145 research outputs found

    Relações solo-paisagem: conceitos, evolução e aplicaçõesSoil-landscape relationships: concepts, developments and applications

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    As relações solo-paisagem permitem associar atributos topográficos e tipos de solos, tornando-se úteis na predição de ocorrência dos tipos de solos nas paisagens e auxiliando no estudo detalhado dos solos. Diante disso, esta revisão tem como objetivos gerais conceituar e discutir aspectos da relação solo-paisagem, bem como sua evolução no Brasil e no mundo e suas aplicações aos estudos de solos. Os conceitos das relações solo-paisagem combinam as feições da superfície da terra, componentes de subsuperfície e atributos do solo. Quanto ao surgimento e discussão desse conceito, acredita-se que apesar de não haver registros de relatos sobre os estudos da relação solo-paisagem, especula-se que esses estudos foram iniciado no final do século XIX e registrado com o surgimento do conceito de CATENA. Nesse sentido, vários modelos de paisagem propuseram estudar e entender as relações entre as condições do solo e a topografia, dentre estes pode-se destacar o modelo de superfície geomórfica, unidades de vertente e curvatura do terreno. Apesar da importância e discussão dos conceitos das relações solo-paisagem, poucos trabalhos abordam a temática com vistas a identificar e mapear solos, muito embora estes modelos permitam compreender as relações entre as condições do solo e os aspectos topográficos do terreno. Por outro lado, o uso dos conceitos de superfícies geomórficas, unidades de vertentes e curvatura do terreno nos estudos de solo-paisagem são fundamentais para estudos de gênese, levantamento e classificação de solos, assim como para a obtenção de informações de estimativas de erosão, estabelecimento de manejo, planejamento e uso do solo.Abstract The soil-landscape relationships allow for the association of topographic attributes and soil types, making it useful in predicting the occurrence of soil types in landscapes, and assisting in the detailed study of soils. Thus, this review aims to conceptualize and discuss general aspects of soil-landscape relationship, its evolution in Brazil and around the world, and its application to soil studies. The concepts of soil-landscape relationships combine the features of the earth’s surface, subsurface components and soil attributes. Regarding the emergence and development of these concepts, despite the absence of records concerning the reports of studies of soil-landscape, it is speculated that they began in the late nineteenth century, and were registered with the emergence of the concept of CATENA. In this sense, several models proposed to study the landscape and understand the relationships between soil conditions and topography. Among these models we can highlight the geomorphic surface, slope units and terrain curvature model. Despite the importance and discussion of the concepts of soil-landscape relationships, few studies address the issue with the goal of identifying and mapping soils, although these models allow for the understanding of the relationship between soil conditions and topographical features of the terrain. On the other hand, the use of the concepts of geomorphic surfaces, units of slopes and topographic curvature in the studies of soil-landscape are essential to develop the studies of genesis, surveying and classification of soil. The concepts are also important to obtain estimates of erosion, and to establish management, planning and use of the soil

    New Occurrences of Macrofungi (Basidiomycota) in Southern Amazonas, Brazil

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    Macrofungi are organisms that have macroscopic reproductive structures, called ascocarps and basidiocarps, and are important representatives of Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, respectively. The Amazon rainforest, as it offers a large number of natural resources, is one of the biomes that has been under great environmental pressure and sustainable use that takes into account social, economic and ecological factors is extremely important for protecting the forest. Given this context, this work aimed to present the characterization of the species that constitute occurrences of macrofungi for the Southern region of the state of Amazonas, contributing to the expansion of the knowledge on the geographical distribution of the specimens found. This survey was carried out at the Tenente Pimenta Jungle Base located 20 kilometers from the Municipality of Humaitá- state of Amazonas. The collections were carried out in two different periods, in the pre-existing trails of the Tenente Pimenta Jungle Base (54th BIS). 115 specimens belonging to 11 families were found, with species belonging to Ascomycota and Basidiomycota being identified. The data related to the collection periods of macroscopic fungi were from August 2019 and November 2019. In August 2019, a dry season in the Amazon, with little rain, 70 specimens of macrofungi were collected. In November, a rainy period in the Amazon, 105 specimens of macrofungi were collected. The data obtained from this research will serve as a basis for further studies in the state of Amazonas, since it is a pioneer in the southern region of the state. There is a great diversity of macrofungi in the study area, however, edaphoclimatic factors are relevant at different periods of the year

    Review article: studies of fungi in the state of Amazonas, Brazil in the last 10 years

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    Fungi are eukaryotic beings, uni or multicellular and are present in our daily lives, both in the manufacture of food and in the proliferation of diseases. The occurrence of fungi of the phylum Basidiomycota is most frequently found in the forest, as it is in these places that fungi find the conditions that best guarantee their physiological needs, acting as the main decomposers of organic matter. The present work aims to carry out production analysis on fungi in Amazonas. The review consisted of analyzing scientific articles, dissertations and thesis in the field of mycology in the Amazon region available in the databases PubMed, Scielo, Lilacs, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar, in English and Portuguese. The data collection used the publication period between 2008 and 2018 as the inclusion criterion, the exclusion criterion was the keywords that were not in accordance with the analyzes proposed by the publication criteria. It was found that all related works on fungi are published in scientific journals in the areas of teaching (two), health (five) and the environment (four), with emphasis on the fungi Candida, Aspergillus and Penicillium. The Amazon Forest has been little investigated, mainly in relation to fungi research, which makes it urgent to know about the diversity of fungi, especially in areas of the Brazilian Amazon, where it needs to be measured


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    No Brasil o cultivo de pimenta é de grande importância tanto pela característica da rentabilidade, quando o produtor agrega valor ao produto, quanto pela importância social. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos das propostas de biofertilizantes à base de esterco bovino fresco no crescimento e produtividade das mudas de pimenta de cheiro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições, cuja os tratamentos foram: 1) testemunha, sem aplicação de biofertilizante; 2) biofertilizante puro, composto com 100% de esterco bovino fresco; 3) biofertilizante composto com 75% de esterco bovino fresco + 25% de caroço de açaí fresco triturado; 4) biofertilizante composto com 50% de esterco bovino fresco + 50% de caroço de açaí fresco triturado e; 5) biofertilizante composto com 25% de esterco bovino fresco + 75% de caroço de açaí fresco triturado. Os dados coletados foram submetidos à análise de variância (teste F), e teste Tukey ao nível de 5% de probabilidade, no programa estatístico (Assistat versão 7.7 beta). Dentre os tratamentos testados, o tratamento 02 composto pelo biofertilizante à base de esterco bovino fresco promoveu o maior crescimento e desenvolvimento para as plantas.

    A percepção ambiental sobre fungos: uma revisão integrativa

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    A etnomicologia é um ramo da etnologia, que estuda a relação e as interações no contexto biológico, econômico e social, os usos históricos e o conhecimento dos fungos por diferentes etnias, raças ou nacionalidades. Dessa forma, o presente artigo teve como objetivo, realizar um estudo bibliográfico sobre a percepção ambiental dos fungos. O levantamento de dados foi realizado através de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória compreendendo o período de inclusão 2010-2020 em plataformas eletrônicas. Com base no levantamento bibliográfico realizado, verificou-se a publicação de 29 produções bibliográficas sobre percepção ambiental de fungos. Percebeu-se a presença de três categorias: conhecimentos tradicionais, biodiversidade e ensino sendo que o conhecimento tradicional foi o mais citado, abrangendo 37,93% e o menos citado foi ensino com 27,58%. O resultado desta pesquisa demonstra que existem poucos estudos em estímulos visuais com publicações que abordem a percepção ambiental sobre fungos

    Caracterização de solos em uma topossequência sob terraços aluviais na região do médio rio Madeira (AM)Characterization of soils in a toposequence under alluvial terraces in the middle rio Madeira (AM)

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    Vários estudos preocuparam-se em investigar as relações existentes entre os atributos do solo e as paisagens em diferentes locais, neste contexto o objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a caracterização de solos em uma topossequência sob terraços aluviais na região do médio rio Madeira (AM). Estabeleceu-se um caminhamento e com base na vegetação e no relevo, a paisagem foi subdividida em quatro segmentos de vertente: a) campo natural; b) cerradão; c) floresta; e d) floresta de galeria. Foi aberta uma trincheira em cada unidade de vertente e realizado a sua caracterização morfológica, realizou-se as analises físicas (análise granulométrica, Ds, Dp e Pt) e químicas (pH em água e KCl, Ca, Mg, K, P disponivel, Al trocável, H+ Al e C orgânico). A textura do solo foi semelhante (franco argila siltosa, franco siltosa e argilo siltosa), a fração silte foi dominante em todos os solos analisados, a Pt do solo foi maior nos horizontes superficiais devido o menor valor de densidade do solo. Verificou-se que a topografia exprime solos completamente diferentes ao longo do relevo e que as mudanças deste interferem na capacidade de uso destes. Os solos foram classificados como Gleissolo Háplico, Cambissolo Háplico alítico e Cambissolo Háplico aluminico e Gleissolo Háplico. Observou-se que os solos apresentaram predominância de silte como a fração dominante. A saturação por bases e a soma de bases foram baixas, já a saturação por alumínio foi elevada em todos os solos, o que confere um caráter distrófico e álico respectivamente aos solos estudados

    Soil-landscape relationships in a toposequence developed from basaltic parent material

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    Variations in soil attributes depend on the soil position in the landscape and drainage, erosion, and deposition processes. This study aimed to evaluate the soil physical and chemical properties, in a toposequence developed from basaltic parent material, in Batatais, São Paulo State, Brazil. The area presents a flatter topography and altitude ranging from 740 m to 610 m, in a basalt-dominated region. The experiment was carried out along a transect of 3,000 m from the top downwards. The geomorphic surfaces were identified and delimited according to topographic and stratigraphic criteria, based on detailed field investigations. Samples were collected along the representative side of profiles, for each geomorphic surface (GS) of the toposequence (GS I = top; GS II = hillside and transport foothill; GS III = shoulder and deposition foothill), totaling 142 samples. In addition, trenches were opened in the slope segments of the mapped geomorphic surfaces. The samples were analyzed for bulk density, texture, exchange bases (Ca2+, K+, and Mg2+), sum of bases, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, pH (water and KCl), SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 (H2SO4 attack), free Fe oxides extracted with dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate, and poorly crystallized Fe extracted with ammonium oxalate. The results showed that soils developed from basaltic parent material presented physical and chemical attributes tied to the relief shapes. The use of multivariate statistical techniques made possible to identify three different environments, which are equivalent to the three geomorphic surfaces

    Caracterização química de resíduos da indústria metalúrgica para fins de uso agrícolaChemical characterization of residues of the metallurgic industry for agricultural use

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    Os órgãos de licenciamento ambiental têm se preocupado de modo especial com os impactos negativos da aplicação de resíduos industriais no meio ambiente. Dentro desse contexto, realizou-se este trabalho, com o objetivo de se estudar os produtos: escória do forno cubilô (EFC), e resíduos de ciclone do sistema de areia (CSA) e do ciclone dos desmoldadores (CD), originados de uma indústria metalúrgica, quanto a sua viabilidade de utilização para fins agrícolas. Esse estudo foi motivado pela preocupação com a possibilidade de contaminação do meio ambiente e também pelo elevado requisito de área para destino final desse resíduo. Os teores de elementos possivelmente tóxicos estão abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela CETESB, possibilitando, assim, o uso agrícola desses resíduos. Dentre os materiais estudados, apenas o EFC apresentou potencial como corretivo de acidez dos solos. Os três materiais analisados apresentaram potencial de atuar como fontes de micronutrientes às plantas. Abstract The environmental licensing agencies have been especially concerned with the negative impacts of the application of industrial residues in the environment. In this context, research was carried on to study the viability of the following metallurgy products for agricultural purposes: scum of the Cubilot oven (SCO), cyclone residues of the sand system (CSS) and of the un-molder cyclone. This study was motivated by the concern with the possibility of contamination of the environment and also because of the great amount of area needed for the fi nal discharging of these residues. The contents of possibly toxic elements are below the limits allowed by the CETESB [Company of Environmental Sanitation Technology - Brazil], thus making possible the agricultural use of these residues. Among the studied materials, only the SCO performed well as a soil acidity corrective. The three analyzed materials presented potentials to act as sources of micronutrients for the plants


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    The anthropization of natural environments, when performed inadequately, promotes the disruption of the ecological balance and can influence the fauna, flora and biodiversity in general, including the edaphic environment and its components. The objective was to evaluate the soil attributes in areas with different types of vegetation cover and different forms of soil management. The study was carried out in native forest area (Subperennial Equatorial Forest) and cultivated area (annual species), in Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil. Samples were collected in two layers (0-10 and 10-20cm), on a Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, to evaluate microbial biomass by the fumigation-extraction (FE) method, as well as the chemical and physical soil attributes. It was possible to verify a significant increase in soil density and reduction of moisture and improvement of chemical attributes resulting from the use of the area. The organic matter content decreased sharply in the managed area (25%), compared to the forest, in the superficial layer (0-10cm). Microbial C-biomass under the native forest showed 54% higher mean value (883 mgC g-1) compared to the managed area (410 mgC g-1) in the superficial layer. The microbial N-biomass ranged from 21.3 to 19.5 mgN.g-1 in the native forest area, and from 9.3 to 11.5 mgN g-1 in the managed area, respectively in the 0-10 and 10-20cm layers. In the native forest area, the addition of organic matter to the soil by the vegetation litter was an important conditioning factor for the microbial community, demonstrating the use of this attribute as an indicator of soil quality


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    AbstractConsidering the lack of information about spatial behavior of the soil attributes in areas of archaeological black earth and native forest, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of chemical attributes and determine the sampling density in soil with archaeological black earth and native forest in the region of Manicoré, AM. The study was conducted in a rural property located in the community of Santo Antônio do Matupi, at the margins of BR 230, Trans-amazon highway, in the region of Manicoré, AM. In these areas were established grids of 70 m x 70 m, with regular spacing of 10 x 10 m, totaling 64 points, then soil samples were collected at a depth of 0.0-0.20 m and 0 , 40 - 0,60 m. Chemical attributes were determined (pH, OM, P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CTC, V% and H + Al). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and geostatistics. Sampling density was determined basing on CV and on the range of the semivariograms. It was verified that the studied attributes showed spatial variability and the area of archaeological black earth presented greater spatial variability than the native forest. Its greater sampling density was determined basing on the range of the adjusted semivariograms.Keywords: Indian black earth; attributes of soil; geostatistics.