116 research outputs found

    Examining Rater Performance on the CELBAN Speaking: A Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Analysis

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    Internationally educated nurses’ (IENs) English language proficiency is critical to professional licensure as communication is a key competency for safe practice. The Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) is Canada’s only Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) referenced examination used in the context of healthcare regulation. This high-stakes assessment claims proof of proficiency for IENs seeking licensure in Canada and a measure of public safety for nursing regulators. Understanding the quality of rater performance when examination results are used for high-stakes decisions is crucial to maintaining speaking test quality as it involves judgement, and thus requires strong reliability evidence (Koizumi et al., 2017). This study examined rater performance on the CELBAN Speaking component using a Many-Facets Rasch Measurement (MFRM). Specifically, this study identified CELBAN rater reliability in terms of consistency and severity, rating bias, and use of rating scale. The study was based on a sample of 115 raters across eight test sites in Canada and results on 2698 examinations across four parallel versions. Findings demonstrated relatively high inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability, and that CLB-based speaking descriptors (CLB 6-9) provided sufficient information for raters to discriminate examinees’ oral proficiency. There was no influence of test site or test version, offering validity evidence to support test use for high-stakes purposes. Grammar, among the eight speaking criteria, was identified as the most difficult criterion on the scale, and the one demonstrating most rater bias. This study highlights the value of MFRM analysis in rater performance research with implications for rater training. This study is one of the first research studies using MFRM with a CLB-referenced high-stakes assessment within the Canadian context.Les compétences linguistiques dans la langue anglaise chez des infirmiers et infirmières ayant reçu leur éducation à l’étranger s’avèrent critiques à l’acquisition du permis professionnel d’exercer leur profession, car les compétences communicatives sont clé à la pratique sécuritaire. L’examen langagier des compétences de langue anglaise The Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) demeure le seul examen langagier référentiel canadien auquel on fait référence dans le contexte canadien des règlements de contrôle du système de santé. Cet examen à enjeux élevés offre une preuve de compétence langagière de langue anglaise de la part des infirmiers et infirmières ayant reçu leur formation professionnelle à l’étranger et qui sont à la recherche d’un permis pour exercer leur profession au Canada, ainsi qu’une mesure de sécurité publique destinée aux régulateurs de la profession d’infirmiers et infirmières. Comprendre la qualité de la performance des évaluateurs/trices étant donné que les résultats servent à des décisions sur des enjeux importants demeure fondamental au maintien de la qualité de l’épreuve des compétences orales, car celle-ci implique le jugement et donc nécessite de fortes évidences de fiabilité (Koizumi, et coll. 2017). Cette étude a examiné la performance d’évaluateur/trice sur la composante des compétences orales du CELBAN en utilisant la mesure multifacette Rasch (MMFR). Spécifiquement, cette étude a identifié la fiabilité des évaluateurs/trices, la difficulté des critères, le parti pris de l’évaluation et l’usage de l’échelle de classification. Cette étude s’est basée sur un échantillon de 115 évaluateurs/trices dans huit centres d’évaluation au Canada et sur les résultats de 2.698 évaluations dans quatre versions parallèles. Les résultats démontrent une haute fiabilité relative entre évaluateurs/trices ainsi que sur le plan des intraévaluateurs/trices. De plus, les descripteurs des compétences orales de base des Compétences linguistiques canadiennes (CLC 6-9) ont fourni suffisamment d’information afin de permettre aux évaluateurs/trices de préciser le niveau de compétences du candidat / de la candidate. Il n’y a pas eu d’influence du site de l’examen ni de la version de celui-ci, ce qui offre de l’évidence de validité afin d’affirmer l’usage de cette épreuve pour des enjeux importants. La grammaire, une des huit critères, a été relevée comme étant celle la plus difficile sur l’échelle, et celle qui a mis en lumière le plus grand parti pris de la part des évaluateurs/trices. Cette étude accentue la valeur de l’analyse en effectuant la mesure multifacette Rasch dans des recherches de performance ayant des implications pour l’entraînement des évaluateurs/trices. Cette étude est parmi les premières se servant de la MMFR avec une évaluation à enjeux élevés à base des CLC dans le contexte canadien

    Widespread Reassortment Contributes to Antigenic Shift in Bluetongue Viruses from South Africa

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    Bluetongue (BT), a viral disease of ruminants, is endemic throughout South Africa, where outbreaks of different serotypes occur. The predominant serotypes can differ annually due to herd immunity provided by annual vaccinations using a live attenuated vaccine (LAV). This has led to both wild-type and vaccine strains co-circulating in the field, potentially leading to novel viral strains due to reassortment and recombination. Little is known about the molecular evolution of the virus in the field in South Africa. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of field strains of BTV in South Africa and to provide an initial assessment of the evolutionary processes shaping BTV genetic diversity in the field. Complete genomes of 35 field viruses belonging to 11 serotypes, collected from different regions of the country between 2011 and 2017, were sequenced. The sequences were phylogenetically analysed in relation to all the BTV sequences available from GenBank, including the LAVs and reference strains, resulting in the analyses and reassortment detection of 305 BTVs. Phylogenomic analysis indicated a geographical selection of the genome segments, irrespective of the serotype. Based on the initial assessment of the current genomic clades that circulate in South Africa, the selection for specific clades is prevalent in directing genome segment reassortment, which seems to exclude the vaccine strains and in multiple cases involves Segment-2 resulting in antigenic shift

    Missed opportunities for retention in pre-ART care in Cape Town, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND: Few studies have evaluated access to and retention in pre-ART care. Objectives To evaluate the proportion of People Living With HIV (PLWH) in pre-ART and ART care and factors associated with retention in pre-ART and ART care from a community cohort. METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted from February - April 2011. Self reported HIV positive, negative or participants of unknown status completed a questionnaire on their HIV testing history, access to pre-ART and retention in pre-ART and ART care. RESULTS: 872 randomly selected adults who reported being HIV positive in the ZAMSTAR 2010 prevalence survey were included and revisited. 579 (66%) reconfirmed their positive status and were included in this analysis. 380 (66%) had initiated ART with 357 of these (94%) retained in ART care. 199 (34%) had never initiated ART of whom 186 (93%) accessed pre-ART care, and 86 (43%) were retained in pre-ART care. In a univariable analysis none of the factors analysed were significantly associated with retention in care in the pre-ART group. Due to the high retention in ART care, factors associated with retention in ART care, were not analysed further. CONCLUSION: Retention in ART care was high; however it was low in pre-ART care. The opportunity exists, if care is better integrated, to engage with clients in primary health care facilities to bring them back to, and retain them in, pre-ART care

    Complete Genome Sequences of Virus Strains Isolated from Bottle A of the South African Live Attenuated Bluetongue Virus Vaccine

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    This is a report of the complete genome sequences of plaque-selected isolates of five virus strains included in bottle A of the South African Onderstepoort Biological Products commercial live attenuated bluetongue virus vaccine

    Exposing students to a simulation of the online platform used by the South African revenue service

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    Purpose – Students completing their tertiary education at a university may be equipped with theoretical knowledge with little to no practical experience. In order to bridge this gap in practical skills, a computer simulation was developed based on the e-filing platform of the South African Revenue Services (SARS). Students were exposed to this self-developed computer simulation to answer the question: to what extent will the e-filing simulation improve students' confidence to practically apply their theoretical knowledge? Design/methodology/approach – The research applied a pre–post questionnaire research method to gauge the students' ability to apply their theoretical knowledge to a practical scenario before and after the simulation. Findings – From the results, it is apparent that the students were inspired with confidence in getting to terms with the application of their theoretical knowledge in a real-life scenario. The computer simulation provided the platform for learning to take place in a practical environment without the risk of errors that would translate into real financial consequences. Originality/value – The contribution of this research can be found in a teaching intervention that may support the training of future tax professionals in practical application skills. The contribution can be extended to the enhancement of education in the field of taxation, particularly with the results' showing that the students experienced high levels of increased confidence in their application of theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios

    Widespread reassortment contributes to antigenic shift in Bluetongue viruses from South Africa

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    DATA AVAILABIITY: Information on the country of origin, year of isolation, and GenBank accession number for each of the 98 genomes used in this study is provided in Supplementary Table S1.Bluetongue (BT), a viral disease of ruminants, is endemic throughout South Africa, where outbreaks of different serotypes occur. The predominant serotypes can differ annually due to herd immunity provided by annual vaccinations using a live attenuated vaccine (LAV). This has led to both wild-type and vaccine strains co-circulating in the field, potentially leading to novel viral strains due to reassortment and recombination. Little is known about the molecular evolution of the virus in the field in South Africa. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of field strains of BTV in South Africa and to provide an initial assessment of the evolutionary processes shaping BTV genetic diversity in the field. Complete genomes of 35 field viruses belonging to 11 serotypes, collected from different regions of the country between 2011 and 2017, were sequenced. The sequences were phylogenetically analysed in relation to all the BTV sequences available from GenBank, including the LAVs and reference strains, resulting in the analyses and reassortment detection of 305 BTVs. Phylogenomic analysis indicated a geographical selection of the genome segments, irrespective of the serotype. Based on the initial assessment of the current genomic clades that circulate in South Africa, the selection for specific clades is prevalent in directing genome segment reassortment, which seems to exclude the vaccine strains and in multiple cases involves Segment-2 resulting in antigenic shift.Technology Innovation Agency of South Africa: E Venter Seed Fund.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/virusesVeterinary Tropical Disease

    Pharmacokinetics of oral and subcutaneous meloxicam: Effect on indicators of pain and inflammation after knife castration in weaned beef calves

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    Oral meloxicam is labelled for reducing pain and inflammation associated with castration in cattle in Canada, however, subcutaneous meloxicam is only labelled for pain associated with dis-budding and abdominal surgery. The aim of this project was to determine the pharmacokinetic profile of oral (PO; 1.0 mg/kg BW) and subcutaneous meloxicam (SC; 0.5 mg/kg BW), and to assess the effect of meloxicam on physiological and behavioural indicators of pain associated with knife castration in 7–8 month old calves. Twenty-three Angus crossbred beef calves (328 ± 4.4 kg BW) were randomly assigned to two treatments: PO n = 12 or SC n = 11 administration of meloxicam immediately before knife castration. Physiological parameters included salivary and hair cortisol, substance P, haptoglobin, serum amyloid-A, weight, complete blood count, scrotal and rectal temperature. Behavioural parameters included standing and lying behaviour, pen behaviour and feeding behaviour. Data were analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX (SAS), with repeated measures using mixed procedures including treatment as a fixed effect and animal and pen as a random effect. The pharmacokinetic profile of the drug including area under the curve, volume of distribution and clearance was greater (P < 0.05) in PO than SC calves. After surgery, substance P concentrations, white blood cell counts (WBC), weight and lying duration were greater (P < 0.05) in PO than SC calves, while scrotal circumference was lower (P < 0.05) in PO calves than SC calves. Although statistical differences were observed for pharmacokinetic, physiological and behavioural parameters differences were small and may lack biological relevance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Higher Education in the melting pot

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    The idea of this book emerged from the Education Deans Forum (EDF) meeting held in Johannesburg in 2018. The forum discussed the twin issues of the 4IR and Decolonisation and how these were likely to impact the future development of Higher Education in South Africa. Essentially, this book provides scholarly analyses of a range of possible impacts of the two discourses. On one hand, the discourses are discussed as representing convergences and divergences in relation to their epistemological, ontological, axiological and methodological assumptions. On the other, they are portrayed as competing for dominance in the contemporary and future discourses in Higher Education. As a scholarly compilation of high-end research, the book is a must-read resource for academics generally and those in teacher education disciplines particularly. Issues of the automation of academic workspaces, impact of digital divides, the opportunities and constraints of the technologisation of curricula, pedagogies, teaching and learning and the intractable challenges of remote modalities of university instruction are dealt with by some of the leading thinkers in the South African academies

    Effect of meloxicam and lidocaine administered alone or in combination on indicators of pain and distress during and after knife castration in weaned beef calves

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    To assess the effect of meloxicam and lidocaine on indicators of pain associated with castration, forty-eight Angus crossbred beef calves (304 ± 40.5 kg of BW, 7–8 months of age) were used in a 28 day experiment. The experiment consisted of a 2 × 2 factorial design where main factors included provision of analgesia and local anaesthesia. Analgesia consisted of: no-meloxicam (N; n = 24) single s.c. administration of lactated ringer’s solution and meloxicam (M; n = 24) single dose of 0.5 mg/kg of s.c. meloxicam. Local anesthesia consisted of: no-lidocaine (R; n = 24) ring block administration of lactated ringer’s solution or lidociane (L; n = 24) ring block administration of lidocaine. To yield the following treatments: no meloxicam + no lidocaine (N-R; n = 12), no meloxicam + lidocaine (N-L; n = 12), meloxicam + no lidocaine (M-R; n = 12) and meloxicam + lidocaine (M-L; n = 12). Salivary cortisol concentrations were lower (lidocaine × time effect; P 0.05) were observed for average daily gain (ADG), weights or feeding behaviour. Overall, both lidocaine and meloxicam reduced physiological and behavioural indicators of pain. Although there was only one meloxicam × lidocaine interaction, lidocaine and meloxicam reduced physiological and behavioural parameters at different time points, which could be more effective at mitigating pain than either drug on its own.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Higher Education in the melting pot

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    The idea of this book emerged from the Education Deans Forum (EDF) meeting held in Johannesburg in 2018. The forum discussed the twin issues of the 4IR and Decolonisation and how these were likely to impact the future development of Higher Education in South Africa. Essentially, this book provides scholarly analyses of a range of possible impacts of the two discourses. On one hand, the discourses are discussed as representing convergences and divergences in relation to their epistemological, ontological, axiological and methodological assumptions. On the other, they are portrayed as competing for dominance in the contemporary and future discourses in Higher Education. As a scholarly compilation of high-end research, the book is a must-read resource for academics generally and those in teacher education disciplines particularly. Issues of the automation of academic workspaces, impact of digital divides, the opportunities and constraints of the technologisation of curricula, pedagogies, teaching and learning and the intractable challenges of remote modalities of university instruction are dealt with by some of the leading thinkers in the South African academies
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