159 research outputs found

    Psychological and Spiritual Illness in the View of Modern Psychotherapy and the Philokalia: Anthropological Foundation and Comparative Study

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    The present research brings together two broad areas of human knowledge, modern psychotherapy and the ascetic practice as envisaged by the Philokalia, to bear on the concept of psychological and spiritual illness. In so doing, it employs a comparative methodology which allows for contrasting the two paradigms in order to identify overlaps or separations, but also to generate new hypotheses concerning the phenomena under investigation and therefore, broaden knowledge further. At the same time, it represents a new study in the search for a suitable method to be used when conducting interdisciplinary study in these two fields. The method emerged from the present research and suggested that further interdisciplinary inquiries in the same area were termed as border research so bringing forward the profile of a border researcher. It envisages that the ‘travelling’ concepts come to the border, where the comparison takes place. Since the present inquiry’s universe of discourse relates to a border that is found within the human being, when analyzed it naturally follows a vertical vector. Methodologically, the study is placed within the area of humanities. The first part of research addresses comparatively the issue of anthropology – which in the Philokalic framework becomes an aspect of Christology. The conclusions inferred from this analysis will be largely employed in the second part of the study which directly addresses the matter of psychological and spiritual illness. We found that the comparison on illness was not methodologically possible without reference to the larger anthropological background that produced it and which needs to be kept constantly in view throughout the entire comparative effort. Therefore, the second part comprises a short discussion on the matters of diagnosis and discernment with an analysis of their underlying values; the next chapter comparatively discusses generalities on normality and abnormality with a conclusion that the data are not sufficient to infer assumptions as to the relationship between psychological and spiritual illnesses; the comparative effort goes more in-depth in the last two chapters by focusing on the case studies of anxiety and depression, with the conclusion that the will to love seems to be the unifying will that brings man to health and normality

    Comportamentos aditivos nos alunos do ensino secundário do ACES Estuário do Tejo : jogo eletrónico

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    RESUMO - Introdução: os comportamentos aditivos sem substância, relacionados com a utilização excessiva de tecnologias de informação e comunicação são cada vez mais foco de interesse das autoridades de saúde pública nacionais e internacionais. Contudo, o que se conhece sobre hábitos do jogo eletrónico em população escolar portuguesa é insuficiente dado a escassa monitorização destes comportamentos no país. Objetivo: caracterizar o hábito do jogo eletrónico e do consumo de substâncias psicoativas lícitas (álcool, tabaco) e ilícitas (drogas) nos alunos do 12º ano do ACES Estuário do Tejo, em 2016. Determinar alguns fatores associados aos comportamentos aditivos para jogo eletrónico. Material/Métodos: estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal, de prevalência, com componente analítica de associação sobre os comportamentos aditivos numa amostra de 380 alunos do 12º ano, das escolas secundárias dos 5 concelhos, do ACES Estuário do Tejo (Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Benavente, Vila Franca de Xira). Foi aplicado um questionário de autopreenchimento, anónimo, voluntário, em contexto de sala de aula, para turmas selecionadas de forma aleatória e proporcional. Resultados/Discussão: os resultados encontrados mostram prevalências mais elevadas do uso da Internet (99,7%) e jogo eletrónico (77,3%), comparativamente com nível nacional (Internet - 97,8% e JE - 35,0%). Apesar de não terem sido identificados casos de dependência pelo Game Addiction Test, a prevalência dos comportamentos aditivos ao jogo (comportamento de risco) foi mais elevada do que em outros estudos recentes. Foi encontrada associação entre comportamento aditivo ao jogo e os fatores: género masculino; mais de uma hora de jogo/dia; preferência dos jogos on-line; ausência do conhecimento sobre tempo diário recomendado do jogo. Em relação ao consumo de substâncias psicoativas foram encontradas prevalências elevadas de: consumo atual de álcool; embriaguez; embriaguez no género feminino e consumo atual do tabaco no género feminino. O consumo de drogas ilícitas foi mais baixo que a prevalência nacional. Conclusão: o uso excessivo do jogo eletrónico /Internet e prevalências elevadas de alguns tipos de consumo de álcool e tabaco nos alunos, sugerem a necessidade da elaboração de estratégias de intervenção locais para prevenção dos comportamentos aditivos identificados como problemáticos e promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis na população escolar do ACES.Abstract - Introduction: Addiction behaviours without substance related to the excessive use of information and communication technologies are a growing focus of interest for the national and international public health authorities. However, what is known on electronic gaming habits in the Portuguese school population is insufficient given the scarce monitorization of these behaviours across country. Objective: To characterize the electronic gaming habits and the use of legal (alcohol, tobacco) and illegal (drugs) psychoactive substances on 12th grade students from the ACES Estuário do Tejo in 2016. To determine some factors associated with addiction behaviours for electronic gaming. Material/Methods: Observational, descriptive, transversal, prevalence study with an analytical component of association for the addictive behaviours on a sample of 380 12th grade students of the 5 Municipalities of ACES Estuário do Tejo (Alenquer, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Benavente, Vila Franca de Xira) high schools. A self-response, anonymous and voluntary inquiry was conducted in classroom context in select classes from a random and proportional sample. Results/Discussion: The study results show that there is a higher prevalence in the use of Internet and electronic games when compared to the national level. Albeit no game addiction cases were found by the Game Addiction Test, the prevalence of addictive behaviours for gaming (risk behaviours) was higher when compared to other recent studies. A relation between addiction behaviour and these factors was found: male gender; over an hour of game per day; on-line game preference and absence of knowledge of healthy daily gaming time. Regarding the psychoactive substances consumption, higher prevalence’s were found on current alcohol consumption; heavy episodic drinking; heavy episodic drinking on the female gender and current tobacco consumption on the female gender. Illegal drugs consumption was lower than national level. Conclusion: The excessive use of electronic games/Internet and the higher prevalence’s of same types of alcohol and tobacco consumption by students suggest the need to establish of new local strategies of intervention to prevent the addictive behaviours identified as problematic as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the ACES Estuário do Tejo school population

    Investigating the Transcriptome Signature of Depression: Employing Co-expression Network, Candidate Pathways and Machine Learning Approaches

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    Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is one of the major contributors to the overall global burden of disease. Despite significant advances in elucidating the neurobiology of depression in recent years, the molecular factors involved in the pathophysiology of depression remain poorly understood. Chapter 1: An overview of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) from epidemiological and clinical perspectives with a summary of the current knowledge of the underlying biology is provided. A review of the major pathophysiological hypotheses of MDD highlights a need for a more comprehensive approach that allows studying complex molecular interactions involved in depression. Chapter 2: Transcriptome signature of depression was examined using the measure of replication at individual gene level across different tissues and cell types in both brain and periphery. Fifty-seven replicated genes were reported as differentially expressed in the brain and 21 in peripheral tissues. In-silico functional characterisation of these genes was provided, implicating shared pathways in a comorbid phenotype of depression and cardiovascular disease. Chapter 3: The molecular basis of MDD using co-expression network analysis was investigated. The Weighed Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (WGCNA) allowed for studying complex interactions between individual genes influencing biological pathways in MDD. Utilising the Sydney Memory and Aging Study (sMAS) and the Older Australian Twin Study (OATS) as discovery and replication cohorts respectively, it was found that the eigengenes of four clusters containing over 3,000 highly co-regulated genes are involved in 13 immune- and pathogen-related pathways and associated with recurrent MDD. However, the findings were not replicated on an independent cohort at the network level. Chapter 4: Using a machine learning (ML) approach, a predictive model was built to identify the genome-wide gene expression markers of recurrent MDD. Fuzzy Forests (FF) is a novel ML algorithm, which works in conjunction with WGCNA and was designed to reduce the bias seen in feature selection caused by the presence of correlated transcripts in transcriptome data. FF correctly classified 63% of recurrently depressed individuals in test data using the single top predictive feature (TFRC, encodes for transferrin receptor). This suggests that TFRC can represent a putative marker for recurrent MDD. Chapter 5: Following the findings on immune-related pathways being associated with recurrent MDD in the elderly (Chapter 3), the role of these pathways in recurrent MDD was examined at individual gene levels in an independent cohort (OATS). To target the immune pathways, all known genes (KEGG) involved in these 13 pathways were selected and a differential expression analysis was conducted on 1,302 candidates between individuals with recurrent MDD and those without. We found that CD14 was significantly downregulated in recurrent MDD (FDR < 5%). Considering the key role of CD14 for facilitating the innate immune response, we suggest that CD14 can potentially serve as a peripheral marker of immune dysregulation in recurrent MDD. Chapter 6: A discussion on obtained findings is provided and future directions are outlined with a particular focus on how co-expression network and machine learning approaches that can enhance translation of molecular findings into clinical translation.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Adelaide Medical School, 201

    Post-partum endometritis as major problem in obstetrics

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    Catedra Obstetrică şi Ginecologie (rezidenţiat)The retrospective research highlighted the risk factors in the development of puerperal endometritis time of patology appearance afterbirth or caesarean section and confirmed the necessity of precocionsdiagnostic and complex treatment. Studiul retrospectiv a evidenţiat factorii de risc în dezvoltarea endometritei puerperale, timpul apariţiei patologiei date după naştere sau operaţia cezariană şi a confirmat necesitatea diagnosticului precoce şi tratamentului complex

    The psychological aspects of alcohol consumption

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    Catedra Economie, management şi psihopedagogie în medicină, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The problem of excessive alcohol consumption worries the brains of many scientific researchers in many fields: like medicine psychology, sociology, as well as politicians that search for efficient solutions in solving this problem at psychosocial and medical level. Billboards and mass-media are overloaded with advertisement which encourage the population to alcohol consumption, after that to be worrned with hypocrisy by the following phrase “The excessive consumption of alcohol affects seriously your health”. The study of psychological aspects of excessive consumption of alcohol is one of the preventive ways in diminishing the spread of alcoholism as a medical-social disorder. Problema consumului excesiv de alcool frământă cugetele multor cercetători din domeniul medicinei, psihologiei, sociologiei, cât şi politicienilor, ce caută soluţii eficiente de rezolvare a acestor probleme la nivel psihosocial şi medical. Panourile publicitare, mass-media sunt supraîncărcate de reclamele ce îndeamnă populaţia la consumul de alcool, ca mai apoi să fie avertizaţi cu ipocrizie prin fraza „Consumul excesiv de alcool dăunează grav sănătăţii dumneavoastră!” Studierea aspectelor psihosociale ale consumului abuziv de alcool prezintă una din căile de prevenire şi diminuare a răspândirii alcoolismului ca maladie medico-socială

    Structural and physical properties of antibacterial Ag-doped nano-hydroxyapatite synthesized at 100°C

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    Synthesis of nanosized particle of Ag-doped hydroxyapatite with antibacterial properties is in the great interest in the development of new biomedical applications. In this article, we propose a method for synthesized the Ag-doped nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite. A silver-doped nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite was synthesized at 100°C in deionized water. Other phase or impurities were not observed. Silver-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (Ag:HAp) were performed by setting the atomic ratio of Ag/[Ag + Ca] at 20% and [Ca + Ag]/P as 1.67. The X-ray diffraction studies demonstrate that powders made by co-precipitation at 100°C exhibit the apatite characteristics with good crystal structure and no new phase or impurity is found. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations suggest that these materials present a little different morphology, which reveals a homogeneous aspect of the synthesized particles for all samples. The presence of calcium (Ca), phosphor (P), oxygen (O), and silver (Ag) in the Ag:HAp is confirmed by energy dispersive X-ray (EDAX) analysis. FT-IR and FT-Raman spectroscopies revealed that the presence of the various vibrational modes corresponds to phosphates and hydroxyl groups. The strain of Staphylococcus aureus was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of the Ca10-xAgx(PO4)6(OH)2 (x = 0 and 0.2). In vitro bacterial adhesion study indicated a significant difference between HAp (x = 0) and Ag:HAp (x = 0.2). The Ag:Hap nanopowder showed higher inhibition

    Antibacterial activity of silver-doped hydroxyapatite nanoparticles against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

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    Ag-doped nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (Ag:HAp-NPs) (Ca(10-x)Ag(x)(PO(4))(6)(OH)(2), x(Ag) = 0.05, 0.2, and 0.3) with antibacterial properties are of great interest in the development of new products. Coprecipitation method is a promising route for obtaining nanocrystalline Ag:HAp with antibacterial properties. X-ray diffraction identified HAp as an unique crystalline phase in each sample. The calculated lattice constants of a = b = 9.435 Å, c = 6.876 Å for x(Ag) = 0.05, a = b = 9.443 Å, c = 6.875 Å for x(Ag) = 0.2, and a = b = 9.445 Å, c = 6.877 Å for x(Ag) = 0.3 are in good agreement with the standard of a = b = 9.418 Å, c = 6.884 Å (space group P6(3)/m). The Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectra of the sintered HAp show the absorption bands characteristic to hydroxyapatite. The Ag:HAp nanoparticles are evaluated for their antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Providencia stuartii, Citrobacter freundii and Serratia marcescens. The results showed that the antibacterial activity of these materials, regardless of the sample types, was greatest against S. aureus, K. pneumoniae, P. stuartii, and C. freundii. The results of qualitative antibacterial tests revealed that the tested Ag:HAp-NPs had an important inhibitory activity on P. stuartii and C. freundii. The absorbance values measured at 490 nm of the P. stuartii and C. freundii in the presence of Ag:HAp-NPs decreased compared with those of organic solvent used (DMSO) for all the samples (x(Ag) = 0.05, 0.2, and 0.3). Antibacterial activity increased with the increase of x(Ag) in the samples. The Ag:HAp-NP concentration had little influence on the bacterial growth (P. stuartii)

    The relation heart and ankylosing spondylitis - incidence and diagnosis problem

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    Departamentul Medicină Internă, Clinica Medicală № 5, Reumatologie şi Nefrologie, USMF ”Nicolae Testemiţanu” Institutul de Cardiologie, Departamentul de diagnostic funcţionalCardiac involvement in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) represents one of the most important extraarticular manifestations, quite frequently clinically ignored. The spectrum of cardiac damages is wide and includes left ventricular dysfunction, mitral valve disease, aortic and mitral regurgitation, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, aortic root dilatation, cord pulmonale. Early detection of cardiac disorders in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, and particularly aortic valve disease and conduction disturbances may have important therapeutic and prognostic implications. Afectarea cardiacă la pacienţii cu spondiloartrita anchilozantă (SA) constituie una din cele mai importante manifestări extraarticulare de multe ori ignorată clinic. Spectrul de patologii cardiace este larg şi include disfuncţie ventriculară stângă, afectarea valvei mitrale, regurgitare aortică şi mitrală, cardiomiopatie, pericardită, dilatarea rădăcinii aortice, cord pulmonar. Diagnosticarea precoce a tulburărilor cardiace la pacienţii cu spondiloartrită anchilozantă, şi în special afecţiunea valvei aortice şi dereglări de conducere, poate avea implicaţii importante terapeutice şi pronostice

    Neurological morbidity among children in Republic of Moldova

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    Catedra Economie, management şi psihopedagogie în medicinăNeurological disorders in children are a major problem. The prevalence of neurological morbidity in children in Republic of Moldova is 283. 4 per 10000 populations in 2004, decreasing to 231.4 in 2008. The incidence of neurological morbidity in children in Republic of Moldova is 130.5 per 10000 population in 2004, decreasing to 83.7 in 2008. Children disability due to neurological diseases in Republic of Moldova decreased by 78% in 2008 versus 2004. Organization of quality medical care for neurological children requires restructuring in order to improve their neurological health Patologia neurologică printre copii reprezintă o problemă majoră. Prevalenţa morbidităţii neurologice la copii în Republica Moldova constituie 283,4 la 10.000 populaţie în anul 2004, micşorându-se până la 231,4 – în anul 2008. Incidenţa morbidităţii neurologice la copii în Republica Moldova constituie 130,5 la 10.000 populaţie în anul 2004, micşorându-se până la 83,7 – în anul 2008. Invaliditatea copiilor din cauza bolilor neurologice în Republica Moldova este în descreştere cu 78% în anul 2008 faţă de anul 2004. Organizarea asistenţei medicale neurologice de performanţă copiilor necesită o restructurare în scopul ameliorării sănătăţii neurologice a copiilor

    Менеджмент хирургического лечения переднего отдела стопы при ревматоидном артрите

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Catedra Ortopedie şi Traumatologie, IMSP, Spitalul Clinic de Traumatologie şi Ortopedie, Catedra Medicină Internă nr. 5, Clinica universitară Reumatologie şi Nefrologie, SCRThis article describes the major forefoot deformities and problems ofen seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: hallux valgus, hallux extenzus, hallux flexus, hallux rigidus, quintus varus, subluxation and dorsiflection of the proximal phalanges of fingers II-V. Surgical intervention provides stability for the weight-bearing joints of the foot and reduces pain. Various types of surgical correction have been described in special literature.The aim of all of this is to lessen the pain and to correct the deformity. Consideration of these problems and an early intervention effort may help to prolong the ambulatory status of the patient with rheumatoid arthritis.Эта статья описывает основные деформации переднего отдела стопы и трудности, которые возникают у пациентов с ревматоидным артритом: вальгусной деформации первого пальца, hallux valgus, hallux extenzus, hallux flexus, hallux rigidus, quintus varus, подвывих и сгибание проксимальных фаланг II-V пальцев “в молоткообразной форме”. Хирургическое лечение дает возможность стабилизации сустава, подавляя болевой синдром и устраненяя деформацию. Различные виды хирургической коррекции были описаны в литературе. Все они направлены на устранение боли и деформации. Знание проблемы и ее решение своевременной операцией помогают продлить разумную и безболезненную ходьбу