910 research outputs found

    Physics opportunities with future proton accelerators at CERN

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    We analyze the physics opportunities that would be made possible by upgrades of CERN's proton accelerator complex. These include the new physics possible with luminosity or energy upgrades of the LHC, options for a possible future neutrino complex at CERN, and opportunities in other physics including rare kaon decays, other fixed-target experiments, nuclear physics and antiproton physics, among other possibilities. We stress the importance of inputs from initial LHC running and planned neutrino experiments, and summarize the principal detector R&D issues.Comment: 39 page, word document, full resolution version available from http://cern.ch/pofpa/POFPA-arXive.pd

    Analysis of the rare semileptonic B_c \rar P(D,D_s) l^{+}l^{-}/\nu\bar{\nu} decays within QCD sum rules

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    Considering the gluon condensate corrections, the form factors relevant to the semileptonic rare B_c \rar D,D_s(J^{P}=0^{-}) l^{+}l^{-} with l=τ,μ,el=\tau,\mu,e and B_c \rar D,D_s(J^{P}=0^{-})\nu\bar{\nu} transitions are calculated in the framework of the three point QCD sum rules. The heavy quark effective theory limit of the form factors are computed. The branching fraction of these decays are also evaluated and compared with the predictions of the relativistic constituent quark model. Analyzing of such type transitions could give useful information about the strong interactions inside the pseudoscalar DsD_{s} meson and its structure.Comment: 32 Pages, 8 Figures and 6 Table

    Sequestering CP Violation and GIM-Violation with Warped Extra Dimensions

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    We propose a model of spontaneous CP violation to address the strong CP problem in warped extra dimensions that relies on sequestering flavor and CP violation. We assume that brane-localized Higgs Yukawa interactions respect a U(3) flavor symmetry that is broken only by bulk fermion mass and Yukawa terms. All CP violation arises from the vev of a CP-odd scalar field localized in the bulk. To suppress radiative corrections to theta-bar, the doublet quarks in this model are localized on the IR brane. We calculate constraints from flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNCs), precision electroweak measurements, CKM unitarity, and the electric dipole moments in this model and predict theta-bar to be at least about 10^-12.Comment: 38 page

    Kaon physics with a high-intensity proton driver

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    We study opportunities for future high-precision experiments in kaon physics using a high-intensity proton driver, which could be part of the front-end of a muon storage ring complex. We discuss in particular the rare decays KLπ0ννˉK_L\to\pi^0\nu\bar\nu, K+π+ννˉK^+\to\pi^+\nu\bar\nu, KLπ0e+eK_L\to\pi^0e^+e^-, and lepton-flavour violating modes such as KLμeK_L\to\mu e and KπμeK\to\pi\mu e. The outstanding physics potential and long-term interest of these modes is emphasized. We review status and prospects of current and planned experiments for the processes under consideration, and indicate possible improvements and strategies towards achieving the necessary higher sensitivity. Finally, we outline the machine requirements needed to perform these high-precision kaon experiments in the context of a muon storage ring facility.Comment: 26 pages, 12 figures; report of the kaon physics working group for the ECFA studies on neutrino factory and muon storage rings at CERN, G. Buchalla (convener); references update

    Physics Opportunities with the FCC-hh Injectors

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    In this chapter we explore a few examples of physics opportunities using the existing chain of accelerators at CERN, including potential upgrades. In this context the LHC ring is also considered as a part of the injector system. The objective is to find examples that constitute sensitive probes of New Physics that ideally cannot be done elsewhere or can be done significantly better at theCERN accelerator complex. Some of these physics opportunities may require a more flexible injector complex with additional functionality than that just needed to inject protons into the FCC-hh at the right energy, intensity and bunch structure. Therefore it is timely to discuss these options concurrently with the conceptual design of the FCC-hh injector system.Comment: 13 pages, chapter 5 in Physics at the FCC-hh, a 100 TeV pp collide

    QCD sum rules analysis of the rare radiative Bc -> D*_s gamma decay

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    In this work, the radiative Bc -> D*_s gamma decay is investigated in the framework of QCD sum rules. The transition form factors responsible for the decay are calculated. The branching ratio for this decay is estimated to be order of 10^-5 which can be measurable at LHC.Comment: 29 pages, Three Figures and two Table

    Analysis of the Rare BcDs,dl+lB_c \to D_{s,d}^{*} l^+ l^- Decays in QCD

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    The rare BcDs,dl+lB_c \to D_{s,d}^{*} l^+ l^- decays are investigated in the framework of the three point QCD sum rules approach. Considering the gluon condensate corrections to the correlation function, the form factors relevant to these transitions are calculated. The total decay width and branching ratio for these decays are also evaluated. The results for the branching ratios are in good agreement with the quark models.Comment: 20 Pages, 2 Figures and 5 Table

    Asymmetry Parameter of the K1(1270,1400)K_{1} (1270, 1400) by Analyzing the BK1ννˉB\to K_{1}\nu \bar{\nu} Transition Form Factors within QCD

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    Separating the mixture of the K1(1270) K_{1}(1270) and K1(1400)K_{1}(1400) states, the BK1(1270,1400)ννˉB\to K_{1}(1270, 1400)\nu\bar{\nu} transition form factors are calculated in the three-point QCD sum rules approach. The longitudinal, transverse and total decay widths as well as the asymmetry parameter, characterizing the polarization of the axial K1(1270,1400)K_{1}(1270, 1400) and the branching ratio for these decays are evaluated.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Investigation of the Ds1D_{s1} structure via BcB_c to Ds1l+l/ννˉD_{s1} l^+l^-/\nu\bar\nu transitions in QCD

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    We investigate the structure of the Ds1(2460,2536)(JP=1+)D_{s1}(2460,2536) (J^P=1^+) mesons via analyzing the semileptonic BcDs1l+lB_{c}\to D_{s1}l^+l^-, l=τ,μ,el=\tau, \mu, e and BcDs1ννˉB_{c}\to D_{s1}\nu\bar{\nu} transitions in the framework of the three--point QCD sum rules. We consider the Ds1D_{s1} meson in two ways, the pure csˉ>|c\bar{s}> state and then as a mixture of two 3P1>|^3P_1> and 1P1>|^1P_1> states. Such type rare transitions take place at loop level by electroweak penguin and weak box diagrams in the standard model via the flavor changing neutral current transition of bsb \to s. The relevant form factors are calculated taking into account the gluon condensate contributions. These form factors are numerically obtained for csˉ>|c\bar s> case and plotted in terms of the unknown mixing angle θs\theta_s, when the Ds1D_{s1} meson are considered as mixture of two 3P1>|^3P_1> and 1P1>|^1P_1> states. The obtained results for the form factors are used to evaluate the decay rates and branching ratios. Any future experimental measurement on these form factors as well as decay rates and branching fractions and their comparison with the obtained results in the present work can give considerable information about the structure of this meson and the mixing angle θs\theta_s.Comment: 33 Pages, 11 Figures and 5 Table

    QCD sum rules analysis of the rare B_c \rar X\nu\bar{\nu} decays

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    Taking into account the gluon correction contributions to the correlation function, the form factors relevant to the rare B_c \rar X \nu\bar{\nu} decays are calculated in the framework of the three point QCD sum rules, where XX stands for axial vector particle, AV(Ds1)AV(D_{s1}), and vector particles, V(D,Ds)V(D^*,D^*_s). The total decay width as well as the branching ratio of these decays are evaluated using the q2q^2 dependent expressions of the form factors. A comparison of our results with the predictions of the relativistic constituent quark model is presented.Comment: 21 Pages, 2 Figures and 5 Table