26 research outputs found

    Association between Sexual Satisfaction and Depression and Anxiety in Adolescents and Young Adults

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    Abstract: The role of sexual satisfaction in adolescents and young adults’ mental health has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this work is to study di_erences in sexual satisfaction and mental health (anxiety and depression) based on romantic relationship status (having a partner vs. not having one) and gender. Likewise, the association between sexual satisfaction and mental health and the moderating e_ect of romantic relationship status and gender was addressed in this research. A total of 1682 Spanish adolescents (14–17) and young adults (1829) agreed to participate in this cross-sectional investigation. Two-factor ANOVA and MANOVA, and hierarchical regression models were utilized in this study. In general, results showed more mental health for those not in a current relationship and for women. Additionally, higher levels of sexual satisfaction was associated with lower levels of anxiety for adolescents and lower levels of depression for young adults. These associations were stronger for those in a current relationship. This study highlights the importance of sexual satisfaction as a modifying factor against mental health problems, especially in the context of a current romantic relationshipThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business (grant number PSI2013-46830-P) and Regional Ministry of Education of Castile and Leon, in Spain (grant number SA081A11-1

    Teachers' training in sex education: past, present and future

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    Resumen Este trabajo pretende hacer un análisis sobre la formación del profesorado en materia de educación sexual, considerando 3 momentos: pasado, presente y futuro próximo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se revisan las posibilidades de formación universitaria y continua en las últimas décadas, y se ofrecen algunos datos sobre la formación actual del profesorado en activo en el conjunto del Estado. En segundo lugar, en relación con la formación futura, se revisan los planes de estudio de los grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria de las universidades españolas que surgen de la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Los resultados muestran una escasa formación en sexualidad y educación sexual del profesorado en activo, y unas pobres expectativas en cuanto a las posibilidades de formación inicial (solo 3 universidades recogen de manera explícita y concreta esta formación, aunque desde la optatividad). Finalmente, se aportan sugerencias de mejora en el ámbito de la formación universitaria y continuaAbstract This paper aims to analyze the level of sex education training of Spanish teachers in the past, present and near future. Firstly, a review of the possibilities of university and continuous training in recent decades is offered. Secondly, some data on the current level of training of Spanish teachers are provided. Thirdly, a review of the new curricula of the degrees in Preschool and Primary Education resulting from the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area is included. According to results, teachers currently lack sexuality and sex education training, and prospective possibilities of university training are scarce as well (only three Spanish universities offer explicit and speciÞ cally this training, although through optional subjects). Finally, suggestions for improvement both in the Þ eld of university and continuous training are offered

    Sex education and teachers? training in Spain: gender, age, educational stage and regional differences

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    Resumen: En este trabajo se pretende hacer un análisis sobre la formación del profesorado en educación sexual en todo el territorio nacional. Para valorar esta formación se ha recogido información on line de 3760 docentes activos del conjunto del estado, de las etapas de Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria y Bachillerato, sobre la formación universitaria y continua que tienen en este campo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias importantes en la formación universitaria, siendo las mujeres, los/las más jóvenes y los/las que imparten docencia en las etapas de Infantil y/o Primaria (en comparación a los hombres, los/las de más edad y los/las que imparten docencia en ESO y/o Bachillerato) los que manifestaron tener mayor formación. Por comunidades autónomas, los docentes de Castilla y León son los que manifestaron tener más formación universitaria y los de Asturias los que manifestaron haber recibido más formación continua. En el lado opuesto figuran Asturias y Baleares, respectivamente. Finalmente, se aportan sugerencias de mejora tanto en el ámbito de la formación universitaria como de la formación continua.Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the level of sex education training of Spanish teachers. A total of 3760 preschool, primary and high school teachers throughout the country completed an on-line questionnaire that inquires about sex education training both during university studies and continuous learning. Results showed differences at the level of university studies. Younger and female preschool and school teachers reported a higher level of training in sex education compared to older and male high school teachers. Moreover, regional differences were found both in university and continuous training. Teachers from Castilla y León showed the greatest levels of university training in sex education, whereas teachers from Asturias showed the greatest levels of continuous training. Asturian and Balearic teachers were on the opposite side, respectively. Finally, suggestions for improvement both in the field of university education and continuous training are offered

    El reto de la inclusión de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la formación inicial de profesores de secundaria: creación del MOOC curso cero sobre educación y ODS, inclusión en asignaturas y en trabajos fin de máster

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    Memoria ID-041. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2021-2022