechanics of masonry structures. He tries to demonstrate the absence of buttresses supporting his thesis on the appropriate distribution of loads which will reduce the "empujos" [horizontal thrusts] to the point of not requiring more than the thickness of the walls to stand (Tosca [1727] 1992, 227-230). The present article2 assesses T osca' s appreciation studying how loads and the thrusts they generate are transmitted through the different masonry elements that constitute this ciborium. In order to do so, we first present a geometrical analysis and make considerations regarding its materials and construction methods to, subsequently, analyze its stability adopting an equilibrium approach within the theoretical framework of the lower bound limit analysis

    International technology diffusion through imports and its impact on economic growth

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    This paper provides new evidence on the importance of international technology spillovers channelled by imports and its impact on economic TFP growth of the OECD countries. For this purpose we estimate a version of the growth model with endogenous technological change used in Benhabib and Spiegel (1994), which includes some modifications in order to capture the differences in the degree of success that countries have in benefiting from foreign technology spillovers. Our results suggest that domestic R&D and human capital stocks are critical for successful technology diffusion from abroad.

    Development of new biotechnology tools for the Energy Industry: new advanced biocatalysts

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Biología. Fecha de lectura: 19-11-202

    Aerodynamic Optimization of High-Speed Trains Nose using a Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Network

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    An aerodynamic optimization of the train aerodynamic characteristics in term of front wind action sensitivity is carried out in this paper. In particular, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to perform a shape optimization study of a high-speed train nose. The nose is parametrically defined via Bézier Curves, including a wider range of geometries in the design space as possible optimal solutions. Using a GA, the main disadvantage to deal with is the large number of evaluations need before finding such optimal. Here it is proposed the use of metamodels to replace Navier-Stokes solver. Among all the posibilities, Rsponse Surface Models and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are considered. Best results of prediction and generalization are obtained with ANN and those are applied in GA code. The paper shows the feasibility of using GA in combination with ANN for this problem, and solutions achieved are included

    Técnicas medievales de construcción en tapia de tierra y de cal y canto: los castillos de Soria

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    La raya o frontera entre las Coronas de Castilla y Aragón fue fortificada con un sistema de castillos y ciudades amuralladas que tuvieron su utilidad durante los diversos conflictos acaecidos en la Baja Edad Media. Esta frontera se mantuvo en constante litigio desde la reconquista del territorio a principios del siglo XII y su definición y defensa fue una de las preocupaciones de los monarcas castellanos. Durante los siglos XIV y XV, tras el advenimiento de la dinastía Trastámara, esta zona sufre un proceso de enajenación de los territorios realengos en favor de su señorialización, lo que supone un nuevo impulso constructivo de castillos señoriales mudéjares. Algunos de estos elementos fortificados se construyeron con fábricas encofradas de tapia de tierra o de cal y canto. Entre los primeros destacan los castillos de Serón de Nágima y Yanguas —ambos residencias señoriales mudéjares— construidos completamente en tapia de tierra, y algunos elementos en los de Arcos de Jalón, Torre de Martín González o las murallas de Ágreda. Por su parte, algún tramo de las murallas y parte del castillo de Soria, algunas fábricas del castillo de Vozmediano, las murallas de la villa fortificada de Peñalcázar y el castillo de Peroniel del Campo se levantaron con fábrica de tapia de cal y canto. A través del análisis de las improntas constructivas conservadas en estos ejemplos sorianos y de la puesta en paralelo con otras fábricas encofradas contemporáneas, aunque fuera del ámbito de estudio, se realiza una lectura constructiva de los procesos y las técnicas medievales de construcción en tapia. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es conocer las técnicas constructivas de una selección de estos castillos para interpretar la actividad edilicia de ese momento histórico y analizar su sistematización dentro del contexto histórico, geográfico y arquitectónico de los enfrentamientos fronterizos entre las coronas de Castilla y Aragón en el ámbito de la actual provincia de Soria. El análisis parte de un estudio dimensional y tipológico-constructivo en el que se atiende a las principales características de las fábricas de tapia para interpretar los procesos constructivos. Muchos de estos castillos han sido estudiados con anterioridad someramente sólo con herramientas historiográficas. Las conclusiones del análisis constructivo se confrontan con el análisis historiográfico con el fin de revisar la datación de algunos castillos, en la que se han observado errores o inexactitudes en las distintas fuentes consultadas. Se ha apreciado, así mismo, una falta de estudio que comprenda estas fortificaciones como participantes en un sistema territorial y en esto el estudio constructivo también colabora al analizar la sistematización constructiva. La comunicación avanza algunas conclusiones del análisis profundo, completo, general, ordenado y sistemático de la historia de la construcción de fortificaciones bajomedievales en la frontera de Castilla con Aragón en la actual provincia de Soria

    Transferencia de elementos arquitectónicos entre España y el Nuevo Mundo: el caso de los balcones de madera de San Juan de Puerto Rico

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    Un caso paradigmático de la transferencia cultural entre España y el Nuevo Mundo lo protagonizan los balcones de madera que, de origen peninsular, adquieren una impronta vernácula y una entidad propia en las Islas Canarias. El trasiego comercial y cultural a través del Atlántico entre la metrópolis y las colonias y virreinos llevó aparejado una propagación de los tipos y elementos arquitectónicos y, entre ellos, el balcón de madera. De esta manera, desde las primeras construcciones de los españoles en América se encuentran balcones de madera volados sobre canes, con pies derechos y balaustres torneados, antepecho opaco y tejaroz. Con el tiempo, el elemento se asienta y adquiere características propias de ese nuevo emplazamiento, debido a la adaptación a las nuevas maderas y de una nueva manera de hacer por parte de los artesanos —en los primeros momentos, andaluces y canarios—, dando lugar a una variación del tipo originario