56 research outputs found

    Herramientas tecnológicas en el aprendizaje de los ejes integradores en el área de lengua y literatura.

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    La presente investigación está orientada a contribuir en el proceso pedagógico impulsando las herramientas tecnológicas direccionadas al área de lengua y literatura en el aprendizaje de los ejes integradores (escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir) de esta asignatura. Con los múltiples beneficios que ofrece la tecnología en la enseñanza-aprendizaje se convierte en soporte fundamental para los docentes del segundo año de educación básica de la Unidad Educativa Miguel Andrade Vicuña. En este trabajo se enfatiza las variadas aplicaciones y software educativos gratuitos que se encuentran a disposición en la web; cabe recalcar las oportunidades que brinda el programa JClic en el desarrollo de las macro destrezas de lengua y literatura, convirtiéndose en una herramienta dinamizadora en el desempeño profesional del docente. Mediante el estudio realizado se empela metodologías útiles que ayudan a entender las necesidades en la práctica educativa entre educando y educador, proponiendo mejores oportunidades en el campo educativo. Las nuevas generaciones comienzan a destellar sin número de preocupaciones frente al cambio tecnológico, y es precisamente que el gobierno con nuevas aspiraciones emprende una educación de alto nivel e igualdad para todos los ciudadanos, integrando alternativas para los docentes, preparándolos para mejorar la calidad de vida mediante una educación sólida y sostenible. La propuesta desarrollada tiene como finalidad instruir al docente para que haga uso de las herramientas tecnológicas direccionadas al área de lengua y literatura optimizando las condiciones académicas de esta institución

    Cavar por amor: plasticidad en el comportamiento constructor de acuerdo a visitas femeninas en machos de Allocosa Brasiliensis (Araneae, Lycosidae)

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    Allocosa brasiliensis es una araña lobo que construye cuevas en las costas arenosas de Sudamérica. Hembras y machos presentan roles sexuales invertidos con respecto a lo tradicional en arañas: las hembras inician el cortejo asomándose a las cuevas masculinas donde se producirán las cópulas y los machos donan sus cuevas a las hembras luego del apareamiento.Fil: Carballo, Matilde. Laboratorio de Etología, Ecología y Evolución, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Uruguay.Fil: Baldenegro, Fabiana. Laboratorio de Etología, Ecología y Evolución, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Uruguay.Fil: Peretti, Alfredo V. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas. Laboratorio de Biología Reproductiva y Evolución, Instituto de Diversidad y Ecología Animal; Argentina.Fil: Aisenberg, Anita. Laboratorio de Etología, Ecología y Evolución, Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas; Uruguay.Zoología, Ornitología, Entomología, Etologí

    Importance of Ecological Factors and Colony Handling for Optimizing Health Status of Apiaries in Mediterranean Ecosystems

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    We analyzed six apiaries in several natural environments with a Mediterranean ecosystem in Madrid, central Spain, in order to understand how landscape and management characteristics may influence apiary health and bee production in the long term. We focused on five criteria (habitat quality, landscape heterogeneity, climate, management and health), as well as 30 subcriteria, and we used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to rank them according to relevance. Habitat quality proved to have the highest relevance, followed by beehive management. Within habitat quality, the following subcriteria proved to be most relevant: orographic diversity, elevation range and important plant species located 1.5 km from the apiary. The most important subcriteria under beehive management were honey production, movement of the apiary to a location with a higher altitude and wax renewal. Temperature was the most important subcriterion under climate, while pathogen and Varroa loads were the most significant under health. Two of the six apiaries showed the best values in the AHP analysis and showed annual honey production of 70 and 28 kg/colony. This high productivity was due primarily to high elevation range and high orographic diversity, which favored high habitat quality. In addition, one of these apiaries showed the best value for beehive management, while the other showed the best value for health, reflected in the low pathogen load and low average number of viruses. These results highlight the importance of environmental factors and good sanitary practices to maximize apiary health and honey productivity

    Virtual skeletons and digital muscles: an experimental bioarchaeological approach to the pre-Hispanic production of millstones (Tenerife, Canary Islands)

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    Highlights: • The combination of biomechanical analysis and open-access Kinovea software enables the study of musculoskeletal and articular wear of experimentally reproduced tasks. • The repeated use of the right arm during indirect percussion and abrasion in lithic production could increase the changes in bone robusticity of specific muscle attachments observed in the osteoarchaeological record. • Motion ranges and postural angles analysis can generate more accurate representations of "virtual humans" in their archaeological context. Abstract: Understanding the physical impact of ancient labours has become an important experimental bioarchaeology area. Complex motion capture systems and digital tools have been used in biomechanical analysis during the reproduction of manual tasks. However, these systems are costly, so the researchers have explored alternative digital solutions. Therefore, the open-access Kinovea software was checked to confirm its reliability in characterizing the physical loads associated with particular works of ancient times. In this case study, the authors have analyzed the central postural angles and muscle chains involved in the indigenous manufacturing process of rotary stone mills, in the high mountains of Tenerife. The study included a virtual motion capture analysis carried out during the different phases of the experimental reproduction of this process; it was defined from the archaeological record of the quarries-workshops of Las Cañadas del Teide National Park (Canary Islands, Spain) volcanic millstones. The results of this study have demonstrated the software's effectiveness to virtually analyze the significant differences in posture between work techniques, observing a predominance of the use of m. biceps brachii, the m. brachioradialis, and the elbow joint during the manufacture of stone mills. On the other hand, Kinovea also has excellent potential in virtual archaeology, giving users tools to generate the average postural angles. As a result, building "virtual skeletons" in more precise work postures has been possible. This may serve as the base element to create complete body representations in virtual environments

    TSPAN1 : a Novel Protein Involved in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Chemoresistance

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ayudas a Grupos PCTI Principado de Asturias (IDI2018/155 to J.P.R.), co-financed by the European Regional Fund (ERDF) and AECC (Spanish Association of Cancer Research) Founding Ref. GC16173720CARR (M.E.L.). Y.G.-M. and C.M. were granted by the VHIR and iP-FIS (ISCIII) fellowships respectively.Sensitization of resistant cells and cancer stem cells (CSCs) represents a major challenge in cancer therapy. A proteomic study revealed tetraspanin-1 (TSPAN1) as a protein involved in acquisition of cisplatin (CDDP) resistance (Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD020159). TSPAN1 was found to increase in CDDP-resistant cells, CSCs and biopsies from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) patients. TSPAN1 depletion in parental and CDDP-resistant HNSCC cells reduced cell proliferation, induced apoptosis, decreased autophagy, sensitized to chemotherapeutic agents and inhibited several signaling cascades, with phospho-SRC inhibition being a major common target. Moreover, TSPAN1 depletion in vivo decreased the size and proliferation of parental and CDDP-resistant tumors and reduced metastatic spreading. Notably, CDDP-resistant tumors showed epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) features that disappeared upon TSPAN1 inhibition, suggesting a link of TSPAN1 with EMT and metastasis. Immunohistochemical analysis of HNSCC specimens further revealed that TSPAN1 expression was correlated with phospho-SRC (pSRC), and inversely with E-cadherin, thus reinforcing TSPAN1 association with EMT. Overall, TSPAN1 emerges as a novel oncogenic protein and a promising target for HNSCC therapy

    Las investigaciones arqueológicas como recurso en la gestión integral del patrimonio del Parque Nacional del Teide

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    [EN] The Teide National Park (PNT) was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2007 with the category of Natural Heritage. In addition to the great geological and faunal richness of the high mountains of Tenerife, the territory occupied by the current National Park also has a whole cultural landscape, which is evidenced by numerous archaeological and ethnographic manifestations. This shows the historical importance of this site of the island since pre-Hispanic times. In the last decade, several archaeological excavations have been carried out which have made it possible to better determine the Guanche way of life and the uses of this territory in its diachrony. The location, the conservation that the archaeological assets present and the information they are providing, together with the written sources generated about this territory after the conquest, constitute an important strategic reference for the development of management and integral research formulas within the Park's dissemination activities, which could contribute to its conservation, and to a better knowledge of our past in order to be able to transmit it to the whole population of the island, as well as to those who visit it.[ES] El Parque Nacional del Teide (PNT) fue declarado Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad por la Unesco en el año 2007 con categoría de Bien Natural. Además de la gran riqueza geológica y faunística que atesora la alta montaña de Tenerife, el territorio que ocupa el actual Parque Nacional entraña también todo un paisaje cultural evidenciado a través de numerosas manifestaciones arqueológicas y etnográficas, lo que pone de manifiesto la importancia histórica de este enclave de la isla desde época prehispánica. En la última década se han realizado varias excavaciones arqueológicas que han permitido determinar mejor el modo de vida guanche y los usos de este territorio en su diacronía. La ubicación, la conservación que presentan los bienes arqueológicos y la información que están aportando, junto con las fuentes escritas generadas sobre este territorio tras la conquista, constituyen un importante referente estratégico para el desarrollo de fórmulas de gestión e investigación integral dentro de las actividades de difusión del Parque, lo que podría contribuir a su conservación, y a un mejor conocimiento de nuestro pasado para poder transmitirlo a toda la población de la isla, así como a los que la visitan.Marrero Salas, E.; Array De La Rosa, M.; García Ávila, J.; Abreu Hernández, I.; Lacave Hernández, A.; Carballo Pérez, J.; Sanchez Cañadilla, E.... (2021). Las investigaciones arqueológicas como recurso en la gestión integral del patrimonio del Parque Nacional del Teide. En I Simposio anual de Patrimonio Natural y Cultural ICOMOS España. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 223-230. https://doi.org/10.4995/icomos2019.2019.11720OCS22323

    Les Guanches dans les montagnes de Tenerife : l’étude interdisciplinaire d’une population de substrat amazighe aux îles canaries

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    Cet article présente les principaux résultats des projets de recherche multidisciplinaires, menés ces dernières années dans le paysage volcanique de haute montagne de Tenerife (dans le Parc National de Las Cañadas del Teide, dans les Îles Canaries). Cet article a pour objectifs d’étudier l’évolution du peuplement autochtone des Guanches, dont le substrat culturel se rattacheaux populations amazighes de l’Afrique du nord, de proposer les outils basiques, requis pour aborder des modèles d’occupation similaires, et d’élaborer des stratégies de dissémination viables. Le modèle, décrit dans cet article est un modèle d’occupation, de production et de communication complexe, appréhendé dans son ensemble, il s’agit notamment celui mené par les aborigènes dans les montagnes de Tenerife

    Effect of sublethal concentrations of four chemicals on susceptibility of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to saprolegniosis

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    The effects of sublethal concentrations of a variety of chemicals on the susceptibility of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) juveniles to Saprolegnia parasitica infection was examined. Sublethal concentrations of un-ionized ammonia (0.05 mg/liter) and nitrite (0.12 mg/liter) increased fish susceptibility after 10 days of exposure to the toxin, this increase being higher for ammonia (75% and 20% morbidity) than for nitrite (20% and 0% morbidity, respectively) with inoculum doses of 1.4 x 106 and 9.5 x 105 zoospores per liter, respectively. Sublethal concentrations of copper (0.05 mg/liter) or cyanide (0.05 mg/liter) did not show enhancement of infection by S. parasitica, even though the toxin exposure was for 21 days and the inoculum doses were higher than those for the experiments with the nitrogen compounds (4 x 106 and 3.2 x 106 zoospores per liter. However, infections began to appear in control animals

    Phytotoxic Effects of Antibiotics on Terrestrial Crop Plants and Wild Plants: A Systematic Review

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    14 Pág. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)This review examines the state of knowledge on the phytotoxic effects of antibiotics on terrestrial crop plants and wild (non-crop) plants with the goal of evaluating differences in their sensitivity. This is important because environmental risk assessments of antibiotics currently consider their potential effects only on crop species but not wild species. Overall, we analysed 275 datasets consisting of antibiotic-plant species-endpoint combinations for germination (mg/L) and 169 datasets for plant growth (elongation and biomass) (mg/kg). EC10 and EC50 of each parameter were compared using a quotient approach, in which the geometric mean and the 5th percentile of the crop data were divided by wild data. Quotients were > 1 for elongation growth, suggesting that wild species were more sensitive than crops, while they were < 1 for biomass growth, suggesting quite the contrary. However, < 1% of the data in each dataset came from wild species, preventing definitive conclusions. Merging crop and wild data to evaluate differences in sensitivity among classes of antibiotics and plant families, we found using a linear mixed effect model and post hoc test that plants were most sensitive to phenicol and least sensitive to macrolides and tetracyclines. Further work must be conducted to gain a better understanding of the phytotoxic effects of antibiotics on terrestrial wild plants and subsequently assess whether the current approach to environmental risk assessment of antibiotics is sufficient to protect plant biodiversity.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI208-095586-B-C21).Peer reviewe