440 research outputs found

    Phagocytosis and killing of epidemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus by human neutrophils and monocytes

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a pathogen that has been associated with nosocomial infections since the preantibiotic era. Since the introduction of antibiotics in medical practice in the 1940 s, methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains have been emerging in various parts of the world. In view of the important role of the phagocytic system in the defense against this bacteria, we decided to study phagocytosis by neutrophils and monocytes of an epidemic MRSA strain in São Paulo, Brazil, in comparison with methicillin-sensitive strains. Complement system opsonins are fundamental for efficient ingestion of the resistant and sensitive strains by both types of phagocytes. We found no association of the opsonic requirement of the MRSA strain with the multiresistance phenotype. On the other hand, the MRSA strain was found to be more resistant to the effector mechanisms of neutrophils than both sensitive strains when opsonized with fresh serum, despite the phagocytosis results. This fact suggests that the intracellular killing of S. aureus is an additional parameter of bacterial virulence, but new approaches must be implemented to study the interactions of this MRSA strain with phagocytes in order to investigate the possible factors involved in its behavior in response to neutrophil effector mechanisms.Adolfo Lutz Institute Immunology SectionFederal University of São Paulo Department of Infectious and Parasitic DiseasesUNIFESP, Department of Infectious and Parasitic DiseasesSciEL

    Seleção de progênies de maracujazeiro-azedo para resistência à bacteriose (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae).

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar e selecionar genótipos de maracujazeiro azedo resistentes a mancha oleosa causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, na fase de mudas, sob casa de vegetação

    Screening para resistência de 22 progênies de maracujazeiro-azedo ao vírus do endurecimento o fruto (CABMV).

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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar e selecionar genótipos à severidade do vírus do endurecimento dos frutos em condições de casa-de-vegetação

    Xenon treatment after severe traumatic brain injury improves locomotor outcome, reduces acute neuronal loss and enhances early beneficial neuroinflammation: a randomized, blinded, controlled animal study

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    Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, but there are no clinically proven treatments that specifically target neuronal loss and secondary injury development following TBI. In this study, we evaluate the effect of xenon treatment on functional outcome, lesion volume, neuronal loss and neuroinflammation after severe TBI in rats. Methods Young adult male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to controlled cortical impact (CCI) brain trauma or sham surgery followed by treatment with either 50% xenon:25% oxygen balance nitrogen, or control gas 75% nitrogen:25% oxygen. Locomotor function was assessed using Catwalk-XT automated gait analysis at baseline and 24 h after injury. Histological outcomes were assessed following perfusion fixation at 15 min or 24 h after injury or sham procedure. Results Xenon treatment reduced lesion volume, reduced early locomotor deficits, and attenuated neuronal loss in clinically relevant cortical and subcortical areas. Xenon treatment resulted in significant increases in Iba1-positive microglia and GFAP-positive reactive astrocytes that was associated with neuronal preservation. Conclusions Our findings demonstrate that xenon improves functional outcome and reduces neuronal loss after brain trauma in rats. Neuronal preservation was associated with a xenon-induced enhancement of microglial cell numbers and astrocyte activation, consistent with a role for early beneficial neuroinflammation in xenon’s neuroprotective effect. These findings suggest that xenon may be a first-line clinical treatment for brain trauma

    In vitro cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus and Lentinula edodes in lignocellulosic residues from Amazon

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    The mycelial growth speed of Pleurotus ostreatus (POS 09/100) and Lentinula edodes (LED 96/13) was evaluated in four substrates based on Simarouba amara sawdust, Anacardium giganteum sawdust, Euterpe precatoria seeds and Musa sp. AAB stems. The loss of organic matter of the substrates and the mycelial vigor of the strains studied were also evaluated. The greatest mycelial growth for P. ostreatus occurred in the substrates formulated with S. amara sawdust (29.45 cm3/day) and A. giganteum (27.58 cm3/day). The best performance for L. edodes occurred in the substrate of A. giganteum (13.22 cm3/day), followed by the S. amara (11.30 cm3/day). The most intense rates of vigor were presented in the E. precatoria substrate which was added with brans. The most significant loss of organic matter for both mushrooms occurred in the substrate formulated with a supplement of A. giganteum (54% for P. ostreatus and 61% for L. edodes). There was no mycelial growth in the formulation prepared with banana stem in both mushrooms tested.Key words: Edible fungi, mycelial growth, alternative substrates

    Xenon protects against blast-induced traumatic brain injury in an in vitro model

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective efficacy of the inert gas xenon as a treatment for patients with blast-induced traumatic brain injury in an in vitro laboratory model. We developed a novel blast traumatic brain injury model using C57BL/6N mouse organotypic hippocampal brain-slice cultures exposed to a single shockwave, with the resulting injury quantified using propidium iodide fluorescence. A shock tube blast generator was used to simulate open field explosive blast shockwaves, modeled by the Friedlander waveform. Exposure to blast shockwave resulted in significant (p < 0.01) injury that increased with peak-overpressure and impulse of the shockwave, and which exhibited a secondary injury development up to 72 h after trauma. Blast-induced propidium iodide fluorescence overlapped with cleaved caspase-3 immunofluorescence, indicating that shock-wave–induced cell death involves apoptosis. Xenon (50% atm) applied 1 h after blast exposure reduced injury 24 h (p < 0.01), 48 h (p < 0.05), and 72 h (p < 0.001) later, compared with untreated control injury. Xenon-treated injured slices were not significantly different from uninjured sham slices at 24 h and 72 h. We demonstrate for the first time that xenon treatment after blast traumatic brain injury reduces initial injury and prevents subsequent injury development in vitro. Our findings support the idea that xenon may be a potential first-line treatment for those with blast-induced traumatic brain injury

    Xenon improves long-term cognitive function, reduces neuronal loss and chronic neuroinflammation, and improves survival after traumatic brain injury in mice

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    Background.Xenon is a noble gas with neuroprotective properties. We previously showed that xenon improves short and long-term outcomes in young adult mice after controlled cortical impact (CCI). This is a follow-up study investigating xenon’s effect on very long-term outcome and survival. Methods.C57BL/6N (n=72) young adult male mice received single CCI or sham surgery and were treated with either xenon (75%Xe:25%O2) or control gas (75% N2:25%O2). The outcomes used were: 1) 24-hour lesion volume and neurological outcome score; 2)contextual fear-conditioning at 2 weeks and 20 months; 3) corpus callosum white matter quantification; 4) immunohistological assessment of neuroinflammation and neuronal loss; 5) long-term survival. Results.Xenon treatment significantly reduced secondary injury development (p<0.05), improved short-term vestibulomotor function (p<0.01),and prevented development of very late-onset traumatic brain injury (TBI)-related memory deficits. Xenon treatment reducedwhite matter loss in the contralateral corpus callosum and neuronal loss in the contralateral hippocampal CA1 andDG areas at 20 months. Xenon’s long-term neuroprotective effects were associated with a significant (p<0.05) reduction in neuroinflammation in multiple brain areas involved in associative memory, including reduction in reactive astrogliosis and microglial cell proliferation. Survival was improved significantly (p<0.05) in xenon-treated animals, compared to untreated animals up to 12 months after injury.Conclusions.These results show that xenon treatment after TBI results in very long-term improvements in clinically relevant outcomes and survival. Our findings support the idea that xenon treatment shortly after TBI may have long-term benefits in the treatment of brain trauma patients

    Mortalidade de bezerros: importância do colostro.

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    Comorbidade de sintomas ansiosos e depressivos em pacientes com dor crônica e o impacto sobre a qualidade de vida

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    CONTEXTO: Dor é uma experiência emocional e sensorial desagradável. Tanto a dor crônica como a depressão reduzem de forma significativa a qualidade de vida, além de aumentar muito os custos dos cuidados com a saúde. OBJETIVOS: Analisar a associação entre sintomas depressivos e de ansiedade em relação à dor crônica e investigar o impacto desses sintomas na saúde e na qualidade de vida em indivíduos com dor crônica. MÉTODOS: A dor foi avaliada por meio de uma Escala Analógica Visual (VAS). Os sintomas depressivos e a ansiedade foram avaliados pela Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão (HAD). A qualidade de vida foi avaliada por meio do SF-36. RESULTADOS: Quatrocentos pacientes foram estudados, com idade média de 45,6 ± 11,4 anos e 82,8% são do sexo feminino. De acordo com a HAD, 70% tinham ansiedade e 60%, os sintomas de depressão. A SF-36 apresentou escores < 50% para todos os domínios. Os pacientes com dor intensa/ extrema apresentaram maior frequência (70,4%) de ansiedade do que aqueles com dor selvagem/moderada (59,5%). Essa foi uma associação estatisticamente significante (p = 0,027). No entanto, a frequência de depressão não atingiu significância estatística quando ambos os grupos foram comparados (p = 0,109). CONCLUSÃO: Os sintomas depressivos/ansiedade e dor, em conjunto, apresentaram piores desfechos clínicos de cada estado sozinho. É necessária mais investigação para determinar se o tratamento da dor ajuda os sintomas dos pacientes depressivos e se o alívio dos sintomas depressivos melhora a dor e sua morbidade