74 research outputs found

    The voyage of the Serliana motif, a journey to understand the transmission of architectural values through space and time

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    Following the idea of a drastic reduction of linguistic tools in the early Renaissance we have to assume a recovery of the Serliana motif only in the 16th century, after its practical disappearance for several centuries. Palladio's Quattro Libri, together with Serlio's treatise definitely impulsed the use of the Serliana, after the recovering of this element made during the16th century. The outcomes of this research, through the analysis of treatises and other documents, offer an attempt to understand the context that made possible the reborn and great diffusion of the Serliana in Italy and soon in the rest of Europe. The outcomes outline a possible alternative way in which the Serliana reached Italy, landing in Venice before other Renaissance centers, giving enhanced value to the idea of a contamination of architecture and culture through Europe.Universidad de Málaga

    Mathematics in the work of Spinoza and Guarini

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    During the seventeenth century mathematics and the exact sciences brought about a scientific revolution, and seemed to be involved in all novel social developments of the time. To give just a few examples, Newton (1643-1727) used mathematical principles to explain the philosophy of nature in his Principia, and, prior to that, Descartes (1569-1650) used mathematics as a model for his metaphysics, his main concern for many years. His greatest legacy, for the purposes and framing of this paper, has to do with moving classical geometry within the reach of algebra, putting into connection Euclid's and Vitruvius’s theories. This has great relevance within the field of architecture, translating these theories to the building experience of that period. Baroque architecture indeed shares with mathematics a spatial structure which combines the arts and the sciences. Space is controlled by the possible variations of mathematical laws — which is the cause of the way in which architects struggle to work within pre-established rules.The aim of this paper, intended as research from a history of architectural points of view, is to find relations between the idea of mathematics used by Spinoza (Ethics) and Guarini (Placita philosophica; Architettura civile) in their metaphysics, and the outcomes they had in architecture. In addition, if it is difficult to establish whether Spinoza had any influence on Guarini — their most relevant texts were published posthumously — the role of mathematics in the work of these two figures, whose similarities and differences are worth enumerating, is particularly interesting when related to the architectural period of Baroque, a period when the use of mathematics in architecture might be said to have reached a peak.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Burckhalter, David, Baja California Missions: In the Footsteps of the Padres. Foreword Bernard L. Fontana. Photographs David Burckhalter and Mina Sedgwick. Southwest Center Series, ed. Joseph C. Wilder. Tucson AZ: Arizona State University Press, 2013. Pp. xviii+ 162+ 113 illustrations. $24.95 paper

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    Post-refereed, pre-print version, de acuerdo con Consent Form. Publicado en: Religion and the Arts 18:4(2014). 591-592.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685292-01804006The Northwestern border of the Spanish colonization of America was characterized during the Sixteenth Century by a wide unexplored territory and the lack of density of the American Native nomads, which difficulted the establishment of former new towns from where to organize the conquest and domination of Nueva España. Baja California was the extreme peripheral borderland far from the colonial centers of power, is nevertheless interesting for the model of settlement implemented there beginning in the Seventeenth Century by the Jesuits in their attempt to evangelize and civilize local inhabitants.. Soon the Jesuits’ activities were complemented with political functions, and their missions came to act as territorial control posts for the Spanish Crown. The extreme climatic and environmental conditions of the region, together with the profound ignorance of the geographical configuration of the peninsula, in fact defined the missions as the main venues for the Spanish colonial understanding of the territory. They were not only places to promote spiritual conquest, but also defensive outposts along the royal route from the mineral mines to the administrative centers, part of a larger network developed to extend the frontiers of New Spain. A great deal of research exists on the role of the Catholic Church in the colonization of the continent, including this region. A new publication about these mission settlements is, therefore, always anticipated with interest for the new focus it can offer. ..

    Spatial Practices in Borderlands: Bottom-Up Experiences and Their Influence on Border Communities

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    Differences and conflicts are most evident at borderlands, which act as balancing tools to organize and filter economic and migratory flows. The increased militarization of these areas, which often requires creating empty spaces next to the fences, fosters deterritorialization processes that not only have profound effects on the territory, but also on the people living in these areas. As space shapes people, this paper analyses the effects of marginalization and violence, as well as hope for a better future for people and migrants living in these places. After evidencing place disattachment and life disruption originated by strong transformations to their environments, a review based on literature of several bottom-up experiences acting in these areas is presented. Based on subversion, contamination, hybridization and transgression, these examples show the interesting ambivalence of borderlands, which provide a provocative and inspiring arena for new local planning and architectural design for recovering place attachment, stronger community identities and the development of new models of coexistence

    Sterrett, Joseph, and Peter Thomas, eds., Sacred Text—Sacred Space: Architectural, Spiritual, and Literary Convergences in England and Wales. Foreword Richard Chartres. Vol. 4 of Studies in Religion and Arts Series, eds. James Najarian and Eric Ziolkowski. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2011. Pp. xvi + 372 + illustrations. $166.00 paper

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    Post-refereed, pre-print version, de acuerdo con consent form. Publicado en: Religion and the Arts 19:1-2(2015). 144-145.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15685292-01901011Two important concepts underlie this collection of essays edited by Joseph Sterrett and Peter Thomas: sacred space, a place or places where man can find “what is real in the midst of the formless expanse”; and text, considered in its sacred character, as something given to and developed by man in order to guide his own spiritual life. While they seem to proceed from opposite directions, the opposition implicit in these concepts between concrete and spiritual is not so strong when we consider that (according to Helen Wilcox) sacred spaces are everywhere when considered in the general context of the spiritual life. The relations between sacred texts and sacred spaces presented in this volume are the result of research done at Cardiff University, and are limited to England and Wales. Due to the history of the these two countries it is easy for the reader to understand how these concepts are related with the evolution and transformation of religious belief and of society in general during the period under consideration. The book is divided into three temporal sections, focusing on the medieval era, the early modern period, and the nineteenth century. The twelve essays that make up the book look at sacred texts, at sacred spaces, and at both of them in very different ways: ..

    Spatial transformations in Ceuta (Spain). Effects of a low density hinterland on a border enclave

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    Located in a strategic geopolitical settlement on the north coast of Africa, the enclave of Ceuta is a highly researched border settlement, due to its specificity and being the unique tangible border between the EU and Africa. What is less studied is the urban development of the city, which is needed to understand the evolution of this city in relation with the border area. The uniqueness of this case, caused by the decision of the Kingdom of Morocco not to recognize the border, is related with a lack of urban development and any density on the Moroccan side of the 8 km fence. This fence is one of the few examples in the world and is considered of great interest. In such a situation migratory and economic flows need to adapt to written and unwritten laws. The border can hence be considered a permeable membrane for informal economic activities, while it becomes a strong barrier to limit undesired flows. This limit can be considered an opportunity, also considering the reduced ground where to grow, as urban planning decisions taken at a local level can improve the territorial continuity already existing at both sides of the border, and reduce social and spatial injustices. Also if centripetal strategies to densify and improve the built environment, with evident marginalization of the periphery, are envisioned in the new plan, we foresee the opportunities to significantly improve community conditions, being at the local level where answers to social and neighbour problems can be found.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Design as a tool in the Module History of Architecture. Learning by Doing

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    Cimadomo, G. (2017), Design as a tool in the module History of Architecture. Learning by Doing. ICERI2017 Proceedings)We present the teaching experience of the History of Architecture II module related to the last three academic years when we have experienced the introduction of a practical exercise aimed at actively learning the theoretical content of the subject: the history of architecture between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. The problem-based and the learning-by-doing methodologies have been applied within the framework of a broader educational innovation project that has involved different undergraduate subjects in architecture. The exercise is based on the realization of a project at the level of a preliminary project of a building contextualized in the Renaissance or the Baroque eras, varying this last parameter each year. Each student had to identify himself in the role of an architect of the modern era, search for a patron and choose the typology to build among those studied in the theoretical classes. The freedom offered in all these parameters has allowed each student to freely search for their hobbies and personal interests, being an incentive to carry out the task assigned. This exercise requires a different approach to the buildings studied throughout the semester, to understand the logic and compositional rules underlying each typology, uses, needs, as well as constructive solutions. The preliminary phase of the exercise also requires a historical understanding of the patron and his hobbies, of the geographical environment in which the exercise will be carried out, as well as the cultural and political context of the chosen temporal arc. The aim is to promote learning through project activity even in traditionally theoretical subjects such as the history of architecture, generating dynamics closer to the expectations of students without sacrificing the learning required by the curriculum. The results obtained, both quantitative and qualitative, contrasted by anonymous surveys conducted at the end of each year, show a greater linkage of students to the subject, a deeper learning of the compositional rules of the studied ages, and greater satisfaction with the dynamics applied, without sacrificing the objectives of explaining the processes in the environment of the society of the time and its direct relationship with the present. As with previous experiences, we demonstrate the need to adapt teaching methodologies to the generational changes of the students that study for the degree in architecture to achieve the pedagogical objectives of the training of architects in the 21st century.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using the Pinterest tool in the course History of Architecture, in the EHEA frame

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    Se presenta la experiencia de la asignatura Historia de la Arquitectura II, donde se ha experimentado el uso del Social Network visual Pinterest como herramienta para adecuarse a los requerimientos del EEES. La participación activa de los estudiantes en la realización de búsquedas de contenidos de la asignatura se ha desarrollado con objeto de aprovechar las ventajas de la interacción en el aprendizaje, ofreciendo una ocasión para la innovación docente. Se ha pretendido así fomentar el papel de los estudiantes en el desarrollo mismo de la asignatura, con la estrategia principal de ceder un mayor control y poder decisional sobre sus contenidos, valorándose tanto los resultados relacionados con el aprendizaje académico como su crecimiento social y organizativo personal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Service-learning far from home. Volunteering experience in Nicaragua

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    The volunteer project is conceived as a service-learning experience for students of the University of Malaga, who collaborate in the activities of the planning office of the municipality of Bonanza. Architecture is not the only discipline involved, an interdisciplinary approach is sought (with profiles from Tourism, Social Work), to enrich the experiences of the volunteers and the results produced. The interventions to be carried out are agreed annually with the counterpart, aimed at improving the conditions of the local population (SDG 11). Indirectly, the local institution is also strengthened (SDG 16). The activities, which include museum and sports project design, population surveys, training and strengthening of local initiatives related to health, or the diagnosis of one of the conflictive neighborhoods of the municipality, respond to sustainability over time, coherence with the criteria and guidelines of the Andalusian Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AACID) volunteer and cooperation activities, gender and equal opportunity issues. The experience, which involves immersion in a cultural context far from the students’ habits, not only offers a work experience for the students that can open new perspectives for the future, but also generates personal growth that would be difficult to achieve in other types of academic activities. The fact that the activity is not linked to official academic programs brings students with real interests to be involved in the improvement of the social fabric through their knowledge and dedication. At the same time, activities are carried out to bring students closer to research, delving deeper into traditional Mayangna housing, the water cycle in a Mayangna village, and climate change effects on a society deeply rooted with nature. Among the achieved results, master theses, book chapters and presentations at international conferences.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Information technologies: threats and opportunities for contemporary urban transformations

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    En una etapa de profundas y muy rápidas transformaciones de la sociedad es importante comprender los efectos que éstas pueden tener sobre el entorno construido que nos rodea. Las transformaciones de principio del siglo XX que llevaron a la definición de una sociedad propiamente moderna pueden servir para comprender las que están configurando el devenir del siglo XXI. Reconocida la importancia de los flujos en la configuración de la ciudad contemporánea, y el rol de determinadas empresas tecnológicas por su impacto en los medios y en las economías de distinta escala, se evidencian sus posibles efectos sobre la ciudad. Además de las transformaciones físicas, se intuye la posibilidad que se produzcan diferentes soluciones para nuestras necesidades, personalizadas en función de la información que las empresas conocen de nuestros hábitos. Es por lo tanto fácil de imaginar cómo cada ciudadano pueda vivir en una mundo fragmentado y tangente al de las personas que se encuentran a su alrededor, aunque esta misma tecnología ofrece oportunidades de transformación participativas. Pese a existir numerosos estudios sobre empresas tecnológicas que están impulsando estas innovaciones y sobre los efectos de las transformaciones sociales en la ciudad, este estudio plantea los posibles efectos sobre la configuración de la ciudad del futuro, reconociendo el impacto cada vez mayor de las conexiones sobre el desarrollo urbano. Su hipotético cumplimiento debe ser una alerta para los responsable de la planificación urbana para tener en cuenta estas tendencias, valorar los posibles amenazas, y aprovechar las oportunidades que se abren para un mejor disfrute e inclusión social en el contexto urbano.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech