18 research outputs found

    Crosslinguistic similarities in the acquisition of English and Catalan

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    This paper analyses the acquisition of the functional categories Agreement (AGR-S) and Tense (TNS) by monolingual English and Catalan speaking children. The theoretical framework assumed is the Principles and Parameters model of Generative Theory. The results of the study show that all the children go through two stages in the acquisition of these two functional categories: A first prefunctional stage, characterised by the absence of syntactic projections for Agreement and Tense; and a second, functional stage, in which children start to show knowledge of the mechanisms and properties associated with the two functional categories at stake. The results of this study provide evidence for the Maturation of Functional Categories Hypothesis, as proposed by Guilfoyle and Noonan (1988), Radford (1990), and Tsimpli (1992), among others


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    Diane BLAKEMORE, Understanding utterance


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    Andrew RADFORD, Syntactic theory and the acquisition of English syntax : the nature of early child grammars of Englis

    Cross-Linguistic Similarities in the Acquisition of English and Catalan

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    This paper analyses the acquisition of the functional categories Agreement (AGR-S) and Tense (TNS) by monolingual English and Catalan speaking children. The theoretical framework assumed is the Principles and Parameters model of Generative Theory. The results of the study show that all the children go through two stages in the acquisition of these two functional categories: A first prefunctional stage, characterised by the absence of syntactic projections for Agreement and Tense; and a second, functional stage, in which children start to show knowledge of the mechanisms and properties associated with the two functional categories at stake. The results of this study provide evidence for the Maturation of Functional Categories Hypothesis, as proposed by Guilfoyle and Noonan (1988), Radford (1990), and Tsimpli (1992), among others

    On That-omission and its absence in the written production of bilingual Spanish/Catalan L2-learners of english

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    Following recent minimalist accounts of the English so-called that-omission construction (as in I think this book is interesting), this article analyses the written production of bilingual Spanish/Catalan L2 learners of English and reveals L1 interference in the acquisition of this construction. Th e fi rst part of this article shows how the phenomenon of complementiser omission is diff erent in English with respect to Catalan and Spanish, and summarises a selection of recent proposals. Th e second part of the article is devoted to the analysis of the data of a group of L2-learners of English at diff erent levels of development. We conclude at the end of the article that the L2 production of these students suggests that the that-insertion rule responsible for the presence of that in specifi c syntactic environments in English has not been learned.Siguiendo propuestas minimistas recientes sobre la construcci贸n conocida como that-omission (como en I think this book is interesting, Creo que este libro es interesante), este art铆culo analiza la producci贸n escrita de estudiantes de ingl茅s biling眉es espa帽ol/catal谩n y pone de manifi esto la interferencia de la L1 en la adquisici贸n de esta construcci贸n. En la primera parte de este art铆culo se muestra c贸mo el fen贸meno de la supresi贸n del complementante es diferente en ingl茅s con respecto al catal谩n y el espa帽ol, y se resume una selecci贸n de propuestas recientes. La segunda parte del art铆culo est谩 dedicado al an谩lisis de los datos de un grupo de estudiantes de L2 ingl茅s en diferentes niveles de desarrollo. Concluimos el art铆culo afi rmando que la producci贸n de estos estudiantes sugiere que la regla de inserci贸n responsable de la presencia del that en ciertas construcciones del ingl茅s no se ha aprendido

    La pobresa gramatical del primer estadi de l'adquisici贸 ling眉铆stica : raons i evid猫ncia

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    L'estudi analitza el primer estadi de l'adquisici贸 del catal脿 i d贸na evid猫ncia a favor de la Hip貌tesi de Maduraci贸, enfront de la posici贸 continuista. Les autores primer descriuen el model gram脿tic de l'adult, despr茅s se centren en les dades de les produccions infantils (i en fen貌mens com el de la "a" neutra", la flexi贸 verbal, l'ordre de mots i la llibertat d'elisi贸 d'elements) i finalment argumenten i proposen una estructura sint脿ctica per a aquestes produccions, en les quals es detecta una abs猫ncia de categories funcionals

    Asymmetries in Child Foreign Language Acquisition : Production and Interpretation of L2 English Subjects

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    Child language acquisition in foreign language contexts with limited exposure is often a slow process where initial stages of development last longer than in L2 contexts or in adult learners. Exploring this context may provide insights into the nature of the acquisition process and how it is reflected in the data. This study explores young learners' subject pronoun interpretation and realization in their non-native English. Thirty-seven Catalan/Spanish foreign language learners of English, aged nine to ten were tested on their grammatical knowledge of subjects (interpretation and production tasks). Whereas children show null subjects transferred from their L1 in the interpretation task, rates of null subjects are lower in production. The asymmetries found appear to be linked to the nature of the production of pre-learned structures, which masks the null subject grammars of the learners in this task. Our data contribute to the characterization of foreign language development in an early learning context.La adquisici贸n infantil del lenguaje en contextos de lengua extranjera con exposici贸n limitada es un proceso lento, caracterizado por estadios iniciales m谩s largos que en L2 o aprendices adultos. Este contexto de aprendizaje proporciona informaci贸n sobre la naturaleza del proceso de adquisici贸n y c贸mo se refleja en los datos. Este estudio investiga la interpretaci贸n y producci贸n de sujetos pronominales en ingl茅s no nativo por parte de aprendices j贸venes de ingl茅s como lengua extranjera (37 aprendices de 9-10 a帽os, biling眉es catal谩n/castellano). Mientras los resultados muestran sujetos nulos transferidos de la L1 en la tarea de interpretaci贸n, 茅stos son menores en la tarea de producci贸n. Las asimetr铆as encontradas parecen estar relacionadas con la naturaleza de la producci贸n de estructuras pre-aprendidas, lo que enmascara la gram谩tica de sujetos nulos de los aprendices en esta tarea. Nuestros datos contribuyen a la caracterizaci贸n del desarrollo de una lengua extranjera en un contexto de aprendizaje tempran

    Acci贸 directa per millorar les condicions d'aprenentatge dels estudiants de primer. Curs de gram脿tica descriptiva de l'angl猫s

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    Aquest projecte t茅 com a objectiu principal millorar les condicions d'aprenentatge dels estudiants de dues assignatures troncals de primer curs de la titulaci贸 de Filologia Anglesa, Llengua Anglesa: Gram脿tica Descriptiva I i Llengua Anglesa: Gram脿tica Descriptiva II. En aquestes assignatures, els estudiants s'enfronten per primera vegada d'una manera sistem脿tica i seriosa a la gram脿tica d'una llengua estrangera, cosa que els resulta dif铆cil. Per tal d'assolir aquest objectiu s'ha elaborat material d'estudi dissenyat espec铆ficament per als nostres estudiants (nivell de dificultat, temari cobert, comparaci贸 amb les lleng眉es maternes). Aquest material s'ha plasmat en dos llibres de text, en una variada col路lecci贸 d'exercicis (de diversos nivells de dificultat) i en una p脿gina web interactiva. Tot aix貌 s'ha dut a terme amb una feina d'equip comptant amb un alt grau de cohesi贸 i de coordinaci贸, que ha perm猫s assolir l'objectiu principal del projecte.Este proyecto tiene como objetivo principal mejorar las condiciones de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de dos asignaturas troncales de primer curso de la titulaci贸n de Filolog铆a Inglesa: Lengua Inglesa: Gram谩tica Descriptiva I y Lengua Inglesa: Gram谩tica Descriptiva II. En estas asignaturas, los estudiantes se enfrentan por primera vez de una manera sistem谩tica y seria a la gram谩tica de una lengua extranjera, cosa que les resulta dif铆cil. Con el fin de alcanzar este objetivo se ha elaborado material de estudio dise帽ado espec铆ficamente para nuestros estudiantes (nivel de dificultad, temario cubierto, comparaci贸n con las lenguas maternas). Este material se ha plasmado en dos libros de texto, en una variada colecci贸n de ejercicios (con varios niveles de dificultad) y en una p谩gina web interactiva. Todo eso se ha llevado a cabo con un trabajo de equipo que cuenta con un alto grado de cohesi贸n y de coordinaci贸n que ha permitido alcanzar el objetivo principal del proyecto.The primary goal of this project is to improve the learning conditions of students in two core courses in the first year of the degree programme in English Language and Literature, English Language: Descriptive Grammar I and II. In these courses, the students have to handle the grammar of a foreign language in a systematic, serious way for the first time, which proves difficult for them. In order to achieve this goal, study materials have been developed specifically for our students (level of difficulty, syllabus covered, comparison with native languages). This material has been compiled in two textbooks, in a varied collection of exercises (with differing levels of difficulty) and in an interactive website. All of this was accomplished with a working team with a great deal of cohesion and coordination, which has enabled us to achieve the main goal of the project


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    Diane BLAKEMORE, Understanding utterance