385 research outputs found

    Cosmological Simulations on a Grid of Computers

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    The work presented in this paper aims at restricting the input parameter values of the semi-analytical model used in GALICS and MOMAF, so as to derive which parameters influence the most the results, e.g., star formation, feedback and halo recycling efficiencies, etc. Our approach is to proceed empirically: we run lots of simulations and derive the correct ranges of values. The computation time needed is so large, that we need to run on a grid of computers. Hence, we model GALICS and MOMAF execution time and output files size, and run the simulation using a grid middleware: DIET. All the complexity of accessing resources, scheduling simulations and managing data is harnessed by DIET and hidden behind a web portal accessible to the users.Comment: Accepted and Published in AIP Conference Proceedings 1241, 2010, pages 816-82

    Efficient Grid Resource Selection for a CEM Application

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    National audienceComputational Electromagnetics (CEM) is a domain which provides numerical solutions to compute an- tenna performance, electromagnetic compatibility, radar cross section and electromagnetic wave propaga- tion. The ever-increasing need for more precision and larger meshes raises the natural question whether it is worth porting CEM algorithms to computer grids. Due to the nature of the computations, CEM al- gorithms are not trivially parallelisable, as data dependency inside the mesh implies communication. The goal of this paper is to answer the question: given a set of resources, what is the subset of resources one should chose among, to minimise the time it takes to solve a CEM problem. After presenting a model of the application execution time, several algorithms for selecting resources are described. The limits of the theoretical model is then compared against experimental results, obtained from the Grid'5000 platform

    A Practical Study of Self-Stabilization for Prefix-Tree Based Overlay Networks

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    Service discovery is crucial in the development of fully decentralized computational grids. Among the significant amount of work produced by the convergence of peer-to-peer (P2P) systems and grids, a new kind of overlay networks, based on prefix trees, has emerged. In particular, the Distributed Lexicographic Placement Table (DLPT) approach is a decentralized and dynamic service discovery service. Fault-tolerance within the DLPT approach is achieved through best-effort policies relying on formal self-stabilization results. Self-stabilization means that the tree can become transiently inconsistent, but is guaranteed to autonomously converge to a correct topology after arbitrary crashes, in a finite time. However, during convergence, the tree may not be able to process queries correctly. In this paper, we present some simulation results having several objectives. First, we investigate the interest of self-stabilization for such architectures. Second, we explore, still based on simulation, a simple Time-To-Live policy to avoid useless processing during convergence time

    Forecasting for Cloud computing on-demand resources based on pattern matching

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    The Cloud phenomenon brings along the cost-saving benefit of dynamic scaling. Knowledge in advance is necessary as the virtual resources that Cloud computing uses have a setup time that is not negligible. We propose a new approach to the problem of workload prediction based on identifying similar past occurrences to the current short-term workload history. We present in detail the auto-scaling algorithm that uses the above approach as well as experimental results by using real-world data and an overall evaluation of this approach, its potential and usefulness

    Efficiency of Tree-Structured Peer-to-Peer Service Discovery Systems

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    The efficiency of service discovery is a crucial point in the development of fully decentralized middlewares intended to manage large scale computational grids. The work conducted on this issue led to the design of many peer-to-peer fashioned approaches. More specifically, the need for flexibility and complexity in the service discovery has seen the emergence of a new kind of overlays, based on tries, also known as lexicographic trees. Although these overlays are efficient and well designed, they require a costly maintenance and do not accurately take into account the heterogeneity of nodes and the changing popularity of the services requested by users. In this paper, we focus on reducing the cost of the maintenance of a particular architecture, based on a dynamic prefix tree, while enhancing it with some load balancing techniques that dynamically adapt the load of the nodes in order to maximize the throughput of the system. The algorithms developed couple a self-organizing prefix tree overlay with load balancing techniques inspired by similar previous works undertaken for distributed hash tables. After some simulation results showing how our load balancing heuristics perform in such an overlay and compare to other heuristics, we provide a fair comparison of this architecture and similar overlays recently proposed.L’efficacitĂ© de la dĂ©couverte de services est un point crucial du dĂ©veloppement d’intergiciels de grille totalement dĂ©centralisĂ©s. Les travaux ayant pour but la rĂ©solution de ce problĂšme ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© un certain nombre d’approches pair-Ă -pair. le besoin de flexibilitĂ© et d’expressivitĂ© a donnĂ© lieu au dĂ©veloppement d’architecture s’appuyant sur des arbres de prĂ©fixes(ou arbres lexicographiques). Ces overlays souffrent d’une maintenance couteuse et ne prennent pas en compte la nature hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne de la plate-forme physique sous-jacente et la popularitĂ© diffĂ©rente et changeante de chaque ressource enregistrĂ©e.Dans ce rapport, nous nous focalisons sur la rĂ©duction du cout de maintenance d’une telle architecture, basĂ©e sur un arbre de prĂ©fixes dynamique,tout en lui donnant la possibilitĂ© de s’adapter Ă  l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© prĂ©citĂ©e par l’enrichissant de mĂ©canismes de rĂ©partition de la charge qui adaptent dynamiquement la charge des nƓuds dans le but de maximiser le dĂ©bit sur service. Notre approche couple des travaux de rĂ©partition de la charge dans les DHTs avec un overlay en arbre de prĂ©fixes auto-organisant. AprĂšs des rĂ©sultats de simulation mettant en Ă©vidence l’efficacitĂ© de notre heuristique, nous comparons notre approche avec les travaux s’appuyant sur des structures distribuĂ©es similaires

    Service discovery in a peer-to-peer environment for computational grids

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    Les grilles de calcul sont des systÚmes distribués dont l'objectif est l'agrégation et le partage de ressources hétérogÚnes géographiquement réparties pour le calcul haute performance. Les services d'une grille sont l'ensemble des applicatifs que des serveurs mettent à disposition des clients. Une problématique largement soulevée par les utilisateurs de grilles est la découverte de services. Les mécanismes actuels de découverte de services manquent de fonctionnalités et deviennent inefficaces dans des environnements dynamiques à large échelle. Il est donc indispensable de proposer de nouveaux outils pour de tels environnements. Les technologies pair-à-pair émergentes fournissent des algorithmes permettant une décentralisation totale de la construction et de la maintenance de systÚmes distribués performants et tolérants aux pannes. Le problÚme que l'on cherche à résoudre est de permettre une découverte flexible (recherche multicritÚres, complétion automatique) des services dans des grilles prenant place dans un environnement dynamique à large échelle (pair-à-pair) en tenant compte de la topologie du réseau physique sous-jacent

    All in one Graphical Tool for the management of DIET a GridRPC Middleware

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    Also available as LIP Research Report 2008-24Grid Middleware are the link between large scale (and distributed) platforms and applications. Managing such a software system and the Grid environment itself can be a hard task when no dedicated (and integrated) tool exist. Some can be used through nice graphical interfaces, but they are usually dedicated to one or some limited tasks. They do not fulfill all the needs of a Grid end-user who wants to deploy Grid applications easily and rapidly. The aim of this paper is to present the case study of an all-in-one software system, designed for the management of a Grid Middleware and gathering user-friendly graphical interfaces answering to the various needs of end-users. Moreover the software system eases the use of the Grid by avoiding the scripting layer under a nice GUI enabling the user a faster and more efficient use of the Grid environment. By this means we demonstrate how the DietDashboard fulfills all the needs of a unified tool for Grid management. This paper gives a comparison with existing and well-known tools dedicated to some specific tasks such as Grid resources management, Grid monitoring, or Middleware management

    Modelization for the Deployment of a Hierarchical Middleware on a Homogeneous Platform

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    Accessing the power of distributed resources can nowadays easily be done using a middleware based on a client/server approach. Several architectures exist for those middlewares. The most scalable ones rely on a hierarchical design. Determining the best shape for the hierarchy, the one giving the best throughput of services, is not an easy task. We first propose a computation and communication model for such hierarchical middleware. Our model takes into account the deployment of several services in the hierarchy. Then, based on this model, we propose an algorithm for automatically constructing a hierarchy. This algorithm aims at offering the users the best obtained to requested throughput ratio, while providing fairness on this ratio for the different kind of services, and using as few resources as possible. Finally, we compare our model with experimental results on a real middleware called DIET

    Autonomic Management using Self-Stabilization for Hierarchical and Distributed Middleware

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    International audienceDynamic nature of distributed architecture is a major challenge to avail the benefits of distributed computing. An effective solution to deal with this dynamic nature is to implement a self-adaptive mechanism to sustain the distributed architecture. Self-adaptive systems can autonomously modify their behavior at run-time in response to changes in their environment. This capability may be included in the software systems at design time or later by external mechanisms. Our paper describes the self- adaptive algorithm that we developed for an existing middleware. Once the middleware is deployed, it can detect a set of events which indicate an unstable deployment state. When an event is detected, some instructions are executed to handle the event. We have designed a simulator to have a deeper insights of our proposed self-adaptive algorithm. Results of our simulated experiments validate the safe convergence of the algorithm

    Gestion adaptative de l'Ă©nergie pour les infrastructures de type grappe ou nuage

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    National audienceDans un contexte d'utilisation de ressources hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes, la performance reste le critĂšre traditionnel pour la planification de capacitĂ©. Mais, de nos jours, tenir compte de la variable Ă©nergĂ©tique est devenu une nĂ©cessitĂ©. Cet article s'attaque au problĂšme de l'efficacitĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique pour la rĂ©partition de charge dans les systĂšmes distribuĂ©s. Nous proposons une gestion efficace en Ă©nergie des ressources par l'ajout de fonctionnalitĂ©s de gestion des Ă©vĂšnements liĂ©s Ă  l'Ă©nergie, selon des rĂšgles dĂ©finies par l'utilisateur. Nous implĂ©mentons ces fonctionnalitĂ©s au sein de l'intergiciel DIET, qui permet de gĂ©rer la rĂ©partition de charge afin de mettre en Ă©vidence le cout des compromis entre la performance et la consommation d'Ă©nergie. Notre solution et son intĂ©rĂȘt sont validĂ©s au travers d'expĂ©riences en Ă©valuant la performance et la consommation Ă©lectrique mettant en concurrence trois politiques d'ordonnancement. Nous mettons en avant le gain obtenu en terme Ă©nergĂ©tique tout en essayant de minimiser les Ă©carts de performance. Nous offrons Ă©galement Ă  l'intergiciel responsable de l'ordonnancement une rĂ©activitĂ© face aux variations Ă©nergĂ©tiques
