25 research outputs found


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    La empresa Magnetrón S.A. requería para su laboratorio de pruebas de transformadores mejorar su rendimiento y desempeño. La Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica a través de los contratos 221-03 y 71102-02, diseñó y desarrolló un sistema automatizado aplicando los últimos avances de la instrumentación moderna

    Impacto de los sistemas de información operacional en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del núcleo operativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo establecer la relación entre los sistemas de información operacional y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del nivel operativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo. El presente estudio se centró en la siguiente problemática: Se observaba que la realización de trámites en esta municipalidad por parte de los contribuyentes tomaba mucho tiempo, desde la obtención de una partida de nacimiento, donde el contribuyente tenía que esperar 2 días y aún más tiempo para trámites más complejos, motivo por el cual los contribuyentes se mostraban descontentos por la falta de eficiencia de los trabajadores de esta institución y aún más por las largas filas de personas que se hacían, esta situación perduró hasta el año 2013, donde se implementaron nuevos sistemas de información operacional para automatizar las tareas municipales. Para estudiar esta problemática planteamos la hipótesis siguiente: Hi: “Existe una relación significativa entre los sistemas de información operacional y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del núcleo operativo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Huancayo en el año 2018”. El nivel de investigación es el correlacional. El diseño de investigación utilizado fue el descriptivo - correlacional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 49 trabajadores. El instrumento de recolección de información fue el cuestionario. Para medir el desempeño laboral se diseñó un cuestionario en escala de Likert con 3 dimensiones y 9 reactivos en base a los postulados de Sander (1990), por otro lado, para la variable sistemas de información operacional, se diseñó un cuestionario en escala de Likert con 4 dimensiones y 8 reactivos en base a los postulados de Inmon (1999). Se concluye que los sistemas de información operacional se relacionan significativamente (r = 0.903) con el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores del nivel operativo de la institución pública en estudio en el año 2018.Tesi

    A contribution to the selection of tsunami human vulnerability indicators: conclusions from tsunami impacts in Sri Lanka and Thailand (2004), Samoa (2009), Chile (2010) and Japan (2011)

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    After several tsunami events with disastrous consequences around the world, coastal countries have realized the need to be prepared to minimize human mortality and damage to coastal infrastructures, livelihoods and resources. The international scientific community is striving to develop and validate methodologies for tsunami hazard and vulnerability and risk assessments. The vulnerability of coastal communities is usually assessed through the definition of sets of indicators based on previous literature and/or post-tsunami reports, as well as on the available data for the study site. The aim of this work is to validate, in light of past tsunami events, the indicators currently proposed by the scientific community to measure human vulnerability, to improve their definition and selection as well as to analyse their validity for different country development profiles. The events analysed are the 2011 Great Tohoku tsunami, the 2010 Chilean tsunami, the 2009 Samoan tsunami and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The results obtained highlight the need for considering both permanent and temporal human exposure, the former requiring some hazard numerical modelling, while the latter is related to site-specific livelihoods, cultural traditions and gender roles. The most vulnerable age groups are the elderly and children, the former having much higher mortality rates. Female mortality is not always higher than male mortality and not always related to dependency issues. Higher numbers of disabled people do not always translate into higher numbers of victims. Besides, it is clear that mortality is not only related to the characteristics of the population but also of the buildings. A high correlation has been found between the affected buildings and the number of victims, being very high for completely damaged buildings. Distance to the sea, building materials and expected water depths are important determining factors regarding the type of damage to buildings

    Trombosis bilateral del seno cavernoso en un paciente con enfermedad periodontal y diabetes mellitus. descripción de un caso

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    Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a vascular disease with an unusual presentation, associated with high morbidity, mortality and neurological sequelae. The most frequent etiological cause are the infectious processes at the head and neck level, being the gateway for different microorganisms that generate an inflammatory response that triggers the thrombotic event. Periodontal disease characterized by gingival inflammation, loss of surrounding connective tissue and eventual exfoliation of the tooth, is associated with the development of systemic diseases due to periodontal pathogens and inflammatory mediators that spread and produce complications due to contiguity such asthrombotic events in the central nervous system. We present the clinical case of a patient who developed a bilateral cavernous sinus thrombosis after undergoing a periodontal procedure.La trombosis de los senos cavernosos (TSC) corresponde a una entidad vascular poco usual, asociada con alta morbimortalidad y secuelas neurológicas. La etiología más frecuente son los procesos infecciosos a nivel de cabeza y cuello, que sirven como puerta de entrada para diferentes microorganismos, generando una respuesta inflamatoria que desencadena el evento trombótico. La enfermedad periodontal caracterizada por inflamación gingival, pérdida de tejido conectivo circundante y eventual del diente está asociada con el desarrollo de enfermedades sistémicas secundarias a los patógenos periodontales y mediadores inflamatorios producidos en la cavidad oral. Estos pueden diseminarse y producir complicaciones por contigüidad como eventos trombóticos a nivel del sistema nervioso central. A continuación, se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente que desarrolló una TSC bilateral después de ser sometido a un procedimiento periodontal

    Elaboración de un gel para el diseño de un sistema de acojinamiento auxiliar en la prevención de úlceras por presión

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    Se desarrolló un sistema base gel de acojinamiento usando agua como medio dispersante, a partir de la evaluación de diversos materiales empleados en la formación de sistemas coloidales como son TEA, carbopol, poliacrilato de sodio y empleando adicionalmente por un lado fibras sintéticas (PP) y microesferas de aluminio silicato malla 100 (149 micras) de bajo peso específico (0.31 g/cm3). Los siete sistemas diseñados muestran un pH entre 5 a 7 estos sistemas se contienen y se sellan dentro de una bolsa plástica a manera de cojín. Seis de estas formulaciones muestran características de maleabilidad y resiliencia similares para ser usados como cojines para reducir la formación de úlceras por presión en personas que permanecen inmóviles por largos periodos. Las formulaciones, no presentan efectos visuales, táctiles y olfativos negativos. Las formulaciones y formación del cojín pueden diseñarse para un rango amplio del peso que deban de soportar, en función de la masa corporal del paciente.A cushion gel base system was developed using water as a dispersing medium, from the evaluation of various materials used in the formation of colloidal systems such as: TEA, carbopol, sodium polyacrilate and using on the one hand synthetic fibers (PP) and aluminum silicate microspheres 100 mesh (149 microns) of low specific weight (0.31 g/cm3). The seven systems designed show a pH between 5 to 7 these systems are bagged and sealed inside a plastic bag as a cushion. Which are bagged and sealed inside a cushion-like plastic bag Six of these formulations show similar malleability and resilience characteristics to be used as cushions to reduce the formation of pressure ulcers in people who remain immobile for long periods. The formulations do not have negative visual, tactile and olfactory effects. The formulations and cushion formation can design for a wide range of supported weight, depending on the patient's body mass

    Integrated tsunami vulnerability and risk assessment: application to the coastal area of El Salvador

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    ABSTRACT. Advances in the understanding and prediction of tsunami impacts allow for the development of risk reduction strategies for tsunami-prone areas. This paper presents a tsunami vulnerability and risk assessment for the case study of El Salvador, the applied methodology dealing with the complexity and variability of coastal zones by means of (i) an integral approach to cover the entire risk-related process from the hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments to the final risk management; (ii) an integrated approach to combine and aggregate the information stemming from the different dimensions of coupled human and natural systems; and (iii) a dynamic and scale-dependent approach to integrate the spatiotemporal variability considerations. This work also aims at establishing a clear connection to translate the vulnerability and risk assessment results into adequate target-oriented risk reduction measures, trying to bridge the gap between science and management for the tsunami hazard. The approach is applicable to other types of hazards, having been successfully applied to climate-change-related flooding hazard

    Tsunami evacuation modelling as a tool for risk reduction: application to the coastal area of El Salvador

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    ABSTRACT. Advances in the understanding and prediction of tsunami impacts allow the development of risk reduction strategies for tsunami-prone areas. This paper presents an integral framework for the formulation of tsunami evacuation plans based on tsunami vulnerability assessment and evacuation modelling. This framework considers (i) the hazard aspects (tsunami flooding characteristics and arrival time), (ii) the characteristics of the exposed area (people, shelters and road network), (iii) the current tsunami warning procedures and timing, (iv) the time needed to evacuate the population, and (v) the identification of measures to improve the evacuation process. The proposed methodological framework aims to bridge between risk assessment and risk management in terms of tsunami evacuation, as it allows for an estimation of the degree of evacuation success of specific management options, as well as for the classification and prioritization of the gathered information, in order to formulate an optimal evacuation plan. The framework has been applied to the El Salvador case study, demonstrating its applicability to sitespecific response times and population characteristics

    Tsunami hazard assessment in El Salvador, Central America, from seismic sources through flooding numerical models

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    ABSTRACT. El Salvador is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America; its coast has an approximate lenght of 320 km, 29 municipalities and more than 700.000 inhabitants. In El Salvador there were 15 recorded tsunamis between 1859 and 2012, 3 of them causing damages and resulting in hundreds of victims. Hazard assessment is commonly based on propagation numerical models for earthquake-generated tsunamis and can be approached through both probabilistic and deterministic methods. A deterministic approximation has been applied in this study as it provides essential information for coastal planning and management. The objective of the research was twofold: on the one hand the characterization of the threat over the entire coast of El Salvador, and on the other the computation of flooding maps for the three main localities of the Salvadorian coast. For the latter we developed high-resolution flooding models. For the former, due to the extension of the coastal area, we computed maximum elevations maps, and from the elevation in the near shore we computed an estimation of the run-up and the flooded area using empirical relations. We have considered local sources located in the Middle America Trench, characterized seismotectonically, and distant sources in the rest of Pacific Basin, using historical and recent earthquakes and tsunamis. We used a hybrid finite differences-finite volumes numerical model in this work, based on the linear and non-linear shallow water equations, to simulate a total of 24 earthquake-generated tsunami scenarios. Our results show that at the wastern Salvadorian coast, run-up values higher tan 5 m. are common, while in the eastern area, approximately from La Libertad to the Gulf of Fonseca, the run-up values are lower. The more exposed areas to flooding are the lowlands in the Lempa River delta and the Barra de Santiago Western Plains. The results of the empirical approximation used for the whole country are similar to the results obtained with the high-resolution numerical modelling, being a good and fast approximation to obtain preliminary tsunami hazard estimations. In Acajutla and La Libertad, both important tourism centres being actively developed, floodings dephts between 2 and 4 m are frequent, accompanied with high and very high person instability hazard. Inside the Gulf of Fonseca the impact of the waves is almost negligible