203 research outputs found

    Sex differences in early communication development: behavioral and neurobiological indicators of more vulnerable communication system development in boys

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    Perhaps due to different roles they have had in social groups during evolution, men and women differ in their verbal abilities. These differences are also (if not even more) present in children, both in the course of typical and pathological development. Beside the fact that girls have a well-documented advantage in early language development, almost all developmental disorders primarily affecting communication, speech, and language skills are more frequent in boys. The sex-related difference in the prevalence of these disorders is especially pronounced in autism spectrum disorder (1 girl for each 4-5 boys is affected). The aim of this review is to present the sex differences in typical communication and language development and in the prevalence of communication-related neurodevelopmental disorders. Also, a special focus is put on data from the field of neuroscience that might provide insight into the neurobiological mechanisms that can add to the understanding of this phenomenon. We argue that the functional organization of the female brain gives women an inherent advantage in the acquisition of communication and language system over men

    Uloga odgajatelja i roditelja u razvoju psihološke otpornosti na stres kod djece predškolske dobi

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi roditeljsku i odgajateljsku percepciju čimbenika izgradnje otpornosti na stres kod djece ranog djetinjstva, dok je njegov problem ispitati roditeljsku i odgajateljsku percepciju čimbenika izgradnje otpornosti na stres kod djece od ranog djetinjstva. Napravljene su dvije ankete. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 67 odgajatelja i 33 roditelja djece od 6. do 7. godine života. Uzorak roditelja obuhvaćao je roditelje s područja Varaždinske županije, a uzorak odgajatelja činili su odgajatelji iz raznih dijelova Hrvatske (popunjavanjem on - line ankete). Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju kako odgajatelji generalno jesu svjesni pojedinih sastavnica otpornosti, no ne u mjeri koja je potrebna da maksimalno razvijaju i potiču otpornost i njezine osnovne komponente, kao što su uspostavljanje i održavanje zdravih odnosa te jačanje osobnih snaga, a posebno pozitivno i optimistično razmišljanje. Rezultatima je također pokazano kako odgajatelji u velikoj mjeri smatraju da se svaka situacija ne može sagledati s pozitivne strane, a još uvijek postoji velik broj onih koji smatraju da je samopouzdanje urođeno i da ga je teško steći, stoga su to njihove slabe točke. Rezultatima je utvrđeno da roditelji malo pažnje pridaju komunikacijskim kompetencijama. Isto tako, neki ispitanici navode da odgajatelj njihovom djetetu ne predstavlja dovoljno dobar komunikacijski model. Iako većinom smatraju da mišljenje djece nije mnogo manje važnije od mišljenja odraslih, ipak velika većina roditelja smatra da dijete mora biti poslušno i podređeno odraslima, što se podudara i sa ostalim istraživanjima baziranim na roditeljskim očekivanjima od djeteta. Djetetu dopuštaju autonomiju u svakodnevnim sitnicama (npr. što obući u vrtić), no kada se radi o većim situacijama, kao što je npr. selidba, dijete ne pitaju za mišljenje. Rezultati također pokazuju kako je velik broj djece ispitanih roditelja doživjelo neki od oblika većih stresova (smrt, bolest, vršnjačko zlostavljanje). Najveći nedostatak istraživanja je mali uzorak odgajatelja i roditelja, te pojedini dijelovi ankete koji bi se za sljedeća istraživanja trebali dodatno usavršiti.The aim of this study is to determine the parent and educator perception factors of building resilience to stress in children early childhood, while his problem is to examine the parent and educator perception factors of building resilience to stress in children from early childhood. There were made two surveys. The study included 67 teachers and 33 parents of children from 6 to 7 years of age. The sample of parents included parents of the Varazdin county, and a sample of educators consisted of teachers from various parts of Croatian (filling in on - line surveys). The results of this research show that teachers generally are aware of the individual components of resistance, but not to the extent that is required to develop and encourage maximum resistance and its core components, such as the establishment and maintenance of healthy relationships and strengthen personal power, a particularly positive and optimistic thinking. The results also showed that teachers largely believe that every situation cannot be seen from the positive side, there is still a large number of those who believe that the innate self-confidence and that it is difficult to obtain, so they are their weak points. The results have found that parents pay little attention to communication competencies. Also, some respondents report that their child's educator does not constitute a good enough communication model. While most believe that the opinion of children is much less important than thinking adult, though the vast majority of parents think that children should be obedient and subordinate to adults, which is consistent with other research-based parental expectations of the child. Parents allow children autonomy in everyday small things (eg. What to wear to kindergarten), but when it comes to larger situations, such as, moving, they do not ask the child for his opinion. Results also show that a large number of children of parents surveyed experienced some form of major stress (death, illness, bullying). The biggest drawback of the research is a small sample of educators and parents, as well as some parts of the survey which would be the next research should further improve

    “It\u27s not just what we say or do, but how we say and do it”: a review of studies on infant-directed modifications

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    Infant-directed speech (IDS) and infant-directed actions (IDA) represent specific behavioural modifications of adults when they communicate with infants and young children. Infant-directed modifications (IDMs) have specific behavioural representations marked by high positive affection, greater expressiveness, simplification, and increased repetition. Both IDS and IDA appear as part of the same larger behavioural system of IDMs. However, so far, studies have analysed the features and functions of these behaviours separately. Compared to adult-directed speech, IDS is characterised by longer pauses, a slower tempo, more prosodic repetition, higher fundamental frequency, longer vowels, repetitive intonation structures, and greater melodiousness. In IDA, compared to adult-directed actions, the amplitude of movements, simplification, and number of repetitions tend to increase as the distance between communication partners decrease. In this review, we draw a parallel between IDS and IDA to show that adults change both their speech and actions in similar ways and that both actions and speech change depending on the infant’s age and/or developmental stage. We discuss possible (biological) mechanisms that elicit the use of IDS and IDA and argue that this specific type of adult behaviour has a unique impact on how infants perceive and process information. Insights on biological, behavioural, and functional aspects of IDMs could provide a new perspective on the importance of early interactions and knowledge acquisition in both typically developing children and those with developmental disorders

    The archival processing of archival and registry holdings of the XV. Gymnasium

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    U ovome se radu opisuje postupak obrade arhivskog i registraturnog gradiva XV. gimnazije koji je odrađen u sklopu studentske prakse u navedenoj instituciji. Rad obuhvaća teorijski okvir koji je ukomponiran i razrađen kroz stvaranje cjelovitog popisa registraturnog i arhivskog gradiva XV. gimnazije, obavijesnog pomagala kao i klasifikacijskog plana za arhivsko i registraturno gradivo koji su stvoreni nakon utvrđivanja zatečenog stanja gradiva, unos gradiva u NAIS (ranije poznat pod nazivom ARHiNET) po uputama nadležnog arhiva, oblikovanje više fondova zbog promjene naziva stvaratelja kroz godine te njihov kratki opis do razine podserije, nadopune Posebnog popisa gradiva s rokovima čuvanja u sklopu Pravilnika o zaštiti i obradi arhivskog i registraturnog gradiva XV. gimnazije koje su bile potrebne zbog stvaranja popisa registraturnog gradiva za izlučivanje, pomoć i izvore koji su korišteni te problemi koji su se pritom pojavili kao što je izmijenjeno nazivlje gradiva kroz godine.This thesis provides an overview of the archival processing of archival and registry holdings belonging to the XV. Gymnasium which was performed as part of the student practice in the mentioned institution. The thesis comprises a theoretical framework which is expanded and developed through the creation of a comprehensive list of archival and registry holdings belonging to the XV. Gymnasium, a finding aid and a classification scheme for archival and registry holdings, that were created after determining the existing condition of the holdings, the entry of the listed holdings into NAIS (formerly known as ARHiNET) as instructed by the competent archive, the formation of multiple fonds because of the changes in the name of the creator through the years and their short description up to the level of subseries. The thesis also comments on the amendments made to the Special Regulations on the protection and processing of archival and registry holdings of The XV. Gymnasium, which were necessary for creating a list of registry holdings for disposition, the aids and resources that were used and the problems that appeared such as the change in the holdings’ names through the years

    Jezični razvoj u djece s ranim žarišnim mozgovnim oštećenjem

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    Metapodaci: standardi metapodataka u arhivima, knjižnicama i muzejima

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    Rad se bavi matapodacima – novijim pojmom koji se odnosi na digitalne izvore podataka. Objašnjava njihovu ulogu i po čemu se razlikuju od drugih vrsta podataka za opis izvora podataka te navodi načela koja treba slijediti kako bi metapodaci bili kvalitetni. Potreba za razvojem brojnih shema i standarda metapodataka koji nameću strukturu i dosljednost načinu bilježenja metapodataka u arhivima, knjižnicama i muzejima nastala je zbog problema heterogenosti sadržaja navedenih institucija, a svaka institucija bi se trebala voditi kriterijima za odabir najprikladnijeg standarda. U radu su opisane sheme i standardi metapodataka, jezici za označivanje, protokol za opis i razmjenu agregiranih Web izvora te rječnik metapodataka koji je potreban za podršku procesa očuvanja digitalnih objekata.This paper deals with metadata - a more recent term, which relates more specifically to digital resources. It explains their role and how they differ from other types of data used for resource description. It states the principles which are to be followed in order to create good metadata. The need to develop a number of schemas and metadata standards that impose structure and consistency to the way in which metadata is recorded in archives, libraries and museums is the result of the heterogeneous content of those institutions, and each institution should abide to the criteria for the selection of the most appropriate standard. The paper describes several schemas and metadata standards, mark-up languages, a protocol for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources and a data dictionary for preservation metadata which supports the preservation of digital objects

    Riječ urednice

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    The archival processing of archival and registry holdings of the XV. Gymnasium

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    U ovome se radu opisuje postupak obrade arhivskog i registraturnog gradiva XV. gimnazije koji je odrađen u sklopu studentske prakse u navedenoj instituciji. Rad obuhvaća teorijski okvir koji je ukomponiran i razrađen kroz stvaranje cjelovitog popisa registraturnog i arhivskog gradiva XV. gimnazije, obavijesnog pomagala kao i klasifikacijskog plana za arhivsko i registraturno gradivo koji su stvoreni nakon utvrđivanja zatečenog stanja gradiva, unos gradiva u NAIS (ranije poznat pod nazivom ARHiNET) po uputama nadležnog arhiva, oblikovanje više fondova zbog promjene naziva stvaratelja kroz godine te njihov kratki opis do razine podserije, nadopune Posebnog popisa gradiva s rokovima čuvanja u sklopu Pravilnika o zaštiti i obradi arhivskog i registraturnog gradiva XV. gimnazije koje su bile potrebne zbog stvaranja popisa registraturnog gradiva za izlučivanje, pomoć i izvore koji su korišteni te problemi koji su se pritom pojavili kao što je izmijenjeno nazivlje gradiva kroz godine.This thesis provides an overview of the archival processing of archival and registry holdings belonging to the XV. Gymnasium which was performed as part of the student practice in the mentioned institution. The thesis comprises a theoretical framework which is expanded and developed through the creation of a comprehensive list of archival and registry holdings belonging to the XV. Gymnasium, a finding aid and a classification scheme for archival and registry holdings, that were created after determining the existing condition of the holdings, the entry of the listed holdings into NAIS (formerly known as ARHiNET) as instructed by the competent archive, the formation of multiple fonds because of the changes in the name of the creator through the years and their short description up to the level of subseries. The thesis also comments on the amendments made to the Special Regulations on the protection and processing of archival and registry holdings of The XV. Gymnasium, which were necessary for creating a list of registry holdings for disposition, the aids and resources that were used and the problems that appeared such as the change in the holdings’ names through the years