21 research outputs found

    Intersphincteric Resection and Coloanal Anastomosis in Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer

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    In the treatment of distal rectal cancer, abdominoperineal resection is traditionally performed. However, the recognition of shorter safe distal resection line, intersphincteric resection technique has given a chance of sphincter-saving surgery for patients with distal rectal cancer during last two decades and still is being performed as an alternative choice of abdominoperineal resection. The first aim of this study is to assess the morbidity, mortality, oncological, and functional outcomes of intersphincteric resection. The second aim is to compare outcomes of patients who underwent intersphincteric resection with the outcomes of patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection

    Jejunogastric Intussusception: A Rare Complication of Gastric Surgery

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    Jejunogastric intussusception is a rare complication of gastric surgery. It usually presents with severe epigastric pain, vomiting, and hematemesis. A history of gastric surgery can help in making an accurate and early diagnosis which calls forth an urgent surgical intervention. Only reduction or resection with revision of the previously performed anastomosis is the choice which is decided according to the operative findings. We present a case of JGI in a patient with a history of Billroth II operation diagnosed by computed tomography. At emergent laparotomy, an efferent loop type JGI was found. Due to necrosis, resection of the intussuscepted bowel with Roux-en-Y anastomosis was performed. Postoperative recovery was uneventful

    What necessitates the conversion to open cholecystectomy? A retrospective analysis of 5164 consecutive laparoscopic operations

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    OBJECTIVE: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has become the gold standard for the surgical treatment of gallbladder disease, but conversion to open cholecystectomy is still inevitable in certain cases. Knowledge of the rate and impact of the underlying reasons for conversion could help surgeons during preoperative assessment and improve the informed consent of patients. We decided to review the rate and causes of conversion from laparoscopic to open cholecystectomy. METHOD: This study included all laparoscopic cholecystectomies due to gallstone disease undertaken from May 1999 to June 2010. The exclusion criteria were malignancy and/or existence of gallbladder polyps detected pathologically. Patient demographics, indications for cholecystectomy, concomitant diseases, and histories of previous abdominal surgery were collected. The rate of conversion to open cholecystectomy, the underlying reasons for conversion, and postoperative complications were also analyzed. RESULTS: Of 5382 patients for whom LC was attempted, 5164 were included this study. The overall rate of conversion to open cholecystectomy was 3.16% (163 patients). There were 84 male and 79 female patients; the mean age was 52.04 years (range: 26-85). The conversion rates in male and female patients were 5.6% and 2.2%, respectively (

    Clinically Positive Axillary Lymphadenopathy May Lead to False Diagnosis of Overstaged Breast Cancer in Patients with Sjögren's Syndrome: A Case Report

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    Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease that chronic inflammation and lymph node proliferation. Patients with SS carry a greater risk of developing lymphoproliferative malignancy. In addition to other organ cancers, breast cancer may also occur in these patients. Considering these, breast cancer in patients with SS can be misdiagnosed as being in an advanced stage particularly in the presence of axillary lymphadenopathy. Here, we report a rare case of a 45-year-old woman with SS who presented with a breast mass. Radiology showed a 4 cm solid lesion and conglomerates of axillary lymphadonepathy. A breast biopsy revealed ductal carcinoma in situ. A modified radical mastectomy was performed; however, no axillary metastases were detected. Clinicians should remain vigilant to the possibility that a false clinical impression of axillary metastasis may occur in such patients with breast cancer. Therefore, axillary node status should be verified first

    Case Report Jejunogastric Intussusception: A Rare Complication of Gastric Surgery

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    Jejunogastric intussusception is a rare complication of gastric surgery. It usually presents with severe epigastric pain, vomiting, and hematemesis. A history of gastric surgery can help in making an accurate and early diagnosis which calls forth an urgent surgical intervention. Only reduction or resection with revision of the previously performed anastomosis is the choice which is decided according to the operative findings. We present a case of JGI in a patient with a history of Billroth II operation diagnosed by computed tomography. At emergent laparotomy, an efferent loop type JGI was found. Due to necrosis, resection of the intussuscepted bowel with Roux-en-Y anastomosis was performed. Postoperative recovery was uneventful

    Remission of Ulcerated Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum after Bariatric Surgery

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    A 32-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus suffering from morbid obesity with BMI 45,14 kg/m(2) was operated on. Not only the type 2DM but also one of its complication known as necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum remitted postoperatively. Obesity should no longer be regarded simply as a cosmetic problem affecting certain individuals but an epidemic that threatens global well-being. It causes or exacerbates many health problems, and in particular, it is associated with the type 2 diabetes. Necrobiosis lipoidica is a granulomatous skin disease of unknown etiology, associated mainly with diabetes mellitus. We presented in this paper a morbid obese case of necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum with dramatic good response to bariatric surgery

    Splenic infarction as a complication of celiac artery thromboembolism: an unusual cause of abdominal pain

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    Splenic infarction is a relatively uncommon diagnosis and this clinical presentation can mimic other causes of acute abdominal pain. Cardiologic and hematologic disorders are common reasons for this entity. There have been a few series and single case reports of splenic infarction published in peer-reviewed medical journals. We report a 53-year-old patient who had splenic infarction caused by celiac artery thromboembolism. The importance of this case, without any etiological predisposing factors, is that this kind of clinical situation should be considered in the differential diagnosis of abdominal pain

    Review Article Intersphincteric Resection and Coloanal Anastomosis in Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer

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    In the treatment of distal rectal cancer, abdominoperineal resection is traditionally performed. However, the recognition of shorter safe distal resection line, intersphincteric resection technique has given a chance of sphincter-saving surgery for patients with distal rectal cancer during last two decades and still is being performed as an alternative choice of abdominoperineal resection. The first aim of this study is to assess the morbidity, mortality, oncological, and functional outcomes of intersphincteric resection. The second aim is to compare outcomes of patients who underwent intersphincteric resection with the outcomes of patients who underwent abdominoperineal resection

    A novel sutureless colonic anastomosis with self-gripping mesh: an experimental model

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    Introduction: Anastomotic leakage is one of the most feared complications of colorectal surgery. High morbidity and mortality rates are related to this complication and several studies had been performed to test new techniques which are suggested to reduce leakage rates. The aim of our study was to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of a novel technique sutureless anastomosis with self-gripping mesh in an animal model by examining wound healing process in anastomosis. Methods: In this study sixteen Norwegian Wistar Albino female rats were used. The rats' weights ranged from 250 to 300 g. The rats were divided into control and study groups. The control group underwent a colocolic anastomosis using the conventional method of hand-sewing with single-layer interrupted nonabsorbable sutures. The study group underwent a colocolic anastomosis using self-gripping mesh without sutures. These rats were sacrificed on the 10th postoperative day. The sample pieces obtained from the groups were subjected to anastomotic bursting pressure tests, to a test for hydroxyproline levels in the tissue and to histopathological examinations. The tissue was evaluated in terms of quantity of inflammatory cells, fibroblasts, neovascularization level and collagen content and classified according to the Ehrlich-Hunt model. Statistical analysis was done by using Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The burst pressure mean +/- range of control and study groups were 162 +/- 78 and 123 +/- 35, respectively (P = 0.049). The mean peritoneal adhesion grades were 3.2 +/- 0.7 in the study group and 2.3 +/- 0.7 in the control group (P = 0.036). The operative time was significantly shorter in the study group. The difference between the groups by mean of hydroxyproline levels was found to be significant (P = 0.001). According to histopathological examinations by means of the Ehrlich-Hunt model, the fibroblast activation and collagen fiber ratio were higher in the study group and the difference between these measurements was statistically significant (P = 0.006; P = 0.028). Conclusion: This study showed that use of self-gripping meshes for colocolic anastomosis in rats is a safe and feasible method. It is suggested that the most important advantage of this technique is the shorter operative time