27,716 research outputs found

    A consistent design procedure for supercritical airfoils in free air and a wind tunnel

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    A computational inverse procedure for transonic airfoils in which shapes are determined supporting prescribed pressure distributions is presented. The method uses the small disturbance equation and a consistent analysis-design differencing procedure at the airfoil surface. This avoids the intermediate analysis-design-analysis iterations. The effect of any openness at the trailing edge is taken onto account by adding an effective source term in the far field. The final results from a systematic expansion procedure which models the far field for solid, ideal slotted, and free jet tunnel walls are presented along with some design results for the associated boundary conditions and those for a free flight

    Chemical abundances in LMC stellar populations. II. The bar sample

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    This paper compares the chemical evolution of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) to that of the Milky Way (MW) and investigates the relation between the bar and the inner disc of the LMC in the context of the formation of the bar. We obtained high-resolution and mid signal-to-noise ratio spectra with FLAMES/GIRAFFE at ESO/VLT and performed a detailed chemical analysis of 106 and 58 LMC field red giant stars (mostly older than 1 Gyr), located in the bar and the disc of the LMC respectively. We measured elemental abundances for O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Na, Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Y, Zr, Ba, La and Eu. We find that the {\alpha}-element ratios [Mg/Fe] and [O/Fe] are lower in the LMC than in the MW while the LMC has similar [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], and [Ti/Fe] to the MW. As for the heavy elements, [Ba,La/Eu] exhibit a strong increase with increasing metallicity starting from [Fe/H]=-0.8 dex, and the LMC has lower [Y+Zr/Ba+La] ratios than the MW. Cu is almost constant over all metallicities and about 0.5 dex lower in the LMC than in the MW. The LMC bar and inner disc exhibit differences in their [{\alpha}/Fe] (slightly larger scatter for the bar in the metallicity range [-1,-0.5]), their Eu (the bar trend is above the disc trend for [Fe/H] > -0.5 dex), their Y and Zr, their Na and their V (offset between bar and disc distributions). Our results show that the chemical history of the LMC experienced a strong contribution from type Ia supernovae as well as a strong s-process enrichment from metal-poor AGB winds. Massive stars made a smaller contribution to the chemical enrichment compared to the MW. The observed differences between the bar and the disc speak in favour of an episode of enhanced star formation a few Gyr ago, occurring in the central parts of the LMC and leading to the formation of the bar. This is in agreement with recently derived star formation histories.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures; Accepted for publication in A&

    Majorana spinors and extended Lorentz symmetry in four-dimensional theory

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    An extended local Lorentz symmetry in four-dimensional (4D) theory is considered. A source of this symmetry is a group of general linear transformations of four-component Majorana spinors GL(4,M) which is isomorphic to GL(4,R) and is the covering of an extended Lorentz group in a 6D Minkowski space M(3,3) including superluminal and scaling transformations. Physical space-time is assumed to be a 4D pseudo-Riemannian manifold. To connect the extended Lorentz symmetry in the M(3,3) space with the physical space-time, a fiber bundle over the 4D manifold is introduced with M(3,3) as a typical fiber. The action is constructed which is invariant with respect to both general 4D coordinate and local GL(4,M) spinor transformations. The components of the metric on the 6D fiber are expressed in terms of the 4D pseudo-Riemannian metric and two extra complex fields: 4D vector and scalar ones. These extra fields describe in the general case massive particles interacting with an extra U(1) gauge field and weakly interacting with ordinary particles, i.e. possessing properties of invisible (dark) matter.Comment: 24 page

    Efficiently and Transparently Maintaining High SIMD Occupancy in the Presence of Wavefront Irregularity

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    Demand is increasing for high throughput processing of irregular streaming applications; examples of such applications from scientific and engineering domains include biological sequence alignment, network packet filtering, automated face detection, and big graph algorithms. With wide SIMD, lightweight threads, and low-cost thread-context switching, wide-SIMD architectures such as GPUs allow considerable flexibility in the way application work is assigned to threads. However, irregular applications are challenging to map efficiently onto wide SIMD because data-dependent filtering or replication of items creates an unpredictable data wavefront of items ready for further processing. Straightforward implementations of irregular applications on a wide-SIMD architecture are prone to load imbalance and reduced occupancy, while more sophisticated implementations require advanced use of parallel GPU operations to redistribute work efficiently among threads. This dissertation will present strategies for addressing the performance challenges of wavefront- irregular applications on wide-SIMD architectures. These strategies are embodied in a developer framework called Mercator that (1) allows developers to map irregular applications onto GPUs ac- cording to the streaming paradigm while abstracting from low-level data movement and (2) includes generalized techniques for transparently overcoming the obstacles to high throughput presented by wavefront-irregular applications on a GPU. Mercator forms the centerpiece of this dissertation, and we present its motivation, performance model, implementation, and extensions in this work

    A study of shear failures in footing

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    The purpose of this investigation was to conduct a model study of the basic mechanism of failure in shear of reinforced concrete footings through the use of plaster models. Sixty-nine models were constructed and loaded to failure on a foundation of sand using various combinations of size and depth of model and column size. Load - deformation data and failure loads were recorded. It was determined that model studies are a feasible procedure to analyse the mechanism of failure in footings. The perimeter of the loaded area was found to be the critical section in determining the ultimate shearing strength of footings rather than some arbitrary distance out from the face of the column. A dimensionless plot was developed to correlate all the data and an equation is proposed to predict ultimate loads --Abstract, page ii

    Physical Bias of Galaxies From Large-Scale Hydrodynamic Simulations

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    We analyze a new large-scale (100h−1100h^{-1}Mpc) numerical hydrodynamic simulation of the popular Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological model, including in our treatment dark matter, gas and star-formation, on the basis of standard physical processes. The method, applied with a numerical resolution of <200h−1<200h^{-1}kpc (which is still quite coarse for following individual galaxies, especially in dense regions), attempts to estimate where and when galaxies form. We then compare the smoothed galaxy distribution with the smoothed mass distribution to determine the "bias" defined as b≡(δM/M)gal/(δM/M)totalb\equiv (\delta M/M)_{gal}/(\delta M/M)_{total} on scales large compared with the code numerical resolution (on the basis of resolution tests given in the appendix of this paper). We find that (holding all variables constant except the quoted one) bias increases with decreasing scale, with increasing galactic age or metallicity and with increasing redshift of observations. At the 8h−18h^{-1}Mpc fiducial comoving scale bias (for bright regions) is 1.35 at z=0z=0 reaching to 3.6 at z=3z=3, both numbers being consistent with extant observations. We also find that (10−20)h−1(10-20)h^{-1}Mpc voids in the distribution of luminous objects are as observed (i.e., observed voids are not an argument against CDM-like models) and finally that the younger systems should show a colder Hubble flow than do the early type galaxies (a testable proposition). Surprisingly, little evolution is found in the amplitude of the smoothed galaxy-galaxy correlation function (as a function of {\it comoving} separation). Testing this prediction vs observations will allow a comparison between this work and that of Kauffmann et al which is based on a different physical modelingmethod.Comment: in press, ApJ, 26 latex pages plus 7 fig

    Some buffet response characteristics of a twin-vertical-tail configuration

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    A rigid, 1/6 size, full span model of an F-18 airplane was fitted with flexible vertical tails of two different levels of stiffness that were buffet tested in the Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. Vertical tail buffet response results that were obtained over the range of angles of attack from -10 to 40 degs, and over the range of Mach numbers from 0.30 to 0.95 are presented. These results indicate the following: (1) the response occurs in the first bending mode; (2) the response increases with increasing dynamic pressure, but changes in response are not linearly proportional to the changes in dynamic pressure; (3) the response is larger at M = 0.30 than it is at the higher Mach numbers; (4) the maximum intensity of the buffeting is described as heavy to severe using an assessment criteria proposed by another investigator; and (5) the data at different dynamic pressures and for the different tails correlate reasonably well using the buffet excitation parameter derived from the dynamic analysis of buffeting
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