3,025 research outputs found

    Valoración de Mezclas Asfálticas Fabricadas en Planta y en Caliente con Asfaltos Modificados con Látex UP70 SBR

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Construcción) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería en Construcción, 2006.The actual condition in which the principal roads of the country are, has taken the public works autorithies to take action so that they can correct and avoid those inconvenients on the future road works. That`s why during the construction of the improvement of the 23 national road, Interamericana-Caldera section, the inclusion of polimers in the asphaltic mix to be placed in the construction was established. Taking advantageof this situation it was proceeded to colect the design and production data ,rehearsed by the involved labs in the process, to be able to value the behavior of one asphaltic mix fabricated in its plant and in hot, modified with latex UP70SBR. This valoration was done through the diametral tension and retained resistance results, wich allowed to conclude that the polimer influences favorably in its durability. The process of colocation was visualized and documented, which allowed to reflect a series of differences in the behavior of the modified mix in comparison to a virgin mix like the little energy thats needed to give the required compactation grade and the shown lost of workability.Laboratorios ITP y OJ

    Replacing chemical fertilizers with organic and biological ones in transition to organic farming systems in saffron (Crocus sativus) cultivation

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    To evaluate the response of saffron to animal manure, and biological and chemical fertilizer in an arid climate, an experiment was performed as split plots based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications during three consecutive crop growth seasons (2015-2018) at the Research Farm of University of Gonabad, Iran. The experimental treatments included application (60 t ha(-1)) and non-application (control) of manure as the main plot and the use of biosulfur (5 kg ha(-1)), biophosphate (3 L ha(-1)), nitroxin (3 L ha(-1)), chemical fertilizer (150, 100, and 100 kg ha(-1) of urea, triple superphosphate, and potassium sulfate, respectively), and no fertilizer application (control) as the sub-plot. The results showed a highly significant response of the quantitative traits of saffron to the application of manure, which increased the leaf, flower, and corm indices of saffron by a mean of 15.1-35.7% than control. The interaction effect of manure with biological and chemical fertilizers for leaf, flower, and weeds indices of saffron was significant. There was no significant difference between the interaction treatments of manure and chemical fertilizer with nitroxin and biophosphorus fertilizers in most of the mentioned traits in the three experiment years. The simultaneous application of these fertilizers increased the average by about 60, 105, 135, 110, 165, and 55% of the leaf dry weight, the number of flowers, fresh flower yield, dry flower yield, dry stigma yield, and weed dry weight of saffron, respectively as compared to control. There was no significant difference between the chemical fertilizer with nitroxin or biophosphate in terms of the effect on the traits related to saffron corm so the use of these fertilizers, as compared to control, increased replacement corm weight, replacement corm size, and bud number per corm by, respectively, about 35, 60, and 40% on average. The chemical and biological fertilizers improved the content of crocin, picrocrocin, and safranal of saffron stigma. The best results were obtained from the use of chemical fertilizers, although no significant difference was observed between this treatment and the nitroxin and biophosphate treatments. Overall, the results of this three-year experiment show a very high response of the saffron plant to the simultaneous use of manure and biological fertilizers and, therefore, it is possible to replace chemical fertilizers with organic and biological fertilizers in saffron cultivation to implement organic agriculture and achieve acceptable quantitative and qualitative yields in areas similar to the experiment location.University of Gona-badUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    Basic motor skills and cooperative learning: teaching unit.

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo fin de grado se ha llevado a cabo una propuesta de unidad didáctica acerca de las habilidades motrices básicas por medio del aprendizaje cooperativo a través de desafíos motrices para los alumnos de sexto de primaria de la Comunidad autónoma de Cantabria. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos Dialnet para corroborar la inexistencia de alguna publicación previa que tratase de manera idéntica las habilidades motrices y el trabajo cooperativo como este Trabajo Fin de Grado plantea. También debe mencionarse que la metodología empleada para desarrollar la unidad didáctica es la propuesta por Méndez, et al. (2011). Como resultado se ha creado una unidad didáctica de ocho sesiones donde en cada una de ellas se trabaja de manera específica pero innovadora un tipo de habilidades motrices. Se comenzó con una sesión teórico- práctica y posteriormente se trabajó de manera específica un tipo de habilidad motriz por sesión, a excepción de los desplazamientos y las manipulaciones que ocupan dos sesiones cada uno. En conclusión, este trabajo presenta una propuesta innovadora que combina el aprendizaje cooperativo y los desafíos motrices para desarrollar las habilidades motrices básicas y que cada alumno sea encargado de llevar a cabo una parte de su evaluación.ABSTRACT: In this final degree project, a didactic unit proposal about basic motor skills has been carried out through cooperative learning through motor challenges for sixth grade students of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria. A bibliographic search was conducted in the Dialnet database to corroborate the lack of any previous publication that treated motor skills and cooperative work in the same way as this End of Degree Project proposes. It should also be mentioned that the methodology used to develop the didactic unit is the one proposed by Méndez, et al. (2011). As a result, a didactic unit of eight sessions has been created where in each one of them a specific type of motor skills is worked in a specific but innovative way. We started with a theoretical-practical session and then we worked specifically on one type of motor skill per session, except for the displacements and manipulations that occupy two sessions each. In conclusion, this work presents an innovative proposal that combines cooperative learning and motor challenges to develop basic motor skills and that each student is responsible for carrying out a part of their evaluation.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Primari

    Estimation of soil mobilization rates by a rainy period and intense tillage practices in vineyards—A case study in the Maule region (Chile)

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    Winemaking in Chile is a long tradition that is recognized around the world. It is especially important in the Maule region where more than 40% of the total wine in the country is produced. However, there is a lack of studies related to soil erosion in vineyards in Chile, especially considering the extreme rainfall events that occur in the country. This research estimates soil erosion mobilization rates before and after a rainy season between April 2020 and May 2020 using the "improved stock unearthing method" on two inter-row plots in a vineyard located in the Maule region of Chile. This method relies on the graft union as a bioindicator for assessing soil surface-level changes. Maps of the soil surface were obtained to show how soil depletion and accumulation points within the inter-row areas could be detected. It has been estimated that a total soil mobilization of 85.7 and 130 Mg ha yr(-1) had occurred in the inter-row areas 1 and 2, respectively, since the establishment of the plantation. However, a single rain event mobilized soil at rates of 5.5 and 3.5 Mg ha yr(-1), respectively, in the inter-row areas 1 and 2. We have demonstrated that erosive processes present in the study area exceed the rates of soil formation and the tolerable rates of erosion on a global scale. The results allow re-thinking of agricultural practices and management of soil systems to improve the sustainability of conventional Chilean vineyards and their soils.Universidad de Granada/CBUAComunidad de MadridBBVA Foundatio

    Concentration by pervaporation of representative brown crab volatile compounds from dilute model solutions

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    In this work, the pervaporation technique is investigated in the separation of dilute solutions of volatile compounds from brown crab effluent in order to obtain a valuable food flavoring fraction. A systematic study of the pervaporation process has been carried out on dilute model solutions of some of the compounds identified in the brown crab effluent as typical volatile compounds. The membrane used in this work was a hydrophobic membrane with a selective layer of POMS (polyoctylmethyl siloxane). The effect of some operating variables, such as feed flow rate, feed concentration, feed temperature and permeate pressure was analyzed on the pervaporation performance of the membrane.MICINN through CTQ2008-04999- PP

    Consumer Banking and Credit Risk

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    Following Jara and Oda (2007), we consider a group of Chilean banks specializing in consumer loans. Taking the dynamics of the group as a whole, we propose a credit risk model that is based on loan loss provisions. Using accounting ratios, we show that a model for this purpose is dynamic and highly non-linear. Our empirical results show that the banking aggregates loan loss provisions, write-offs, and total loans can be modelled for this group of banks using a small number of macroeconomics variables. Actually, we conclude that the output gap is a strong factor in the model, and that the model performs well when only this external factor is considered.

    Dispositivo electrónico de aislamiento galvánico en el bus de datos IEEE 488 (GPIB) para garantizar el rechazo de ruido

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    Proyecto de Graduación (Licenciatura en Ingeniería Electrónica) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Ingeniería Electrónica, 2013.Resumen El proyecto fue elaborado en el Laboratorio Metrológico de Variables Eléctricas (LMVE) del Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (I.C.E.), el cual tiene la responsabilidad en el país de mantener los patrones primarios de las magnitudes vinculadas con la energía, además brindar los servicios de calibración de dichas unidades. Cabe destacar que este es un laboratorio nacional, el cual posee los patrones de mayor validez en el país, por lo que para sus procesos de calibración requieren que el equipo de medición funcione de la manera más exacta y precisa. En el laboratorio, para la automatización de las calibraciones se utilizan programas computacionales los cuales se comunican con los equipos de medición por el puerto estándar IEEE 488 (GPIB), los equipos conectados a este bus poseen distintas conexiones a alimentación y tierras, donde se pueden introducir corrientes parásitas que influya en el funcionamiento de los mismos y así invalidar las mediciones de alta calidad. Como solución se plantea el diseño y construcción de un prototipo que aísla galvánicamente las líneas de comunicación del bus de datos GPIB, separando las conexiones y así garantizar el rechazo de ruido que pueda ocasionar fallas en los sistemas de medición del laboratorio. Se realizó el estudio y comparación de los métodos de aislamiento de forma óptica y galvánica, construyendo dos prototipos con el aislamiento para su posterior análisis en los procesos de calibración del laboratorio, para así elegir el prototipo que posea las características adecuadas para la adaptación al laboratorio y que llegue a darle garantía a las mediciones que se realizan en este

    Holographic Fabry-Perot spectrometer

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    We propose a spectrum analyzer based on the properties of a hologram recorded with the field transmitted by a Fabry-Perot etalon. The spectral response of this holographic Fabry-Perot spectrometer (HFPS) is analytically investigated in the paraxial approximation and compared with a conventional Fabry-Perot etalon of similar characteristics. We demonstrate that the resolving power is twice increased and the free spectral range (FSR) is reduced to one-half. The proposed spectrometer could improve the operational performance of the etalon because it can exhibit high efficiency and it would be insensible to environmental conditions such as temperature and vibrations. Our analysis also extends to another variant of the HFPS based on holographic multiplexing of the transmitted field of a Fabry-Perot etalon. This device increases the FSR, keeping the same HFPS performance. © 2011 Optical Society of America.We thank A. Cámara Iglesias for valuable discussions and advice. Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project TEC 2008-04105 is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe