37 research outputs found


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    En el mes de junio de 1998, el doctorado en Ciencias Sociales ofreció un seminario intensivo sobre los Factores de Riesgo en salud: un Enfoque Ecológico, Sociocultural y morfológico, dictado por cuatro profesores invitados: Julieta Aréchiga (México), Antonio Martínez (Cuba), Consuelo Prado Martínez y Miguel Botella (España), en el marco de la red temática en proceso de consolidación “Procesos de microevaluación y adaptación humana: variación espacial y temporal”

    Referencias para dinamometría manual en función de la estatura en edad pediátrica y adolescente

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La dinamometría de la mano es una prueba funcional recomendada en la evaluación nutricional. Suele expresarse en función de la edad pero durante el crecimiento, incluso a la misma edad, varía el tamaño corporal. El objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar referencias de la fuerza de la mano en función de la talla. Sujetos y método: La muestra consta de 1.798 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. Se midió la talla, el peso y la fuerza de ambas manos. La dinamometría media (DM) se expresó en función de la estatura y se obtuvieron ecuaciones predictivas. La estadística descriptiva, comparativa y el análisis de regresión se efectuaron con el SPSS 21.0 Resultados: Se aportan referencias percentilares para la DM por categorías de talla en rangos de 5 cm. Las fórmulas obtenidas a partir del modelo de regresión (varones: DM = 0,207*peso + 0,621*talla – 71,461; mujeres DM=0,258*peso + 0,394*talla – 43,967) fueron validadas con la mitad de la muestra. Conclusiones: Las ecuaciones predictivas que se aportan en este trabajo permiten estimar la DM a partir del peso y la estatura con independencia de la edad

    Referencias para dinamometría manual en función de la estatura en edad pediátrica y adolescente

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    Antecedentes y objetivo: La dinamometría de la mano es una prueba funcional recomendada en la evaluación nutricional. Suele expresarse en función de la edad pero durante el crecimiento, incluso a la misma edad, varía el tamaño corporal. El objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar referencias de la fuerza de la mano en función de la talla. Sujetos y método: La muestra consta de 1.798 escolares entre 6 y 15 años. Se midió la talla, el peso y la fuerza de ambas manos. La dinamometría media (DM) se expresó en función de la estatura y se obtuvieron ecuaciones predictivas. La estadística descriptiva, comparativa y el análisis de regresión se efectuaron con el SPSS 21.0 Resultados: Se aportan referencias percentilares para la DM por categorías de talla en rangos de 5 cm. Las fórmulas obtenidas a partir del modelo de regresión (varones: DM = 0,207*peso + 0,621*talla – 71,461; mujeres DM=0,258*peso + 0,394*talla – 43,967) fueron validadas con la mitad de la muestra. Conclusiones: Las ecuaciones predictivas que se aportan en este trabajo permiten estimar la DM a partir del peso y la estatura con independencia de la edad

    Assessment of somatic maturation of Venezuelan adolescents

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    Introduction: beginning of adolescence comprises important physical modifications, which affects growth and changes in body composition, therefore it is important to consider maturation assessment. Objective: to develop a non-invasive method to assess maturity status in Venezuelan adolescents from peak height velocity (PHV) by means of anthropometric variables in a cross-sectional sample. Methods: data comprised 681 Venezuelan adolescents 9 up to 18 years of age. Mirwald equation was applied to derived PHV. Regression analysis was used in order to build a model for Venezuelan sample as well as, ROC curves to assess sensitivity and specificity of anthropometric variables. Results: the predictive equations for both sexes, exhibited a high determination coefficient ( 0.75, specially sitting height. Discussion and conclusion: in Venezuela, there is little work based on longitudinal studies of the maturation status. Giving the difficult faced in the longitudinal studies recent works have been used cross-sectional methodology in the assessment of the somatic maturation, both in non athletic and athletic populations. This study provides predicting equations for the assessment of the somatic maturation adjusted to Venezuelan population developed from Mirwald equation, which may be used to aid in evaluation of nutritional and general health, as well as, a reduction of risks associated with miss-classification for chronological age

    La composition corporelle des adolescentes. La mode et quelques répercussions cliniques

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    Les changements biologiques et psychologiques qui surviennent au moment de la croissance fragilisent l’enfant et peuvent favoriser des facteurs de risque durant cette période de maturation et dans sa future vie d’adulte. L’influence de la publicité et la pression sociale font naître, essentiellement chez les filles, un nouveau prototype corporel où l’extrême maigreur n’est plus l’exception comme c’était le cas dans les périodes précédentes. Pour détecter les possibles risques ou maladies causés par de telles modifications, 134 adolescentes de la ville de Madrid et de sa banlieue, âgées de 15 à 17 ans, ont été échantillonnées. Les participantes connaissaient les objectifs de l’étude et y ont participé volontairement avec le consentement parental. Deux sous-échantillons contrastés ont été comparés, en fonction de l’indice de masse corporelle (groupes au-dessous et au-dessus de la limite du dixième percentile somatique, soit IMC = 17). On constate une très basse ingestion de calories (900 Kcal/jours) pour les filles avec un IMC < 17, et une diminution de la proportion recommandée d’hydrates de carbone. On remarque également une prise alimentaire irrégulière et des comportements alimentaires à risque. La composition corporelle est modifiée par rapport aux normes habituelles chez la femme, ce qui pourrait être la cause de 77.7 % des aménorrhées et de l’androgénicité dans la distribution des graisses.The biological and psychological changes which occur during growth stages render children fragile, which can favour risk factors during the period of maturation as well as later on in adult life. The influence of advertising and social pressure is particularly strong in the case of girls, and a new prototype of body proportion has emerged in which extreme thinness is no longer the exception as it has been in previous periods. In order to detect the possible risks and diseases caused by such modifications, 134 adolescent girls in the city of Madrid and its outskirts, aged 15 to 17 years of age, were sampled. The participants understood the objectives of the study and participated voluntarily with parental consent. Two contrasting sub-samples were compared, according to the index of body mass (groups below and above the limit of the somatic tenth percentile, that is BMI = 17). A very low nutritional intake was observed (900 Kcal/day) for the girls with a BMI < 17, as well as a decrease in the recommended proportion of carbohydrates. Irregularity of food intake and risky food-related behaviours were noted. The body composition was modified in comparison to female body norms, which could be the cause of 77% of amenorrhoeas and of androgenicity in fat distribution

    Eating Behavior and Obesity in a Sample of Spanish Schoolchildren

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    From the point of view of prevention, it is convenient to explore the association between eating behavior and the obese phenotype during school and adolescent age. The aim of the present study was to identify eating behavior patterns associated with nutritional status in Spanish schoolchildren. A cross-sectional study of 283 boys and girls (aged 6 to 16 years) was carried out. The sample was evaluated anthropometrically by Body Mass Index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) and body fat percentage (%BF). Eating behavior was analyzed using the CEBQ “Children’s Eating Behavior Questionnaire”. The subscales of the CEBQ were significantly associated with BMI, WHtR and %BF. Pro-intake subscales (enjoyment of food, food responsiveness, emotional overeating, desire for drinks) were positively related to excess weight by BMI (β = 0.812 to 0.869; p = 0.002 to <0.001), abdominal obesity (β = 0.543–0.640; p = 0.02 to <0.009) and high adiposity (β = 0.508 to 0.595; p = 0.037 to 0.01). Anti-intake subscales (satiety responsiveness, slowness in eating, food fussiness) were negatively related to BMI (β = −0.661 to −0.719; p = 0.009 to 0.006) and % BF (β = −0.17 to −0.46; p = 0.042 to p = 0.016).Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEBANCO DE SANTANDERpu

    Dietary Behavior of Spanish Schoolchildren in Relation to the Polygenic Risk of Obesity

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    Several precedents support an association between single nucleotide genetic polymorphisms (SNPs), the obese phenotype, and eating behavior in the infant-juvenile population. This study aims to study this aspect in depth, analyzing the eating behavior of a sample of schoolchildren from Madrid in regard to their genetic predisposition to obesity. A total of 258 schoolchildren, aged 6 to 16 years, were evaluated through the Children’s Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) and the genotyping of 32 SNPs. Associations were observed between the total genetic risk score and eating behaviors related to emotional eating and food responsiveness. Individually, different SNPs were associated with eating behaviors, primarily those related to pro-eating behaviors or increased risk of developing obesity. However, diverse results are obtained, depending on the SNP. These results highlighted the strongest associations between the rs1801725 SNP risk allele (CASR) and increased enjoyment of food by 1846-fold. Likewise, the satiety response was associated with SNP rs11676272 (ADCY3) 2.39 and SNP rs7566605 (INSIG2), increasing this response by 2.39 and 1.63 times, respectively. Emotional anti-ingesting behaviors were inversely associated with SNP rs1421085 (FTO) and SNP rs987237 (TFAP2B). In contrast, SNP rs55915917 (CRHR1) increased the risk of these behaviors. SNPs rs4788099 (SH2B1), rs6857 (NECTIN2), and rs180172 (ADCY3) were associated with slow feeding. In conclusion, associations were found between most of the analyzed SNPs and the CEBQ items. This suggests that feeding behavior exists as a mediator between genotype and obesity phenotype, beginning in childhoodThis research was funded by Project PR41/17_21008 BANCO DE SANTANDE

    Body mass index and bone mass in postmenopausal women: a dilemma in clinical practice

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     ABSTRACTIntroduction: Low weight and obesity are risk factors for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women; however, the influence of its change on a therapeutic response to biophosphonates for the prevention of fractures has not been defined yet. Objective:To describe the association between the body mass index (BMI) and bone mass in postmenopausal women, as well as to identify changes in weight and BMI during the treatment with biophosphonates. Material and methods: Weight, height, and BMI was determined in 296 women who came consecutively to the Climateric and Osteoporosis Clinic (ClimOS) in Havana from 2009 to 2014 (n=103), and to the Department of Metabolic Bone Diseases, Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Madrid (n=193); also, bone mineral density in lumbar spine and hip was measured by DXA.  The influence of initial body weight and its temporal variation with the use of biophosphonates (BPS) was evaluated in 80 of them. Statistical analysis: standard statistical average for qualitative variables, frequencies for the qualitative variables, Student´s t-Tests, and X2 test for differences among them.  Pearson´s correlation to specify the influence of the initial weight and BMI, and their differences in the response to biophosphonates. Besides, p&lt;0,05 value was used for statistical significance. Results: Low weight was identified 4/296; more than half of them were overweight or obese. Women who were evaluated in ClimOs, presented a worse bone status on the hip. Neither association of body weight nor BMI was found on the response to treatment with (BPS). Conclusions: The influence of body weight on a new fracture was controversial; it is suggested to include ponderal variation as part of the treatment for osteoporosis.Keywords:  menopause, osteoporosis, body mass index, biophosphonates, body composition.</p

    Ecoestabilidad femenina y malnutrición severa infantil: Evidencia a partir de intervenciones de ayuda humanitaria de Acción Contra el Hambre en países africanos, Asiáticos y Latinoamericanos

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    Introducción: Evidencias previas han reportado diferencias en la condición nutricional de niños y niñas pertenecientes a la misma comunidad y sometidos a idénticas condiciones de privación alimentaria. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las diferencias sexuales en prevalencia de malnutrición severa en menores de 5 años, sometidos a situación de crisis alimentaria. Métodos: Se analizaron datos recogidos en intervenciones de ayuda humanitaria llevadas a cabo por Acción Contra el Hambre entre 2002 y 2010 en 24 países. Dichas intervenciones se efectuaron en poblaciones de Africa, Latinoamérica y Asia que se encontraban en situación de grave crisis alimentaria. La muestra se compone de un total de 367.258 menores (186,156 niños y 181,102 niñas) con edad (E) entre 6 y 59 meses. Se midió el peso (P) y la talla (T) siguiendo la metodología SMART y se estimó la prevalencia de severo bajo peso (P/E <-3DE), desnutrición aguda severa (P/T <-3DE) y desnutrición crónica severa (T/E <-3DE) de acuerdo a los estándares de la OMS. Resultados: Para el total de la muestra, la proporción de niños con severo bajo peso fue de 9,8% en comparación al 7,3% de niñas (p <0.001). La desnutrición aguda severa afectó al 3,9% de los niños frente al 2,5% de las niñas (p <0.001). Las diferencias también fueron notables en la des-nutrición crónica: el 19, 5% de los niños frente al 15% de las niñas (p<0,001) presentaron crecimiento retardado. Conclusiones: Los resultados avalan la idea de la deno-minada eco-estabilidad femenina, de acuerdo a la cual, las mujeres serian menos sensibles a los factores externos que modulan el desarrollo ontogénico, mientras los varones se ve-rían más negativamente afectados por las agresiones medio-ambientales