817 research outputs found

    Constraining the Circumbinary Envelope of Z CMa via imaging polarimetry

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    Z CMa is a complex binary system, composed of a Herbig Be and an FU Ori star. The Herbig star is surrounded by a dust cocoon of variable geometry, and the whole system is surrounded by an infalling envelope. Previous spectropolarimetric observations have reported a preferred orientation of the polarization angle, perpendicular to the direction of a large, parsec-sized jet associated with the Herbig star. The variability in the amount of polarized light has been associated to changes in the geometry of the dust cocoon that surrounds the Herbig star. We aim to constrain the properties of Z CMa by means of imaging polarimetry at optical wavelengths. Using ExPo, a dual-beam imaging polarimeter which operates at optical wavelengths, we have obtained imaging (linear) polarimetric data of Z CMa. Our observations were secured during the return to quiescence after the 2008 outburst. We detect three polarized features over Z CMa. Two of these features are related to the two jets reported in this system: the large jet associated to the Herbig star, and the micro-jet associated to the FU Ori star. Our results suggest that the micro-jet extends to a distance ten times larger than reported in previous studies. The third feature suggests the presence of a hole in the dust cocoon that surrounds the Herbig star of this system. According to our simulations, this hole can produce a pencil beam of light that we see scattered off the low-density envelope surrounding the system.Comment: Accepted for publication in A\&

    Correction to: Northerly wind trends along the Portuguese marine coast since 1950

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    All figure captions are not accurate. Also, there is a repeated error in most figures because the vertical scales incorrectly show Wind Strenght instead of Wind Strength and in Fig. 4 (mid-panel) 2003 instead of 2004.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The color dependent morphology of the post-AGB star HD161796

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    Context. Many protoplanetary nebulae show strong asymmetries in their surrounding shell, pointing to asymmetries during the mass loss phase. Questions concerning the origin and the onset of deviations from spherical symmetry are important for our understanding of the evolution of these objects. Here we focus on the circumstellar shell of the post-AGB star HD 161796. Aims. We aim at detecting signatures of an aspherical outflow, as well as to derive the properties of it. Methods. We use the imaging polarimeter ExPo (the extreme polarimeter), a visitor instrument at the William Herschel Telescope, to accurately image the dust shell surrounding HD 161796 in various wavelength filters. Imaging polarimetry allows us to separate the faint, polarized, light from circumstellar material from the bright, unpolarized, light from the central star. Results. The shell around HD 161796 is highly aspherical. A clear signature of an equatorial density enhancement can be seen. This structure is optically thick at short wavelengths and changes its appearance to optically thin at longer wavelengths. In the classification of the two different appearances of planetary nebulae from HST images it changes from being classified as DUPLEX at short wavelengths to SOLE at longer wavelengths. This strengthens the interpretation that these two appearances are manifestations of the same physical structure. Furthermore, we find that the central star is hotter than often assumed and the relatively high observed reddening is due to circumstellar rather than interstellar extinction.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Extreme Polarimeter: Design, Performance, First Results & Upgrades

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    Well over 700 exoplanets have been detected to date. Only a handful of these have been observed directly. Direct observation is extremely challenging due to the small separation and very large contrast involved. Imaging polarimetry offers a way to decrease the contrast between the unpolarized starlight and the light that has become linearly polarized after scattering by circumstellar material. This material can be the dust and debris found in circumstellar disks, but also the atmosphere or surface of an exoplanet. We present the design, calibration approach, polarimetric performance and sample observation results of the Extreme Polarimeter, an imaging polarimeter for the study of circumstellar environments in scattered light at visible wavelengths. The polarimeter uses the beam-exchange technique, in which the two orthogonal polarization states are imaged simultaneously and a polarization modulator swaps the polarization states of the two beams before the next image is taken. The instrument currently operates without the aid of Adaptive Optics. To reduce the effects of atmospheric seeing on the polarimetry, the images are taken at a frame rate of 35 fps, and large numbers of frames are combined to obtain the polarization images. Four successful observing runs have been performed using this instrument at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope on La Palma, targeting young stars with protoplanetary disks as well as evolved stars surrounded by dusty envelopes. In terms of fractional polarization, the instrument sensitivity is better than 10^-4. The contrast achieved between the central star and the circumstellar source is of the order 10^-6. We show that our calibration approach yields absolute polarization errors below 1%

    An unexpected actor in ammonium assimilation in conifer trees

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    Conifers are tree species with enormous environmental and economic interests but with several characteristics that complicate their investigation (big size, secondary compounds, large long-life cycles, megagenomes…). However, they are well adapted to ammonium-rich soils being a good model to study ammonium assimilation in plants. Although they have a special feature, only two glutamine synthetase (GS, EC genes, GS1a and GS1b, coding for cytosolic proteins, have been identified. In angiosperms and in the gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba there are two types of this enzyme responsible of the ammonium assimilation: GS1 expressed in the cytosol and GS2 in the plastids. Until the date, the searches of new GS1 and GS2 genes in conifers have been made with classical biochemical and molecular biology techniques without satisfactory results. In the present context, the emergence of the next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques has open new opportunities in the resolution of old problems. They have allowed the whole sequencing of the massive conifer genomes and the analysis of their transcriptomes. Thus, in the framework of the European project ProCoGen, a gene expression atlas of the tissues of one-month seedlings was carried out using laser capture microdissection (LCM) and massive sequencing in maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), which is a conifer tree from the Southwestern Mediterranean region1. From the analysis of this work, a new gene coding for a new putative cytosolic GS has been identified, PpGS1c. 1Cañas, RA et al. (2017). Plant J, 91. 1064-1087Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Project funding by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2015-69285-R and MicroNUpE (BIO2015-73512-JIN; MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE

    Métodos de un paso para ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias: recursos didácticos

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    El objeto de este trabajo es mostrar la utilidad, desde el punto de vista didáctico, de las hojas de cálculo Excel en la aplicación de diferentes métodos numéricos a la resolución de problemas de valor inicial de ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias. Con el fin de verificar la convergencia de cada uno de los métodos aplicados se consideran diferentes longitudes de paso h, comenzando por un cierto valor y dividiendo sucesivamente h entre dos hasta conseguir una aproximación adecuada. Aplicando los distintos métodos numéricos a un mismo problema de valor inicial es posible comparar la velocidad de convergencia de los diferentes métodos aplicados. Analizando los resultados obtenidos a través de las hojas de Excel es posible conseguir directamente cotas del error cometido al aplicar cada uno de los diferentes métodos, sin un conocimiento previo de la solución exacta del problema

    Densidade de semeadura de trigo - uma questão de economia.

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    Para uma efetiva recomendação da quantidade econômica de semente, necessária para a obtenção da máxima produção de trigo, em termos deste insumo, é muito importante que no cálculo da quantidade de semente sejam considerados os parâmetros: massa de 1.000 sementes, vigor e/ou poder germinativo da semente, densidade de sementes or metro quadrado (estande de plantas/m2) a ser atingido e o espaçamento entre linhas.bitstream/CNPAF/20698/1/comt_54.pd

    Composition-Dependent Passivation Efficiency at the CdS/CuIn1-xGaxSe2 Interface

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    Projection-Based Local and Global Lipschitz Moduli of the Optimal Value in Linear Programming

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    In this paper, we use a geometrical approach to sharpen a lower bound given in [5] for the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value of (finite) linear programs under tilt perturbations of the objective function. The key geometrical idea comes from orthogonally projecting general balls on linear subspaces. Our new lower bound provides a computable expression for the exact modulus (as far as it only depends on the nominal data) in two important cases: when the feasible set has extreme points and when we deal with the Euclidean norm. In these two cases, we are able to compute or estimate the global Lipschitz modulus of the optimal value function in different perturbations frameworks