840 research outputs found

    Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies distinct mouse medial ganglionic eminence cell types.

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    Many subtypes of cortical interneurons (CINs) are found in adult mouse cortices, but the mechanism generating their diversity remains elusive. We performed single-cell RNA sequencing on the mouse embryonic medial ganglionic eminence (MGE), the major birthplace for CINs, and on MGE-like cells differentiated from embryonic stem cells. Two distinct cell types were identified as proliferating neural progenitors and immature neurons, both of which comprised sub-populations. Although lineage development of MGE progenitors was reconstructed and immature neurons were characterized as GABAergic, cells that might correspond to precursors of different CINs were not identified. A few non-neuronal cell types were detected, including microglia. In vitro MGE-like cells resembled bona fide MGE cells but expressed lower levels of Foxg1 and Epha4. Together, our data provide detailed understanding of the embryonic MGE developmental program and suggest how CINs are specified

    Understanding the dynamic behaviour of the Australian retirement village industry: a causal loop diagram

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    The retirement village industry in Australia has been accommodating an increasing number of residents in recent decades. However, a thorough understanding of the dynamic behaviour of the industry remains largely unknown, which prevents a better prediction of its future growth. This study incorporates system dynamics thinking into residents’ relocation decisions and aims to develop a causal loop diagram to have a full understanding of the complex interactions of variables affecting their relocation, which in turn determines the future growth pattern of the industry. Based on thematic analysis using literature review and interview data, five primary causal loops are identified, including the positive reinforcing loops of word-of-mouth effect and new-supply effect, and three negative balancing loops of the move-out effect, price effect and home-village distance effect. Of these five causal loops, the most dominant ones in determining the system behaviour are the word-of-mouth (reinforcing) and home-village distance (balancing) effects. The causal loop diagram provides a better understanding of the underlying structure of the retirement village industry and will help guide the industry and policy makers in formulating strategies to create a more ageing-friendly living environment for seniors in Australia

    Ontogeny and cross species comparison of pathways involved in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in neonates (review) : KIDNEY

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    The kidneys play an important role in many processes, including urine formation, water conservation, acid-base equilibrium, and elimination of waste. The anatomic and functional development of the kidney has different maturation time points in humans versus animals, with critical differences between species in maturation before and after birth. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of drugs vary depending on age and maturation, which will lead to differences in toxicity and efficacy. When neonate/juvenile laboratory animal studies are designed, a thorough knowledge of the differences in kidney development between newborns/children and laboratory animals is essential. The human and laboratory animal data must be combined to obtain a more complete picture of the development in the kidneys around the neonatal period and the complexity of ADME in newborns and children. This review examines the ontogeny and cross-species differences in ADME processes in the developing kidney in preterm and term laboratory animals and children. It provides an overview of insights into ADME functionality in the kidney by identifying what is currently known and which gaps still exist. Currently important renal function properties such as glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow, and ability to concentrate are generally well known, while detailed knowledge about transporter and metabolism maturation is growing but is still lacking. Preclinical data in those properties is limited to rodents and generally covers only the expression levels of transporter or enzyme-encoding genes. More knowledge on a functional level is needed to predict the kinetics and toxicity in neonate/juvenile toxicity and efficacy studies

    Infrequent dialysis: a new paradigm for hemodialysis initiation.

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    Nearly a half-century ago, the thrice-weekly hemodialysis schedule was empirically established as a means to provide an adequate dialysis dose while also treating the greatest number of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients using limited resources. Landmark trials of hemodialysis adequacy have historically been anchored to thrice-weekly regimens, but a recent randomized controlled trial demonstrated that frequent hemodialysis (six times per week) confers cardiovascular and survival benefits. Based on these collective data and experience, clinical practice guidelines advise against a less than thrice-weekly treatment schedule in patients without residual renal function, yet provide limited guidance on the optimal treatment frequency when substantial native kidney function is present. Thus, during the transition from Stage 5 chronic kidney disease to ESRD, the current paradigm is to initiate hemodialysis on a "full-dose" thrice-weekly regimen even among patients with substantial residual renal function. However, emerging data suggest that frequent hemodialysis accelerates residual renal function decline, and infrequent regimens may provide better preservation of native kidney function. Given the high mortality rates during the first 6 months of hemodialysis and the survival benefits of preserved native kidney function, initiation with twice-weekly treatment schedules ("infrequent hemodialysis") with an incremental increase in frequency over time may provide an opportunity to optimize patient survival. This review outlines the clinical benefits of post-hemodialysis residual renal function, studies of twice-weekly treatment regimens, and the potential risks and benefits of infrequent hemodialysis

    Ovarian Cancer Incidence Corrected for Oophorectomy

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    Current reported incidence rates for ovarian cancer may significantly underestimate the true rate because of the inclusion of women in the calculations who are not at risk for ovarian cancer due to prior benign salpingo-oophorectomy (SO). We have considered prior SO to more realistically estimate risk for ovarian cancer. Kentucky Health Claims Data, International Classification of Disease 9 (ICD-9) codes, Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) codes, and Kentucky Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data were used to identify women who have undergone SO in Kentucky, and these women were removed from the at-risk pool in order to re-assess incidence rates to more accurately represent ovarian cancer risk. The protective effect of SO on the population was determined on an annual basis for ages 5–80+ using data from the years 2009–2013. The corrected age-adjusted rates of ovarian cancer that considered SO ranged from 33% to 67% higher than age-adjusted rates from the standard population. Correction of incidence rates for ovarian cancer by accounting for women with prior SO gives a better understanding of risk for this disease faced by women. The rates of ovarian cancer were substantially higher when SO was taken into consideration than estimates from the standard population

    The Relationship Between Dental Disease and Cerebral Vascular Accident in Elderly United States Veterans

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    We report here information obtained from a crossâ sectional study of 401 veterans, who were at least 60 years of age, which showed that several dental/oral conditions can be significantly associated with the diagnosis of a cerebral vascular accident (CVA), when included in a multivariate logistic regression model with and without many of the known risk factors for a CVA. The dental findings relative to the prevalence of dental caries and periodontal disease were not distinctly different between the subjects with and without a CVA in the bivariate analysis. A higher stimulated salivary flow was negatively associated with a CVA in the multivariate models. The plaque index and oral hygiene habits relating to brushing, flossing, and frequency of having teeth cleaned by a dentist/hygienist were significantly associated with a CVA in the bivariate analysis. Among these oral hygiene parameters, â needing help in brushing one’s teethâ and the reported annual visit to the dentist/hygienist for teeth cleaning remained significant in the multivariate models involving the dependentâ living subjects. The need for help in brushing one’s teeth could reflect the fact that many subjects had reduced manual dexterity as a result of the CVA and required this extra care. However, the finding that those dependentâ living individuals who reported that they did not have their teeth cleaned at least once a year were 4.76 times more likely to have had a CVA, suggests that a pattern of oral neglect might be associated with developing a CVA. The implications of this in terms of an intervention strategy for CVA warrants further consideration. However, caution is recommended because the data were obtained from a convenience sampling of older veterans and may not be generalizable to other populations. Ann Periodontol 1998;3:161â 174.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141992/1/aape0161.pd

    Rejoinder: Time-dynamic profiling with application to hospital readmission among patients on dialysis.

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    Standard profiling analysis aims to evaluate medical providers, such as hospitals, nursing homes, or dialysis facilities, with respect to a patient outcome. The outcome, for instance, may be mortality, medical complications, or 30-day (unplanned) hospital readmission. Profiling analysis involves regression modeling of a patient outcome, adjusting for patient health status at baseline, and comparing each provider's outcome rate (e.g., 30-day readmission rate) to a normative standard (e.g., national "average"). Profiling methods exist mostly for non time-varying patient outcomes. However, for patients on dialysis, a unique population which requires continuous medical care, methodologies to monitor patient outcomes continuously over time are particularly relevant. Thus, we introduce a novel time-dynamic profiling (TDP) approach to assess the time-varying 30-day readmission rate. TDP is used to estimate, for the first time, the risk-standardized time-dynamic 30-day hospital readmission rate, throughout the time period that patients are on dialysis. We develop the framework for TDP by introducing the standardized dynamic readmission ratio as a function of time and a multilevel varying coefficient model with facility-specific time-varying effects. We propose estimation and inference procedures tailored to the problem of TDP and to overcome the challenge of high-dimensional parameters when examining thousands of dialysis facilities