561 research outputs found

    Factores asociados al desarrollo de pie diabético en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, atendidos en el servicio de consulta externa del Distrito de Salud 01D04 durante el año 2019

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    Antecedentes: El pie diabético tiene complicaciones devastadoras, que incluyen amputaciones, mala calidad de vida e infecciones potencialmente mortales. Son costosas y consumen recursos de atención médica. Estas consecuencias tienen serias implicaciones clínicas y de salud pública. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de Pie Diabético y su relación con los factores asociados en pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2, atendidos en los establecimientos de salud que conforman el Distrito 01D04. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo analítico transversal retrospectivo, realizado con 147 historias clínicas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, los datos obtenidos fueron ingresados y analizados en el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: la prevalencia fue del 4.8%, el 71,4% eran hombres la población más afectada fue de >60 años con el 85,7%%, así mismo el 85,7% tenían una evolución de la enfermedad superior a los 10 años, el 71,4% tenían comorbilidades, el 28,6% tenían HTA, dislipidemia, nefropatía, respectivamente (2 pacientes para cada comorbilidad), ninguno presento neuropatía o antecedente de amputación, el 57,1% tenían un IMC inferior a 29,9, el 100%, 85,7% tenían una HbA1C superior a 7%, el 71,4% tenían colesterol y triglicéridos en valores normales, y el 71,5% utilizaban insulina, existió una asociación estadísticamente significativa en el tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad >10años, presencia de comorbilidades, padecer HTA, nefropatía, retinopatía, neuropatía, antecedente de amputación, IMC >30, glucosa >126mg/dl, HbA1C >7%, colesterol >200mg/dl, con valor P <0,005. Conclusiones: Es más frecuente el desarrollo de pie diabético en pacientes mayores de 60 años, hombres, con una escolaridad baja, que residían en zona urbana, que utilizaban insulina.Background: Diabetic foot have devastating complications, including amputations, poor quality of life, and life-threatening infections. They are costly and consume health care resources. These consequences have serious clinical and public health implications. Objective: To determine the frequency of diabetic foot disease and its relationship with associated factors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated in the health facilities that make up District 01D04. Material and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 147 medical records that met the inclusion criteria, the data obtained were entered and analyzed in the SPSS 20 program. Results: prevalence was 4. 8%, 71.4% were men, the most affected population was >60 years old with 85.7%, 85.7% had a disease evolution of more than 10 years, 71.4% had comorbidities, 28.6% had hypertension, dyslipidemia, nephropathy, respectively (2 patients for each comorbidity), none had neuropathy or a history of amputation, 57.1% had a BMI below 29.9, 100%, 85.7% had an HbA1C of >60 years old with an HbA1C of >60 years old, 85.7% had an HbA1C of >60 years old with an HbA1C of >60 years old with an HbA1C of >60 years old, 7% had HbA1C above 7%, 71.4% had cholesterol and triglycerides in normal values, and 71.5% used insulin, there was a statistically significant association in time of disease evolution >10years, presence of comorbidities, having HT, nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, history of amputation, BMI >30, glucose >126mg/dl, HbA1C >7%, cholesterol >200mg/dl, with P-value <0.005. Conclusions: It is more frequent the development of diabetic foot in patients older than 60 years, men, with low schooling, who resided in urban area, who used insulin.0000-0001-8923-3457Magíster en EpidemiologíaCuenc

    Do ventricular repolarization interval ratios depend on heart rate and should they be rate-corrected?

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    QT interval decreases with increasing heart rate (HR), hence to define normal values of QT interval for different heart rates requires the application of a QT interval rate correction formula. However, the influence of HR on the ratios between several ventricular repolarization intervals, that can be useful as risk predictors of malignant ventricular arrhythmias is unknown. This study analyzes the influence of HR on QTp/QT, JTp/JT, Tpe/JTp, and Tpe/JT ratios on a healthy subject during exercise. The intervals were measured in V3 lead and the characteristic points of QRS complex and T wave were detected by computer algorithms based on the wavelet transform (WT). Exercise stress was graded according to the four initial stages of the Bruce protocol. The heart rate was divided into two ranges: less than 100 beats/min and from 100 beats/min to 185 beats/min. When HR exceeded 100 beats/min, QTp/QT and JTp/JT ratios increased whereas Tpe/JTp and Tpe/JT ratios decreased for increasing HR. However, when HR was below 100 beats/min, those same four ratios were independent from HR. As opposed to the QT interval, there is no need to correct QTp/QT, JTp/JT, Tpe/JTp, and Tpe/JT ratios when HR is below 100 beats/minPeer Reviewe

    Spatial variability of ventricular activity intervals in normal subjects and old myocardial infarction patients

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    Increased dispersion of QT interval in the 12-lead ECG have been proposed as risk factor of ventricular arrhythmias in post myocardial infarction (post-MI) patients, but its sensitivity and specifity is low for diagnosis and/or prognosis. We evaluate dispersion in other ventricular activity intervals, in order to determine whether they improve the separation between 15 normal subjects and 15 post-MI patients compared with QT dispersion. All the interval ventricular activity dispersions measured in the Frank’s orthogonal leads (XYZ) are larger in post-MI patients than in normal subjects, but the differences are significant only for JTpeak (JTp) dispersion (p = 0.03). Therefore JTp dispersion could improve the identification of post-MI patients with risk of ventricular arrhythmiasPeer Reviewe

    Novel indices of ventricular repolarization to screen post myocardial infarction patients

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    We propose novel indices of ventricular repolarization intervals, the JTp/JT, Tpe/JTp and Tpe/JT ratios. These indices have been compared with the duration of the ventricular repolarization intervals and other ratios in 17 normal subjects and 17 patients with old myocardial infarction. In the intervals and other ratios, the best separation between groups is obtained with the Tpe/QTp and Tpe/QT ratios with 94% sensitivity and 82% specificity, the proposed ratios increased sensitivity to 100% and specificity to 94%. These indices should be further tested to determine their usefulness in discriminating between OMI patients with and without susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias.Peer Reviewe

    Viaje alrededor de la exposición universal de Viena. II La vida

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    UPCT-Bloopbusters: Teaching Science and Technology through Movie Scenes and related Experiments

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    [EN] In order to change the preconceptions of youth towards science and technology subjects (which, usually, are perceived as difficult or boring), new educational methods aimed at motivating and engaging students in learning are becoming more and more necessary. In this sense, an educational project called ‘UPCT-Bloopbusters’ through which a group of professors of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, use science fiction movie scenes ─as well as experiments─ within the lecture room to teach both physics and engineering technology is hereby presented. The methodology of the project is properly described and the results of a survey carried out among the students of a course in which such methodology has been used are shown. In view of this survey, it can be concluded that the project has been more than welcome by the students while at the same time has favored the learning of a great deal of physics and technology concepts.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Rodríguez, J.; Castro-Rodríguez, E.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.; Serrano-Martínez, J. (2018). UPCT-Bloopbusters: Teaching Science and Technology through Movie Scenes and related Experiments. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 347-353. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7992OCS34735

    Oral lesions in Sjögren?s syndrome : a systematic review

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    Sjögren?s syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune disease related to two common symptoms: dry mouth and eyes. Although, xerostomia and hyposialia have been frequently reported in these patients, not many studies have evaluated other oral manifestations. The aim of this systematic review was to investigate prevalence rates of oral lesions (OL) in SS patients and to compare it to a control group (CG), when available. An exhaustive search of the published literature of the Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library databases was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols (PRISMA-P) for relevant studies that met our eligibility criteria (up to September 1st 2017). Seventeen cross-sectional studies and one cohort study were finally included. The results showed that SS patients presented more OL compared to non-SS patients. The most frequent types of OL registered in primary and secondary SS were angular cheilitis, atrophic glossitis, recurrent oral ulcerations and grooves or fissurations of the tongue, also when compared to a CG. OL are common and more frequent in SS patients when compared to a CG. This may be a consequence of low levels of saliva. More studies where these OL and all the possible cofounding factors are taken into account are needed

    Temporal variation in the abundance of Orchid Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a Neotropical Hygrophilous Forest

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    Although bees are important pollinators in several ecosystems around the world, studies on bee diversity in hygrophilous forests are scarce. This type of vegetation is restricted to permanently wet soils and, therefore, has particular floristic, structure and physiognomy. The goal of the present study was to inventory and analyze the temporal variation of the euglossine bees that occur in a neotropical hygrophilous forest. In order to sample male bees we used four chemical baits, eucalyptol, eugenol, vanillin, and methyl salicylate. The captures were made once a month, from March 2010 to February 2011, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. We captured 113 individuals of three genera and five species (in decreasing order of abundance): Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 (n=52), Euglossa pleosticta Dressler, 1982 (34), Exaerete smaragdina (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) (12), Euglossa carolina Nemésio, 2009 (11), and Euglossa fimbriata Rebêlo &amp; Moure, 1968 (4). The most attractive bait was eucalyptol (n=98), followed by vanillin (11), and eugenol (4). Both temperature and rainfall affected significantly the distribution of the number of males throughout the year. The highest number of Euglossini species and individuals was sampled in the warm and rainy season, with activity peaks varying among species