1,040 research outputs found

    Proceso de planeación estratégica aplicado en el contexto de la empresa boyacense

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    El objetivo de este trabajo toma como punto de partida el proceso de planeación estratégica, siendo analizado desde sus bases teóricas hasta generar el estudio de algunas de sus características que permitan colegir la construcción de resultados empíricos aplicados a una industria en particular. La planeación estratégica se constituye entonces como una poderos herramienta que es de utilidad en el contextode las organizaciones con el fin de que estas de una manera coherente los lineamientos y acciones a seguir para garantizar que ésta, no solamente tengala posibilidad de subsistir sino que, gene crecimiento en el mercado y a su vez rentable y productiva. Así, la aplicación del concepto se ver reflejado en casos puntuales que se concretan en el mejoramiento de la empresa denominada Industrias Solomármol, respecto de la cual se aplicarán las variables tendientes a diagnosticar los factores internos y externos que permitan generar la matriz DOFA, siendo insumos fundamentales a través de los cuales es factible formular un Plan de Acción que brinde soluciones efectivas a problemas sociales reales generados en el contexto dela empresa

    Assessing Video Game Satisfaction of Gamers with Disabilities

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    According to a survey conducted by the CDC, it is estimated that 26% of Americans are living with a disability. Of those with disabilities in the United States, it is estimated that 33 million play video games. People with disabilities face many barriers in gaming, which is likely to impact game satisfaction. Measuring game satisfaction among this population can be problematic if the scale is not adapted to their needs, which can vary significantly based on the disability. To understand how best to assess game satisfaction among these populations, we discuss the issues people with cognitive, sensory, and/or motor disabilities may face when completing assessment scales and then use the validated Game User Experience Satisfaction Scale (GUESS) as a framework for understanding the game design issues that may impact satisfaction

    MAD+. Introducing Misconceptions in the Temporal Analysis of the Mathematical Modelling Process of a Fermi Problem

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    This work describes how the combination of the mistakes committed by a group of preservice teachers when solving a Fermi problem, with the representation of the temporal analysis of their resolutions, can offer more in-depth information about their conceptual misconceptions regarding mathematical and modelling concepts. The combined representation allows knowing when mistakes occur and provides a powerful tool for instructors to adapt the teaching-learning processes of mathematics at all levels of education. Our study is based on a recent categorisation of students' mistakes, together with the creation of a new representation tool, called MAD+, that can combine all this information. The macroscopic view provided by the MAD+ diagrams gives insight into the context in which the mistakes take place and makes the analysis of the resolution of a Fermi problem more efficient

    Proyectos lúdico-pedagógicos para desarrollar la habilidad de la escucha

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    La escucha es la habilidad comunicativa que más se utiliza en las aulas de clase, pero la que menos se desarrolla de manera consciente y estratégica, ya que se asume que es una habilidad innata. La presente investigación de tipo cualitativo pretende darle el estatus que le corresponde a la escucha, definiéndola desde el punto de vista de varios autores, estableciendo los factores que inciden en su proceso y los beneficios de aprender a desarrollarla. La estrategia metodológica escogida para desarrollar la habilidad de la escucha es la pedagogía por proyectos. Cinco proyectos lúdico-pedagógicos, dirigidos a niños de grado transición, describen paso a paso cómo se puede enseñar y cómo se puede aprender a escuchar de manera consciente y significativa. Las actividades se describen de forma detallada, cada una con un propósito claro, con un producto o resultado por alcanzar. Al final de cada proyecto se presenta su evaluación, como elemento de reflexión y análisis

    pH and salivary sodium bicarbonate in cancer patients : correlation with seric concentration

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    Objective: To determine the correlation between pH and bicarbonate of soda in blood and saliva in child and adolescent patients during the administration of 3g/m2 of methotrexate. Method: A controlled clinical test was performed on 23 patients diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Ages ranged from 4 to 18. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient was used to interpret the data. Results: No significant correlation was found between pH levels and seric and salivary sodium bicarbonate. However, there was a significant correlation between the levels of sodium bicarbonate in the body fluids evaluated (rs 0.2576, p=0.0354). Conclusions: Changes modifying the microenvironment of the oral cavity probably do not allow saliva to be used to determine blood pH and seric bicarbonate

    Xbox Adaptive Controller OOBE: Creating a Fun and Accessible Video Gaming Experience for All!

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    A significant percentage of video gamers have disabilities and face challenges in gaming, which indicates a demand for assistive technology in the gaming industry. Assistive technology is equipment that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of people with disabilities. The Xbox Adaptive Controller is assistive technology for gaming and is designed to accommodate many motor disabilities. Because people with disabilities may have varying levels of experience with gaming or may require caregivers to set up equipment for them, it is important to ensure a wide variety of users can set up and use the Xbox Adaptive Controller effectively. Part of this experience includes the Out-of-Box-Experience (OOBE), which refers to the first experiences someone has with new technology, including purchasing the product, unboxing it, setting it up, and using it for the first time. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the OOBE of the Xbox Adaptive Controller for people who have varying levels of disability and gaming experience. The aim is to identify areas of strength that can be implemented in the design of other assistive technology, as well as areas of weakness that can be improved

    Development, Implementation, and Assessment of Health Equity Action Training (HEAT): Implications for Local Health Departments

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    As inequities in health persistently plague our nation, rates of chronic disease continue to escalate, and increasing health care costs further debilitate our economy, the profession of public health is faced with monumental challenges. As a central community health institution, the local public health department plays an essential role in eliminating health inequities and preventing chronic disease. With the objective of preparing the local public health workforce to address the root factors associated with health, the Health Equity Action Training project trained 85 staff of the Hartford Department of Health & Human Services in the social determinants of health, social inequities, undoing racism, and cultural competency. Satisfaction results and pre/post assessments with a subsample of participants suggest that this training was effective at improving participants’ health equity attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Implications for local health departments are discussed

    pH and salivary sodium bicarbonate during the administration protocol for methotrexate in children with leukemia

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    Objective: To analyze the behavior of pH and sodium bicarbonate (NAHCO3) in the saliva of patients with leukemia during the administration protocol for Methotrexate (Mtx). Materials and Methods: A controlled clinical essay was carried out on 23 patients between 4 and 18 years of age with high-risk Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Sampling was carried out at To : basal condition; T1 : 12 hours after intravenous administration of sodium bicarbonate, before administering Mtx and T2 : 3 hours after administering Mtx, the time of maximum concentration. Chiron-Diagnostic 378® equipment was used to determine pH and sodium bicarbonate. The data was interpreted using Analysis of Variance at the 5% significance level. Results: The highest values of sodium bicarbonate were observed at T2 , with salivary pH levels remaining within neutrality ranges, diminishing slightly in T1 . Conclusion. In this study, the dose of sodium bicarbonate considered in the administration protocol of 3 g /m2 Mtx, kept sodium bicarbonate levels in saliva at normal levels and pH neutral

    Errores y dificultades de los futuros maestros de educación primaria al afrontar un problema de modelización asociado a la medida de magnitudes

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis cualitativo de una experiencia con estudiantes de segundo curso del Grado de Maestro/a en Educación Primaria. Concretamente, se detallan los diferentes errores conceptuales y procedimentales cometidos al resolver una tarea de modelización asociado a la medida de magnitudes. El problema presentado requiere cálculos matemáticos elementales que deberían estar consolidados en estudiantes de grado. Es la primera vez que el alumnado aborda una propuesta de este tipo y, aunque la modelización matemática se ha demostrado como un elemento eficaz para potenciar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las matemáticas, en este caso supone un obstáculo añadido. Se reflexiona sobre la automaticidad con la que los estudiantes intentan razonar y aplicar matemáticas sin saber cómo adaptarlas a un problema de la vida real. This paper presents a qualitative analysis of an experience with second course pre-service primary teachers. Particularly, we detail the different conceptual and procedural errors committed by the students when solving a modelling task associated with the measurement of magnitudes. The problem presented requires elementary mathematical calculations that should be consolidated in undergraduate students. It is the first time that students tackle a proposal of this type and, although mathematical modelling has been shown to be an effective element to enhance the teaching-learning processes of mathematics, in this case it is an added obstacle. This work reflects on the automaticity which students try to reason with and apply mathematics without knowing how to adapt it to a real situation