3,011 research outputs found

    Real feelings for virtual people: emotional attachments and interpersonal attraction in video games

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    Factors which may affect how people become attracted to virtual characters were explored in an online survey of players of a recent video role-playing game. Seventy-four participants (33 male) completed a series of questionnaires assessing their personality, motivations for game play, and feelings towards the ten non-player characters (NPCs) with whom they had potentially experienced extensive interactions within the game world. Results suggest that people form real and authentic emotional attachments to virtual characters, and that these arise from a complex blend of the players’ personality and motivation, and the virtual characters’ levels of physical attraction, friendliness (or hostility) and general usefulness within the game context. Implications of these findings, and suggestions for future research, are discussed

    Energy dependence on fractional charge for strongly interacting subsystems

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    The energies of a pair of strongly-interacting subsystems with arbitrary noninteger charges are examined from closed and open system perspectives. An ensemble representation of the charge dependence is derived, valid at all interaction strengths. Transforming from resonance-state ionicity to ensemble charge dependence imposes physical constraints on the occupation numbers in the strong-interaction limit. For open systems, the chemical potential is evaluated using microscopic and thermodynamic models, leading to a novel correlation between ground-state charge and an electronic temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figs.; as accepted (Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Polarization forces in water deduced from single molecule data

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    Intermolecular polarization interactions in water are determined using a minimal atomic multipole model constructed with distributed polarizabilities. Hydrogen bonding and other properties of water-water interactions are reproduced to fine detail by only three multipoles μH\mu_H, μO\mu_O, and θO\theta_O and two polarizabilities αO\alpha_O and αH\alpha_H, which characterize a single water molecule and are deduced from single molecule data.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 3 embedded color PS figure

    Sub-millimeter images of a dusty Kuiper belt around eta Corvi

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    We present sub-millimeter and mid-infrared images of the circumstellar disk around the nearby F2V star eta Corvi. The disk is resolved at 850um with a size of ~100AU. At 450um the emission is found to be extended at all position angles, with significant elongation along a position angle of 130+-10deg; at the highest resolution (9.3") this emission is resolved into two peaks which are to within the uncertainties offset symmetrically from the star at 100AU projected separation. Modeling the appearance of emission from a narrow ring in the sub-mm images shows the observed structure cannot be caused by an edge-on or face-on axisymmetric ring; the observations are consistent with a ring of radius 150+-20AU seen at 45+-25deg inclination. More face-on orientations are possible if the dust distribution includes two clumps similar to Vega; we show how such a clumpy structure could arise from the migration over 25Myr of a Neptune mass planet from 80-105AU. The inner 100AU of the system appears relatively empty of sub-mm emitting dust, indicating that this region may have been cleared by the formation of planets, but the disk emission spectrum shows that IRAS detected an additional hot component with a characteristic temperature of 370+-60K (implying a distance of 1-2AU). At 11.9um we found the emission to be unresolved with no background sources which could be contaminating the fluxes measured by IRAS. The age of this star is estimated to be ~1Gyr. It is very unusual for such an old main sequence star to exhibit significant mid-IR emission. The proximity of this source makes it a perfect candidate for further study from optical to mm wavelengths to determine the distribution of its dust.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. Scheduled for publication in ApJ 10 February 2005 issu

    Estimating the functional form for the density dependence from life history data

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    Two contrasting approaches to the analysis of population dynamics are currently popular: demographic approaches where the associations between demographic rates and statistics summarizing the population dynamics are identified; and time series approaches where the associations between population dynamics, population density, and environmental covariates are investigated. In this paper, we develop an approach to combine these methods and apply it to detailed data from Soay sheep (Ovis aries). We examine how density dependence and climate contribute to fluctuations in population size via age- and sex-specific demographic rates, and how fluctuations in demographic structure influence population dynamics. Density dependence contributes most, followed by climatic variation, age structure fluctuations and interactions between density and climate. We then simplify the density-dependent, stochastic, age-structured demographic model and derive a new phenomenological time series which captures the dynamics better than previously selected functions. The simple method we develop has potential to provide substantial insight into the relative contributions of population and individual-level processes to the dynamics of populations in stochastic environments

    Clogging by sieving in microchannels: Application to the detection of contaminants in colloidal suspensions

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    We report on a microfluidic method that allows measurement of a small concentration of large contaminants in suspensions of solid micrometer-scale particles. To perform the measurement, we flow the colloidal suspension through a series of constrictions, i.e. a microchannel of varying cross-section. We show and quantify the role of large contaminants in the formation of clogs at a constriction and the growth of the resulting filter cake. By measuring the time interval between two clogging events in an array of parallel microchannels, we are able to estimate the concentration of contaminants whose size is selected by the geometry of the microfluidic device. This technique for characterizing colloidal suspensions offers a versatile and rapid tool to explore the role of contaminants on the properties of the suspensions

    Symmetry Breaking of Relativistic Multiconfiguration Methods in the Nonrelativistic Limit

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    The multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method allows to calculate the state of relativistic electrons in atoms or molecules. This method has been known for a long time to provide certain wrong predictions in the nonrelativistic limit. We study in full mathematical details the nonlinear model obtained in the nonrelativistic limit for Be-like atoms. We show that the method with sp+pd configurations in the J=1 sector leads to a symmetry breaking phenomenon in the sense that the ground state is never an eigenvector of L^2 or S^2. We thereby complement and clarify some previous studies.Comment: Final version, to appear in Nonlinearity. Nonlinearity (2010) in pres

    Magnetic properties of 3d-impurities substituted in GaAs

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    We have calculated the magnetic properties of substituted 3d-impurities (Cr-Ni) in a GaAs host by means of first principles electronic structure calculations. We provide a novel model explaining the ferromagnetic long rang order of III-V dilute magnetic semiconductors. The origin of the ferromagnetism is shown to be due to delocalized spin-uncompensated As dangling bond electrons. Besides the quantitative prediction of the magnetic moments, our model provides an understanding of the halfmetallicity, and the raise of the critical temperature with the impurity concentration

    Phonons in graphene with point defects

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    The phonon density of states (DOS) of graphene with different types of point defects (carbon isotopes, substitution atoms, vacancies) is considered. Using a solvable model which is based on the harmonic approximation and the assumption that the elastic forces act only between nearest neighboring ions we calculate corrections to graphene DOS dependent on type and concentration of defects. In particular the correction due to isotopic dimers is determined. It is shown that a relatively small concentration of defects may lead to significant and specific changes in the DOS, especially at low frequencies, near the Van Hove points and in the vicinity of the K-points of the Brillouin zone. In some cases defects generate one or several narrow gaps near the critical points of the phonon DOS as well as resonance states in the Brillouin zone regular points. All types of defects are characterized by the appearance of one or more additional Van Hove peaks near the (Dirac) K points and their singular contribution may be comparable with the effect of electron-phonon interaction. Besides, for low frequencies and near the critical points the relative change in density of states may be many times higher than the concentration of defects.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Competing Harvesting Strategies In A Simulated Population Under Uncertainty

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    We present a case study of the use of simulation modelling to develop and test strategies for managing populations under uncertainty. Strategies that meet a stock conservation criterion under a base case scenario are subjected to a set of robustness trials, including biased and highly variable abundance estimates and poaching. Strategy performance is assessed with respect to a conservation criterion, the revenues achieved and their variability. Strategies that harvest heavily, even when the population is apparently very large, perform badly in the robustness trials. Setting a threshold below which harvesting does not take place, and above which all individuals are harvested, does not provide effective protection against over-harvesting. Strategies that rely on population growth rates rather than estimates of population size are more robust to biased estimates. The strategies that are most robust to uncertainty are simple, involving harvesting a relatively small proportion of the population each year. The simulation modelling approach to exploring harvesting strategies is suggested as a useful tool for the assessment of the performance of competing strategies under uncertainty