6 research outputs found


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    The DNA extraction is the key for all molecular biology procedures. In plants, this stage is absolutely affected by the tissue compounds, that are variable between the species. In apple tree, polyphenols are the main compounds that affects DNA quality and integrity. The aim of this work was to apply a protocol for DNA extraction using different apple tree tissues and to determine the best one to obtain high DNA quality. The protocol tested was an adaptation of CTAB, using leaf, bud, stem, apple skin and flesh. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with five replicates, considering each tissue. To determinate the best quality of DNA was used de relation 260/280 nm and 260/230 nm. Quality parameters and DNA concentration were obtained with absorbance spectrophotometer. It was performed variance analysis and Tukey's test, with a significance level at 5 %. The DNA integrity was observed in agarose gel 0.8 %. The highest mean concentration were 374.53 ng/µL in stem and 395.58 ng/µL in bud tissue. The best quality (260/280 ≈ 2.0, 260/230 ≈ 1.8) was obtain with leaf, bud and stem, the same for DNA integrity. The best tissues to obtain DNA from apple tree with high concentration and quality were bud, stem and leaf, suggesting higher efficiency using this protocol

    Escurecimento de polpa de maçãs ‘Fuji’, ‘Cripps pink’ e ‘SCS427 Elenise’ para uso como minimamente processadas

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    This study aimed to evaluate the flesh browning index of SCS427 Elenise, Fuji and Cripps Pink apples after cutting, simulating the preparation of minimally processed food. Two distinct experiments were performed, one using newly harvested fruits and the other after storage of 75 and 120 days at a common cold atmosphere at 1ºC. The fruits were cut in the equatorial portion and the flesh was evaluated by digital colorimetric sensors throughout 0 to 48 hours after cutting. ‘Cripps Pink’ apples presented the highest flesh browning in both experiments. Whereas ‘SCS427 Elenise’ apples showed the lowest flesh browning and took longer to reach their maximum index than the other cultivars, which means they are more recommended for minimally processed food than ‘Fuji’ and ‘Cripps Pink’ apples.o objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o escurecimento da polpa de maçãs ‘SCS427 Elenise’, ‘Fuji’ e ‘Cripps pink’ após serem cortadas, simulando o preparo de alimento minimamente processado. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos, o primeiro utilizando frutos recém-colhidos e o segundo com frutos armazenados por 75 e 120 dias em atmosfera do ar a 1ºC. Os frutos foram cortados transversalmente na região equatorial e a cor da polpa analisada por sensores colorimétricos digitais, periodicamente, entre 0 até 48 horas após o corte. Maçãs ‘Cripps pink’ apresentaram maior escurecimento da polpa, em ambos os experimentos. A polpa das maçãs ‘SCS427 Elenise’ exibiu escurecimento mais lento até o ponto de escurecimento máximo em ambos os experimentos, o que sugere serem mais apropriados ao processamento mínimo sem o uso de substâncias antioxidantes que maçãs ‘Fuji’ e ‘Cripps pink’


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    The DNA extraction is the key for all molecular biology procedures. In plants, this stage is absolutely affected by the tissue compounds, that are variable between the species. In apple tree, polyphenols are the main compounds that affects DNA quality and integrity. The aim of this work was to apply a protocol for DNA extraction using different apple tree tissues and to determine the best one to obtain high DNA quality. The protocol tested was an adaptation of CTAB, using leaf, bud, stem, apple skin and flesh. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with five replicates, considering each tissue. To determinate the best quality of DNA was used de relation 260/280 nm and 260/230 nm. Quality parameters and DNA concentration were obtained with absorbance spectrophotometer. It was performed variance analysis and Tukey's test, with a significance level at 5 %. The DNA integrity was observed in agarose gel 0.8 %. The highest mean concentration were 374.53 ng/µL in stem and 395.58 ng/µL in bud tissue. The best quality (260/280 ≈ 2.0, 260/230 ≈ 1.8) was obtain with leaf, bud and stem, the same for DNA integrity. The best tissues to obtain DNA from apple tree with high concentration and quality were bud, stem and leaf, suggesting higher efficiency using this protocol

    Sowing density adjustment by rice seed vigor

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    ABSTRACT The use of high-vigor seeds combined with seeding density adjustment at sowing is speculated to ensure high yields. However, certain doubts regarding the effect of this combined approach on rice cultivation remain owing to the tillering capacity. In this context, the present study aimed to determine the effects of seeding density adjustment according to vigor on the initial establishment of seedlings in the field. A physiological characterization was conducted using the germination test, vigor by accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, first count, shoot length, root length, total seedling length, and dry mass in the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 growing seasons. The evaluations were conducted using a completely randomized design with four replications. Subsequently, the seed lots were selected, from which a fraction of seeds were submitted to artificial vigor reduction. Afterward, these seeds were sown in the main producing regions of the state of Santa Catarina, under a randomized block design with four replications. Three treatment groups were formed: one without density adjustment, one with adjustment by germination, and one with adjustment by vigor in accelerated aging. Twenty-one days after sowing, the number of emerged seedlings per unit area was determined. An interaction between the factors of adjustment for density and seed quality was observed. This was evidenced in the fact that even with the adjustment of density by vigor, the seed lot with lower quality presented the emergence of a lower number of seedlings, and the performance of these seeds was not equivalent to that observed in the lot with superior quality. Accordingly, it was concluded that the seeding density adjustment by vigor combined with the use of seeds with high-vigor is a suitable strategy for achieving a significant increase in plant emergence during the initial establishment in the field

    Prehabilitation for Spinal Surgery Scoping Review

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    Scoping review of English language medical literature that characterizes types, costs, and availability of cognitive and physical prehabilitation interventions and their effect on perioperative and postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing elective spinal surgery. This review will use MeSH terms and keywords to search medical literature databases for relevant articles. References from pertinent articles will also be included and reviewed. The quality of the evidence will be evaluated and reported

    Estratégias implementadas em hemocentros para aumento da doação de sangue

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    Objective: To assess the effectiveness of social marketing and user embracement strategies developed in a hemotherapy service and to assess the restrained demand for blood and blood components in a reference hospital before and after the actions. Methods: This is a quantitative comparative study carried out in a hemotherapy service and in a hemotherapy service of a reference hospital in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, between September and December of 2015. The strategies included social marketing through the sending of letters and e-mails and phone calls to people who could give blood again. User embracement consisted in welcoming users by showing them an information booklet. Data obtained from the database, particularly records of transfusions requested and performed, were used to compare the number of donations performed before and after the actions with data of the previous year using descriptive statistics and Student’s t test. Results: The overall number of donations increased, especially in the last month when the interventions were performed (p=0.0397). The average number of voluntary blood donations decreased from 237 donations/month in 2014 to 222 donations/month in 2015. The average number of voluntary apheresis donations of platelets increased from 11 donations/month in 2014 to 17 donations/month in 2015. Conclusion: The strategies implemented during the research period were effective in increasing apheresis donation of platelets, but had no positive effects on whole-blood donation.Objetivo: Verificar la efectividad de las estrategias de marketing social y de acogida desarrolladas en un hemocentro y verificar la demanda reprimida de sangre y hemocomponentes de un hospital de referencia antes y después de las acciones realizadas. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio comparativo de abordaje cuantitativo realizado en un hemocentro y en el servicio de hemoterapia de un hospital de referencia en el municipio de Santa María, RS, Brasil, entre septiembre y diciembre de 2015. Las estrategias fueron la acción de marketing social realizada a través del envío de cartas, correos electrónicos y llamadas a las personas con condiciones de realizar una nueva donación e la acogida que fue realizada al usuario a través de un álbum seriado. A partir de las informaciones del banco de datos, en específico de los registros de las transfusiones solicitadas y efectuadas, se comparó el número de donaciones efectuadas antes y después de las acciones con el cuantitativo del año anterior basado en la estadística descriptiva y la prueba t de Student. Resultados: El número de donaciones ha aumentado en especial en el último mes de las acciones (p=0,0397). Sin embargo, la media de donaciones voluntarias de sangre total ha presentado una reducción de 237 donaciones/mes en 2014 para 222 donaciones/mes, en 2015. La media de donaciones voluntarias de plaquetas por aféresis ha aumentado de 11 donaciones/mes en 2014 para 17 donaciones/mes en 2015. Conclusión: Las estrategias implementadas en el período del estudio contribuyeron para el aumento del número de donaciones de plaquetas por aféresis, sin embargo, no hubo resultado positivo respecto la donación de sangre total.Objetivo: Verificar a efetividade das estratégias de marketing social e de acolhimento desenvolvidas em um hemocentro e, antes e após as ações realizadas, verificar a demanda reprimida de sangue e hemocomponentes em um hospital de referência. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo comparativo, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em um hemocentro e no serviço de hemoterapia de um hospital de referência no município de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil, entre setembro e dezembro de 2015. As estratégias compreenderam ação de marketing social, realizada por meio do envio de cartas, e-mails e telefonemas às pessoas em condições de realizar uma nova doação, e o acolhimento, que consistiu em realizar a acolhida do usuário por meio de um álbum seriado. A partir do levantamento de informações do banco de dados, especificamente dos registros de transfusões solicitadas e efetivadas, comparou-se o número de doações efetivadas antes e após as ações ao quantitativo do ano anterior com base na estatística descritiva e teste t de Student. Resultados: O número de doações em geral aumentou, principalmente no último mês em que ocorreram as ações (p=0,0397). Entretanto, a média de doações voluntárias de sangue total apresentou redução, passando de 237 doações/mês, em 2014, para 222 doações/mês, em 2015. A média de doações voluntárias de plaquetas por aférese aumentou de 11 doações/mês, em 2014, para 17 doações/mês, em 2015. Conclusão: As estratégias implementadas no período do estudo contribuíram para o aumento no número de doações de plaquetas por aférese, porém, com relação à doação de sangue total, não houve resultado positivo