67 research outputs found

    Synchronized onset of nuclear and cell surface modifications in U937 cells during apoptosis

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    In this study we investigated the relationship between nuclear and cell surface modifications (i.e. blebbing, phosphatidylserine [PS] and sugar residues exposure) in a monocytic cell line, U937, during apoptosis induced by oxidative stress (1mM H2O2) or inhibition of protein synthesis (10 mg/ml puromycin). Dying cells were simultaneously observed for nuclear modifications, presence of superficial blebs and plasma membrane alterations. Morphological analysis performed by conventional fluorescence microscopy, or by transmission and scanning electron microscopy showed that the courses of nuclear and membrane alterations occured concomitantly, but the phenotype was dependent on the stage of the apoptotic process and the type of apoptogenic inducer used. The progression of apoptosis in U937 cells beyond early stages resulted in the extensive formation of blebs which concomitantly lost some typical markers of apoptosis, such as PS and sugar residues. Therefore, the modality by which the nucleus condenses, or the amount and the pattern of distribution of PS on the cell surface were, for each cell line, strictly related to the apoptogenic inducer. The morphological data reported in the present paper should lead to a more precise quantification of apoptosis by improving the detection of apoptotic cells in vivo (i.e. in tissue, organs), which is a crucial point in the evaluation of efficiency of antiproliferative drugs, such as antiblastic or immunosuppressive compounds

    Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography to estimate early retinal blood flow changes after uncomplicated cataract surgery

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    Background: To investigate macular microvascular changes after uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery according to the cataract severity grade. Methods: Retrospective, cross-sectional study involving 23 eyes of 23 patients who underwent elective cataract extraction. All patients underwent routine ophthalmologic examination, including optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) at baseline (preoperative visit, T0) and seven days postoperatively (T7). OCTA scans were obtained with the spectral domain system Cirrus 5000 (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA, USA), and 3 mm × 3 mm raster fovea-centered scans were obtained to evaluate the superficial capillary plexus (SCP) vessel density, perfusion density, and foveal avascular zone (FAZ) parameters. Results: SCP perfusion density significantly increased from 28.3 ± 5.73% to 33.74 ± 4.13% after the surgery (p < 0.001). Similarly, SCP vessel density significantly increased from 15.14 ± 3.41 mm-1 to 18.14 ± 2.57 mm-1 after surgery (p < 0.001). The mean preoperative FAZ area significantly increased from 0.27 ± 0.12 mm to 0.24 ± 0.11 mm seven days postoperatively (p = 0.008). When comparing softer and harder cataracts, no significant variations in SCP vessel density, as well as SCP perfusion density parameters and the FAZ area, perimeter, and circularity index, were noted before and after surgery. Conclusions: Macular SPC vessel density and macular SCP perfusion density increase after uncomplicated cataract surgery regardless of the cataract severity


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    Abstract A proposal of a low alpha lattice for the ALBA third generation light source is presented. Opposed to most of other machines, belonging to the same category, ALBA employs an optimized lattice making use of combined function dipoles. This has permitted a very compact design stripped out of all not strictly necessary quadrupoles resulting in a lack of flexibility. For such a reason the common approaches used in many other synchrotrons can not be directly applied to ALBA and a different strategy has to be worked out

    Electrochemical Formation of Germanene: pH 4.5

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    Germanene is a single layer allotrope of Ge, with a honeycomb structure similar to graphene. This report concerns the electrochemical formation of germanene in a pH 4.5 solution. The studies were performed using in situ Electrochemical Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (EC-STM), voltammetry, coulometry, surface X-ray diffraction (SXRD) and Raman spectroscopy to study germanene electrodeposition on Au(111) terraces. The deposition of Ge is kinetically slow and stops after 2–3 monolayers. EC-STM revealed a honeycomb (HC) structure with a rhombic unit cell, 0.44 ± 0.02 nm on a side, very close to that predicted for germanene in the literature. Ideally the HC structure is a continuous sheet, with six Ge atoms around each hole. However, only small domains, surrounded by defects, of this structure were observed in this study. The small coherence length and multiple rotations domains made direct observation with surface X-ray diffraction difficult. Raman spectroscopy was used to investigate the multi-layer Ge deposits. A peak near 290 cm^(−1), predicted to correspond to germanene, was observed on one particular area of the sample, while the rest resembled amorphous germanium. Electrochemical studies of germanene showed limited stability when exposed to oxygen

    Fuel consumption of rotorcrafts and potentiality for hybrid electric power systems

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    The paper proposes a simulation approach to evaluate the power required by a rotorcraft in standard flight missions and in emergency landing maneuvers, and the corresponding fuel consumption, in order to compare the feasibility and potential fuel savings for different hybrid power systems. More in detail, three options are analyzed, namely electrification of the tail rotor, fully hybrid electric propulsion and electric emergency landing. Weight penalty and potential fuel saving for the proposed hybridization schemes are evaluated for an Agusta-Westland A109 twin engine helicopter model. Nonetheless the discussed methods of analysis have general validity for single main rotor helicopter configurations. Two different scenarios are considered in this investigation: current technologies for batteries and motors and improved electrical components, with performance projections as of 2040. According to this analysis, electrification of the tail rotor and parallel hybridization are feasible with available technology, whereas a fully electrical power system for emergency landing could be developed only in the future. Finally, a parallel hybrid electric power system is sized according to the analysis of power request over four different missions. Fuel savings are evaluated for different energy management strategies. According to the results of this investigation, the parallel hybrid electric power system with present-day and future technologies can save fuel up to 5% and 12%, respectively, with an appropriate energy management strategy

    Robust gray-level standardization in brain Magnetic-Resonance images

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    Robust gray-level standardization in brain Magnetic-Resonance images. G. De Nunzio1, R. Cataldo1, A. Carlà1. (1) University of Salento, Dept. of Mathematics and Physics, and INFN, Lecce Purpose: it is known that intensities in MRI do not have a fixed tissue-specific numeric meaning, even within the same MRI protocol, for the same body region, or for images of the same patient obtained on the same scanner in different moments. Consequently many problems can arise in large multi-site clinical studies, making the interpretation of results difficult or confused, or affecting post processing phases such as segmentation and registration. In spite of the fact that the lack of a standard and quantifiable interpretation compromises the precision, accuracy, and efficiency of those applications, few papers have explicitly addressed the problems. In this context, we propose a tiSsue-Based Standardization Technique (SBST) of MR brain images. Methods and materials: the system was developed and tested on a large number of images, belonging to healthy people and to patients with different degrees of neurodegenerative pathology, obtained from public databases and the clinical practice. Both histogram and tissue-specific intensity information were used, performing piecewise linear intensity transformations between images, so sharing the simplicity and robustness of landmark techniques, while remaining fully automated and quite light from the computational point of view. Results: the efficacy in minimizing the risk of “mixing” brain tissues during intensity transformations was assessed, and particular attention was devoted to a thorough examination of the benefits comparing SBST with other approaches available in the literature. Conclusion: the technique proved robust in standardizing tissues, giving similar intensities to similar tissues, even across images coming from different sources
