73 research outputs found

    Hierarchical modeling of space-time dendroclimatic fields: Comparing a frequentist and a Bayesian approach

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    Environmental processes, including climatic impacts in cold regions, are typically acting at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Hierarchical models are a flexible statistical tool that allows for decomposing spatiotemporal processes in simpler components connected by conditional probabilistic relationships. This article reviews two hierarchical models that have been applied to treering proxy records of climate to model their space?time structure: STEM (Spatio-Temporal Expectation Maximization) and BARCAST (Bayesian Algorithm for Reconstructing Climate Anomalies in Space and Time). Both models account for spatial and temporal autocorrelation by including latent spatiotemporal processes, and they both take into consideration measurement and model errors, while they differ in their inferential approach. STEM adopts the frequentist perspective, and its parameters are estimated through the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm, with uncertainty assessed through bootstrap resampling. BARCAST is developed in the Bayesian framework, and relies on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms for sampling values from posterior probability distributions of interest. STEM also explicitly includes covariates in the process model definition. As hierarchical modeling keeps contributing to the analysis of complex ecological and environmental processes, proxy reconstructions are likely to improve, thereby providing better constraints on future climate change scenarios and their impacts over cold regions

    Comparing air quality among Italy, Germany and Poland using BC indexes

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    In this paper we discuss air quality assessment in three Italian, German and Polish regions using the index methodology proposed in Bruno and Cocchi (2002, 2007). This analysis focuses first of all on the quality of the air in each of the countries being taken into consideration, and then adopts a more general approach in order to compare pollution severity and toxicity. This is interesting in a global European perspective where all countries are commonly involved in assessing air quality and taking proper measures for improving it. In this context, air quality indexes are a powerful data-driven tool which are easily calculated and summarize a complex phenomenon, such as air pollution, in indicators which are immediately understandable. In particular, the main objective of this work is to evaluate the index performances in distinguishing different air pollution patterns. This kind of analysis can be particularly useful, for example, in the perspective of constructing an indicator of air pollution. --

    Comparing Methods to Retrieve Tweets: a Sentiment Approach

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    [EN] In current times Internet and social media have become almost unavoidabletools to support research and decision making processes in various fields.Nevertheless, the collection and use of data retrieved from these types ofsources pose different challenges. In a previous paper we compared theefficiency of three alternative methods used to retrieve geolocated tweets overan entire country (United Kingdom). One method resulted as the bestcompromise in terms of both the effort needed to set it and quantity/quality ofdata collected. In this work we further check, in term of content, whether thethree compared methods are able to produce “similar information”. Inparticular, we aim at checking whether there are differences in the level ofsentiment estimated using tweets coming from the three methods. In doing so,we take into account both a cross-section and a longitudinal perspective. Ourresults confirm that our current best option does not show any significantdifference in the sentiment, producing globally scores in between the scoresobtained using the two alternative methods. Thus, such a flexible and reliablemethod can be implemented in the data collection of geolocated tweets in othercountries and for other studies based on the sentiment analysis.Schlosser, S.; Toninelli, D.; Cameletti, M. (2020). Comparing Methods to Retrieve Tweets: a Sentiment Approach. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 299-306. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2020.2020.11653OCS29930

    Software for Bayesian Statistics

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    In this summary we introduce the papers published in the special issue on Bayesian statistics. This special issue comprises 20 papers on Bayesian statistics and Bayesian inference on different topics such as general packages for hierarchical linear model fitting, survival models, clinical trials, missing values, time series, hypothesis testing, priors, approximate Bayesian computation, and others

    Missing data analysis and imputation via latent Gaussian Markov random fields

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    Acknowledgements. V. Gomez-Rubio has been supported by grants MTM2016-77501-P and PID2019-106341GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness co-fnanced with FEDER funds, grant SBPLY/17/180501/000491 and SBPLY/21/180501/000241 funded by Consejería de Educacion, Cultura y Deportes (JCCM, Spain) and FEDER. Marta Blangiardo acknowledges partial support through the grant R01HD092580 funded by the National Institute of Health and from the MRC Centre for Environment and Health, which is currently funded by the Medical Research Council (MR/S019669/1).This paper recasts the problem of missing values in the covariates of a regression model as a latent Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) model in a fully Bayesian framework. The proposed approach is based on the definition of the covariate imputation sub-model as a latent effect with a GMRF structure. This formulation works for continuous covariates but for categorical covariates a typical multiple imputation approach is employed. Both techniques can be easily combined for the case in which continuous and categorical variables have missing values. The resulting Bayesian hierarchical model naturally fts within the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) framework, which is used for model fitting. Hence, this work fills an important gap in the INLA methodology as it allows to treat models with missing values in the covariates. As in any other fully Bayesian framework, by relying on INLA for model fitting it is possible to formulate a joint model for the data, the imputed covariates and their missingness mechanism. In this way, it is possible to tackle the more general problem of assessing the missingness mechanism by conducting a sensitivity analysis on the different alternatives to model the non-observed covariates. Finally, the proposed approach is illustrated in two examples on modeling health risk factors and disease mapping

    A statistical emulator for multivariate model outputs with missing values

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    Statistical emulators are used to approximate the output of complex physical models when their computational burden limits any sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of model output to variation in the model inputs. In this paper, we introduce a flexible emulator which is able to handle multivariate model outputs and missing values. The emulator is based on a spatial model and the D-STEM software, which is extended to include emulator fitting using the EM algorithm. The missing values handling capabilities of the emulator are exploited to keep the number of model output realisations as low as possible when the computing burden of each realisation is high. As a case study, we emulate the output of the Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System (ADMS) used by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to model the air quality of the city of Aberdeen (UK). With the emulator, we study the city air quality under a discrete set of realisations and identify conditions under which, with a given probability, the 40μg−m3 yearly average concentration limit for NO2 of EU legislation is not exceeded at the locations of the city monitoring stations. The effect of missing values on the emulator estimation and probability of exceedances are studied by means of simulations

    Spatiotemporal modelling of PM 2.5 concentrations in Lombardy (Italy): a comparative study

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    This study presents a comparative analysis of three predictive models with an increasing degree of flexibility: hidden dynamic geostatistical models (HDGM), generalised additive mixed models (GAMM), and the random forest spatiotemporal kriging models (RFSTK). These models are evaluated for their effectiveness in predicting PM 2.5 concentrations in Lombardy (North Italy) from 2016 to 2020. Despite differing methodologies, all models demonstrate proficient capture of spatiotemporal patterns within air pollution data with similar out-of-sample performance. Furthermore, the study delves into station-specific analyses, revealing variable model performance contingent on localised conditions. Model interpretation, facilitated by parametric coefficient analysis and partial dependence plots, unveils consistent associations between predictor variables and PM 2.5 concentrations. Despite nuanced variations in modelling spatiotemporal correlations, all models effectively accounted for the underlying dependence. In summary, this study underscores the efficacy of conventional techniques in modelling correlated spatiotemporal data, concurrently highlighting the complementary potential of Machine Learning and classical statistical approaches