105 research outputs found

    Milho geneticamente modificado e sua ação sobre a lagarta-do-cartucho e tesourinha em condições de campo

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    Avaliou-se o efeito do milho geneticamente modificado MON810 sobre o inseto praga Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) e o seu predador Doru luteipes (Scudder) em condições de campo no Brasil. As avaliações foram conduzidas em campos de milho MON810, comparadas com milho convencional com e sem aplicação de inseticidas, em quatro safras na região de Barretos, SP. Foram avaliados os danos de S. frugiperda em plantas e a contagem do número de lagartas de S. frugiperda e de adultos e ninfas do predador D. luteipes em plantas de milho. Verifi cou-se uma menor porcentagem de danos de S. frugiperda e os menores números médios de lagartas (pequenas e grandes) no milho MON810. Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos na abundância do predador D. luteipes em plantas de milho. A segunda época de plantio apresentou as maiores porcentagens de danos de S. frugiperda e as menores médias do número de tesourinhas coletadas. O milho MON810 foi efetivo no controle de S. frugiperda e a abundância do predador D. luteipes foi similar nos três tratamentos, em condições de campo.The effects of corn MON810 on the Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) and the earwig Doru luteipes (Scudder) were tested under fi eld conditions in Brazil. Results from MON810 corn fi elds were compared with those fields of conventional corn with and without the application of insecticides in four harvests in the region of Barretos, SP. It was assessed the damage to S. frugiperda via direct counts of the number of fall armyworms and adults and nymphs of the predator D. luteipes on corn plants. The rate of S. frugiperda damage and the average numbers of larvae (large and small) were lower in the MON810 corn fi eld relative to the control plot. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments regarding the predator abundance in corn plants. The second crop season (“safrinha”) showed the greatest extent of S. frugiperda damage and the lowest average abundance of earwigs. MON810 was effective in controlling S. frugiperda and abundance of predator D. luteipes was similar in the three treatments under fi eld conditions

    Suscetibilidade de populações de Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) a acaricidas organoestânicos em citros

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    Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) é uma das principais pragas da cultura de citros no Brasil. Os acaricidas organoestânicos representam mais 40% da área tratada de citros para o controle de B. phoenicis. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o de coletar informações básicas para a implementação de um programa de manejo da resistência de B. phoenicis a acaricidas organoestânicos em pomares de citros do Estado de São Paulo preservando, dessa forma, a vida útil dos acaricidas deste grupo químico. Inicialmente, as linhas básicas de suscetibilidade aos acaricidas óxido de fenbutatin e cihexatin foram obtidas para uma população suscetível de referência de B. phoenicis através de um bioensaio de contato residual. Baseado na curva de concentração-resposta dessa população para os dois acaricidas, a concentração diagnóstica de 180 mg de [IA] L-1 de água destilada foi definida para ser utilizada em programas de monitoramento da suscetibilidade de populações de B. phoenicis a esses acaricidas. Posteriormente, foi realizado um levantamento da suscetibilidade aos acaricidas óxido de fenbutatin e cihexatin em 26 populações de B. phoenicis coletadas em pomares comerciais com diferentes regimes de uso de acaricidas organoestânicos nos últimos cinco anos. Todas as populações apresentaram suscetibilidade a óxido de fenbutatin e cihexatin semelhante ao da população suscetível de referência, com exceção de uma população que apresentou uma porcentagem de sobrevivência a cihexatin (10,7%) significativamente maior do que a da população suscetível (1,92%) na concentração diagnóstica. Portanto, apesar do intenso uso de acaricidas organoestânicos para controle de B. phoenicis em citros no Estado de São Paulo, as populações desse ácaro ainda apresentam uma alta suscetibilidade aos acaricidas óxido de fenbutatin e cihexatin.Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) is one of the most important citrus pests in Brazil. Organotin acaricides represent more than 40% of the acaricide-treated citrus area for controlling B. phoenicis. For preserving the life-time of organotin acaricides, the objective of this research was to collect basic information for implementing a resistance management program of B. phoenicis to organotin acaricides in citrus groves from the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Initially, baseline susceptibility data of the susceptible reference population of B. phoenicis to fenbutatin oxide and cyhexatin were obtained with the use of a residual contact bioassay. Based on concentration-response data of this population to these acaricides, a diagnostic concentration of 180 mg of [AI] L-1 of distilled water was defined for both fenbutatin oxide and cyhexatin in order to be used in a program for monitoring the susceptibility of B. phoenicis to these acaricides. Then, a survey of the susceptibility to fenbutatin oxide and cyhexatin was conducted in 26 populations of B. phoenicis collected from citrus groves with different regimes of organotin acaricide use in the past five years. All populations showed susceptibilities to fenbutatin oxide and cyhexatin similar to the susceptible population; except for one population which showed a significant higher survivorship to cyhexatin (10,7%) than that for the susceptible population (1,92%) at the diagnostic concentration. Therefore, although the intense use of organotin acaricides in citrus groves from the State of São Paulo, the susceptibilities of B. phoenicis populations to fenbutatin oxide and cyhexatin are still very high

    Genotyping-by-sequencing Approach Indicates Geographic Distance As The Main Factor Affecting Genetic Structure And Gene Flow In Brazilian Populations Of Grapholita Molesta (lepidoptera, Tortricidae).

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    The oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta is one of the major pests of stone and pome fruit species in Brazil. Here, we applied 1226 SNPs obtained by genotyping-by-sequencing to test whether host species associations or other factors such as geographic distance structured populations of this pest. Populations from the main areas of occurrence of G. molesta were sampled principally from peach and apple orchards. Three main clusters were recovered by neighbor-joining analysis, all defined by geographic proximity between sampling localities. Overall genetic structure inferred by a nonhierarchical amova resulted in a significant ΦST value = 0.19109. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that SNPs gathered by genotyping-by-sequencing can be used to infer genetic structure of a pest insect in Brazil; moreover, our results indicate that those markers are very informative even over a restricted geographic scale. We also demonstrate that host plant association has little effect on genetic structure among Brazilian populations of G. molesta; on the other hand, reduced gene flow promoted by geographic isolation has a stronger impact on population differentiation.8476-48

    Genotyping-by-sequencing approach indicates geographic distance as the main factor affecting genetic structure and gene flow in brazilian populations of grapholita molesta (lepidoptera, Tortricidae)

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    The oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta is one of the major pests of stone and pome fruit species in Brazil. Here, we applied 1226 SNPs obtained by genotyping-by-sequencing to test whether host species associations or other factors such as geographic distance structured populations of this pest. Populations from the main areas of occurrence of G.molesta were sampled principally from peach and apple orchards. Three main clusters were recovered by neighbor-joining analysis, all defined by geographic proximity between sampling localities. Overall genetic structure inferred by a nonhierarchical amova resulted in a significant phi(ST) value=0.19109. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that SNPs gathered by genotyping-by-sequencing can be used to infer genetic structure of a pest insect in Brazil; moreover, our results indicate that those markers are very informative even over a restricted geographic scale. We also demonstrate that host plant association has little effect on genetic structure among Brazilian populations of G.molesta; on the other hand, reduced gene flow promoted by geographic isolation has a stronger impact on population differentiation85476485CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP578509/2008-3; 200942/2012-32011/00417-3Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Invasion origin, rapid population expansion, and the lack of genetic structure of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) in the Americas

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    In 2013, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was officially declared as present in Brazil and, after two years, the species was detected in the Caribbean and North America. Information on genetic features and accurate distribution of pests is the basis for agricultural protection policies. Furthermore, such knowledge is imperative to develop control strategies, understand the geographical range, and genetic patterns of this species in the Americas. Here, we carried out the widest sampling of H. armigera in the South American continent and Puerto Rico, after we estimated the diversity, demographic parameters, and genetic structure. The Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) nuclear marker was used to investigate the presence of putative hybrids between H. armigera and H. zea, and they were observed at a frequency of 1.5%. An ABC analysis, based in COI gene fragment, suggested Europe as the origin of South America specimens of H. armigeraand following a movement northward through the Caribbean. Three mtDNA genes and three nDNA markers revealed high genetic diversity distributed without the defined population structure of H. armigera in South America. Most of the genetic variation is within populations with a multidirectional expansion of H. armigera among morphoclimatic regions. High genetic diversity, rapid population expansion, and hybridization have implications for pest management since they suggest that adaptive alleles are spread through wide areas in South America that favor rapid local adaptation of H. armigera to new and disturbed environments (e.g., in agricultural areas)9137378CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível SuperiorCNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoFAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulo2014/10504-9; 2014/11495-3; 2015/02079-9; 2018/04478-6140866/2016-7; 309167/2015-900

    Exploitation of mitochondrial nad6 as a complementary marker for studying population variability in Lepidoptera

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    The applicability of mitochondrial nad6 sequences to studies of DNA and population variability in Lepidoptera was tested in four species of economically important moths and one of wild butterflies. The genetic information so obtained was compared to that of cox1 sequences for two species of Lepidoptera. nad6 primers appropriately amplified all the tested DNA targets, the generated data proving to be as informative and suitable in recovering population structures as that of cox1. The proposal is that, to obtain more robust results, this mitochondrial region can be complementarily used with other molecular sequences in studies of low level phylogeny and population genetics in Lepidoptera

    Damage evaluations and control of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks, 1904) (Acari-Tarsonemidae) in the bean crop Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca 80

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    Visando obter informações com relação à necessidade de se controlar o ácaro branco P. latus na cultura de feijão P. vulgaris cv. carioca 80, conduziram-se experimentos de avaliação de danos em diferentes épocas de infestação, determinação de nível de controle e estudos do mecanismo de ação de diversos produtos químicos no controle do referido ácaro. As épocas de infestação estudadas foram as fases de 3 a 5 folhas trifoliadas, início do florescimento e início de enchimento de grãos. Estabelecida a época crítica de infestação, determinou-se o nível de controle através de uma escala de nota. Esta escala consistiu de notas atribuídas às folhas de feijoeiro, de acordo com o grau sintomológico, que variou de 0 (sem sintoma) a 3 (sintoma severo). Foram avaliados 10 produtos químicos (triazofós, endossulfan, dicofol, cihexatin, profenofós, abamectin, clorpirifós etil, clofentizina, tetradifon e buprofezin) quanto à ação ovicida, ação de contato direto e indireto sobre larvas e adultos da praga e ação de profundidade. Concluiu-se que o ácaro branco pode causar sérios prejuízos à cultura de feijão. Foi obtida 46,89% de redução na produção de grãos, com início de infestação na fase de 3 a 5 folhas trifoliadas. A época crítica do feijoeiro a esse ácaro foi com infestações iniciais na fase de 3 a 5 folhas trifoliadas ao início de florescimento. A correlação entre produção de grãos e época de controle caracterizada pela escala de nota foi altamente significativa, estabelecendo-se o nível de controle no início de manifestação de sintomas do ácaro branco em feijoeiro (nota 1). Os produtos químicos avaliados não apresentaram ação ovicieda. Triazofós, endossulfan, dicofol, cihexatin, profenofós, abamectin e clorpirifós etil apresentaram ação imediata de contato direto e indireto sobre larvas de ácaro branco. A técnica do disco de folha não permitiu a avaliação destes efeitos sobre adultos. Com relação à ação de profundidade, sobressaíram abamectin, dicofol, triazofós e|clorpirifós etil.This research was carried out to obtain information on the necessity to control the broad mite P. latus in the bean crop P. vulgariscv. Carioca 80. Damage evaluations for different periods of mite infestation, determination of control level and modes of action of several chemical products were investigated. Plants were infested at the onset of each of 3 phenological stages: vegetative with 3-5 trifoliate leaves, bloom and pod-fill. After establishing the critical period of mite infestation, it was determined the control level using a damage index. This index varied from 0 (without damage) to 3 (severe damage), according to symptomatological degree of mite damage on bean leaves. The chemical products were evaluated (triazophos, endosulfan, dicofol, cyhexatin, profenofos, abamectin, chlorpyrifos ethil, tetradifon and buprofezin) in relation to ovicede action, direct and indirect contact actiions on larvae and adult stages of the mite and depth action.The results indicated that the broad mite can cause serious losses in the bean crop. Yield reduction of 46.89% was observed when infestation started at the 3 - 5 trifoliate stage.The critical period of mite infestation was at 3 - 5 trifoliate leaves to bloom stage. Correlations between yield and "damage index" were highly significant. The control level was determined to be a damage index value of 1. The chemical products evaluated did not show ovicide action.Triazophs, endosulfan, dicofol, cyhexatin, profenofos, abamectin and chlorpyrifos ethil showed instantaneous direct and indirect actions on the larval stage of the broad mite. Using a leaf disk technique it was not possible to evaluate these effects on adult stage. Abamectin, dicofol, triazophos and chlorpyrifos ethil were the best in relation to depth action

    Mistura de deltametrina e clorpirif\uf3s no manejo da resist\ueancia de Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1757) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) a deltametrina

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    SALMERON E, OMOTO C. 2004. Mixture of deltamethrin and chlorpyrifos for managing Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1757) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) resistance to deltamethrin. Entomotropica 19(2):85-89. The viabilility of the use of deltamethrin and chlorpyrifos mixture for managing B. germanica resistance to deltamethrin was evaluated on susceptible and resistant strains of B. germanica by residual tarsal-contact bioassay. The following treatments were evaluated: (a) 12.5 mg deltamethrin/m2; (b) 240 mg chlorpyrifos/m2; (c) mixture of 12.5 mg deltamethrin + 120 mg chlorpyrifos/m2; (d) mixture of 12.5 mg deltamethrin + 240 mg chlorpyrifos/m2 and (e) control. The application of the treatments was done on tiles. The infestations of German cockroaches on treated-tiles were done on 0, 7, 14, 28, 35 and 42-day old residues. The use of mixtures gave better control of the susceptible strain than the use of the products by itself. In the mixture of 120 mg of chlorpyrifos (half of the recommended rate) in 12.5 mg of deltamethrin/ m2, the discrimination of the strains was detected from 14-day old residues and with 240 mg of chlorpyrifos in the mixture, the discrimination was possible only with 42-day old residues. Thus, the commercial recommended rates of deltamethrin and chlorpyrifos in the mixture (12.5 mg deltamethrin + 120 mg chlorpyrifos/m2) should be revaluated for managing B. germanica resistance to deltamethrin.SALMERON E, OMOTO C. 2004. Mistura de deltametrina e clorpirif\uf3s no manejo da resist\ueancia de Blattella germanica (Linnaeus, 1757) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) a deltametrina. Entomotropica 19(2):85-89. A viabilidade do uso da mistura de deltametrina e clorpirif\uf3s no manejo da resist\ueancia de B. germanica a deltametrina foi avaliada a partir de um bioensaio de contato tarsal com as linhagens suscet\uedvel e resistente de B. germanica a deltametrina. Os tratamentos testados foram (a) 12,5 mg deltametrina/m2; (b) 240 mg clorpirif\uf3s/m2; (c) mistura de 12,5 mg deltametrina + 120 mg clorpirif\uf3s/m2; (d) mistura de 12,5 mg deltametrina + 240 mg clorpirif\uf3s/m2 e (e) controle. A aplica\ue7\ue3o dos tratamentos foi realizada sobre azulejos. As infesta\ue7\uf5es de baratas sobre os azulejos tratados foram realizadas com res\uedduos de 0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 e 42 dias de idade. A mistura proporcionou um melhor controle da linhagem suscet\uedvel do que os produtos utilizados isoladamente. No tratamento da mistura de 120 mg de clorpirif\uf3s (metade da dose recomendada) com 12,5 mg deltametrina/m2, a sobreviv\ueancia de indiv\uedduos resistentes a deltametrina foi observada logo a partir de res\uedduos com 14 dias de idade, ao passo que com 240 mg clorpirif\uf3s na mistura, a sele\ue7\ue3o a favor de indiv\uedduos resistentes a deltametrina ocorreu somente a partir de res\uedduos com 42 dias de idade. Portanto, a mistura de deltametrina e clorpirif\uf3s nas doses atualmente recomendadas (12,5 mg deltametrina + 120 mg clorpirif\uf3s/m2) deve ser reavaliada para o manejo da resist\ueancia de B. germanica a deltametrina

    Susceptibility to deltamethrin in the predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) populations in protected ornamental crops in Brazil

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    Knowledge of inter and intra-specific variation in the susceptibility of natural enemies to pesticides could help to better design integrated pest management strategies. The objective of this research was to evaluate the susceptibility to deltamethrin in populations of the predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Phytoseiulus macropilis (Banks) populations collected from protected ornamental crops in Brazil. The susceptibility to deltamethrin was characterized against immature and adult stages of both species. The impact of this insecticide was also measured by estimating the intrinsic rate of increase (r (i)). The immature and adult stages of N. californicus were approximately 3,600 and 3,000-fold more tolerant to deltamethrin than those of P. macropilis. However, high variability in the susceptibility to this insecticide was detected among P. macropilis populations, with resistance ratios of up to 3,500-fold. The selection of deltamethrin-resistant strains of P. macropilis could be exploited in applied biological control programs.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq