3,350 research outputs found

    A microscopic model of evolution of recombination

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    We study the evolution of recombination using a microscopic model developed within the frame of the theory of quantitative traits. Two components of fitness are considered: a static one that describes adaptation to environmental factors not related to the population itself, and a dynamic one that accounts for interactions between organisms e.g. competition. We focus on the dynamics of colonization of an empty niche. As competition is a function of the population, selection pressure rapidly changes in time. The simulations show that both in the case of flat and steep static fitness landscapes, recombination provides a high velocity of movement in the phenotypic space thus allowing recombinants to colonize the highest fitness regions earlier than non recombinants that are often driven to extinction. The stabilizing effects of competition and assortativity are also discussed. Finally, the analysis of phase diagrams shows that competition is the key factor for the evolution of recombination, while assortativity plays a significant role only in small populations.Comment: to appear in Physica

    New phagotrophic euglenoid species (new genus Decastava; Scytomonas saepesedens; Entosiphon oblongum), Hsp90 introns, and putative euglenoid Hsp90 pre-mRNA insertional editing

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    We describe three new phagotrophic euglenoid species by light microscopy and 18S rDNA and Hsp90 sequencing: Scytomonas saepesedens; Decastava edaphica; Entosiphon oblongum. We studied Scytomonas and Decastava ultrastructure. Scytomonas saepesedens feeds when sessile with actively beating cilium, and has five pellicular strips with flush joints and Calycimonas-like microtubule-supported cytopharynx. Decastava, sister to Keelungia forming new clade Decastavida on 18S rDNA trees, has 10 broad strips with cusp-like joints, not bifurcate ridges like Ploeotia and Serpenomonas (phylogenetically and cytologically distinct genera), and Serpenomonas-like feeding apparatus (8–9 unreinforced microtubule pairs loop from dorsal jaw support to cytostome). Hsp90 and 18S rDNA trees group Scytomonas with Petalomonas and show Entosiphon as the earliest euglenoid branch. Basal euglenoids have rigid longitudinal strips; derived clade Spirocuta has spiral often slideable strips. Decastava Hsp90 genes have introns. Decastava/Entosiphon Hsp90 frameshifts imply insertional RNA editing. Petalomonas is too heterogeneous in pellicle structure for one genus; we retain Scytomonas (sometimes lumped with it) and segregate four former Petalomonas as new genus Biundula with pellicle cross section showing 2–8 smooth undulations and typified by Biundula (=Petalomonas) sphagnophila comb. n. Our taxon-rich site-heterogeneous rDNA trees confirm that Heteronema is excessively heterogeneous; therefore we establish new genus Teloprocta for Heteronema scaphurum

    Rooting the tree of life by transition analyses

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    BACKGROUND: Despite great advances in clarifying the family tree of life, it is still not agreed where its root is or what properties the most ancient cells possessed – the most difficult problems in phylogeny. Protein paralogue trees can theoretically place the root, but are contradictory because of tree-reconstruction artefacts or poor resolution; ribosome-related and DNA-handling enzymes suggested one between neomura (eukaryotes plus archaebacteria) and eubacteria, whereas metabolic enzymes often place it within eubacteria but in contradictory places. Palaeontology shows that eubacteria are much more ancient than eukaryotes, and, together with phylogenetic evidence that archaebacteria are sisters not ancestral to eukaryotes, implies that the root is not within the neomura. Transition analysis, involving comparative/developmental and selective arguments, can polarize major transitions and thereby systematically exclude the root from major clades possessing derived characters and thus locate it; previously the 20 shared neomuran characters were thus argued to be derived, but whether the root was within eubacteria or between them and archaebacteria remained controversial. RESULTS: I analyze 13 major transitions within eubacteria, showing how they can all be congruently polarized. I infer the first fully resolved prokaryote tree, with a basal stem comprising the new infrakingdom Glidobacteria (Chlorobacteria, Hadobacteria, Cyanobacteria), which is entirely non-flagellate and probably ancestrally had gliding motility, and two derived branches (Gracilicutes and Unibacteria/Eurybacteria) that diverged immediately following the origin of flagella. Proteasome evolution shows that the universal root is outside a clade comprising neomura and Actinomycetales (proteates), and thus lies within other eubacteria, contrary to a widespread assumption that it is between eubacteria and neomura. Cell wall and flagellar evolution independently locate the root outside Posibacteria (Actinobacteria and Endobacteria), and thus among negibacteria with two membranes. Posibacteria are derived from Eurybacteria and ancestral to neomura. RNA polymerase and other insertions strongly favour the monophyly of Gracilicutes (Proteobacteria, Planctobacteria, Sphingobacteria, Spirochaetes). Evolution of the negibacterial outer membrane places the root within Eobacteria (Hadobacteria and Chlorobacteria, both primitively without lipopolysaccharide): as all phyla possessing the outer membrane β-barrel protein Omp85 are highly probably derived, the root lies between them and Chlorobacteria, the only negibacteria without Omp85, or possibly within Chlorobacteria. CONCLUSION: Chlorobacteria are probably the oldest and Archaebacteria the youngest bacteria, with Posibacteria of intermediate age, requiring radical reassessment of dominant views of bacterial evolution. The last ancestor of all life was a eubacterium with acyl-ester membrane lipids, large genome, murein peptidoglycan walls, and fully developed eubacterial molecular biology and cell division. It was a non-flagellate negibacterium with two membranes, probably a photosynthetic green non-sulphur bacterium with relatively primitive secretory machinery, not a heterotrophic posibacterium with one membrane. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by John Logsdon, Purificación López-García and Eric Bapteste (nominated by Simonetta Gribaldo)

    Ultrastructure of Diplophrys parva, a New Small Freshwater Species, and a Revised Analysis of Labyrinthulea (Heterokonta)

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    We describe Diplophrys parva n. sp., a freshwater heterotroph, using fine structural and sequence evidence. Cells are small (L = 6.5 ± 0.08, W = 5.5 ± 0.06 µm; mean ± SE) enclosed by an envelope/theca of overlapping scales, slightly oval to elongated-oval with rounded ends, (1.0 × 0.5–0.7 µm), one to several intracellular refractive granules (~ 1.0–2.0 µm), smaller hyaline peripheral vacuoles, a nucleus with central nucleolus, tubulo-cristate mitochondria, and a prominent Golgi apparatus with multiple stacked saccules (~ 10). It is smaller than published sizes of Diplophrys archeri (~ 10–20 µm), modestly less than Diplophrys marina (~ 5–9 µm), and differs in scale size and morphology from D. marina. No cysts were observed. We transfer D. marina to a new genus Amphifila as it falls within a molecular phylogenetic clade extremely distant from that including D. parva. Based on morphological and molecular phylogenetic evidence, Labyrinthulea are revised to include six new families, including Diplophryidae for Diplophrys and Amphifilidae containing Amphifila. The other new families have distinctive morphology: Oblongichytriidae and Aplanochytriidae are distinct clades on the rDNA tree, but Sorodiplophryidae and Althorniidae lack sequence data. Aplanochytriidae is in Labyrinthulida; the rest are in Thraustochytrida; Labyrinthomyxa is excluded

    Origin of the cell nucleus, mitosis and sex: roles of intracellular coevolution

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    BACKGROUND: The transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes was the most radical change in cell organisation since life began, with the largest ever burst of gene duplication and novelty. According to the coevolutionary theory of eukaryote origins, the fundamental innovations were the concerted origins of the endomembrane system and cytoskeleton, subsequently recruited to form the cell nucleus and coevolving mitotic apparatus, with numerous genetic eukaryotic novelties inevitable consequences of this compartmentation and novel DNA segregation mechanism. Physical and mutational mechanisms of origin of the nucleus are seldom considered beyond the long-standing assumption that it involved wrapping pre-existing endomembranes around chromatin. Discussions on the origin of sex typically overlook its association with protozoan entry into dormant walled cysts and the likely simultaneous coevolutionary, not sequential, origin of mitosis and meiosis. RESULTS: I elucidate nuclear and mitotic coevolution, explaining the origins of dicer and small centromeric RNAs for positionally controlling centromeric heterochromatin, and how 27 major features of the cell nucleus evolved in four logical stages, making both mechanisms and selective advantages explicit: two initial stages (origin of 30 nm chromatin fibres, enabling DNA compaction; and firmer attachment of endomembranes to heterochromatin) protected DNA and nascent RNA from shearing by novel molecular motors mediating vesicle transport, division, and cytoplasmic motility. Then octagonal nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) arguably evolved from COPII coated vesicle proteins trapped in clumps by Ran GTPase-mediated cisternal fusion that generated the fenestrated nuclear envelope, preventing lethal complete cisternal fusion, and allowing passive protein and RNA exchange. Finally, plugging NPC lumens by an FG-nucleoporin meshwork and adopting karyopherins for nucleocytoplasmic exchange conferred compartmentation advantages. These successive changes took place in naked growing cells, probably as indirect consequences of the origin of phagotrophy. The first eukaryote had 1-2 cilia and also walled resting cysts; I outline how encystation may have promoted the origin of meiotic sex. I also explain why many alternative ideas are inadequate. CONCLUSION: Nuclear pore complexes are evolutionary chimaeras of endomembrane- and mitosis-related chromatin-associated proteins. The keys to understanding eukaryogenesis are a proper phylogenetic context and understanding organelle coevolution: how innovations in one cell component caused repercussions on others. REVIEWERS: This article was reviewed by Anthony Poole, Gáspár Jékely and Eugene Koonin

    Animals and Their Unicellular Ancestors

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    Animals belong to the Opisthokonta, one of the major divisions of the eukaryotic Tree of Life. This supergroup also includes other well?known groups such as fungi and choanoflagellates, in addition to some newly discovered unicellular taxa as the Ichthyosporea or the Filasterea. To unveil the origin of animal multicellularity, it is vital to understand the evolution of their single?celled relatives, as they might hold key genetic clues that might help us understand how the unicellular ancestors of animals became animals. Our current knowledge of unicellular animal relatives, their specific phylogenetic relationships and the role they might play in future research is being improved, thanks to molecular data

    Re-analyses of “Algal� Genes Suggest a Complex Evolutionary History of Oomycetes

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    The spread of photosynthesis is one of the most important but constantly debated topics in eukaryotic evolution. Various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the plastid distribution in extant eukaryotes. Notably, the chromalveolate hypothesis suggested that multiple eukaryotic lineages were derived from a photosynthetic ancestor that had a red algal endosymbiont. As such, genes of plastid/algal origin in aplastidic chromalveolates, such as oomycetes, were considered to be important supporting evidence. Although the chromalveolate hypothesis has been seriously challenged, some of its supporting evidence has not been carefully investigated. In this study, we re-evaluate the “algal� genes from oomycetes with a larger sampling and careful phylogenetic analyses. Our data provide no conclusive support for a common photosynthetic ancestry of stramenopiles, but show that the initial estimate of “algal� genes in oomycetes was drastically inflated due to limited genome data available then for certain eukaryotic lineages. These findings also suggest that the evolutionary histories of these “algal� genes might be attributed to complex scenarios such as differential gene loss, serial endosymbioses, or horizontal gene transfer

    Multigene Phylogeny of Choanozoa and the Origin of Animals

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    Animals are evolutionarily related to fungi and to the predominantly unicellular protozoan phylum Choanozoa, together known as opisthokonts. To establish the sequence of events when animals evolved from unicellular ancestors, and understand those key evolutionary transitions, we need to establish which choanozoans are most closely related to animals and also the evolutionary position of each choanozoan group within the opisthokont phylogenetic tree. Here we focus on Ministeria vibrans, a minute bacteria-eating cell with slender radiating tentacles. Single-gene trees suggested that it is either the closest unicellular relative of animals or else sister to choanoflagellates, traditionally considered likely animal ancestors. Sequencing thousands of Ministeria protein genes now reveals about 14 with domains of key significance for animal cell biology, including several previously unknown from deeply diverging Choanozoa, e.g. domains involved in hedgehog, Notch and tyrosine kinase signaling or cell adhesion (cadherin). Phylogenetic trees using 78 proteins show that Ministeria is not sister to animals or choanoflagellates (themselves sisters to animals), but to Capsaspora, another protozoan with thread-like (filose) tentacles. The Ministeria/Capsaspora clade (new class Filasterea) is sister to animals and choanoflagellates, these three groups forming a novel clade (filozoa) whose ancestor presumably evolved filose tentacles well before they aggregated as a periciliary collar in the choanoflagellate/sponge common ancestor. Our trees show ichthyosporean choanozoans as sisters to filozoa; a fusion between ubiquitin and ribosomal small subunit S30 protein genes unifies all holozoa (filozoa plus Ichthyosporea), being absent in earlier branching eukaryotes. Thus, several successive evolutionary innovations occurred among their unicellular closest relatives prior to the origin of the multicellular body-plan of animals

    DNA evidence for global dispersal and probable endemicity of protozoa

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is much debated whether microbes are easily dispersed globally or whether they, like many macro-organisms, have historical biogeographies. The ubiquitous dispersal hypothesis states that microbes are so numerous and so easily dispersed worldwide that all should be globally distributed and found wherever growing conditions suit them. This has been broadly upheld for protists (microbial eukaryotes) by most morphological and some molecular analyses. However, morphology and most previously used evolutionary markers evolve too slowly to test this important hypothesis adequately.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we use a fast-evolving marker (ITS1 rDNA) to map global diversity and distribution of three different clades of cercomonad Protozoa (<it>Eocercomonas </it>and <it>Paracercomonas</it>: phylum Cercozoa) by sequencing multiple environmental gene libraries constructed from 47–80 globally-dispersed samples per group. Even with this enhanced resolution, identical ITS sequences (ITS-types) were retrieved from widely separated sites and on all continents for several genotypes, implying relatively rapid global dispersal. Some identical ITS-types were even recovered from both marine and non-marine samples, habitats that generally harbour significantly different protist communities. Conversely, other ITS-types had either patchy or restricted distributions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results strongly suggest that geographic dispersal in macro-organisms and microbes is not fundamentally different: some taxa show restricted and/or patchy distributions while others are clearly cosmopolitan. These results are concordant with the 'moderate endemicity model' of microbial biogeography. Rare or continentally endemic microbes may be ecologically significant and potentially of conservational concern. We also demonstrate that strains with identical 18S but different ITS1 rDNA sequences can differ significantly in terms of morphological and important physiological characteristics, providing strong additional support for global protist biodiversity being significantly higher than previously thought.</p