4 research outputs found

    Ecological Indicator Values of Europe (EIVE) 1.0: a powerful open-access tool for vegetation scientists

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    Background: Ecological indicator values (EIVs) have a long tradition in vegetation ecological research in Europe. EIVs characterise the ecological optimum of species along major environmental gradients using ordinal scales. Calculating mean indicator values per plot is an effective way of bioindication. Following first systems in Russia and Central Europe, about two dozen EIV systems have been published for various parts of Europe. Aims: As there was no EIV system available at European scale that could be used for broad-scale analyses, e.g. in the context of the European Vegetation Archive (EVA), we develop such a system for the first time for the vascular plants of Europe. Location: Europe. Methods: We compiled all national and major regional EIV systems and harmonized their plant nomenclature with a newly developed contemporary European taxonomic backbone (EuroSL 1.0). Using regression, we rescaled the individual EIV systems for the main parameters to continent-wide quasi-metric scales, ranging from 1 to 99. The data from each individual system were then translated into a probability curve approximated with a normal distribution, weighed with the logarithm of the area represented and summed up across the systems. From the European density curve we extracted then a mean and a variance, which characterise the distribution of this species along this particular ecological gradient. Results and conclusions: Our consensus approach of integrating the expert knowledge of all existing EIV systems allowed deriving the first consistent description of the ecological behaviour for a significant part of the European vascular flora. The resulting Ecological Indicator Values of Europe (EIVE) 1.0 will be published open access to allow bioindication beyond country borders. Future releases of EIVE might contain more parameters, non-vascular plants and regionalisation or could be re-adjusted and extended to hitherto non-covered species through co-occurrence data from EVA

    CircumMed Pine Forest Database: an electronic archive for Mediterranean and Submediterranean pine forest vegetation data

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    Large thematic databases of vegetation plots are increasingly needed for vegetation studies and biodiversity research. In this paper, we present the CircumMed Pine Forest Database (GIVD ID: EU-00-026), which in November 2018, comprised records from 6317 pine-dominated vegetation plots (relev\ue9s) and associated vegetation types from 20 countries of the Mediterranean Basin, Near East and Crimea. These vegetation plots were collected through a detailed literature search for plots not previously included in the European Vegetation Archive (EVA), in order to fill geographic gaps in data coverage. The database comprises Mediterranean (including Oromediterranean) pine-forest vegetation plots from both published and unpublished sources. All vegetation plots are georeferenced, although coordinates vary in accuracy. The database is accessible through EVA or from its Custodian. We anticipate the CircumMed Pine Forest Database will be a valuable resource for various types of broad-scale studies in the fields of vegetation classification, plant invasion ecology, macroecology and biological conservation. Abbreviations: EU = European Union; EVA = European Vegetation Archive; EVS = European Vegetation Survey; GIVD = Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases

    Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe\u2019s alien and native floras

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    Understanding drivers of success for alien species can inform on potential future invasions. Recent conceptual advances highlight that species may achieve invasiveness via performance along at least three distinct dimensions: 1) local abundance, 2) geographic range size, and 3) habitat breadth in naturalized distributions. Associations among these dimensions and the factors that determine success in each have yet to be assessed at large geographic scales. Here, we combine data from over one million vegetation plots covering the extent of Europe and its habitat diversity with databases on species\u2019 distributions, traits, and historical origins to provide a comprehensive assessment of invasiveness dimensions for the European alien seed plant flora. Invasiveness dimensions are linked in alien distributions, leading to a continuum from overall poor invaders to super invaders-abundant, widespread aliens that invade diverse habitats. This pattern echoes relationships among analogous dimensions measured for native European species. Success along invasiveness dimensions was associated with details of alien species\u2019 introduction histories: earlier introduction dates were positively associated with all three dimensions, and consistent with theory-based expectations, species originating from other continents, particularly acquisitive growth strategists, were among the most successful invaders in Europe. Despite general correlations among invasiveness dimensions, we identified habitats and traits associated with atypical patterns of success in only one or two dimensions - for example, the role of disturbed habitats in facilitating widespread specialists. We conclude that considering invasiveness within a multidimensional framework can provide insights into invasion processes while also informing general understanding of the dynamics of species distributions

    European Vegetation Archive (EVA): an integrated database of European vegetation plots

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    The European Vegetation Archive (EVA) is a centralized database of European vegetation plots developed by the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey. It has been in development since 2012 and first made available for use in research projects in 2014. It stores copies of national and regional vegetation- plot databases on a single software platform. Data storage in EVA does not affect on-going independent development of the contributing databases, which remain the property of the data contributors. EVA uses a prototype of the data- base management software TURBOVEG 3 developed for joint management of multiple databases that use different species lists. This is facilitated by the Syn- BioSys Taxon Database, a system of taxon names and concepts used in the indi- vidual European databases and their corresponding names on a unified list of European flora. TURBOVEG 3 also includes procedures for handling data requests, selections and provisions according to the approved EVA Data Property and Governance Rules. By 30 June 2015, 61 databases from all European regions have joined EVA, contributing in total 1 027 376 vegetation plots, 82% of them with geographic coordinates, from 57 countries. EVA provides a unique data source for large-scale analyses of European vegetation diversity both for fundamental research and nature conservation applications. Updated informa- tion on EVA is available online at http://euroveg.org/eva-database