1,953 research outputs found

    Imitasi Pola Pikir Manajer Profesional Untuk Mengembangkan Tradisional Bisnis

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    Distributor UD. X seringkali harus menunggu pengiriman barang dari distributor area (utama) karena intervensi langsung dari produsen yang memerintahkan distributor utama untuk memenuhi permintaan ritel modern terlebih dahulu.Akibatnya, beberapa pelanggan UD.X membatalkan pesanan karena barang tidak tersedia. Kondisi ini bisa diminimalkan jika UD. X memiliki manajemen persediaan yang baik. Tantangan ini bisa diselesaikan oleh UD. X jika menyewa seorang manajer profesional tetapi solusi ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Upaya lain adalah dengan menerapkan sistem informasi berbasis komputer yang mampu meniru pola pikir seorang manajer profesional dalam mengelola persediaan. Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan wawancara mendalam dengan pemilik, karyawan, pelanggan utama UD.X, dan praktisi dalam manajemen persediaan serta studi dokumen Perusahaan. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa optimalisasi pemesanan pembelian UD. X dapat meningkatkan dengan terlebih dahulu membuat kategorisasi pelanggan yang akan membantu Perusahaan menentukan perilaku pelanggan. Di samping itu, ada beberapa faktor di dalam Perusahaan yang harus diubah sehingga sistem dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal

    Nursing churn and turnover in Australian hospitals:Nurses perceptions and suggestions for supportive strategies

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    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to reveal nurses’ experiences and perceptions of turnover in Australian hospitals and identify strategies to improve retention, performance and job satisfaction. Nursing turnover is a serious issue that can compromise patient safety, increase health care costs and impact on staff morale. A qualitative design was used to analyze responses from 362 nurses collected from a national survey of nurses from medical and surgical nursing units across 3 Australian States/Territories. METHOD: A qualitative design was used to analyze responses from 362 nurses collected from a national survey of nurses from medical and surgical nursing units across 3 Australian States/Territories. RESULTS: Key factors affecting nursing turnover were limited career opportunities; poor support; a lack of recognition; and negative staff attitudes. The nursing working environment is characterised by inappropriate skill-mix and inadequate patient-staff ratios; a lack of overseas qualified nurses with appropriate skills; low involvement in decision-making processes; and increased patient demands. These issues impacted upon heavy workloads and stress levels with nurses feeling undervalued and disempowered. Nurses described supportive strategies: improving performance appraisals, responsive preceptorship and flexible employment options. CONCLUSION: Nursing turnover is influenced by the experiences of nurses. Positive steps can be made towards improving workplace conditions and ensuring nurse retention. Improving performance management and work design are strategies that nurse managers could harness to reduce turnover

    Cancer-Specific Mortality, Cure Fraction, and Noncancer Causes of Death Among Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Patients in the Immunochemotherapy Era.

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    BACKGROUND Survival after the diagnosis of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) has been increasing since 2002 because of improved therapies; however, long-term outcomes for these patients in the modern treatment era are still unknown. METHODS Using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data, this study first assessed factors associated with DLBCL-specific mortality during 2002-2012. An epidemiologic risk profile, based on clinical and demographic characteristics, was used to stratify DLBCL cases into low-, medium-, and high-risk groups. The proportions of DLBCL cases that might be considered cured in these 3 risk groups was estimated. Risks of death due to various noncancer causes among DLBCL cases versus the general population were also calculated with standardized mortality ratios (SMRs). RESULTS Overall, 8274 deaths were recorded among 18,047 DLBCL cases; 76% of the total deaths were attributed to DLBCL, and 24% were attributed to noncancer causes. The 10-year survival rates for the low-, medium-, and high-risk groups were 80%, 60%, and 36%, respectively. The estimated cure proportions for the low-, medium-, and high-risk groups were 73%, 49%, and 27%, respectively; however, these cure estimates were uncertain because of the need to extrapolate the survival curves beyond the follow-up time. Mortality risks calculated with SMRs were elevated for conditions including vascular diseases (SMR, 1.3), infections (SMR, 3.1), gastrointestinal diseases (SMR, 2.5), and blood diseases (SMR, 4.6). These mortality risks were especially high within the initial 5 years after the diagnosis and declined after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS Some DLBCL patients may be cured of their cancer, but they continue to experience excess mortality from lymphoma and other noncancer causes. Cancer 2017. © 2017 American Cancer Society

    Roles of key active-site residues in flavocytochrome P450 BM3

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    Abbreviations used: P450, cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase; ImC12, 12-(imidazolyl)dodecanoic acid; 1-PIM, 1-phenylimidazole.The effects of mutation of key active-site residues (Arg-47, Tyr-51, Phe-42 and Phe-87) in Bacillus megaterium flavocytochrome P450 BM3 were investigated. Kinetic studies on the oxidation of laurate and arachidonate showed that the side chain of Arg-47 contributes more significantly to stabilization of the fatty acid carboxylate than does that of Tyr-51 (kinetic parameters for oxidation of laurate: R47A mutant, Km 859 µM, kcat 3960 min-1; Y51F mutant, Km 432 µM, kcat 6140 min-1; wild-type, Km 288 µM, kcat 5140 min-1). A slightly increased kcat for the Y51F-catalysed oxidation of laurate is probably due to decreased activation energy (DG‡) resulting from a smaller DG of substrate binding. The side chain of Phe-42 acts as a phenyl 'cap' over the mouth of the substrate-binding channel. With mutant F42A, Km is massively increased and kcat is decreased for oxidation of both laurate (Km 2.08 mM, kcat 2450 min-1) and arachidonate (Km 34.9 µM, kcat 14620 min-1; compared with values of 4.7 µM and 17100 min-1 respectively for wild-type). Amino acid Phe-87 is critical for efficient catalysis. Mutants F87G and F87Y not only exhibit increased Km and decreased kcat values for fatty acid oxidation, but also undergo an irreversible conversion process from a 'fast' to a 'slow' rate of substrate turnover [for F87G (F87Y)-catalysed laurate oxidation: kcat 'fast', 760 (1620) min-1; kcat 'slow', 48.0 (44.6) min-1; kconv (rate of conversion from fast to slow form), 4.9 (23.8) min-1]. All mutants showed less than 10% uncoupling of NADPH oxidation from fatty acid oxidation. The rate of FMN-to-haem electron transfer was shown to become rate-limiting in all mutants analysed. For wild-type P450 BM3, the rate of FMN-to-haem electron transfer (8340 min-1) is twice the steady-state rate of oxidation (4100 min-1), indicating that other steps contribute to rate limitation. Active-site structures of the mutants were probed with the inhibitors 12-(imidazolyl)dodecanoic acid and 1-phenylimidazole. Mutant F87G binds 1-phenylimidazole > 10-fold more tightly than does the wild-type, whereas mutant Y51F binds the haem-co-ordinating fatty acid analogue 12-(imidazolyl)dodecanoic acid > 30-fold more tightly than wild-type

    "You cannot know if it's a baby or not a baby": uptake, provision and perceptions of antenatal care and routine antenatal ultrasound scanning in rural Kenya.

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    BACKGROUND: Antenatal care early in pregnancy enables service providers to identify and manage risks to mother and fetus. In the global north, ultrasound scans are routinely offered in pregnancy to provide an accurate estimate of gestational age and identify potential problems. In sub-Saharan Africa, such services are rarely available and women often delay initiating antenatal care. This study describes the uptake and provision of antenatal care in a rural Kenyan hospital and explores how pregnant women and healthcare providers perceived the provision of ultrasound scanning, following its introduction in an international foetal growth study. METHODS: A descriptive study, using qualitative and quantitative methods, was conducted in Kilifi District Hospital, Kenya, between June 2011 and April 2012. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 nurses working in the antenatal clinic (ANC) and 59 pregnant women attending ANC. Structured observations of 357 ANC consultations and 30 ultrasound scans were made. RESULTS: Women sought antenatal care for information about the health of their baby and the protection provided by the ANC services. Uncertainty about pregnancy status contributed to delay in ANC attendance; more than 78 % of women were over 20 weeks' gestation at their first visit. Healthcare workers found it difficult to detect pregnancies below 16 weeks gestation and, accurate assessment of gestational age below 20 weeks' gestation could be problematic. Provision of services depended on the pregnancy being detected and gestational age assessed. The "seeing", made possible through ultrasound scanning was perceived by pregnant women and healthcare workers to be beneficial: confirming the pregnancy, and providing reassurance about the fetus' condition. Few participants raised concerns about ultrasound scanning. CONCLUSIONS: Uncertainty about pregnancy status and gestational age for women and healthcare providers is a key factor influencing timing of ANC attendance, contributing to delays and restricting early provision of ANC services. Ultrasound scanning was perceived to enhance antenatal care through confirmation of pregnancy status and enabling more accurate estimation of gestational age and the health status of the fetus. There is a need to make available more affordable means of pregnancy testing as a strategy towards encouraging early attendance, and delivery of antenatal care

    Using exomarkers to assess mitochondrial reactive species in vivo

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    Background: The ability to measure the concentrations of small damaging and signalling molecules such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) in vivo is essential to understanding their biological roles. While a range of methods can be applied to in vitro systems, measuring the levels and relative changes in reactive species in vivo is challenging. Scope of review: One approach towards achieving this goal is the use of exomarkers. In this, exogenous probe compounds are administered to the intact organism and are then transformed by the reactive molecules in vivo to produce a diagnostic exomarker. The exomarker and the precursor probe can be analysed ex vivo to infer the identity and amounts of the reactive species present in vivo. This is akin to the measurement of biomarkers produced by the interaction of reactive species with endogenous biomolecules. Major conclusions and general significance: Our laboratories have developed mitochondria-targeted probes that generate exomarkers that can be analysed ex vivo by mass spectrometry to assess levels of reactive species within mitochondria in vivo. We have used one of these compounds, MitoB, to infer the levels of mitochondrial hydrogen peroxide within flies and mice. Here we describe the development of MitoB and expand on this example to discuss how better probes and exomarkers can be developed. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species - pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn. Abbreviations: EPR, electron paramagnetic resonance; GFP, green fluorescent protein; 4-HNE, 4-hydroxynonenal; MitoB, 3-(dihydroxyboronyl)benzyltriphenylphosphonium bromide; MitoP, (3-hydroxybenzyl)triphenylphosphonium bromide; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SOD, superoxide dismutase; TPMP, methyltriphenylphosphonium; TPP, triphenylphosphonium catio

    Early prediction of severe retinopathy of prematurity requiring laser treatment using physiological data

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    Background Early risk stratification for developing retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is essential for tailoring screening strategies and preventing abnormal retinal development. This study aims to examine the ability of physiological data during the first postnatal month to distinguish preterm infants with and without ROP requiring laser treatment. Methods In this cohort study, preterm infants with a gestational age <32 weeks and/or birth weight <1500 g, who were screened for ROP were included. Differences in the physiological data between the laser and non-laser group were identified, and tree-based classification models were trained and independently tested to predict ROP requiring laser treatment. Results In total, 208 preterm infants were included in the analysis of whom 30 infants (14%) required laser treatment. Significant differences were identified in the level of hypoxia and hyperoxia, oxygen requirement, and skewness of heart rate. The best model had a balanced accuracy of 0.81 (0.72–0.87), a sensitivity of 0.73 (0.64–0.81), and a specificity of 0.88 (0.80–0.93) and included the SpO2/FiO2 ratio and baseline demographics (including gestational age and birth weight). Conclusions Routinely monitored physiological data from preterm infants in the first postnatal month are already predictive of later development of ROP requiring laser treatment, although validation is required in larger cohorts. Impact Routinely monitored physiological data from the first postnatal month are predictive of later development of ROP requiring laser treatment, although model performance was not significantly better than baseline characteristics (gestational age, birth weight, sex, multiple birth, prenatal glucocorticosteroids, route of delivery, and Apgar scores) alone. A balanced accuracy of 0.81 (0.72–0.87), a sensitivity of 0.73 (0.64–0.81), and a specificity of 0.88 (0.80–0.93) was achieved with a model including the SpO2/FiO2 ratio and baseline characteristics. Physiological data have potential to play a significant role for future ROP prediction and provide opportunities for early interventions to protect infants from abnormal retinal development

    The first crop plant genetically engineered to release an insect pheromone for defence

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    Insect pheromones offer potential for managing pests of crop plants. Volatility and instability are problems for deployment in agriculture but could be solved by expressing genes for the biosynthesis of pheromones in the crop plants. This has now been achieved by genetically engineering a hexaploid variety of wheat to release (E)-β-farnesene (Eβf), the alarm pheromone for many pest aphids, using a synthetic gene based on a sequence from peppermint with a plastid targeting amino acid sequence, with or without a gene for biosynthesis of the precursor farnesyl diphosphate. Pure Eβf was produced in stably transformed wheat lines with no other detectable phenotype but requiring targeting of the gene produced to the plastid. In laboratory behavioural assays, three species of cereal aphids were repelled and foraging was increased for a parasitic natural enemy. Although these studies show considerable potential for aphid control, field trials employing the single and double constructs showed no reduction in aphids or increase in parasitism. Insect numbers were low and climatic conditions erratic suggesting the need for further trials or a closer imitation, in the plant, of alarm pheromone release
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