2,314 research outputs found

    Salud y calidad de vida en los estudiantes de BUP, COU y FP

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    [Resumen] En los últimos años la Psicología de la Salud se ha centrado en el estudio de los estilos de vida asociados a la aparición de la enfermedad o el examen de sus mediadores. Se preocupa de la modificación de la conducta y del desarrollo de programas de prevención. Para ello es necesario conocer previamente los estilos de vida de los individuos, los cuales hacen referencia a un tipo de conductas cuya repercusión sobre la salud es especialmente importante. En la presente investigación se analizan los datos obtenidos de una muestra de 256 estudiantes de BUP, COU y FP, evaluando los comportamientos de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, estilos de vida y estado de salud general. Los resultados confirman la necesidad de desarrollar programas de promoción de la salud basados en los beneficios de llevar a cabo comportamientos saludable

    Conectividad funcional evaluada por electroencefalografía en migraña

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    La migraña es un tipo de cefalea primaria de evolución crónica y manifestaciones episódicas, cuyo diagnóstico se basa en criterios clínicos bien definidos. Estudios preliminares previos apoyan la hipótesis de que podrían existir características fisiológicas particulares relacionadas con la conectividad funcional cerebral del paciente migrañoso, así como características propias capaces de diferenciar entre distintas situaciones clínicas en este tipo de pacientes. Pretendemos evaluar las diferencias electrofisiológicas en la conectividad cerebral entre la migraña episódica y crónica para dilucidar las bases neuronales en esta patología neurológica. Se obtuvieron registros de EEG en periodo interictal de 87 pacientes migrañosos (de ellos 42 con migraña episódica y 45 con migraña crónica), así como de 39 controles pareados. Se realizó un análisis de la sincronía a través de la Coherencia que fue analizada a través de cinco parámetros de grafos complementarios entre sí: strength, segregación, integración, regularidad y complejidad. Se encontró, en la región concreta en la banda beta 2 (23,4 Hz a 29,1 Hz), una reducción estadísticamente significativa de la segregación medida mediante coeficiente de agrupamiento, así como en la fuerza de asociación (strength) entre los sujetos con migraña crónica y episódica. En el resto de los parámetros analizados no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Como conclusión, el aumento de la segregación y de la fuerza de la asociación de la red responden a un aumento generalizado de la conectividad de la misma que podría sugerir una relación entre la cronicidad de la migraña y un aumento de la hiperexcitabilidad cerebral.Grado en Medicin

    Suspensibilidad y estabilidad de varias microcápsulas que contienen lupulonas

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    El presente trabajo de fin de grado se basa en la producción mediante el método “spray-congealing” en una planta piloto y estudio de las propiedades de microcápsulas en las que el principio activo es lupulonas con variación del resto de componentes (antioxidantes, emulsionantes y ácidos grasos) para mejorar las propiedades. Las propiedades estudiadas son suspensibilidad en agua, estabilidad en el tiempo tras almacenamiento y medidas de la concentración liberada de las microcápsulas para ser utilizadas como suplemento en la alimentación animal.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Starting a Sober Dorm: Year One Challenges, Successes and Lessons Learned

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    This presentation is an examination of the pilot year of the Healthy Lifestyles Living Learning Community (HL LLC) substance-free housing option for incoming first year students sponsored by The Center for Students in Recovery at The University of Texas at Austin. Presenters will contextualize the history and unfulfilled need for recovery and sober student housing on the UT Austin campus, and will explore the development and implementation of a sober dorm from inception through the end of year one. Attendees will hear a candid assessment of expectations versus realities across multiple domains, including: the application process; selection of an initial cohort; the design and implementation of programming; the challenges of group cohesion and resident assistant empowerment; budget constraints; overall lessons learned; and considerations moving into year two

    Collegiate Recovery Programs and Treatment Providers: Supporting Outcomes, Not Admissions

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    Collegiate Recovery Programs (CRPs), rooted in slow-moving academic institutions, can be contrasted with relatively fast-moving private treatment entities, and this contrast has great potential for both conflict and mutual benefit. Conflict may arise from a misunderstanding about the role of CRPs in the continuum of care - frequently thought to be a referral source, when, in fact, they work best as a post-treatment resource, improving outcomes for students in recovery. Young adults are the fastest growing demographic seeking treatment for substance use disorders, and, because of this changing age profile, more treatment entities are seeking to serve young adults and coming into contact with CRPs. This presentation explores the nuances and ethical challenges facing those interactions and describes the benefits of collaboration when pursued thoughtfully. The experiences of a CRP and a sober living/IOP facility in Austin, Texas will also be presented as a framework for collaboration


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    The prevalence of substance use disorders (SUDs) is greater among full-time college students and young adults regardless of enrollment status than it is among any other age group (1,2). These disorders represent substantial costs to both society and to institutions of higher education, both in terms of life years lost and in lost tuition revenue. The recent proliferation of collegiate recovery programs (CRPs) – supportive communities and resource centers for students seeking to maintain SUD recovery while pursuing a higher education – have the potential to help ameliorate some of these costs. While these CRPs are typically low-cost compared to acute care, a cost-effectiveness analysis of these programs has not yet been undertaken. In a comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis, these programs were found to be cost-effective by the standards of the cost-effectiveness reference case from the societal perspective, and in line with the cost-effectiveness of other college health and wellness programs from the institutional perspective (3,4). In addition to being cost-effective, CRPs represent a cost savings to society and institutions across a wide range of variation

    Storytelling and social media as tools for brand recognition: The role of digital influencers

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    This dissertation’s main goal was to understand the effect storytelling and influencer marketing have on the consumers’ purchase intention, in a time when the connection between consumer and brand is extremely relevant. In recent times the internet came to change the way communication happens, these changes affected the advertising sector as much as any other. Giving the amount of information available online, the consumers’ profile changed too. People are searching for personalized information and brands that match their personal values. By using a quantitative methodology, surveys, this dissertation intends to evaluate Portuguese’s’ presence online as well as the ways in which they are affected by storytelling and influencer marketing. As a main conclusion it was possible to assess that Portuguese are affected by these marketing strategies, however, not in an evenly way. Age turned out to be an important factor to take in consideration.Esta dissertação teve como principal objetivo entender o efeito que o storytelling em conjunto com o marketing de influência têm na intensão de compra do consumidor, numa época em que a ligação entre este e a marca é um fator extremamente relevante. Nos dias de hoje em que a internet veio revolucionar a forma como a comunicação acontece, o setor da publicidade foi também afetado por essas mudanças. As pessoas passaram a procurar informação personalizada e a consumir marcas que correspondam aos seus valores pessoais. Recorrendo a uma metodologia quantitativa, por meio de inquéritos, esta dissertação pretende avaliar a presença dos portugueses online assim como a forma como estes são afetados pelo storytelling e pelo marketing de influência. Como principal conclusão é possível destacar o facto de que os portugueses são, sim, afetados por estas estratégias, no entanto, não de uma forma igual. A idade revelou-se, ao longo deste estudo, como um fator determinante