192 research outputs found

    A multivariate framework to explore firms' internationalization patterns: the role of individual heterogeneity

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    In this paper, we explore the internationalization pattern of firms and its relationship with firms\u2019 heterogeneity. Besides the more traditional exports and Foreign Direct Investments (FDI), we consider various forms of non-equity internationalization. The use of a Multivariate Probit Model allows us to assess the associations among the choices driving the firms\u2019 internationalization strategy as a whole and, at the same time, to avoid a priori assumptions on the internationalization patterns. From the empirical evidence, two main results emerge. At first, we observe that Italian firms jointly adopt various internalization forms, others than exports and FDI, conditionally to characteristics of the firms. The hypothesis reported in literature of a complementary or subsidiary relationship between exports and FDI is then confirmed also for non-equity internationalization forms. Secondly, we find that the heterogeneity of firms, measured by a large range of variables, has an important role in defining the choice of firms on the patterns of internalization. Thus in this context, we endorse the emerging opinion asserting that various dimensions other than productivity are relevant

    Profiling identification with Europe and the EU project in the European regions

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    Recent political events in the European Union (EU) highlighted a growing dissatisfaction of citizens in several EU regions with the EU institutions' management of socio-economic and financial challenges. This eventually led to a political legitimization crisis, whose drivers are partially shared among EU regions and partially area-specific. However, the relation between citizens' identification with the EU project and the regions' characteristics has not been analysed yet. In this article, we fill in this gap by addressing three research questions: i) To what extent do EU citizens identify with Europe and the EU project? ii) Do European regions have different patterns and level of identification? iii) Are the results driven by specific socio-economic variables? Answering these questions is crucial to inform a more inclusive and resilient design of the EU Cohesion Policy in a crucial period for reforming the EU. To this purpose, we develop a novel probabilistic classification model, IdentEU, which embeds with the concept of individual identification with Europe. We use micro-level data from a survey implemented within the PERCEIVE project. We find that the influencing variables that mostly affect (citizens and) regions' identification with the European project are: trust in the EU institutions, the effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy and spending, and the level of corruption. These issues gain relevance at the light of three main challenges that affected the EU socio-economic development path in the last decade, i.e. the 2008 financial crisis, the globalization process, and Brexit

    Proptosis in a family with the p16 Leue-to-Prol mutation in the PMP22 gene (CMT 1E)

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    Univ Fed Paulista UNIFESP, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilUniv São Paulo, Fac Med Ribeirao Preto, Dept Neurociencias & Ciencias Comportamento, Ribeirao Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Paulista UNIFESP, Dept Neurol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Antimicrobial resistance gene shuffling and a three-element mobilisation system in the monophasic Salmonella typhimurium strain ST1030

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    In this study we describe the genetic elements and the antimicrobial resistance units (RUs) harboured by the Salmonella Typhimurium monophasic variant 1,4,[5],12:i:- strain ST1030. Of the three identified RUs two were chromosomal, RU1 (IS26-blaTEM-1-IS26-strAB-sul2- IS26) and RU2 (IS26-tetR(B)-tetA(B)-ΔIS26), and one, RU3 (a sul3-associated class 1 integron with cassette array dfrA12-orfF-aadA2-cmlA1-aadA1), was embedded in a Tn21-derived element harboured by the conjugative I1 plasmid pST1030-1A. IS26 elements mediated the antimicrobial resistance gene (ARG) shuffling and this gave rise to pST1030-1A derivatives with different sets of ARGs. ST1030 also harboured two ColE1-like plasmids of which one, pST1030-2A, was mobilisable and the target of an intracellular translocation of the Tn21-derived element; the second (pST1030-3) was an orphan mob-associated oriT plasmid co-transferred with pST1030-1A and pST1030-2A. pST1030-2A and pST1030-3 also carried a parA gene and a type III restriction modification system, respectively. Overall analysis of our data reinforces the role played by IS26, Tn21-derived elements and non-conjugative plasmids in the spread of ARGs and supplies the first evidence, at least in Salmonella, for the identification of a natural isolate harbouring a three-element mobilisation system in the same cell

    Prevalence and risk factors for chronic obstructive lung disease in HIV-infected patients in the HAART era

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    Our results suggest a role for HIV infection itself and for current cigarette smoking in the development of respiratory symptoms and COPD in HIV-infected patients. HAART did not seem to reduce the risk of respiratory symptoms and COPD, in our cases. Thus, our results suggest that HIV-infected patients should be screened for chronic respiratory disease in order to early identify those at risk or those who need specific treatment

    Adaptive Optics for Astronomy

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    Adaptive Optics is a prime example of how progress in observational astronomy can be driven by technological developments. At many observatories it is now considered to be part of a standard instrumentation suite, enabling ground-based telescopes to reach the diffraction limit and thus providing spatial resolution superior to that achievable from space with current or planned satellites. In this review we consider adaptive optics from the astrophysical perspective. We show that adaptive optics has led to important advances in our understanding of a multitude of astrophysical processes, and describe how the requirements from science applications are now driving the development of the next generation of novel adaptive optics techniques.Comment: to appear in ARA&A vol 50, 201

    Real-Time Monitoring of Brain Tissue Oxygen Using a Miniaturized Biotelemetric Device Implanted in Freely Moving Rats

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    A miniaturized biotelemetric device for the amperometric detection of brain tissue oxygen is presented. The new system, derived from a previous design, has been coupled with a carbon microsensor for the real-time detection of dissolved O(2) in the striatum of freely moving rats. The implantable device consists of a single-supply sensor driver, a current-to-voltage converter, a microcontroller, and a miniaturized data transmitter. The oxygen current is converted to a digital value by means of an analog-to-digital converter integrated in a peripheral interface controller (PIC). The digital data is sent to a personal computer using a six-byte packet protocol by means of a miniaturized 434 MHz amplitude modulation (AM) transmitter. The receiver unit is connected to a personal computer (PC) via a universal serial bus. Custom developed software allows the PC to store and plot received data. The electronics were calibrated and tested in vitro under different experimental conditions and exhibited high stability, low power consumption, and good linear response in the nanoampere current range. The in vivo results confirmed previously published observations on oxygen dynamics in the striatum of freely moving rats. The system serves as a rapid and reliable model for studying the effects of different drugs on brain oxygen and brain blood flow and it is suited to work with direct-reduction sensors or O(2)-consuming biosensors

    From rings to bulges: evidence for rapid secular galaxy evolution at z~2 from integral field spectroscopy in the SINS survey

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    We present Ha integral field spectroscopy of well resolved, UV/optically selected z~2 star-forming galaxies as part of the SINS survey with SINFONI on the ESO VLT. Our laser guide star adaptive optics and good seeing data show the presence of turbulent rotating star forming rings/disks, plus central bulge/inner disk components, whose mass fractions relative to total dynamical mass appears to scale with [NII]/Ha flux ratio and star formation age. We propose that the buildup of the central disks and bulges of massive galaxies at z~2 can be driven by the early secular evolution of gas-rich proto-disks. High redshift disks exhibit large random motions. This turbulence may in part be stirred up by the release of gravitational energy in the rapid cold accretion flows along the filaments of the cosmic web. As a result dynamical friction and viscous processes proceed on a time scale of <1 Gyr, at least an order of magnitude faster than in z~0 disk galaxies. Early secular evolution thus drives gas and stars into the central regions and can build up exponential disks and massive bulges, even without major mergers. Secular evolution along with increased efficiency of star formation at high surface densities may also help to account for the short time scales of the stellar buildup observed in massive galaxies at z~2.Comment: accepted Astrophysical Journal, main July 8 200