7,372 research outputs found

    Digital twins application in the post-harvest supply chain of fruits and vegetables: A systematic review of the literature

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    The paper focuses on the use of digital twins as a tool to assist in the management of fruits and vegetables supply chains. Problems such as the perishability of food, the complicated coordination between the different actors in the chain, the lack of traceability of products and the demanding quality requirements for their final consumption are part of a long list of factors that must be considered for the analysis of this work. The methodology used was a systematic review of the literature related to the use of digital twins in supply chains. For this purpose, many papers were collected from the most important databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and Proquest. A total of 59 papers were obtained and used for the writing of this paper. For the analysis of information, the data obtained were categorized into factors and dimensions. The 3 factors identified are: pillars of the perishable food supply chain, technological component and finally organization and coordination of the chain. For the findings section, the VosViewer software was used. It was evidenced that digital twins bring a benefit to each factor mentioned in the study

    Desenvolvimento de um sistema inovador de fundação do tipo radier constituído por concreto reforçado por fibras de aço

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática EngenhariaO Concreto reforçado com fibras (CRF) pode ser definido como um material compósito feito de cimento Portland, agregados e a incorporação de fibras discretas descontinuas. O uso de fibras no concreto diminui a propagação das fissuras, devido a seu elevado módulo de elasticidade, já que, quando a fibra é adicionada ao concreto, este deixa de ter o comportamento frágil e passa a ser um material pseudo-dúctil, ou seja, após fissuração ele ainda apresenta uma resistência residual aos esforços nele aplicados (CHANH, 2004). Dentre as diferentes fibras para reforço de estruturas de concreto, as fibras de aço vêm sendo muito utilizadas em pisos industriais e revestimento de túneis. O concreto obtido com a adição de fibras de aço é comumente designado pelo acrônimo CRFA – Concreto Reforçado com Fibras de Aço (SFRC, Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete em língua inglesa)Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Descripción de Bephratelloides duguetiphagus n.sp (HYMENOPTERA: EURYTOMIDAE) criados de frutos de Duguetle panamensis Standl. (Annonaceae)

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    En el corregimiento de altos de Pacora se realizaron colectas quincenales de frutos de Duguetia panamensis Standl. (Annonaceae) durante el período comprendido entre los meses de septiembre de 1995 hasta agosto de 1996. De los 72 frutos colectados emergieron 17 especies del género Bephratelloides (Girault). La especie encontrada infestando semillas de Duguetia panamensis Standl., no corresponde con ninguna de las especies descritas del género, consecuentemente se trata de una nuevo taxon designada y descrita aquí como Bephratelloides duguetiphagus n.sp. B. duguetiphagus n.sp. es más cercanamente relacionada con B. ablusus Gnssell y Foster descritas de México y creadas en semillas de Cymbopetalum mayanum. La hembra de esta especie se diferencia por presentar una constricción asimétrica basal en el primer segmento funicular. Aproximadamente 15% de los frutos colectados durante el período de muestreo resultaron infestados por 8. duguetiphagus n.sp. La mayor infestación se dio en los meses de octubre y noviembre coincidiendo con la fructificación de la planta y mayor precipitación de la zona. Las características que diferencian a las especies de Bephratelloides son fundamentalmente morfológicas, y la asociación biológica y filogenética de las mismas no han sido establecidas por lo que resulta importante analizar otros caracteres particularmente aquellos relacionados con las estructuras genitálicas de ambos sexos para todas las especies del género

    Probing the Atmospheres of Planets Orbiting Microlensed Stars via Polarization Variability

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    We present a new method to identify and probe planetary companions of stars in the Galactic Bulge and Magellanic Clouds using gravitational microlensing. While spectroscopic studies of these planets is well beyond current observational techniques, monitoring polarization fluctuations during high magnification events induced by binary microlensing events will probe the composition of the planetary atmospheres, an observation which otherwise is currently unattainable even for nearby planetary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Biology of biomechanics: Finite Element Analysis of a Statically Determinate System to Rotate the Occlusal Plane for Correction of Skeletal Class III Openbite Malocclusion

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    Introduction In the absence of adequate animal or in-vitro models, the biomechanics of human malocclusion must be studied indirectly. Finite element analysis (FEA) is emerging as a clinical technology to assist in diagnosis, treatment planning, and retrospective analysis. The hypothesis tested is that instantaneous FEA can retrospectively simulate long-term mandibular arch retraction and occlusal plane rotation for the correction of a skeletal Class III malocclusion. Methods Seventeen published case reports were selected of patients treated with statically determinate mechanics using posterior mandible or infrazygomatic crest bone screw anchorage to retract the mandibular arch. Two-dimensional measurements were made for incisor and molar movements, mandibular arch rotation, and retraction relative to the maxillary arch. A patient with cone-beam computed tomography imaging was selected for a retrospective FEA. Results The mean age for the sample was 23.3 ± 3.3 years; there were 7 men and 10 women. Mean incisor movements were 3.35 ± 1.55 mm of retraction and 2.18 ± 2.51 mm of extrusion. Corresponding molar movements were retractions of 4.85 ± 1.78 mm and intrusions of 0.85 ± 2.22 mm. Retraction of the mandibular arch relative to the maxillary arch was 4.88 ± 1.41 mm. Mean posterior rotation of the mandibular arch was –5.76° ± 4.77° (counterclockwise). The mean treatment time (n = 16) was 36.2 ± 15.3 months. Bone screws in the posterior mandibular region were more efficient for intruding molars and decreasing the vertical dimension of the occlusion to close an open bite. The full-cusp, skeletal Class III patient selected for FEA was treated to an American Board of Orthodontics Cast-Radiograph Evaluation score of 24 points in about 36 months by en-masse retraction and posterior rotation of the mandibular arch: the bilateral load on the mandibular segment was about 200 cN. The mandibular arch was retracted by about 5 mm, posterior rotation was about 16.5°, and molar intrusion was about 3 mm. There was a 4° decrease in the mandibular plane angle to close the skeletal open bite. Retrospective sequential iterations (FEA animation) simulated the clinical response, as documented with longitudinal cephalometrics. The level of periodontal ligament stress was relatively uniform (<5 kPa) for all teeth in the mandibular arch segment. Conclusions En-masse retraction of the mandibular arch is efficient for conservatively treating a skeletal Class III malocclusion. Posterior mandibular anchorage causes intrusion of the molars to close the vertical dimension of the occlusion and the mandibular plane angle. Instantaneous FEA as modeled here could be used to reasonably predict the clinical results of an applied load

    The urban and housing design of a self-help development for Bogotá, Columbia, South America

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    Thesis (B. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1965.MIT Institute Archives copy bound with: Adams, Robert W. and Lane, Jonathan S. Analysis of city structure : Salem (1965). Accompanying drawings held by MIT Museum.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 60-65).[by] Rodrigo Arboleda Halaby [and] Adolfo Lau Chang.B.Arch

    Marketing de influencias de la marca Index de tiendas Ripley en Instagram, temporada primavera–verano 2019

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    La presente tesis se centra en analizar la aplicación del marketing de influencia y qué características de dicha variable se cumple en el caso de la marca Index de tiendas Ripley en Lima, Perú, focalizándose en el protagonismo publicitario de un nuevo líder en las redes sociales: el influencer, un personaje que se convierte en líder de opinión porque es competente, genera información eficaz y establece conexiones sólidas con la audiencia. Bajo este marco, el enfoque de este estudio híbrido es analizar la estrategia desarrollada por Index en cooperación con dos influencers peruanos, pues es muy importante identificar los principales beneficios y desarrollo de la campaña al generar interés de marca a partir de este caso a través de un caso local. Este trabajo de investigación es de enfoque cualitativo y de nivel descriptivo. Se divide por capítulos. El primero abarca conceptos y estudios previos de la variable. El segundo consiste en la metodología empleada para el desarrollo de la investigación. En el tercero se encuentra la aplicación del instrumento donde se señala detalladamente lo recopilado de la unidad de estudio. Finalmente, en el cuarto encontramos la discusión y conclusiones

    El bueno, el malo y el poder del perro: Jane Campion contra el western clásico

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    Western films has recognizable elements in its plots. When “The power of the dog” (Campion,2021) is defined as a western, doubts arise about the way it handles these elements. The comparison with classic films of western genre such as “Red river” (Hawks and Rosson,1948), “Johnny Guitar” (Ray, 1954) and “The searchers” (Ford, 1956) allows an analysisin this regard and an identification of use of these resources. However, the way she presents them is critical and explore from another perspective. The hero, the society, the role of women and the family are, in a certain way, reconsidered in the film.El género western maneja elementos reconocibles en su trama. Cuando la película “The power of the dog” (Campion, 2021) es definida como un western, nace la duda sobre la forma en que maneja estos elementos. La comparación con películas clásicas del género como “Red river” (Hawks y Rosson, 1948), “Johnny Guitar” (Ray, 1954) y “The searchers” (Ford, 1956) permite un análisis al respecto y una identificación del uso de estos recursos. Sin embargo, la forma en que los presenta es crítica y se explora desde otra perspectiva. Elementos como el héroe, la sociedad, el rol de la mujer y de la familia son, en cierta forma, replanteados en la cinta