18 research outputs found

    Sustainable soil management measures: a synthesis of stakeholder recommendations

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    Soil degradation threatens agricultural production and soil multifunctionality. Efforts for private and public governance are increasingly emerging to leverage sustainable soil management. They require consensus across science, policy, and practice about what sustainable soil management entails. Such agreement does not yet exist to a sufficient extent in agronomic terms; what is lacking is a concise list of soil management measures that enjoy broad support among all stakeholders, and evidence on the question what hampers their implementation by farmers. We therefore screened stakeholder documents from public governance institutions, nongovernmental organizations, the agricultural industry, and conventional and organic farmer associations for recommendations related to agricultural soil management in Germany. Out of 46 recommended measures in total, we compiled a shortlist of the seven most consensual ones: (1) structural landscape elements, (2) organic fertilization, (3) diversified crop rotation, (4) permanent soil cover, (5) conservation tillage, (6) reduced soil loads, and (7) optimized timing of wheeling. Together, these measures support all agricultural soil functions, and address all major soil threats except soil contamination. Implementation barriers were identified with the aid of an online survey among farmers (n = 78). Results showed that a vast majority of farmers (> 80%) approved of all measures. Barriers were mostly considered to be economic and in some cases technological, while missing knowledge or other factors were less relevant. Barriers were stronger for those measures that cannot be implemented in isolation, but require a systemic diversification of the production system. This is especially the case for measures that are simultaneously beneficial to many soil functions (measures 2, 3, and 4). Results confirm the need for a diversification of the agricultural system in order to meet challenges of food security and climate change. The shortlist presents the first integrative compilation of sustainable soil management measures supporting the design of effective public or private governance

    Geospatial technologies for physical planning: Bridging the gap between earth science and planning

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    The application of geospatial information technologies has increased recently due to increase in data sources from the earth sciences. The systematic data collection, storage and processing together with data transformation require geospatial information technologies. Rapidly developing computer technology has become an effective tool in design and physical planning in international platforms. Especially, the availability of geospatial information technologies (remote sensing, GIS, spatial models and GPS) for diverse disciplines and the capability of these technologies in data conversion from two dimensions to the three dimensions provide great efficiency. Thus, this study explores how digital technologies are reshaping physical planning and design. While the potential of digital technologies is well documented within physical planning and visualization, its application within practice is far less understood. This paper highlights the role of the geospatial information technologies in encouraging a new planning and design logic that moves from the privileging of the visual to a focus on processes of formation, bridging the interface of the earth science and physical planning

    Carbon farming: Are soil carbon certificates a suitable tool for climate change mitigation?

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    Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in agricultural soils removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and contributes towards achieving carbon neutrality. For farmers, higher SOC levels have multiple benefits, including increased soil fertility and resilience against drought-related yield losses. However, increasing SOC levels requires agricultural management changes that are associated with costs. Private soil carbon certificates could compensate for these costs. In these schemes, farmers register their fields with commercial certificate providers who certify SOC increases. Certificates are then sold as voluntary emission offsets on the carbon market. In this paper, we assess the suitability of these certificates as an instrument for climate change mitigation. From a soils' perspective, we address processes of SOC enrichment, their potentials and limits, and options for cost-effective measurement and monitoring. From a farmers’ perspective, we assess management options likely to increase SOC, and discuss their synergies and trade-offs with economic, environmental and social targets. From a governance perspective, we address requirements to guarantee additionality and permanence while preventing leakage effects. Furthermore, we address questions of legitimacy and accountability. While increasing SOC is a cornerstone for more sustainable cropping systems, private carbon certificates fall short of expectations for climate change mitigation as permanence of SOC sequestration cannot be guaranteed. Governance challenges include lack of long-term monitoring, problems to ensure additionality, problems to safeguard against leakage effects, and lack of long-term accountability if stored SOC is re-emitted. We conclude that soil-based private carbon certificates are unlikely to deliver the emission offset attributed to them and that their benefit for climate change mitigation is uncertain. Additional research is needed to develop standards for SOC change metrics and monitoring, and to better understand the impact of short term, non-permanent carbon removals on peaks in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and on the probability of exceeding climatic tipping points

    Envisat meris uydu verileri kullanılarak Seyhan yukarı havzası ormanlarında meşcere kapalılığının haritalanması

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    TEZ6608Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.103-110) var.viii, 111 s. : hrt. ; 29 cm.Percent tree cover is the percentage of the ground surface area covered by a vertical projection of the outermost perimeter of the plants. The aim of this study was to derive percent tree cover map using Envisat MERIS data of Seyhan River - Upper Basin at the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. In this study, Regression Tree algorithm was used to estimate percent tree cover maps. The medium resolution Envisat MERIS with a 300 m was used as predictor variables. Three scenes of high resolution IKONOS images were employed for training and testing the model.Ağaç kapalılık yüzdesi, doğal bitkilerin, yatay ve dikey olarak alana yayılışı ile yeryüzü alanının örtülülüğünün yüzde cinsinden miktarıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'nin Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi, Seyhan Nehri - Yukarı Havzasının Envisat MERIS verilerini kullanarak ağaç kapalılık yüzdesi haritasının elde edilmesidir. Bu çalışmada, ağaç kapalılık yüzdesinin tahmini için regresyon ağacı modeli yaklaşımı kullanılmıştır. Tahmin edici değişken olarak 300m çözünürlü Envisat MERIS verileri kullanılmıştır. 3 adet yüksek çözünürlü IKONOS verisi modelin eğitiminde ve doğruluğunun test edilmesinde kullanılmıştır. MERIS verilerinde elde edilen biyofiziksel değişkenler, tahmin edici değişkenlerle birleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, dört adet biyofiziksel bileşen kullanılmıştır. Bu değişkenler, Normalleştirilmiş Fark Vejetasyon İndeksi, Yaprak Alan İndeksi, Fotosentetik Aktif Radyasyon, MERIS Karasal Klorofil İndeksi ve Vejetasyon Örtülülük İndeksidir. Bu değişkenler regresyon ağacı modelinin doğruluğunun artırılması için kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonuç verisi olarak, Seyhan Yukarı Havzası için ağaç kapalılık yüzdesi haritası elde edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte çalışma, tür bazında; ardıç, kızılçam, sedir, karaçam ve karışık toros göknarı türlerinin, 300 m çözünürlüğünde ağaç kapalılık yüzdelerinin yersel dağılım tahminlerini içermektedir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:ZF2007YL

    Modelling and investigating the Upper-Seyhan River Basin ecosystem variables and their interactions under the climate change.

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    TEZ8792Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2012.Kaynakça (s. 271-288) var.xvii, 289 s. : res. ; 29 cm.Bu çalışmanın amacı Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi'nde yer alan Yukarı-Seyhan Havzası'nda, yüzey akışı, evapotranspirasyon ve yağış gibi hidrolojik bileşenlerin Net Birincil Üretim (NBÜ) üzerindeki etkilerinin tahmin edilmesidir. Bu kapsamda, ekosistem bileşenlerinin etkileşim düzeyleri eko-hidrolojik tabanlı bir yaklaşımla NBÜ ve hidrolojik bileşenler temel alınarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma alanı ağaç türleri, su varlığı ve kalitesi bakımından yüksek çeşitliliğe sahiptir. Su döngüsü ve orman verimliliğinin tahmini, orman ekosistemlerinin gelecekteki dinamiklerinin belirlenmesi bakımından önem taşımaktadır. Bu durum yarı kurak Akdeniz ekosistemlerinde su kaynaklarının yönetimi açısından da özel bir öneme sahiptir. Çalışmada, hidrolojik bileşenlerin orman verimliliği üzerindeki etkileri üç ana bölümde modellenmiştir; i) hidrolojik bileşenlerin J2000 hidrolojik modelleme sistemi ile modellenmesi, ii) BIOME-BGC modeli ile NBÜ modellemesi, iii) J2000 ve BIOME-BGC modeli sonuçlarının hidrolojik bileşen ve orman verimliliği arasındaki etkileşim ve sezon değişimlerinin belirlenmesi için birleştirilmesi Sezon değişimlerinin belirlenebilmesi için ekosistem bileşenlerinin değerlendirilmesi aylık bazda yapılmıştır. Model sonuçları değerlendirildiğinde, model yaklaşımlarının farklı yüksekliklerde karbon ve su döngülerinin hesaplanmasındaki ana fiziksel süreçleri kabul edilebilir doğrulukta tahmin edebildiği görülmüştür.The main objective of this study is to estimate the effects of hydrological quantities including runoff components, evapotranspiration and precipitation on the Net Primary Production (NPP) of Upper-Seyhan Basin located on Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. The correlations of the ecosystem variables were derived on eco-hydrological basis in respect to the nteractions between the NPP and hydrological quantities. The area is characterised by a rich biodiversity in terms of tree species and high vulnerability to water availability and quality. Predicting and modelling the interactions of water cycles and forest productivity are an important issue to understand future dynamics of forest ecosystems under different scenarios. This has particular importance in managing water resources at semi-arid environments of Mediterranean. In this study, the interaction of hydrological dynamics and the forest productivity were modelled in three main phases; i) modelling hydrological dynamics using J2000 hydrological modelling system, ii) modelling Net Primary Production (NPP) of the forest ecosystem using BIOME-BGC Model, iii) incorporating the J2000 and BIOME model results to define seasonal changes and the interaction of hydrological dynamics and the forest productivity, The evaluation on a monthly basis were performed to investigate seasonal changes of the ecosystem functions and their interactions. According to the model validations, the model approaches were able to capture the main physical processes that govern the carbon and water fluxes across different altitude zones. Thus, the corresponding cycles in a Mediterranean subcatchment were simulated with reasonable accuracy, reasonably.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2010D8


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    Günümüzde teknolojinin gelişmesi, eğitim ve öğretim sürecine dair farklı tekniklerin kullanılmasına önayak olmuştur. Denizcilik eğitiminde verimliliği artırmaya yönelik çalışmalar kapsamında son dönemdeyenilikçi oyunlaştırma tekniklerinin ağırlık kazandığı görülmektedir. Oyunlaştırma, eğitim motivasyonuüzerindeki etkisinin fark edilmesi ile daha da önemli hale gelmiştir. Yenilikçi oyunlaştırma araçlarıolarak simülatörler, sanal ve artırılmış gerçeklik teknolojileri örnek gösterilebilir. Bu çalışmada“Maritime Education” ve “Gamification” anahtar kelimeleriyle literatür taraması yapılmış ve son 5 yıldayazılmış 20 makale rastgele seçilmiştir. Daha sonra seçilen 20 makale üzerinde Doğal Dil İşleme (NLP)teknikleri uygulanmıştır. Doğal Dil İşleme, bilgisayarların dili insanlara benzer şekilde kullanılmasınayönelik çalışmaların yürütüldüğü ve dil bilimi, bilgisayar bilimi gibi disiplinlerin bir arada çalıştığıyapay zekanın bir alt alanıdır. Temel amacı, çalışılan dilin bağlamsal nüansları da dahil olmak üzere,belgelerin içeriğini anlayabilen bir bilgisayar yazılımı ortaya koymaktır. Makalelerin analizinde isekonu modelleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Konu modelleme, büyük verileri otomatik olarak organizeetmek, anlamak, aramak, özetlemek ve keşfedilen temalara göre sınıflandırmak için kullanılmaktadır.Özellikle büyük hacimli metinlerden gizli konuları çıkarmak için oldukça sık kullanılan bir tekniktir.Konu modelleme algoritmalarından bir olan Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algoritması,Türkçe’siyle “Gizli Dirichlet Ayırımı” (GDA) algoritması, konu modelleme algoritmaları arasındasadeliği ve kullanım kolaylığı yönünden öne çıkmaktadır. Doğal dil işlemede GDA, “Naive Bayes”teoremini esas alan ve hangi kelimenin hangi dokümanda hangi konuyu temsil ettiğini tahmin etmeyeçalışan bir denetimsiz sınıflandırma modelidir. Kısaca gözlemlenmeyen gruplar aracılığıyla bir dizigözlemi açıklayan üretken bir istatistiksel algoritmadır. Belirlenen makaleler ilk aşamada GDAAlgoritması kullanılarak kendi içinde incelenmiş ve makalenin içeriği otomatik olarak tespit edilmiştir.Sonraki süreçte seçilen bütün makaleler bir arada yorumlanarak denizcilik eğitiminde oyunlaştırma ileilgili yapılan araştırmaların ne yönde eğilimi olduğu ile ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur.</p

    İklim Değişikliği Senaryoları Altında Konumsal Modelleme Kullanarak Türkiye'nin Çevresel Risk Analizi: Net Birincil Üretim Örneği

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    Çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye"de bölgesel iklim değişikliğinin Net Birincil Üretim (NPP)"e etkilerinin biyokimyasal modelleme yaklaşımı ile tahmin edilmesidir. Güncel ve gelecek iklim koşullarında karasal NPP"in yıllık bölgesel döngülerinin tahmininde CASA modeli kullanılmıştır. Modelin oluşturulmasında ağaç kapalılık yüzdesi, arazi örtüsü, toprak tekstürü, Normalleştirilmiş Fark Vejetasyon İndeksi (NDVI) ve iklim değişkenlerinden oluşan geniş bir veri seti kullanılmıştır. Çoklu zamansal metrikler 250 m çözünürlü MODIS verileri kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Gelecek tahmini için IPCC"nin 5. Değerlendirme Raporunda tanımlanan RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) senaryoları baz alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda, 1,1ºC ile 2,0ºC arasında sıcaklık ve 421 ppm"e kadar CO2 artışı limit alınmıştır. Model sonuçları, Türkiye için ortalama NPP değerinin 1232 gCm2y-1 olduğunu göstermiştir. Karasal NPP güncel durum için 9,61 to 316,1 gCm2y-1 değişmektedir. Modellenen yıllık toplam NPP ise 2060-2080 yılları için 1320,8 gCm2y-1"dir. Toplam karbon bütçesi yıllık 104,78 milyon ton tahmin edilmiştir. Model sonuçları karasal NPP"nin sıcaklık ve yağış değişimlerine hassas olduğunu göstermiştir. CASA modeli, güncel ve gelecek NPP değerlerinin hesaplanmasında bölgesel temelde başarılı sonuçlar vermiştir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye"de iklim değişikliği altında ekolojik ve ekonomik sonuçların ortaya konması yardımcı veriler üretilmesi bakımından önem taşımaktadırThe aim of this study is to estimate the response of NPP to regional climate changes in Turkey using a biogeochemical modelling approach. The CASA model was utilized to predict annual regional fluxes in terrestrial net primary production for present (2000-2010) and future (2060-2080) climate conditions. A comprehensive data set including percentage of tree cover, land cover map, soil texture, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and climate variables were used to constitute the model. The multi-temporal metrics were produced using 16 days MODIS composites with 250 m spatial resolution. The future climate projections were based on a RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) scenario that was defined in 5thAssessment Report of IPCC. In this context, the future NPP modelling was performed with prescribed CO2 concentrations up to 421 ppm and temperature increasing 1.1ºC to 2.0ºC.The model results indicated that the NPP in Turkey averages 1232 gCm2y-1. Terrestrial NPP ranges from 9.61 to 316.1 gCm2y-1 for the baseline period (2000-2010). Modeled total NPP averages 1320.8 gCm2y-1 per year in the period 2060-2080. Total carbon budget of NPP was estimated as 104.78 MT (million tons) per year. The model results showed that the terrestrial NPP was sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation. Addressing the model results, the CASA provided a great potential to predict present and future productivity on regional basis. Thus, this study will provide a scientific foundation to understand and assess ecological and economic implications and consequences of climate change on the productivity in Turkey

    Percent tree cover mapping from Envisat MERIS and MODIS data

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    © 2008 International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. All rights reserved.The aim of this study was to compare percent tree cover products of Envisat MERIS and MODIS data of Seyhan River Basin at the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. In this study, Regression Tree (RT) algorithm was used to estimate percent tree cover maps. This technique is well suited for percentage tree cover mapping because, as a non-parametric classifier, it requires no prior assumptions about the distribution of the training data. This model also allows for the calibration of the model along the entire continuum of tree cover, avoiding the problems of using only end members for calibration.The medium resolution Envisat MERIS with a 300 m and MODIS with a 500 m pixel representation data were used as predictor variables. Three scenes of high resolution IKONOS images were employed as a training data, and testing the accuracy of model. The regression tree method for this study consisted of six steps: i) generate reference percentage tree cover data, ii) derive metrics from Envisat MERIS and MODIS data, iii) select predictor variables, iv) fit RT model, v) undertake accuracy assessment and produce final model and map, vi) compare results. The training data set was derived supervised land cover classification of IKONOS imagery to generate reference percent tree cover data. Specifically, this classification was aggregated to estimate percent tree cover at the MERIS and MODIS spatial resolution.The predictor variables incorporated the MERIS and MODIS wavebands in addition to biophysical variables estimated from the MERIS and MODIS data. Percent tree cover maps were derived from MERIS and MODIS data for Seyhan upper Basin as final outputs. These final outputs consisted of spatially distributed estimates of percent tree cover at 300 m and 500 m spatial resolution and error estimates obtained through validation. This study showed that Envisat MERIS data can be used to predict percentage tree cover with greater spatial detail than using MODIS data. This finer-scale depiction should be of great utility for environmental monitoring purposes at the regional scale

    Effectiveness of boosting algorithms in forest fire classification

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    In this paper, it is aimed to investigate the capabilities of boosting classification approach for forest fire detection using SPOT-4 imagery. The study area, Bodrum in the province of Muǧla, is located at the south-western Mediterranean coast of Turkey where recent largest forest fires occurred in July 2007. Boosting method is one of the recent advanced classifiers proposed in the machine learning community, such as neural networks classifiers based on multilayer perceptron (MLP), radial basis function and learning vector quantization. The Adaboost (AB) and Logitboost (LB) algorithms which are the most common boosting methods were used for binary and multiclass classifications. The effectiveness of boosting algorithms was shown through comparison with Bayesian maximum likelihood (ML) classifier, neural network classifier based on multilayer perceptron (MLP) and regression tree (RT) classifiers. The pre and post SPOT images were corrected atmospherically and geometrically. Binary classification comprised burnt and non-burnt classes. In addition to the pixel based classification, textural measures including, gray level co-occurrence matrix such as entropy, homogeneity, second angular moment, etc. were also incorporated. Instead of the traditional boosting weak (base) classifiers such as decision tree builder or perceptron learning rule, neural network classifier based on multilayer perceptron were adapted as a weak classifier. The accuracy of the MLP was greater than that of ML, AB, LB and RT both using spectral data alone and textural data. The use of texture measures alone was found to increase classification accuracy of binary and multi-class classifications. The accuracy of the land cover classifications based on either binary or multi-class was maximised using a MLP approach. This was slightly greater than the accuracy achieved using AB and LB classifications. However, it was shown that AB and LB classifications hold great potential as an alternative to conventional techniques