42 research outputs found

    Elaboración y validación de una regla de predicción clinica para identificar compromiso sistemico en casos de loxoscelismo: Preparation and validation of a systemic loxoscelism prediction protocol

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    Introduction: Systemic loxoscelism is the most severe complication of loxoscelism. The management of the cadre by health personnel presents a high variability due to factors that are currently unknown. There is no standard of reference or a clinical prediction model that can guide our decisions when approaching a spider bite patient. Objective: Develop and validate a clinical prediction rule for systemic loxoscelism. Methods: An observational study of derivation and validation of a clinical prediction model was carried out with diagnostic test validation based on a historical single-arm cohort in patients treated at Vitarte Hospital between 2007 and 2016 and international clinical reports published. Results: Systemic loxoscelism occurred only in 32.9% (n = 24) of cases. For the bivariate analysis, the variables that showed a statistically significant association (P <0.05) were sex, bite in an independent abdomen in relation to other parts of the body, bite in other parts of the body than the abdomen, vomiting , fever and hemoglobinuria. The regression analysis included in the analysis the variables: sex, vomit, fever and hemoglobinuria. Bootstrapping determined the internal validity of the model. The area under the curve was 0.91 (P <0.05) and the sensitivity, specificity, LR + and LR- were 79.1%, 93.8%, 12.9 and 0.22 respectively. Conclusions: The protocol of prediction of systemic derived loxoscelism is valid, for the moment.Introducción: El loxoscelismo sistémico es la complicación más severa del loxoscelismo. El manejo del cuadro por parte del personal de salud presenta una alta variabilidad por factores que se desconocen actualmente. No se cuenta con un estándar de referencia ni con un modelo de predicción clínica que pueda guiar nuestras decisiones al momento del abordaje de un paciente con mordedura de araña. Objetivo: Elaborar y validar una regla de predicción clínica para loxoscelismo sistémico. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional de derivación y validación de un modelo de predicción clínica con validación de prueba diagnóstica basada en una cohorte histórica de un solo brazo en pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Vitarte entre los años 2007 al 2016 y reportes clínicos internacionales publicados. Resultados: El loxoscelismo sistémico se presentó solo en el 32,9 % (n=24) de casos. Para el análisis bivariado, las variables que demostraron presentar una asociación estadísticamente significativa (P<0,05) fueron el sexo, mordedura en abdomen independiente en relación a otras partes del cuerpo, mordedura en otras partes del cuerpo que no sea el abdomen, vómito, fiebre y hemoglobinuria. El análisis de regresión incluyó en el análisis a las variables: sexo, vómito, fiebre y hemoglobinuria. El bootstrapping determinó la validez interna del modelo. El área bajo la curva fue de 0,91 (P<0,05) y la sensibilidad, espeficidad, LR+ y LR- fueron de 79,1%, 93,8%, 12,9 y 0,22 respectivamente. Conclusiones: El protocolo de predicción del loxoscelismo sistémico derivado es válido, por el momento

    Factores domiciliarios asociados con la presencia de hidatidosis humana en tres comunidades rurales de Junín, Perú

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    Introduction. Hydatid disease, a zoonosis caused by the larval stage of the parasite Echinococcus granulosus, is a public health problem at national level, especially in those regions dedicated to raising livestock. By now, there are many factors, at individual level, that have been associated to the infection by E. granulosus; nevertheless there is not any previous report that explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of the disease among household members. Objective. To explore the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease among household members. Material and methods. We performed a cross-sectional study in the households of 3 rural communities located in Junín, we evaluated the association between household characteristics and the presence of hydatid disease by multiple logistic regression (MLR). Results. from 417 evaluated households, 56 (13%) of them had at least one positive case among its members. Multivariate analysis showed that households with three or more members, located in the community with the lowest quintile of poverty, that reported raising livestock, and with evaluation coverage greater than 25% were more likely to have at least one positive case among its members. Conclusion. The observed characteristics be taken into account in the preliminary definition of high-risk subgroups, optimizing the use of resources and improving the effectiveness of screening programs. Introducción. La hidatidosis, zoonosis producida por el estadio larvario de la taenia Echinococcus granulosus, es un problema de salud pública a nivel nacional, en especial en aquellas regiones dedicadas a la crianza de ganado. A la fecha, se han descrito factores, a nivel individual, asociados con la infección por E. granulosus; sin embargo, no se encontró reporte previo que explore la asociación entre características de la vivienda y la presencia de esta enfermedad en alguno de sus miembros. Objetivos. Explorar la asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis entre las personas que la habitan. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal en viviendas de tres comunidades rurales de Junín. Se evaluó el grado de asociación entre las características de la vivienda y la presencia de hidatidosis en el hogar mediante un análisis de regresión logística múltiple (RLM). Resultados. De un total de 417 viviendas evaluadas, 56 (13%) de ellas tenían al menos un caso positivo entre sus miembros; luego del análisis de RLM se observó que aquellas viviendas con más de tres miembros, localizadas en la comunidad con quintil de pobreza más bajo, que refirieron crianza de animales, y con una cobertura de evaluación mayor al 25% presentaron una mayor probabilidad de tener al menos un caso de positivo entre sus miembros. Conclusión. Las características observadas deben ser tomadas en cuenta para la determinación preliminar de subgrupos de alto riesgo, optimizando así el uso de los recursos y mejorando la eficacia de los programas de despistaje

    Research Ethics Training in Peru: A Case Study

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    With the rapidly increasing number of health care professionals seeking international research experience, comes an urgent need for enhanced capacity of host country institutional review boards (IRB) to review research proposals and ensure research activities are both ethical and relevant to the host country customs and needs. A successful combination of distance learning, interactive courses and expert course instructors has been applied in Peru since 2004 through collaborations between the U.S. Naval Medical Research Center Detachment, the University of Washington and the Department of Clinical Bioethics of the National Institutes of Health to provide training in ethical conduct of research to IRB members and researchers from Peru and other Latin American countries. All training activities were conducted under the auspices of the Peruvian National Institute of Health (INS), Ministry of Health. To date, 927 people from 12 different Latin American countries have participated in several of these training activities. In this article we describe our training model

    A Multi-disciplinary Overview of Chagas in Periurban Peru

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    There are between 8 and 11 million cases of America Human Trypanosomiasis, commonly known as Chagas disease, in Latin America. Chagas is endemic in southern Peru, especially the Arequipa region, where it has expanded from poor, rural areas to periurban communities. This paper summarizes the findings of four studies in periurban Arequipa: on determinants of disease-vector infestation; on prevalence, spatial patterns, and risk factors of Chagas; on links between migration, settlement patterns, and disease-vector infestation; and on the relationship between discordant test results and spatially clustered transmission hotspots. These studies identified two risk factors associated with the disease: population dynamics and the urbanization of poverty. Understanding the disease within this new urban context will allow for improved public health prevention efforts and policy initiatives. Discovered in 1909 by Brazilian physician Carlos Chagas, American Human Trypanosomiasis is a chronic and potentially life-threatening illness found throughout Latin America (Moncayo, 2003). Indeed, it is estimated that there are between 8 and 11 million cases in Mexico and Central and South America (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2009). Chagas disease, as it is most commonly known, is endemic in southern Peru, especially in the region of Arequipa. Once thought to be limited to poor, rural areas, the disease is now appearing in the periurban communities that surround Arequipa City, the capital of the region (Cornejo del Carpio, 2003). Understanding the urbanization of Chagas disease will allow public health and medical professionals to better combat the further transmission of the disease. After providing an overview of Chagas and introducing the scope of the disease in Latin America, this paper will summarize the findings of four recent studies conducted in periurban districts in Arequipa. Ultimately, this paper seeks to identify the risk factors associated with Chagas infection in Arequipa’s periurban communities

    Is Participation Contagious? Evidence From a Household Vector Control Campaign in Urban Peru

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    Objective: High rates of household participation are critical to the success of door-to-door vector control campaigns. We used the Health Belief Model to assess determinants of participation, including neighbour participation as a cue to action, in a Chagas disease vector control campaign in Peru. Methods: We evaluated clustering of participation among neighbours; estimated participation as a function of household infestation status, neighbourhood type and number of participating neighbours; and described the reported reasons for refusal to participate in a district of 2911 households. Results: We observed significant clustering of participation along city blocks (p\u3c0.0001). Participation was significantly higher for households in new versus established neighbourhoods, for infested households, and for households with more participating neighbours. The effect of neighbour participation was greater in new neighbourhoods. Conclusions: Results support a ‘contagion’ model of participation, highlighting the possibility that one or two participating households can tip a block towards full participation. Future campaigns can leverage these findings by making participation more visible, by addressing stigma associated with spraying, and by employing group incentives to spray

    Protein biosynthesis in trypanosomidae. II. The metabolic fate of dl-leucine-1-C14 in Trypanosoma cruzi

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    Protein biosynthesis in trypanosomidae. II. The metabolic fate of dl-leucine-1-C14 in Trypanosoma cruzi. Experimental Parasitology 21, 154-159. Trypanosoma cruzi is able to metabolize dl-leucine-1-C14 incorporating its radioactivity into various metabolic fractions. Utilization of leucine is higher in the presence of glucose than in its absence. Both substrates are metabolized individually or together as shown by the respiratory CO2 production. The path of leucine catabolism seems to be similar to that which has already been described for mammals. Leucine seems also to enter the Krebs cycle and possibly other alternative pathways since glycolic acid is produced with other nonvolatile acids and, thus, indicates the possibility of the glyoxylate shunt. Antibiotics do not affect the metabolism of leucine, with the exception of that which is concerned with its incorporation into proteins. © 1967

    Penetration route of the larvae of Paragonimuw peruvianus in experimental animals

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