16 research outputs found

    An integrated analysis of corporate entrepreneurship and organizational behaviour in the service sector

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    Uma Análise Integrada de Empreendedorismo Corporativo e Comportamento Organizacional no Sector dos Serviços O principal objetivo deste trabalho é preencher as lacunas nos campos da gestão estratégica e do empreendedorismo relacionadas com o comportamento empreendedor dos trabalhadores, a partir da perspectiva do comportamento organizacional. Esta tese contribui para esses campos de investigação de variadas formas. Pela primeira vez, é proposta uma ontologia do empreendedorismo corporativo a partir da qual foi deduzido um modelo integrativo do processo. Utilizando dados de 127 empresas, confirmámos que tanto fatores externos como internos explicam o comportamento intraempreendedor, e que este está associado à inovação e performance das empresas. Este estudo também confirma que o comportamento intraempreendedor é particularmente importante para a inovação, nas empresas do sector dos serviços. Por fim, propomos e confirmamos empiricamente a existência de quatro tipos de empresas caracterizadas como biomas (configurações organizacionais) de “vida intraempreendedora” . Este estudo sugere implicações práticas para a gestão estratégica de recursos humanos, bem como pistas para futura investigação; ### Abstract: An Integrated Analysis of Corporate Entrepreneurship and Organizational Behaviour in the Service Sector The main goal of this study is to fill-in gaps in the strategic management and entrepreneurship literatures concerning employees’ entrepreneurial behaviour, from an organizational behaviour standpoint. This thesis contributes to these fields in several ways. It proposes for the first time, an ontology of corporate entrepreneurship from which an integrative model of corporate entrepreneurship was derived. Using data obtained from 127 firms, we confirmed that both external and internal factors explain intrapreneurial behaviour and that it is associated with innovation and firm performance. This study also confirms that intrapreneurial behaviour is particularly relevant for services’ firms. Finally, we proposed and confirmed the existence of four types of firms characterized as different biomes (organizational configurations) of ‘intrapreneurial life’. Our study has practical implications for human resources strategic management, and proposes several lines of future researc

    A importância das competências genéricas no recrutamento de diplomados do Ensino Superior: estudo de casos em hotelaria e restauração

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    Actualmente, mais do que nunca, exerce-se sobre o ensino superior a pressão da empregabilidade dos seus diplomados. Espera-se que estes, além de competências profissionais, possuam também outro tipo de competências, as genéricas, que garantam empregabilidade. Consequentemente, é importante que se estude o ajustamento entre as competências requeridas pelos empregadores e as adquiridas pelos diplomados. O objectivo principal desta investigação foi o de explorar a relevância das competências genéricas no mercado de trabalho específico do Sector da Hotelaria e Restauração. O desenho da investigação assentou num propósito exploratório e descritivo e a análise dos dados foi essencialmente de natureza qualitativa. Os resultados apontam no sentido de que as competências genéricas estão, pelo menos, em situação de igualdade com as competências específicas quanto à sua relevância para a empregabilidade imediata dos diplomados. A hipótese daqui decorrente é que os empregadores esperam que os diplomados estejam tão bem preparados em termos de competências genéricas quanto de específicas, com implicações para o sistema de educação. Em particular, dentro do grupo das competências genéricas, a preferência dos empregadores parece ir no sentido das competências sistémicas, aquelas que pressupõe a combinação da compreensão, sensibilidade e saberes que permitam que se perceba como as partes de um todo se relacionam e integram. Os resultados sugerem, também, a hipótese de que existirão circunstâncias, internas ou externas às empresas que as distinguem quanto ao valor que atribuem às competências mobilizáveis pelos diplomados.These days, more than ever before, there is considerable pressure on higher education regarding graduate employability. It is expected that graduates should not only have job specific competencies but also possess other types of competencies, generic competencies, which guarantee employability. As a consequence it is important to study the adjustment between competencies required by employers and those acquired by graduates. The main goal of this research was to explore the relevance of generic competencies in the Hospitality labour market. The research was designed for both exploratory and descriptive purposes while the data analysis was mainly qualitative. The results indicate that generic competencies are equally as relevant, and in some cases even more relevant, as specific competencies with regards to the immediate graduate employability. The argument takes the line that employers expect graduates to be well prepared with regards to generic competencies as well as more specific ones, and this has a direct impact and implications for the education system. Specifically within generic competencies, employers’ preferences seem to go towards systemic competencies: those that imply a combination of comprehension, sensibility and knowledge that allow the understanding of how the parts relate and are integrated with each other. The results also suggest the possibility that there are circumstances, either internal or external, that differentiate organizations as to their valuation of the competencies that graduates can mobilize

    Effect of Security on Hostels’ Price Premiums: a hedonic pricing approach

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    This article evaluates the impact of security in the hostel industry on the willingness to pay by customers. More specifically, given the importance of security in the decision to travel and in the choice of a given destination, we analyze the impact of security guest reviews on a consumer-generated website on hostel room prices. Furthermore, we investigate whether the impact of security guest reviews on the hostel room prices is higher for the hostels located in the countries with the lowest ranking in the Global Peace Index. Finally, we examine whether females and older guests are willing to pay a premium in terms of price for a hostel with a higher level of security. For this purpose, we estimate a hedonic price function for a sample of consumer reviews of 477 hostels in 22 worldwide capitals, with different levels of peace, from Hostelworld. The results highlight the importance of security on the determination of hostel room prices. We find that customers are willing to pay a higher premium in terms of price, in the least worldwide peaceful countries, for a hostel room with higher levels of security. In the case of women and older guests, the premium they are willing to pay is higher.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism and hospitality firms’ response to COVID-19: the role of entrepreneurial orientation and managers’ market recovery perception

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    AbstractLiterature is prolific on how several crises have affected tourism and hospitality. However, those studies are primarily concerned with the impacts at the destination level and less with tourism businesses’ resilience and recovery. However, recently, some studies have addressed tourism resilience in a broader range, primarily because of how tourism and hospitality has been affected by COVID-19. The pandemic had completely different characteristics from other disasters that affected tourism businesses previously—namely, its global range and long duration. When studying business recovery, it is relevant to investigate how managerial models and perceptions affected how T&H firms responded to the consequences of the pandemic. The purpose is to study how T&H firms’ entrepreneurial orientation and managers’ perception of the external environment, namely market recovery, relate to the actions taken during the pandemic. We conducted a cluster analysis to test our propositions considering two clustering variables: EO (Entrepreneurial Orientation) and MRP (Market Recovery Perception). Results suggest three types of T&H firms exist and that these opted for different recovery actions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, our work presents a set of important theoretical and practical implications that can be useful to several stakeholders, namely academics and professionals

    SHIFT & inspire: tourism & hospitality trends

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    Environmental sustainability strategies for smaller companies in the hotel industry: doing the right thing or doing things right?

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    The connection between tourism and nature justifies the environmental concerns from tourism agents, namely global hotel chains. This paper explores the differences between smaller hotel chains and their larger global counterparts regarding environmentally sustainable practices. The research approach is qualitative, based on the analysis of 40 company websites and in-depth interviews with 18 entrepreneurs and executives. Results suggest that environmental issues are, for most companies, not a response to societal challenges (‘doing the right thing’), but a response to owners’ concerns (‘doing things right'). Hotel chains develop environmental sustainability practices, mainly for cost-reduction purposes, accommodating the owners’ demands for efficiency. Notwithstanding, there are differences according to the chain’s size. Smaller companies are less prone to adopt environmental practices and to invest in communicating them than global chains. Concerning sustainability in the hotel industry, most studies focus on specific topics and discussions. A more holistic approach to sustainability to establish a deeper understanding of sustainable business decisions in the hotel sector is scarce in the literature. This paper addresses this gap by exploring the strategic reasons behind the sustainable practices of hotel companies, namely smaller ones. Managerial implications of the results are also derived in this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Smart tourist attractions: a metric proposal

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    In the era of technological "acceleration", marked by increasingly global and heterogeneous tourist demand, namely its relationship with smart technology there is growing adoption of intelligent functionalities aimed at optimizing tourist experience. In fact, we are facing an experienced and autonomous "new tourist" who is looking for genuine and authentic new product concepts, customizable, digital, timely, and with new levels of interaction and information. In this new context of intelligent tourism ecosystem (e.g. smart tourism destination, smart city, smart attractions), this study focus on tourist attractions. Compared to conventional ones, smart attractions include well-connected services with in-depth information content, diversified and customized products, best value for money, social and technological engagement, efficient communication, and management, as well as various smart tourism services. Despite the singular significance of intelligent tourism in general and smart attractions in particular, little theoretical knowledge is available on how “smart” should be measure. Based on an extensive literature review, the purpose of this research is to conceptualize a metric for smart attractions. It is expected that this research will provide a theoretical framework for researchers to develop and validate metrics appropriate to smart attractions, as well as give insights to professionals on how to incorporate smart technologies into tourist attractions to improve their attractiveness.Projeto de investigação desenvolvido com o apoio do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, no âmbito do Concurso IDI&CA - ref. IPL/2019/SMARTURISN/

    Lisbon's cultural heritage in the light of tourists' opinions

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    Online social networks are platforms increasingly used by tourists in evaluating points of attraction of a tourist destination. User generated content (UGC) about its tourism experience is considered to be the true "voice of the visitor", while being perceived by others as genuine, as opposed to marketing messages, which can have a powerful influence on other potential tourists. Despite the growing tendency to study UGC in the tourism field, most of the studies are dedicated to the hospitality and trip area, while this research concerns the cultural patrimony based on the analysis of reviews on two museums on Tripadvisor. Furthermore, this work shed new light in this research area through its inductive research method given that one intends to obtain insights from the reviews assuming an interpretative positioning. As this study considers human behaviors in the online, a netnographic research design was applied. Through a collaborative and progressive process and the help of the software NVivo 12, the reviews (n=500) from the last year were analyzed and a codebook with categories (10) and several attributes was created. At the end a fine-grained analysis of the aspects and sentiments was carried out. The main results show that the museums collections in their variety and richness are the most frequent aspects mentioned, followed by the experience of the visit. For both museums the share of positive sentiment ranges from 100% to 40%. The interrater agreement among evaluators on the valence of the reviews varies between 0.87 and 0.92. This research adds more knowledge in studying the phenomenon of UCG in online comminities. Furthermore, as we executed a netnographic research design in this specific area, we provided insights in patterns of the tourists in this industry and by that enable a guiding work for researchers that want to investigate the same or similar tourist attractions. From a practical perspective, there are certain aspects this paper investigated, which can be used as guidelines for manager decisions.Investigação financiada pelo IPL - Politécnico de Lisboa como um Projeto de Investigação, Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Criação Artística (IDI&CA) – IPL/2018/IDICATURISLX18_ESCSN/