22 research outputs found

    Diseño de una pila de hidrógeno para su aplicación en automoción

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    En este proyecto se ha realizado un diseño completo de un sistema de pila de combustible, que incluye equipo y subsistemas, cuyo propósito será utilizarlo en el campo de la automoción para impulsar un vehículo de tamaño medio con una potencia de 90 kW. La tecnología seleccionada ha sido de tipo PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) debido a que permitirá construir un equipo compacto, con bajo riesgo de utilización, arranque rápido y baja temperatura de funcionamiento. Estas características, entre otras, la convierten en una tecnología especialmente propicia para su uso en aplicaciones móviles. En lo que a cálculos se refiere, se ha seleccionado como base de cálculo la autonomía (600 km), la potencia de salida (90 Kw) y el combustible utilizado (hidrógeno). A partir de estos datos, se han calculado el resto de los parámetros de operación como la tensión de celda real (0,776 V) y la eficiencia total de la pila (44,54 %) entre otros. El equipo comercial que cumple con estos requerimientos instalando 3 equipos en paralelo es el modelo Horizon VL-30. El trabajo se completa con un análisis básico de costes a lo largo de la vida del sistema que incluye los costes de fabricación y de mantenimiento a fin de compararlo con el resto de tecnologías.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteMáster en Ingeniería Industria

    Proyecto de una nave de usos múltiples de 450 m2 para el servicio del Embalse de Requejada (Palencia) empleando tecnología BIM

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se ha desarrollado el proyecto completo de una obra de nueva construcción de una instalación industrial de 450 m2 de planta situada en la localidad de Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia). Dicha instalación industrial estará dispuesta para usos múltiples y estará destinada a prestar servicio a las instalaciones del Embalse de la Requejada. Los estudios que se han desarrollado en dicho proyecto han sido el cálculo estructural, la distribución en planta y el cálculo de instalaciones así como la redacción de los documentos administrativos pertinentes para poder llevar a cabo la obra en el futuro. Entre las instalaciones estudiadas se encontrarán las siguientes: Sistema de calefacción, producción de agua caliente sanitaria, abastecimiento de agua potable, recogida de aguas residuales, sistema de aire comprimido, instalación eléctrica, instalación de máquinas-herramienta, sistema anti-intrusión y sistema anti-incendios.Departamento de Ciencias de los Materiales e Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Ingeniería Mecánica e Ingeniería de los Procesos de FabricaciónGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Empirical models for estimating air temperature using MODIS Land Surface Temperature (and Spatiotemporal Variables) in the Hurd Peninsula of Livingston Island, Antarctica, between 2000 and 2016

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    In this article, we present empirical models for estimating daily mean air temperature (Ta) in the Hurd Peninsula of Livingston Island (Antarctica) using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Land Surface Temperature (LST) data and spatiotemporal variables. The models were obtained and validated using the daily mean Ta from three Spanish in situ meteorological stations (AEMET stations), Juan Carlos I (JCI), Johnsons Glacier (JG), and Hurd Glacier (HG), and three stations in our team’s monitoring sites, Incinerador (INC), Reina Sofía (SOF), and Collado Ramos (CR), as well as daytime and nighttime Terra-MODIS LST and Aqua-MODIS LST data between 2000 and 2016. Two types of multiple linear regression (MLR) models were obtained: models for each individual station (for JCI, INC, SOF, and CR—not for JG and HG due to a lack of data) and global models using all stations. In the study period, the JCI and INC stations were relocated, so we analyzed the data from both locations separately (JCI1 and JCI2; INC1 and INC2). In general, the best individual Ta models were obtained using daytime Terra LST data, the best results for CR being followed by JCI2, SOF, and INC2 (R2 = 0.5–0.7 and RSE = 2 °C). Model cross validation (CV) yielded results similar to those of the models (for the daytime Terra LST data: R2CV = 0.4–0.6, RMSECV = 2.5–2.7 °C, and bias = −0.1 to 0.1 °C). The best global Ta model was also obtained using daytime Terra LST data (R2 = 0.6 and RSE = 2 °C; in its validation: R2CV = 0.5, RMSECV = 3, and bias = −0.03), along with the significant (p < 0.05) variables: linear time (t) and two time harmonics (sine-cosine), distance to the coast (d), slope (s), curvature (c), and hour of LST observation (H). Ta and LST data were carefully corrected and filtered, respectively, prior to its analysis and comparison. The analysis of the Ta time series revealed different cooling/warming trends in the locations, indicating a complex climatic variability at a spatial scale in the Hurd Peninsula. The variation of Ta in each station was obtained by the Locally Weighted Regression (LOESS) method. LST data that was not “good quality” usually underestimated Ta and were filtered, which drastically reduced the LST data (<5% of the studied days). Despite the shortage of “good” MODIS LST data in these cold environments, all months were represented in the final dataset, demonstrating that the MODIS LST data, through the models obtained in this article, are useful for estimating long-term trends in Ta and generating mean Ta maps at a global level (1 km2 spatial resolution) in the Hurd Peninsula of Livingston Island

    Electromagnetic assessment of UHF-RFID devices in healthcare environment

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    In this work, the evaluation of electromagnetic effect of Ultra High Frequency Radio Frequency Identification (UHF-RFID) passive tags used in the healthcare environment is presented. In order to evaluate exposure levels caused by EM field (865–868 MHz) of UHF-RFID readers, EM measurements in an anechoic chamber and in a real medical environment (Hospital Universitario de Canarias), as well as simulations by 3D Ray Launching algorithm, and of biophysical exposure effects in human models are presented. The results obtained show that the EM exposure is localized, in close vicinity of RFID reader and inversely proportional to its reading range. The EM exposure levels detected are sufficient to cause EM immunity effects in electronic devices (malfunctions in medical equipment or implants). Moreover, more than negligible direct effects in humans (exceeding relevant SAR values) were found only next to the reader, up to approximately 30% of the reading range. As a consequence, the EM risk could be firstly evaluated based on RFID parameters, but should include an in situ exposure assessment. It requires attention and additional studies, as increased applications of monitoring systems are observed in the healthcare sector—specifically when any system is located close to the workplace that is permanently occupied.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III project “Electromagnetic Characterization in Smart Environments of Healthcare, and their involvement in Personal, Occupational, and Environmental Health” (PI14CIII/00056), and project (PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19 “Metrics development for electromagnetic safety assessment in healthcare centers in the context of 5G“ from Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion. The results of a research task (II.PB.15) carried out within the National Programme “Improvement of safety and working conditions” partly supported in Poland in 2020–2022—within the scope of research and development—by the National Centre for Research and Development were also included

    High Dynamic Range Nanowire Resonators

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    Dynamic range quantifies the linear operation regime available in nanomechanical resonators. Nonlinearities dominate the response of flexural beams in the limit of very high aspect ratio and very small diameter, which leads to expectation of low dynamic range for nanowire resonators in general. However, the highest achievable dynamic range for nanowire resonators with practical dimensions remains to be determined. We report dynamic range measurements on singly clamped silicon nanowire resonators reaching remarkably high values of up to 90 dB obtained with a simple harmonic actuation scheme. We explain these measurements by a comprehensive theoretical examination of dynamic range in singly clamped flexural beams including the effect of tapering, a usual feature of semiconductor nanowires. Our analysis reveals the nanowire characteristics required for broad linear operation, and given the relationship between dynamic range and mass sensing performance, it also enables analytical determination of mass detection limits, reaching atomic-scale resolution for feasible nanowires.This work was supported by the ERC CoG Grant 681275 “LIQUIDMASS” and by the Spanish Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry through Projects “EXOFLUX” (PGC2018-101762-B-I00) and “MOMPs” (TEC2017-89765- R). E.G.-S. acknowledges financial support by Fundación General CSIC through the ComFuturo program. We acknowledge the service from the Micro and Nanofabrication Laboratory at IMN-CNM, funded by the Comunidad de Madrid (Project S2018/NMT-4291 TEC2SPACE) and by MINECO (Project CSIC13-4E-1794 with support from FEDER, FSE)

    Optical Transduction for Vertical Nanowire Resonators

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    We describe an optical transduction mechanism to measure the flexural mode vibrations of vertically aligned nanowires on a flat substrate with high sensitivity, linearity, and ease of implementation. We demonstrate that the light reflected from the substrate when a laser beam strikes it parallel to the nanowires is modulated proportionally to their vibration, so that measuring such modulation provides a highly efficient resonance readout. This mechanism is applicable to single nanowires or arrays without specific requirements regarding their geometry or array pattern, and no fabrication process besides the nanowire generation is required. We show how to optimize the performance of this mechanism by characterizing the split flexural modes of vertical silicon nanowires in their full dynamic range and up to the fifth mode order. The presented transduction approach is relevant for any application of nanowire resonators, particularly for integrating nanomechanical sensing in functional substrates based on vertical nanowires for biological applications.This work was supported by the ERC CoG Grant 681275 “LIQUIDMASS” and by the Spanish Science, Innovation and Universities Ministry through project “EXOFLUX” (ref: PGC2018-101762-B-I00). We acknowledge the service from the Micro and Nanofabrication Laboratory at IMN-CNM, funded by the Comunidad de Madrid (Project S2018/NMT4291 TEC2SPACE) and by MINECO (Project CSIC13-4E1794 with support from FEDER, FSE). E.G.S. acknowledges financial support by Fundacion General CSIC (Programa ́ ComFuturo), as well as Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions (H2020-MSCA-IF-2015) under NOMBIS project (703354). We acknowledge partial open access support by CSIC through URICI initiative.Peer reviewe

    Highly linear optical transduction for the analysis of the dynamic range of nanomechanical beam resonators

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    Trabajo presentado en el 17th International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing, celebrado en Calgary, Alberta (Canadá), del 14 al 18 de junio de 2021In nanomechanical resonators, dynamic range (DR) quantifies the amount of linear operation regime available and it is directly related to their performance as sensors. In this contribution we analyze the linear range of transduction based on vibration-induced modulation of the light scattered by Si nanowire resonators when a laser beam is focused on them. This mechanism has been recently demonstrated to provide high displacement detection sensitivity even with a laser beam incidence parallel to the nanowires (Figure 1a-b), and also to enable the detection of high-order flexural mode nondegenerate doublets.[1] Here we show that the high linearity of this method allows a comprehensive examination of all factors determining the DR of nanomechanical beam resonators (Figure 1c-d).[2] Our results show that in spite of the prevalent nonlinear effects for some geometries, nanomechanical beam resonators with moderately high aspect ratio and useful dimensions, especially in the single clamp configuration, can achieve DR values up to the 80-100 dB range, which compares to the highest reported for any other nanomechanical device.Peer reviewe

    Electromagnetic characterization of uhf-rfid fixed reader in healthcare centers related to the personal and labor health

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    Hospitals and healthcare centers are experiencing a remarkable implementation of new systems based on wireless communications technologies. Many of these systems provide location services and identification of materials, instrumentation and even patients, which promotes the increase of the quality and the efficiency of healthcare. A tracking system based on short-range radio frequency, UHF-RFID is evaluated. This system helps with location of orthopedic prosthesis according to the criteria and requirements of a specific hospital environment. It is characterized the influence of UHF-RFID system in the electromagnetic environment by measuring the parameters and characteristics of the emission levels. The results of the assessment are represented through 2D contour maps and simulations have been performed by means of an in-house 3D-RL algorithm. The proposed graph aims to provide a methodology of studying the electromagnetic environments and the evaluation of the safety conditions of workers, patients, and people in general. E field exposure levels due to the RFID localization system were analyzed in order to verify regulations concerning the safety of patients and the general public in the labor and healthcare fields. Localized electromagnetic field exposure at levels which may cause electromagnetic hazards in the specific healthcare environment have been found and potentially excessive exposure to EMF emitted by UHF RFID devices may apply to patients or bystanders. In all cases, insufficient electromagnetic immunity of electronic devices (including AIMD and other medical devices) should be considered and the electromagnetic hazards may be limited also by relevant preventive measures, as also shown in this paper, together with the principles of an in-situ evaluation of electromagnetic hazards near the UHF-RFID devices.This work was supported in part by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III Project 'Electromagnetic Characterization in Smart Environments of Healthcare, and Their Involvement in Personal, Occupational, and Environmental Health' under Grant PI14CIII/00056, and in part by the Sub-Directorate-General for Research Assessment and Promotion through the Project 'Metrics Development for Electromagnetic Safety Assessment in Healthcare Centers in the Context of 5G [(PI19CIII/00033) TMPY 508/19].

    Burden and centralised treatment in Europe of rare tumours: results of RARECAREnet - a population-based study

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    Background Rare cancers pose challenges for diagnosis, treatments, and clinical decision making. Information about rare cancers is scant. The RARECARE project defined rare cancers as those with an annual incidence of less than six per 100 000 people in European Union (EU). We updated the estimates of the burden of rare cancers in Europe, their time trends in incidence and survival, and provide information about centralisation of treatments in seven European countries. Methods We analysed data from 94 cancer registries for more than 2 million rare cancer diagnoses, to estimate European incidence and survival in 2000–07 and the corresponding time trends during 1995–2007. Incidence was calculated as the number of new cases divided by the corresponding total person-years in the population. 5-year relative survival was calculated by the Ederer-2 method. Seven registries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and the Navarra region in Spain) provided additional data for hospitals treating about 220 000 cases diagnosed in 2000–07. We also calculated hospital volume admission as the number of treatments provided by each hospital rare cancer group sharing the same referral pattern. Findings Rare cancers accounted for 24% of all cancers diagnosed in the EU during 2000–07. The overall incidence rose annually by 0.5% (99·8% CI 0·3–0·8). 5-year relative survival for all rare cancers was 48·5% (95% CI 48·4 to 48·6), compared with 63·4% (95% CI 63·3 to 63·4) for all common cancers. 5-year relative survival increased (overall 2·9%, 95% CI 2·7 to 3·2), from 1999–2001 to 2007–09, and for most rare cancers, with the largest increases for haematological tumours and sarcomas. The amount of centralisation of rare cancer treatment varied widely between cancers and between countries. The Netherlands and Slovenia had the highest treatment volumes. Interpretation Our study benefits from the largest pool of population-based registries to estimate incidence and survival of about 200 rare cancers. Incidence trends can be explained by changes in known risk factors, improved diagnosis, and registration problems. Survival could be improved by early diagnosis, new treatments, and improved case management. The centralisation of treatment could be improved in the seven European countries we studied. Funding The European Commission (Chafea)

    La magia de las palabras

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    Este proyecto fomenta las actividades ligadas a la lectura, escritura y expresión oral, así como la mejora de la ortografía. La variedad y diversidad de alumnos ESO, Bachillerato, programas de Compensatoria, Diversificación y necesidades educativas especiales, junto al gran número de inmigrantes y minorías étnicas, motiva aún más al profesorado para desarrollar nuevas estrategias de enseñanza y adquirir nuevos recursos didácticos. Los objetivos que plantea el proyecto son acercar los libros y la biblioteca a los alumnos; proporcionar apoyo al programa de enseñanza; asegurar el acceso de toda la comunidad educativa a una amplia gama de recursos y servicios; organizar actividades que contribuyan a compensar las desigualdades formativas y culturales de los alumnos; fomentar el uso correcto de la lengua hablada y escrita; optimizar la competencia lingüística y desarrollar la capacidad de comprensión y expresión; manejar distintos recursos para la búsqueda y clasificación de la información; desarrollar la imaginación, la fantasía y la creatividad en los distintos modos de expresión y despertar aficiones para contribuir al disfrute del ocio y del tiempo libre de forma creativa y culta. Las actividades se desarrollan en cuatro ejes: la biblioteca, la revista, los recursos informáticos y el cuenta cuentos. La metodología se caracteriza por la coordinación y colaboración en todas las actividades. Durante el primer trimestre se realizan las funciones de selección de material y puesta en marcha de los ejercicios como organizar el grupo de teatro, el coro, seleccionar los encargados de los cuenta cuentos, publicación del quinto número de la revista La Cucaña o participar dentro de la Semana de la Ciencia en el proyecto Comenius que organiza la Universidad Carlos III. Durante el segundo y el tercer trimestre el proyecto gira en torno a la Jornada Cultural en mayo con el lema Cuentos, Leyendas y Canciones del Mundo. Se elaboran materiales para poder ser utilizados en proyectos posteriores como paneles, murales, material audiovisual o unidades didácticas. La evaluación es continua, a través de reuniones periódicas, en las que se valora el número y la calidad de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos. También se valora la opinión del alumnado. Los anexos aportan gran cantidad de material elaborado durante este curso escolar..Madrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Consejería de Educación. Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la EnseñanzaMadridMadrid (Comunidad Autónoma). Subdirección General de Formación del Profesorado. CRIF Las Acacias; General Ricardos 179 - 28025 Madrid; Tel. + 34915250893ES