246 research outputs found

    Research on gas-surface interactions, 1966-1967. Part 1 - Project summary final report, 11 Aug. 1966 - 11 Oct. 1967

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    High intensity shock tube driven molecular beam for gas-surface interaction

    Profiling identification with Europe and the EU project in the European regions

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    Recent political events in the European Union (EU) highlighted a growing dissatisfaction of citizens in several EU regions with the EU institutions' management of socio-economic and financial challenges. This eventually led to a political legitimization crisis, whose drivers are partially shared among EU regions and partially area-specific. However, the relation between citizens' identification with the EU project and the regions' characteristics has not been analysed yet. In this article, we fill in this gap by addressing three research questions: i) To what extent do EU citizens identify with Europe and the EU project? ii) Do European regions have different patterns and level of identification? iii) Are the results driven by specific socio-economic variables? Answering these questions is crucial to inform a more inclusive and resilient design of the EU Cohesion Policy in a crucial period for reforming the EU. To this purpose, we develop a novel probabilistic classification model, IdentEU, which embeds with the concept of individual identification with Europe. We use micro-level data from a survey implemented within the PERCEIVE project. We find that the influencing variables that mostly affect (citizens and) regions' identification with the European project are: trust in the EU institutions, the effectiveness of EU Cohesion Policy and spending, and the level of corruption. These issues gain relevance at the light of three main challenges that affected the EU socio-economic development path in the last decade, i.e. the 2008 financial crisis, the globalization process, and Brexit

    A swift approach for identifying vulnerable linear transport infrastructures in areas prone to floods and erosion

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    Linear transport infrastructures are essential for the socio-economic development of industrialized countries. However, adverse meteorological and hydrogeological events can result in significant economic losses.Globally, floods have the most substantial socio-economic impact. Climate Change, due to the extent of transport infrastructures over flood-prone territories, is a very important factor in worsening flood risk.The main objective of this study is to identify the sections of the hydrographic network that are susceptible to flood and erosion hazards where road infrastructures are located. The Metropolitan City of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) is selected as test site, due to the presence of several coastal watersheds and of a high population density.A swift methodological approach, based on already available datasets from public repositories and GIS analyses, is presented. This approach includes: i) geomorphological characterization of the hydrographic network; ii) census of stream tracts where bridges were damaged in past flood events; iii) identification of potentially critical tracts (PCT), based on similar geomorphological conditions; iv) multi-temporal satellite imagery analysis of PCT for the identification of flood-prone areas and, therefore, vulnerable road crossings.The adopted methodology has proved to be effective for the identification of vulnerable road crossings over wide portion of territories, identifying critical sites that need further investigation

    Antecedente de vida rural ou de vida urbana e doença de Parkinson

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    Although the precise etiology of Parkinson's disease (PD) is as yet unknown, it appears that certain environmental factors are involved. Prior living in a rural area has been implicated as a possible risk factor for PD, particularly in the early onset type. We evaluated the role of previous living conditions in the clinical correlates and outcome characteristics of 118 PD patients. All of them were seen from January 1987 to October 1992. The Rural Group (RG) comprised 71 patients (60.2%) who had lived in the rural area for at least 10 years (mainly in early phase of life) and the Urban Group (UG) consisted of 47 patients (39.8%) who had lived their entire life in an urban environment. The average age at the beginning of the symptoms was 58.8 in the RG and 54.1 in the UG. The mixed form of the disease (tremor, rigidity and akinesia) was the most frequent in both groups. A minimum 6-month follow-up period was undertaken with 63 patients (average 20 months) and no difference in response to treatment or in progression of the illness was detected between the two groups. Our data show that the previous living environment does not appear to be a determining factor in either the clinical or outcome characteristics of PD.A etiologia da doença de Parkinson (DP) é ainda desconhecida mas parece que fatores ambientais podem estar envolvidos. A incidência da DP, particularmente a de início precoce, parece ser maior em indivíduos com antecedente de moradia na zona rural. Avaliamos as características clínicas e a progressão da DP em 118 pacientes segundo os antecedentes de área de moradia pregressa. Havia 71 pacientes (60,2%) com antecedente de no mínimo 10 anos na zona rural (especialmente nas fases iniciais da vida), o chamado Grupo Rural (GR), e 47 pacientes (39,8%) que tiveram antecedente de vida exclusivamente urbana, o chamado Grupo Urbano (GU). A média de idade de início dos sintomas foi 58,8 anos no GR e de 54,1 anos no GU. A forma mista da DP (com tremor, bradicinesia e rigidez) foi a mais frequente em ambos os grupos. Um período de acompanhamento de no mínimo 6 meses foi obtido em 63 pacientes (média de 20 meses de acompanhamento) e a progressão da sintomatologia foi semelhante nos dois grupos (GR e GU). Nossos dados indicam que o antecedente de moradia não parece ser determinante para o padrão de manifestação clínica e de evolução da DP.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Movement Disorders UnitUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Medical PsychologyUNIFESP, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Movement Disorders UnitSciEL

    Antimicrobial resistance gene shuffling and a three-element mobilisation system in the monophasic Salmonella typhimurium strain ST1030

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    In this study we describe the genetic elements and the antimicrobial resistance units (RUs) harboured by the Salmonella Typhimurium monophasic variant 1,4,[5],12:i:- strain ST1030. Of the three identified RUs two were chromosomal, RU1 (IS26-blaTEM-1-IS26-strAB-sul2- IS26) and RU2 (IS26-tetR(B)-tetA(B)-ΔIS26), and one, RU3 (a sul3-associated class 1 integron with cassette array dfrA12-orfF-aadA2-cmlA1-aadA1), was embedded in a Tn21-derived element harboured by the conjugative I1 plasmid pST1030-1A. IS26 elements mediated the antimicrobial resistance gene (ARG) shuffling and this gave rise to pST1030-1A derivatives with different sets of ARGs. ST1030 also harboured two ColE1-like plasmids of which one, pST1030-2A, was mobilisable and the target of an intracellular translocation of the Tn21-derived element; the second (pST1030-3) was an orphan mob-associated oriT plasmid co-transferred with pST1030-1A and pST1030-2A. pST1030-2A and pST1030-3 also carried a parA gene and a type III restriction modification system, respectively. Overall analysis of our data reinforces the role played by IS26, Tn21-derived elements and non-conjugative plasmids in the spread of ARGs and supplies the first evidence, at least in Salmonella, for the identification of a natural isolate harbouring a three-element mobilisation system in the same cell

    Confronting Racism in Pain Research: A Call to Action

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