48 research outputs found

    A consideração do clima no projeto de arquitetura e localização industrial - Uma proposta em benefício do homem e da produção

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the different values of the Modern Era as regards the occupation of the geographical areas by industrial plants. Although these are general considerations, the proposed model derives from the effective applications in the scientific and occupational fields. Issues related to environmental impact and the climate ought to be considered because human-beings are the crucial element in the model.This fact brings about ambiguities which are to be treated by a non-deterministic logic. The uncertainty and the imprecision when determining the locational attributes suggest the usage of linguistic representation when interpreting the facts and happenings. The theory of the fuzzy sets furnish the means for the representation of the uncertainties and it is here proposed as a form of a locational model and as an important toot to shape the uncertainty associated to imprecision

    Hybrid sediment transport model for the “linguado” channel, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    This study involves an assessment of various artificial intelligence-related techniques which aim to produce a more robust system for sediment transport modeling. The intelligent systems developed in this research are directly applicable to academic knowledge and use data from a report on "water circulation assessment in the “Linguado” Channel and Babitonga Bay ,”Santa Catarina”, Brazil, developed by  Military Engineering Institute (IME). The solution employed for sediment transport was built using an intelligent system from the conception of two hybrid models. The first was a Neuro-Fuzzy (ANFIS) hybrid model for the study of hydrodynamic behavior, aiming to determine flow rate in the channel. The second was a fuzzy genetic model, able to assess sediment transport in the “Linguado” Channel. The study's conclusion compares the different effects involved in the dredging equilibrium in the “Linguado” Channel according to this hybrid model with the results obtained using a finite element model in the MIKE21® software

    A Fuzzy Algorithm for understanding the customer's desire. An application designed for textile industry.

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    The paper aims at showing how a textile industry can select from a mix of products, the best products to be produced by using the customer’s point of view.The Fuzzy Algorithm for fashion industry is a tool developed to optimise the production and reduce losses and storage costs in the textile industry environment.As the textile industry has an expressive position as an employment intensive industry around the world, its health can be perceived by the ability of their managers in restricting the production to low costs limits, thus acquiring better sales and value to the products.The supply chain management must apply innovations and tools that can deal with these paradigms with dexterity. In a global source operation, the information that one product will be very well accepted by a group of customers with a given price is very welcome.In a sustainability scenario, the algorithm can promote savings in many factors such as: labour, electric energy, water and many other resources spent by the textile industries that have significant impact in economy and environment.Finally, this paper shows a different view to understand the customer's desire through linguistic variable processed in a Fuzzy Logic algorithm. The tool yields an index to the product and find out in a mix of products, which of them will be better accepted by the final customer.Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Textile Industry, Production Optimization

    Hybrid sediment transport model for the “linguado” channel, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    This study involves an assessment of various artificial intelligence-related techniques which aim to produce a more robust system for sediment transport modeling. The intelligent systems developed in this research are directly applicable to academic knowledge and use data from a report on "water circulation assessment in the “Linguado” Channel and Babitonga Bay ,”Santa Catarina”, Brazil, developed by  Military Engineering Institute (IME). The solution employed for sediment transport was built using an intelligent system from the conception of two hybrid models. The first was a Neuro-Fuzzy (ANFIS) hybrid model for the study of hydrodynamic behavior, aiming to determine flow rate in the channel. The second was a fuzzy genetic model, able to assess sediment transport in the “Linguado” Channel. The study's conclusion compares the different effects involved in the dredging equilibrium in the “Linguado” Channel according to this hybrid model with the results obtained using a finite element model in the MIKE21® software

    Aplicação do Modelo de Black, Derman & Toy à Precificação de Opções Sobre Títulos de Renda Fixa

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    This paper presents an application of the model of Black, Derman & Toy related to the pricing of options of fixed income assets. The model is a non-stationary one, where the mean reversion or volatility reversion or both are functions of time. The model makes it possible to calculate the price of non-arbitrage derivative contracts of the term structure of interest rates. The fundamental hypothesis is that the interest rate follows a lognormal random walk. It uses a binomial tree to simulate the stochastic process in study. This tree is created in a way to be consistent with the initial interest rate curve observed by the market. The results obtained were consistent, however as this kind of option does not exist in Brazil, we could not compare the results of our tests with the market prices of the contracts.

    Interictal brain SPECT in patients with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of interictal brain SPECT in localizing the epileptogenic focus in a population of patients of Epilepsy Clinic of Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF/UFRJ), with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and normal computed tomography (CT) scans, studying the correlation between SPECT, electroencephalogram (EEG) and, in 11 cases, brain magnectic resonance imaging (MRI), and to compare the results to the other six literatura series. Twelve (52.2%) patients presented abnormal SPECT. Among these, five (41.6% of abnormal SPECTs) presented unilateral SPECT changes at the same side of EEG (hypoperfusion in four and hyperperfusion in one), three (25% of abnormal SPECTs) presented bilateral hypoperfusion and bilateral EEG changes too, and four (33.3%) presented unilateral hypoperfusion and bilateral EEG changes. The statistical analysis was based on fuzzy logic. The correlation index among SPECT X EEG, SPECT X MRI and SPECT X EEG X MRI were highly significant, with signifcance levels at 0.01, p < 0.0005 and trust interval at 99% in all correlations. The correlation studies between the series presented similar results.O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a utilidade do SPECT cerebral interictal na localização do foco epileptogênico em 23 pacientes do Ambulatório de Epilepsias do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF/UFRJ), com epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT) de difícil controle e tomografia computadorizada (TC) do crânio normal, estudando a correlação entre SPECT interictal, eletrencefalograma (EEG) e, em 11 casos, ressonância magnética (RM) do crânio, e comparar os resultados com os de outras seis séries da literatura. Doze (52,2%) pacientes apresentaram SPECT anormal. Entre esses, cinco (41,6% dos SPECTs anormais) apresentaram alteração unilateral ao SPECT do mesmo lado do EEG (hipoperfusão em 4 e hiperperfusão em 1), três (25% dos SPECTs anormais) apresentaram hipoperfusão bilateral ao SPECT e alterações também bilaterais ao EEG e 4 (33,3% dos SPECTs anormais) apresentaram hipoperfusão unilateral ao SPECT e EEG bilateral. A análise estatística fundamentou-se na lógica fuzzy. Os índices de correlação entre SPECT X EEG, SPECT X RM e SPECT X EEG X RM foram altamente significativos, com níveis de significância de 0,01, p < 0,0005 e intervalo de 99% de confiança em todas as correlações. Os estudos de correlação entre as séries estudadas apresentaram resultados semelhantes entre si.Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Coordenação dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em EngenhariaLaboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture de Systèmes de ToulouseUniversidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro HUCFF Serviço de NeurologiaUniversidade do Rio de Janeiro Serviço de NeurologiaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Fuzzy logic application for extruders replacement problem

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    In a scenario of uncertainty and imprecision, before taking the replacement analysis, a manager needs to consider the uncertain reality of a problem. In this scenario, the fuzzy logic makes an excellent option. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision based on the fuzzy model. This study is based on the comparison of two methodologies used in the problem of asset replacement. The study, thus, was based on a comparison between two extruders for polypropylene yarn bibliopegy, comparing mainly the costs involved in maintaining the equipment

    Fuzzy logic application for extruders replacement problem

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    In a scenario of uncertainty and imprecision, before taking the replacement analysis, a manager needs to consider the uncertain reality of a problem. In this scenario, the fuzzy logic makes an excellent option. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision based on the fuzzy model. This study is based on the comparison of two methodologies used in the problem of asset replacement. The study, thus, was based on a comparison between two extruders for polypropylene yarn bibliopegy, comparing mainly the costs involved in maintaining the equipment

    Contextualização do ensino de química através de temas sobre reciclagem e reaproveitamento / Contextualizing the teaching of chemistry through themes of recycling and reuse

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    O presente trabalho visou permitir que alunos conseguissem compreender melhor alguns conceitos relacionados a educação ambiental, tais como reaproveitamento de água, óleo de cozinha, reciclagem de papel, alumínio, dentre outros. Também teve como objetivo avaliar a compreensão dos mesmos sobre o tema escolhido e a razão da escolha do tema. Também foi avaliado se os alunos conseguiam associar o tema escolhido a conceitos já aprendidos, previamente, de química. A maior parte dos alunos tinha pouco ou conhecimento médio sobre o tema escolhido (aproximadamente 82%) e a maior parte entendeu não ser relevante associar conhecimentos do dia a dia com a química antes de responder o questionário (cerca de 74%). Após a pesquisa ser respondida e o novo questionário aplicado percebeu-se uma melhora no nível de conhecimento adquirido e também na percepção do aluno em associar a química com o cotidiano. Dessa forma, entende-se que objetivo de melhorar a compreensão do aluno acerca de temas importantes

    Aplicação da análise de imagem digital como ferramenta no ensino de química analítica / Application of digital image analysis as a tool for teaching analytical chemistry

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    A proposta deste trabalho foi demonstrar como uma técnica alternativa que é rápida e barata pode ser usada para fins de ensino de química analítica seja em cursos de graduação ou técnicos na área de química ou afins. Tal proposta se baseou no uso da análise de imagem digital usando o pacote EBImage disponível no software R. Tal pacote permite a decomposição de uma imagem no sistema de cores RGB (vermelho, verde e azul) para fins de quantificação. Para aplicação da metodologia, se trabalhou com a determinação do teor de quercetina em amostras de chá verde. A curva analítica teve a concentração de quercetina variando de 0 – 90 mg/L e o produto colorido formado da reação da quercetina com solução metanólica de cloreto de alumínio foi analisado por meio de aquisição de imagens que foram posteriormente tratadas no software R. Tal proposta também permitiu reforçar ou introduzir novos conceitos seja de química analítica e/ou de quimiometria