660 research outputs found

    Improving the Export Capacity of Small and Medium Enterprises by Adapting Financing

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    Our country has a relatively limited basis of exporting companies; among these, SMEs have a low percentage as compared to other EU countries. Romania has economic sectors with high potential for export, such as tourism, spa services, ecological farms, wine industry. Out of this point of view, it is important for the potential exporter to become a real and active one. Unfortunately, the banking sector is not adequately addressing the financing needs of existing exporters, not to mention the needs of aspiring and potential ones. This is a counterproductive situation, not favourable and encouraging for the development of SMEs and for the export activity

    Saúde suplementar: 20 anos de transformações e desafios em um setor de evolução contínua

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 342.7:614(81) S255s- Coordenado por: José Cechin

    Não fume, faça exercícios e limite a ingestão de álcool, sal e açúcar:: o que de novo podemos aprender com a estranha etnologia de Diamond?

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    Jared Diamond. O mundo até ontem: O que podemos aprender com as sociedades tradicionais?(Tradução por Maria Lúcia de Oliveira). 1ª ed. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Ed. Record, 2014, 616p. Fotos, mapas, índice. ISBN 978-85-01-10210-2

    Influência do sistema de produção em propriedades no estado fresco e endurecido de argamassas projetadas

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    In modern shotcrete operations, the mixing and pumping steps are carried out using different production systems and equipment. This adds an element of uncertainty to the process because of variables such as mixer type, rotation speed, mixing time, etc. As a result, this may result in changes to the characteristics and properties of both fresh and hardened sprayed mortar and may ultimately impair the performance of the rendering material. This study assesses the influence of production systems, particularly the mixing process, on the properties of fresh and hardened sprayed mortar. The methods used comprehend the collection and testing of mortar samples produced in wet-mix and dry-mix shotcrete systems, as well as a pre-packaged mortar batched and mixed in a laboratory mixer under controlled conditions according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Results were processed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple comparison of means using Fisher’s method. A statistically significant difference was observed in the flow table index, water retention, flexural strength and capillarity coefficient of the mortars produced using wet- and dry-mix systems.No atual processo de projeção de argamassas, as etapas de mistura e bombeamento envolvem distintos sistemas de produção e equipamentos disponíveis no mercado. Este fato insere variabilidade no processo, devido a diferentes circunstâncias, tais como: tipo de misturador, velocidade de rotação, tempo de mistura, entre outras. Em consequência disso, as características e propriedades das argamassas, tanto no estado fresco como no endurecido, são distintas, podendo impactar em uma perda de desempenho do revestimento. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a influência do sistema de produção, mais especificadamente o processo de mistura, nas propriedades, do estado fresco e endurecido, de argamassas para projeção. Para tanto, a metodologia aplicada compreende coletas e ensaios nas argamassas produzidas em sistemas distintos de produção: central misturadora portátil (com abastecimento por bombeamento via seca), central misturadora fixa (com abastecimento por via úmida) e argamassa produzida em argamassadeira, com controle de laboratório e dosagem conforme recomendação do fabricante. Através da análise de variância (ANOVA) e análise múltipla de médias, pelo método de Fisher, dos resultados, verificou-se uma diferença estatisticamente significativa no índice de consistência, retenção de água, resistência à tração na flexão e coeficiente de capilaridade das argamassas produzidas em diferentes equipamentos

    Metodologia para sintonia de controladores PID de quadricópteros usando técnicas baseadas em dados

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    Quadricópteros são veículos aéreos não tripulados cujo sistema de propulsão é formado por quatro rotores acoplados a hélices. Ainda que sejam relativamente simples do ponto de vista construtivo, um complexo esquema de controle é requerido para torná-los aptos à pilotagem. Tendo em vista a crescente popularização dessas aeronaves, intensificou- se a demanda por métodos e técnicas que possibilitem o ajuste das malhas do seu sistema de controle. Nesse contexto, este trabalho propõe-se a desenvolver uma metodologia completa para a sintonia das malhas de controle de velocidade angular e de ângulo de pitch e de roll, bem como as de controle de velocidades frontal e lateral. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma técnica de controle baseado em dados denominada de Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning. Além disso, desenvolveu-se uma ligeira adaptação sobre o VRFT para torná-lo mais adequado para o problema específico em questão. A validação da metodologia proposta foi realizada com uma ferramenta de simulação e uma aeronave com firwmare baseado no piloto automático PX4. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o emprego dessa metodologia apresenta um potencial significativo no que concerne à redução de custos e do tempo devotado à tarefa.Quadcopters are unmanned aerial vehicles that are propelled by four rotors. Even though they are relatively simple in terms of construction, a complex system control scheme is required to make them flyable. Bearing in mind the growing popularity of these aircraft, the demand for methods and techniques that can be used for tuning the control system has increased. In this context, this paper proposes the development of a comprehensive methodology to tune the pitch and roll rate and angle control loops, as well as the lateral and frontal speed loops. In order to achieve it, a data-driven control method called Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning has been used. Moreover, a small modification was made to render the Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning more suitable for the problem at hand. The validation of the proposed methodology was made through the usage of a simulation software and of a real quadcopter running a firmware based on the PX4 autopilot. The results have shown that the developed methodology has great potential to save time and money when performing the controllers tuning


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    Introduction pathways and socio-economic variables drive the distribution of alien amphibians and reptiles in a megadiverse country

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    Aims: We identify alien reptiles and amphibians, invaders or not, in Brazil and evaluate the following: (a) which alien species are found in the country; (b) where they originate from; (c) how they are distributed; (d) why and how they were introduced; and (e) which factors affect the record incidences and local richness of these species. Location: Brazil. Methods: We conduct a comprehensive survey of different data sources to collect records of alien amphibians and reptiles. We then use a causal model approach to evaluate the influence of space, climate, anthropogenic predictors, and introduction pathways on alien richness and number of records. Results: We find a total of 2,292 records of 136 species of alien reptiles and amphibians. Although species from many regions of the world can be found, most are snakes, lizards and anurans originating in the Americas. Although records of alien amphibians and reptiles are found throughout Brazil, they are concentrated in more economically developed areas. Socio‐economic measures have both a direct and indirect causal relationship over the distribution of alien species and affect all introduction pathways, which are key factors explaining the alien species’ distribution. Pet trade was directly related to alien diversity, while all the three introduction pathways contributed to explain the number of records. Main Conclusions: We reveal a high diversity of alien amphibians and reptiles widespread in an already megadiverse country. The finding that alien richness occurs in highly populated and wealthy areas and that it is linked to the pet trade helps to direct efforts towards the surveillance and prevention of the spread of alien species in Brazil. A higher record incidence is associated with species introduced accidentally or for human consumption, mainly represented by a few already invasive widespread species, impairing management measures


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