79 research outputs found

    Local air quality impacts due to downwash around thermal power plants: Numerical simulations of the effect of building orientation

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    One of the primary adverse environmental impacts associated with power generation facilities and in particular thermal power plants is local air quality. When these plants are operated at inland areas the dry type cooling towers used may significantly increase ambient concentrations of air pollutants due to the building downwash effect. When one or more buildings in the vicinity of a point source interrupt wind flow, an area of turbulence known as a building wake is created. Pollutants emitted from relatively low level sources can be caught in this turbulence affecting their dispersion. In spite of the fact that natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plants have lower air emission levels compared to other power plants using alternative fossil fuel, they can still create significant local air pollution problems. In this paper, local air quality impacts of a natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant located in a coastal area are compared with those of another natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plant having identical air emissions but located in an inland area taking into account differences in topography and meteorology. Additionally, a series of scenarios for the inland site have been envisaged to illustrate the importance of plant lay-out configurations paying particular attention to the building downwash effect. Model results showed that different geometrical configurations of the stacks and cooling towers will cause remarkable differences in ambient air pollutant concentrations; thus it is concluded that when selecting a plant site, a detailed site-specific investigation should be conducted in order to achieve the least possible ambient air pollution concentrations with the given emissions

    Direct determination of manganese in vitamin?mineral tablets using SS-GFAAS

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    Elektrotermal Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrometrisi ile geleneksel olarak yapılan analizlerde, örneklerin çözülmesi, istenmeyen maddelerin uzaklaştırılması ve eğer gerekiyor ise seyreltme veya ön zenginleştirme işlemlerine gerek vardır. Örneklerin çözülmesi ve analize hazır hale getirilmesi genel olarak analizin en zahmetli ve zaman alıcı bölümüdür. Eser ve ultra eser element analizlerinde yukarıdaki işlemler nedeniyle analat kaybı veya örneğin kirlenme riski oldukça artmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı çözme işlemi gerektirmeden çeşitli örmekler içerisindeki metal analizleri için katı örnekleyici grafi fırınlı atomik absorpsiyon spektrometrisi (GFAAS) ile yöntem geliştirmektir. Doğrudan katı örneklerden edilen değerler çözelti tekniği sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırıldığında katıların doğrudan analizi tekniğinin vitamin-mineral tabletlerdeki Mn analizleri için başarıyla uygulanmasının gerçekleştirildiği görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Katı örnekleme, mangan, eser element analizi, ETAAS.Analysis of trace elements using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry requires dissolution of samples, removal of unwanted materials from sample solutions or some pre concentration processes. Dissolution of samples and preparation of samples to analysis are the most troublesome and time consuming steps of any analysis. In case of trace and ultra trace elements, the loss of analyte and risk of contamination of sample increases due to above processes. The only way of overcoming this problem is to analyze sample directly without any pre-treatment. It can be only possible by using solid sampling system. The aim of this study is to investigate new methods for determination of trace metals in different samples without dissolution by using solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SS-GFAAS). Working conditions (effects of pyrolysis temperature, atomization temperature and sample mass on absorbance) of solid sampling systems were investigated. Using optimum working conditions, Mn concentration of vitamin-mineral tablets was determined by using different calibration techniques. After dissolving samples with acid mixtures Mn content of vitamin-mineral tablets found as   193 + 5 mgkg-1. Mn concentration of vitamin-mineral tablets was determined by using solid sampling ETAAS with different calibration techniques. When these values are compared with the result of conventional solution technique, the results obtained by different direct solid sampling calibration techniques were in agreement with that found by solution technique. Keywords: Solid sampling, manganese, trace element analysis, ETAAS

    Internet Addiction on Psycho-Social Symptoms of Happiness and Aggression through Difficulties in Emotion Regulation: Evidence Following COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Internet usage has increased during the pandemic. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between internet addiction (IA), happiness, and aggression in the context of difficulties in emotion regulation (DER). The psycho-social symptoms of the COVID-19 pandemic appear to be more persistent over time compared to its physical symptoms, especially regarding Internet addiction in the young population. This study seeks to understand these effects on happiness and aggression through difficulties in emotion regulation. Participants and Procedure: The sample of this study consisted of 325 university students. Data were gathered using the Young Internet Addiction Scale Short Form, Oxford Happiness Scale Short-Form, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Brief-Form, and Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Results: The results showed that internet addiction was negatively related to happiness, and this relationship was mediated by difficulties in emotion regulation. Similarly, internet addiction was positively related to aggression, and this relationship was fully mediated by difficulties in emotion regulation as well. Conclusion: These research findings emphasize the need for creating effective interventions to enhance emotion regulation skills in internet-addicted adults. The results are discussed in light of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic

    Four different malignancies in one patient: a case report

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    Cancer survivors have a higher risk of new primary cancer, in the same or in another organ, than the general population. We report a 78-year-old women who has metachronous quadruple adenocarcinoma, includes bilateral breast cancer, ovarian cancer and retroperitoneal neuroendocrine carcinoma. The development of second cancer in cancer survivors can be expected but third or higher order malignancies are rare

    Biodegradable bone plates and bone marrow extract loaded microcapsules in bone repair.

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    Case study on finete element method-based die spotting compensation for die try-out of sheet metal forming

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    Otomobil modellerinde yapılan değişiklikler ve ürün geliştirme süreçlerinin kısaltmasının yanı sıra otomobil sac gövde bileşenlerinin kalitesine yönelik artan talepler doğrultusunda şirketlerin ürün geliştirme döngülerini kısaltmalarını zorunlu kılmıştır. Sac şekillendirme kalıplarının üretiminde en çok zaman alan süreç ise kalıp alıştırmasıdır. Belirli bir kaliteye ulaşmak için kalıp yüzeylerinin sac parçalar için zaman kaybı yaşanmadan hazırlanması ve deneme sürelerinin azaltılması hedeflenmelidir. Bu nedenle, sac metal şekillendirme süreçlerinde sayısal simülasyon analizi son yıllarda önemli hale gelmiştir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale, kullanıcının bir simülasyon sonucunun incelme dağılımına dayalı olarak bir geometriyi tespit etmesine olanak tanıyan kalıp yüzeyi telafi yöntemini açıklamaktadır. Böylece, incelme sonuçlarına göre işleme yüzeyleri sayısal olarak tanımlanabilir ve manuel taşlama işlemlerini azaltarak daha kısa ve daha verimli alıştırma süreci hedeflenmiştir.Shortened product development processes of automobile models modifications and increasing demands for the quality of automobile sheet body component necessitates companies to shorten product development cycles. The most time-consuming step during the production of stamping dies is manual spotting during the try-out of the tools. To achieve this quality, it should be aimed to quickly prepare the die surfaces for sheet metal parts and reduce try-out times. Therefore, numerical simulation analysis in sheet metal forming processes has become essential in recent years. In this context, this article describes a method for die spotting that allows the user to spot a geometry based on the thinning distribution of a simulation result. Thus, according to thinning results, machining surfaces can be numerically defined and leading to a shorter and more efficient try-out by reducing manual grinding processes

    3-D multibeam bathymetry map and shallow sedimentary structure of the İzmir gulf

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    Bu çalışma, İzmir Körfezi'nden toplanan bir dizi yüksek ayrımlı akustik verinin birbiri ile ilişkilendirilerek yorumlanmasını içermektedir. Çalışmada çok ışınlı batimetri, CHIRP yüksek ayrımlı mühendislik sismiği ve yanal tarama sonarı verileri yardımıyla, bölgenin morfolojik ve sığ sedimanter yapısı akustik olarak ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, körfezin morfolojisini, aktif tektonik ve sığ sedimater yapısını, sığ gaz birikimlerini ve sıvı/gaz çıkışlarının incelenmesini kapsamaktadır. İzmir Körfezi, iç körfezden dış körfeze doğru derinleşmekte, bazı bölgelerde az engebeli bazı bölgelerde engebeli bir taban morfolojisi sunmaktadır. Gediz Nehri'nin getirdiği alüvyonlar sebebi ile körfezin K-KD kıyısının çok sığ olduğu göze çarpmaktadır. Körfezde gemi batıkları, dökü alanları ve navigasyon kanalı gibi birçok yapay morfolojik yapıya da rastlanmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında toplanan akustik veriler körfezde birçok aktif fayın varlığını işaret etmektedir. Dış körfezde KKB-GGD, orta körfezde ise D-B doğrultulu normal fayların, dış körfezde batıya, orta körfezde güneye doğru gençleştiği ve ilerlediği gözlenmiştir. Körfezde geniş bir alana yayılan bu tortullar yüksek ayrımlı sismik veriler yardımıyla incelenmiş ve Geç Pleistosen'den Holosen'e kadar tortul birikimleri hesaplanarak izopak haritası oluşturulmuştur. İzmir Körfezi tortul dolgu özellikleri açısından sığ gaz birikimine elverişli bir ortamdır. Körfezdeki sığ gaz birikimleri KD bölgesinde Gediz Deltası sınırlarında ve KB bölgesinde küçük birikimler halinde görülmektedir. Ayrıca fay sistemlerinin üzerinde veya yakınında gaz/sıvı çıkışlarına ve birçok aktif ve pasif pockmark yapılarına rastlanmış ve birbirleriyle ilişkileri tartışılmıştır. This study combines an interpretation of high resolution acoustic data collected from İzmir Gulf. Shallow sedimentary and morphological structures of this area are revaled acoustically using multibeam bathymetry, CHIRP high resolution seismic and side scan sonar data. The study includes morphology, active tectonics, shallow sedimentary structures, shallow gas accumulations and gas seeps in the region. Artificial structures like ships wrecks, dump areas and navigation channel are also present in the gulf. Acoustic data from İzmir Gulf indicate plenty of active faults. In the outer bay NNW-SSE directed normal faults get younger from east to west and in the middle bay E-W striking normal faults get younger from north to south. Using acoustic data, thickness of each unit is calculated from Late Pleistocene to Holocene in order to create isopach maps. Furthermore, the paleo-bathimetry map of last glacial period (last 18.000 years) is generated and then compared with current bathymetry of the study area. According to isopach map, the apparent sedimentation rate 2,5-4 mm/year in the NE coast, 0,8-1,7 mm/year in central basin and 0,5-0,2 mm/year. İzmir Gulf also has several shallow gas accumulation areas. In NE, the edge of Gediz delta is the area where shallow gas accumulations are present. The origin of gas is suggested to be biogenic at the edge of Gediz delta, but according to our acoustic data set it is not possible to suggest the origin of the gassy sediments of N-W part

    Do Tax Implications Change the Fisher Effect for the Turkish Economy?

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    This study investigates the validity of both the conventional and tax-adjusted Fisher effects using time series methods such as the ARDL bounds test, and Gregory-Hansen (G-H) cointegration test. To compare the conventional and tax-adjusted Fisher effects, we use two different time series data for interest rates: 1) interest rates adjusted for taxes, and 2) interest rates not adjusted for taxes. Using monthly changes in quarterly and annual interest and inflation rates, both the G-H and ARDL bound tests support the conventional and tax-adjusted Fisher effects. However, the magnitude of the inflation coefficient in the long-run relationship tends to decline for the tax adjusted Fisher effect