312 research outputs found

    Propuesta de diseño del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario condominial para la tercera etapa del Barrio Nueva Vida en el Municipio de Ciudad Sandino, Departamento de Managua, con periodo de diseño de 20 años (2018-2038)

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    La presente tesis monográfica, se orienta al estudio y a una propuesta de diseño del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario para la tercera etapa del barrio Nueva vida en el municipio de ciudad Sandino, departamento de Managua, realizada con la intención de contribuir al mejoramiento de la calidad de vida, a la disminución de contaminación y enfermedades generada por no contar con este servicio. En la fase de investigación se realizó la caracterización del área de estudio. Para los aspectos técnicos se tomó como marco regulador la Guía de criterios técnicos para el diseño del sistema de alcantarillado sanitario condominial del INAA. Con lo anteriormente mencionado, se dispuso a formular la propuesta de diseño de un sistema de alcantarillado sanitario condominial. El sistema comprende: 195 dispositivos de visita sanitario (116 cajas de registro de inspección y 78 pozos de inspección), 5,459.50 m de tubería de diámetro 4”, 883.86 m de tubería de diámetro 6”, y 1,206.83 m de tubería de diámetro 8”, toda las tuberías serán de PVC SDR-41. Este sistema tendrá como función transportar las aguas servidas de las viviendas por medio de la fuerza gravitacional a través de la red hasta el punto de descarga

    Utility of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Operated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case-control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problem group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10); 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin 6 concentration in the problem group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routine use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable

    Evaluación del riesgo ambiental generado por pasivos mineros en la calidad de agua superficial

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y MeteorologíaEn la antigüedad, no existía la preocupación de cerrar los componentes de una mina, ni remediar los impactos negativos generados en las zonas donde se desarrolló la minería; por ello, la identificación de pasivos ambientales mineros en Perú se inicia formalmente el año 2004 con la ley N° 28271, ley que regula los pasivos ambientales en la actividad minera. Para el año 2018 se reportó 8794 pasivos ambientales mineros según el Ministerio de Energía y Minas. En consecuencia, los pasivos se deben evaluar y priorizar respecto al nivel de riesgo que generen, por ello, en el año 2010 el Ministerio del Ambiente publica la guía de evaluación de riesgo ambiental; esta metodología establece características principales para la evaluación de riesgo ambiental que se aplica en áreas determinadas, afectadas o propensas a daños de origen antrópico o natural; analizando el entorno humano, entorno natural y el entorno socioeconómico. El presente trabajo académico se enfoca en la evaluación de riesgo ambiental generado por pasivos mineros en la calidad de agua superficial en la localidad de San Miguel de Viso, distrito de San Mateo de Huáchor; con el objetivo de identificar los pasivos, diagnosticar la calidad de agua, estimar el nivel de riesgo y priorizar aquellos pasivos que representen un nivel de riesgo significativo. En consecuencia, se aplicó la guía de evaluación de riesgo ambiental propuesta, estableciendo como fuente de peligro a los pasivos mineros que generen drenaje, donde las sustancias peligrosas presentes en los drenajes representan los escenarios de riesgo a estimar en los entornos humano y natural; y los escenarios de riesgo para el entorno socioeconómico son las actividades agrícolas y conflictos socioambientales. Como resultado se identificaron un total de 20 pasivos en el área de estudio, de los cuales cuatro presentaron drenaje y donde se realizó el diagnóstico de calidad de agua superficial para los mismos. Con los resultados obtenidos en del diagnóstico de calidad de agua y visitas al área de estudio se establecieron 14 escenarios de riesgo para el entorno humano, 14 escenarios de riesgo para el entorno natural y dos escenarios de riesgo para el entorno socioeconómico; con un total de 30 escenarios de riesgo para cada pasivo que presentó drenaje. Para cada escenario de riesgo se estimó el nivel de riesgo ambiental mediante la probabilidad, respecto a la ocurrencia de drenajes; y la gravedad, respecto a la afectación del agua superficial comparado con los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para agua; con el fin de calcular el riesgo ambiental para los tres entornos y caracterizar el nivel de riesgo ambiental del pasivo. Como conclusión final, se determinó que la tolva mineral (PAS-1) y la Bocamina (PAS-14), representan un nivel moderado de riesgo; y el depósito de relaves (PAS-8) y la bocamina (PAS-16), representan un nivel significativo de riesgo ambiental para la calidad de agua superficialIn ancient times, there was no concern to close the components of a mine, or to remedy the negative impacts generated in the areas where mining developed; therefore, the identification of mining environmental liabilities in Peru formally began in 2004 with Law N ° 28271, a law that regulates environmental liabilities in mining activity. For the year 2018, 8794 mining environmental liabilities were reported according to the Ministry of Energy and Mines. Consequently, liabilities must be evaluated and prioritized with respect to the level of risk they generate, therefore, in 2010, the Ministry of the Environment publishes the environmental risk assessment guide; this methodology establishes main characteristics for the environmental risk assessment that is applied in certain areas, affected or prone to anthropogenic or natural damages; Analyzing the human environment, natural environment and socio-economic environment. This academic work focuses on the evaluation of environmental risk generated by mining liabilities in the quality of surface water in the town of San Miguel de Viso, district of San Mateo de Huáchor; with the objective of identifying liabilities, diagnosing water quality, estimating the level of risk and prioritizing those liabilities that represent a significant level of risk. Consequently, the proposed environmental risk assessment guide was applied, establishing as a source of danger the mining liabilities that generate drainage, where the hazardous substances present in the drains represent the risk scenarios to be estimated in the human and natural environments; and the risk scenarios for the socio-economic environment are agricultural activities and socio-environmental conflicts. As a result, a total of 20 liabilities were identified in the study area, of which four presented drainage and where the diagnosis of surface water quality was made for them. With the results obtained in the diagnosis of water quality and visits to the study area, 14 risk scenarios were established for the human environment, 14 risk scenarios for the natural environment and two risk scenarios for the socioeconomic environment; with a total of 30 risk scenarios for each liability that presented drainage. For each risk scenario, the level of environmental risk was estimated through probability, with respect to the occurrence of drainages; and the severity, regarding the affectation of surface water compared with the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for water; in order to calculate the environmental risk for the three environments and characterize the level of environmental risk of the liability. As a final conclusion, it was determined that the mineral hopper (PAS-1) and the pithead (PAS-14) represent a moderate level of risk; and the tailings deposit (PAS-8) and the pithead (PAS-16), represent a significant level of environmental risk for the quality of surface water.Tesi

    Impact of Modified Ultrafiltration in Congenital Heart Disease Patients Treated with Cardiopulmonary Bypass

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    Modified ultrafiltration is used in cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in order to diminish systemic inflammatory response syndrome. We aimed to show its utility for removing pro-inflammatory agents in operated pediatric patients with congenital heart disease and its impact at operative care. A clinical case control trial was designed, including patients with simple congenital heart disease operated on with cardiopulmonary bypass in a 1-year period. We randomized them to a problematic group (with modified ultrafiltration, n = 15) and a control group (without it, n = 16), and blood samples to measure interleukins (6 and 10), 3d and 4d complement fraction concentrations were taken at the following times: baseline, before cardiopulmonary bypass, after it, after modified ultrafiltration, and from the ultrafiltration concentrate. Operative clinical end points of success were defined as hemodynamic stability, absence of morbidity, and lack of mortality. We observed a higher significant interleukin six concentration in the problematic group patients at baseline, as well as a higher removal of this pro-inflammatory agent at the ultrafiltration concentrate. Modified ultrafiltration has a positive impact over simple congenital heart disease surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass because of removing interleukin 6. We recommend its routinely use when hemodynamic conditions are favorable

    Widefield heterodyne interferometry using a custom CMOS modulated light camera

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    In this paper a method of taking widefield heterodyne inter- ferograms using a prototype modulated light camera is described. This custom CMOS modulated light camera (MLC) uses analogue quadrature demodulation at each pixel to output the phase and amplitude of the modu- lated light as DC voltages. The heterodyne interference fringe patterns are generated using an acousto-optical frequency shifter (AOFS) in an arm of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Widefield images of fringe patterns acquired using the prototype MLC are presented. The phase can be measured to an accuracy of ±6.6◦. The added value of this method to acquire widefield images are discussed along with the advantages

    Recent Shifts in the Occurrence, Cause, and Magnitude of Animal Mass Mortality Events

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    Mass mortality events (MMEs) are rapidly occurring catastrophic demographic events that punctuate background mortality levels. Individual MMEs are staggering in their observed magnitude: re- moving more than 90% of a population, resulting in the death of more than a billion individuals, or producing 700 million tons of dead biomass in a single event. Despite extensive documentation of individual MMEs, we have no understanding of the major features characterizing the occurrence and magnitude of MMEs, their causes, or trends through time. Thus, no framework exists for contextualizing MMEs in the wake of ongoing global and regional perturbations to natural systems. Here we present an analysis of 727 published MMEs from across the globe, affecting 2,407 animal populations. We show that the magnitude of MMEs has been intensifying for birds, fishes, and marine invertebrates; invariant for mammals; and decreasing for reptiles and amphibians. These shifts in magnitude proved robust when we accounted for an increase in the occurrence of MMEs since 1940. However, it remains unclear whether the increase in the occurrence of MMEs represents a true pattern or simply a perceived increase. Regardless, the increase in MMEs appears to be associated with a rise in disease emergence, biotoxicity, and events produced by multiple interacting stressors, yet temporal trends in MME causes varied among taxa and may be associated with increased de- tectability. In addition, MMEs with the largest magnitudes were those that resulted from multiple stressors, starvation, and disease. These results advance our understanding of rare demographic processes and their relationship to global and regional perturba- tions to natural systems

    Costos de producción y rentabilidad de la caña de azúcar para fruta (Saccharum officinarum) en una región del Estado de México

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    Con base en información proveniente de fuentes primarias (productores), se realizaó un estudio de caso para determinar los costos de producción, el ingreso por venta y rentabilidad de la caña de azucar para fruta en una región del sur del Estado de México, mediante la metodología de costos privados

    Alternativa quirúrgica para recuperar sementales bovinos con fimosis obstructiva severa

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    Phimosis usually develops secondary to a case of acroposthitis. It generally begins as an acute inflammation of the preputial mucosa that is accompanied by oedema, involvement of the submucosa, and damage to the connective tissue, which, to recover, synthesizes collagen and generates fibrous tissue, which causes narrowing of the preputial lumen and prevents the exit of the penis. An alternative surgical technique is presented to treat cases of phimosis in zebu bulls with damage or loss of a large amount of preputial mucosa, in which traditional treatment techniques are no longer successful.La fimosis suele desarrollarse secundaria a un caso de acropostitis. Generalmente se inicia como una inflamación aguda de la mucosa prepucial que se acompaña por edema, afectación de la submucosa y daño al tejido conectivo, el cual, para recuperarse sintetiza colágeno y genera tejido fibroso, que provoca estrechez de la luz prepucial e impide la salida del pene. Se presenta una alternativa técnica quirúrgica para tratar casos de fimosis en toros cebú con daño o pérdida de gran cantidad de mucosa prepucial, en los cuales las técnicas de tratamiento tradicionales ya no son exitosas

    Molecular profile in Paraguayan colorectal cancer patients, towards to a precision medicine strategy

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    Somatic mutation analysis and evaluation of microsatellite instability (MSI) have become mandatory for selecting personalized therapy strategies for advanced colorectal cancer and are not available as routine methods in Paraguay. The aims of this study were to analyze the molecular profile as well as the microsatellite status in a series of advanced colorectal patients from two public hospitals from Paraguay, to introduce these methodologies in the routine practice to guide the therapeutic decisions.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    An automated method for the evaluation of breast cancer using infrared thermography

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    Breast cancer is one of the major causes of death for women. Temperature measurement is advantageous because it is non-invasive, non-destructive, and cost-effective. Temperature measurement through infrared thermography is useful to detect changes in blood perfusion that can occur due to inflammation, angiogenesis, or other pathological causes. In this work, we analyzed 206 thermograms of patients with suspected breast cancer, using a classification method, in which thermal asymmetries were computed, the most vascularized areas of each breast were extracted and compared; then these two metrics were added to yield a thermal score, indicative of thermal anomalies. The classification method based on this thermal score allowed us to obtain the test sensitivity of 100 %, specificity of 68.68 %; a positive predictive value of 11.42 % and negative predictive value of 100 %. These results highlight the potential of thermography imaging as adjunctive tool to mammography in breast cancer screening