3 research outputs found

    Práticas de aquecimento e cool down vocais

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    Mestrado em Ensino de MúsicaEste projeto educativo tem como objetivo investigar as características do aquecimento e do cool down vocais, assim como a sua importância para uma boa saúde vocal. Qualquer atividade física do ser humano que exija esforço deve ser precedida de um aquecimento de forma a preparar os músculos envolvidos no exercício e a reduzir a probabilidade de aparecimento de lesões. Após o exercício, o cool down promove a recuperação e previne o aparecimento de dores musculares resultantes do mesmo. A atividade do canto, pela exigência física que lhe é inerente, deverá incluir estes dois procedimentos para promover a preparação do aparelho vocal e a recuperação do esforço realizado. Através de questionários dirigidos a maestros de coros, professores de canto do ensino básico, cantores profissionais e estudantes de canto do ensino superior, analisou-se a realização destes procedimentos, assim como a sua metodologia. Os resultados foram analisados e comparados com a contextualização teórica inicial.The goal of this Educational Project is to investigate the characteristics of vocal warm up and cool down activities, as well as their importance for a good vocal health. Any physical activity which requires human effort must be preceded by a warm up in order to prepare the muscles involved in the exercise and to reduce the probability of injury. After exercise, cool down promotes recovery and prevents the onset of muscle pain resulting from the exercise. Singing should include these two procedures to promote the preparation of the vocal apparatus and the recovery of the effort. Through a survey made within the singing community (choir conductors, singing teachers of middle and high school, professional singers and singing college students) an evaluation of the performance of these activities was made, as well as of its methodology. The results were analysed and compared with the introductory state of the art

    Aquecimento vocal: exercícios para desenvolver a capacidade de cantar a vozes

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    A Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) apresentada neste relatório foi realizada durante o ano letivo 2017/2018, no âmbito do mestrado em Ensino de Música na variante de Música de Conjunto. Nela foram envolvidas turmas do curso de Iniciação Musical e do Curso Básico de Instrumento da Escola Artística do Conservatório de Música de Coimbra. A trabalho de pesquisa aqui apresentado visa a seleção e criação de um reportório de vocalizos que, no âmbito de um aquecimento vocal, desenvolva nos coralistas a capacidade de cantar a vozes. De acordo com a investigação que nos é solicitada no âmbito da PES, este trabalho enquadra-se num modelo de ação educativa tendo em vista a aplicação de materiais e ferramentas didáticas em sala de aula. Além das aulas lecionadas, a PES envolveu a organização e participação em atividades extracurriculares com carácter informativo e performativoThe Practice of Supervised Teaching (PST) presented in this report was conducted throughout the 2017/2018 academic year, as part of the master's programme in Music Education in the Ensemble Music variant. The PST was made with classes of the course of Musical Initiation and of the Basic Course of Instrument of the Art School of the Conservatory of Music of Coimbra. The research work presented here aims the selection and creation of a repertoire of vocalizations that, in the context of a vocal warm-up, develops in choristers the ability to part-singing. According to the requested research in the context of the PST, this document fits into a model of educational action bearing in mind the application of teaching materials and tools in the classroom. In addition of the classes taught, the PST involved the organization and participation in multiple performative and informative extracurricular activitiesMestrado em Ensino de Músic

    Feasibility and Acceptability of an Asthma App to Monitor Medication Adherence : Mixed Methods Study

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    Background: Poor medication adherence is a major challenge in asthma, and objective assessment of inhaler adherence is needed. The InspirerMundi app aims to monitor adherence while providing a positive experience through gamification and social support. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the InspirerMundi app to monitor medication adherence in adolescents and adults with persistent asthma (treated with daily inhaled medication). Methods: A 1-month mixed method multicenter observational study was conducted in 26 secondary care centers from Portugal and Spain. During an initial face-to-face visit, physicians reported patients' asthma therapeutic plan in a structured questionnaire. During the visits, patients were invited to use the app daily to register their asthma medication intakes. A scheduled intake was considered taken when patients registered the intake (inhaler, blister, or other drug formulation) by using the image-based medication detection tool. At 1 month, patients were interviewed by phone, and app satisfaction was assessed on a 1 (low) to 5 (high) scale. Patients were also asked to point out the most and least preferred app features and make suggestions for future app improvements. Results: A total of 107 patients (median 27 [P25-P75 14-40] years) were invited, 92.5% (99/107) installed the app, and 73.8% (79/107) completed the 1-month interview. Patients interacted with the app a median of 9 (P25-P75 1-24) days. At least one medication was registered in the app by 78% (77/99) of patients. A total of 53% (52/99) of participants registered all prescribed inhalers, and 34% (34/99) registered the complete asthma therapeutic plan. Median medication adherence was 75% (P25-P75 25%-90%) for inhalers and 82% (P25-P75 50%-94%) for other drug formulations. Patients were globally satisfied with the app, with 75% (59/79) scoring >= 4,; adherence monitoring, symptom monitoring, and gamification features being the most highly scored components; and the medication detection tool among the lowest scored. A total of 53% (42/79) of the patients stated that the app had motivated them to improve adherence to inhaled medication and 77% (61/79) would recommend the app to other patients. Patient feedback was reflected in 4 major themes: medication-related features (67/79, 85%), gamification and social network (33/79, 42%), symptom monitoring and physician communication (21/79, 27%), and other aspects (16/79, 20%). Conclusions: The InspirerMundi app was feasible and acceptable to monitor medication adherence in patients with asthma. Based on patient feedback and to increase the registering of medications, the therapeutic plan registration and medication detection tool were redesigned. Our results highlight the importance of patient participation to produce a patient-centered and engaging mHealth asthma app