58,269 research outputs found

    On the stability of inertial systems

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    On stability of inertial system

    Description and catalog of ionospheric F-region data, Jicamarca Radar Observatory, November 1966 - April 1969

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    Equatorial ionospheric F-region data reduced from the Jicamarca Radar Observatory (JRO) incoherent scatter observations for particular periods is described. It lists in catalog form the times of the observations made during those periods. These F-region data include the electron concentration and the electron and ion temperatures. The data were inferred from the incoherent scatter observations of JRO

    Strong Correlations in Actinide Redox Reactions

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    Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions of the redox couples An(VI)/An(V), An(V)/An(IV), and An(IV)/An(III), where An is an element in the family of early actinides (U, Np, and Pu), as well as Am(VI)/Am(V) and Am(V)/Am(III), are modeled by combining density functional theory with a generalized Anderson impurity model that accounts for the strong correlations between the 5f electrons. Diagonalization of the Anderson impurity model yields improved estimates for the redox potentials and the propensity of the actinide complexes to disproportionate.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure, 3 tables. Corrections and clarifications; this version has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Imaging the phase of an evolving Bose-Einstein condensate wavefunction

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    We demonstrate a spatially resolved autocorrelation measurement with a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and measure the evolution of the spatial profile of its quantum mechanical phase. Upon release of the BEC from the magnetic trap, its phase develops a form that we measure to be quadratic in the spatial coordinate. Our experiments also reveal the effects of the repulsive interaction between two overlapping BEC wavepackets and we measure the small momentum they impart to each other

    The Arches cluster revisited: II. A massive eclipsing spectroscopic binary in the Arches cluster

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    We have carried out a spectroscopic variability survey of some of the most massive stars in the Arches cluster, using K-band observations obtained with SINFONI on the VLT. One target, F2, exhibits substantial changes in radial velocity; in combination with new KMOS and archival SINFONI spectra, its primary component is found to undergo radial velocity variation with a period of 10.483+/-0.002 d and an amplitude of ~350 km/s-1. A secondary radial velocity curve is also marginally detectable. We reanalyse archival NAOS-CONICA photometric survey data in combination with our radial velocity results to confirm this object as an eclipsing SB2 system, and the first binary identified in the Arches. We model it as consisting of an 82+/-12 M⊙ WN8-9h primary and a 60+/-8 M⊙ O5-6 Ia+ secondary, and as having a slightly eccentric orbit, implying an evolutionary stage prior to strong binary interaction. As one of four X-ray bright Arches sources previously proposed as colliding-wind massive binaries, it may be only the first of several binaries to be discovered in this cluster, presenting potential challenges to recent models for the Arches' age and composition. It also appears to be one of the most massive binaries detected to date; the primary's calculated initial mass of >~120 M⊙ would arguably make this the most massive binary known in the Galaxy

    Theory of Feshbach molecule formation in a dilute gas during a magnetic field ramp

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    Starting with coupled atom-molecule Boltzmann equations, we develop a simplified model to understand molecule formation observed in recent experiments. Our theory predicts several key features: (1) the effective adiabatic rate constant is proportional to density; (2) in an adiabatic ramp, the dependence of molecular fraction on magnetic field resembles an error function whose width and centroid are related to the temperature; (3) the molecular production efficiency is a universal function of the initial phase space density, the specific form of which we derive for a classical gas. Our predictions show qualitative agreement with the data from [Hodby et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf{94}}, 120402 (2005)] without the use of adjustable parameters

    Measurement of vertical velocity using clear-air Doppler radars

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    A new clear air Doppler radar was constructed, called the Flatland radar, in very flat terrain near Champaign-Urbana, Illinois. The radar wavelength is 6.02 m. The radar has been measuring vertical velocity every 153 s with a range resolution of 750 m almost continuously since March 2, 1987. The variance of vertical velocity at Flatland is usually quite small, comparable to the variance at radars located near rough terrain during periods of small background wind. The absence of orographic effects over very flat terrain suggests that clear air Doppler radars can be used to study vertical velocities due to other processes, including synoptic scale motions and propagating gravity waves. For example, near rough terrain the shape of frequency spectra changes drastically as the background wind increases. But at Flatland the shape at periods shorter than a few hours changes only slowly, consistent with the changes predicted by Doppler shifting of gravity wave spectra. Thus it appears that the short period fluctuations of vertical velocity at Flatland are alsmost entirely due to the propagating gravity waves

    SXP 7.92: A Recently Rediscovered Be/X-ray Binary in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Viewed Edge On

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    We present a detailed optical and X-ray study of the 2013 outburst of the Small Magellanic Cloud Be/X-ray binary SXP 7.92, as well as an overview of the last 18 years of observations from OGLE (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment), RXTE, Chandra and XMM-Newton. We revise the position of this source to RA(J2000) = 00:57:58.4, Dec(J2000) = −72:22:29.5 with a 1σ uncertainty of 1.5 arcsec, correcting the previously reported position by Coe et al. by more than 20 arcmin. We identify and spectrally classify the correct counterpart as a B1Ve star. The optical spectrum is distinguished by an uncharacteristically deep narrow Balmer series, with the Hα line in particular having a distinctive shell profile, i.e. a deep absorption core embedded in an emission line. We interpret this as evidence that we are viewing the system edge on and are seeing self-obscuration of the circumstellar disc. We derive an optical period for the system of 40.0 ± 0.3 d, which we interpret as the orbital period, and present several mechanisms to describe the X-ray/optical behaviour in the recent outburst, in particular the ‘flares'and ‘dips’ seen in the optical light curve, including a transient accretion disc and an elongated precessing disc
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