7 research outputs found

    Pengaplikasian Strategi Instruksional pada Siswa SD Kelas VI di MI Al-Hikmah 1 Sepatan

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    This study aims to find out how teachers apply instructional strategies to classroom learning. The object of this research is a teacher who is located at MI Al-Hikmah 1 Sepatan, Tangerang. This research used the method of interviewing one of the teachers at MI Al-Hikmah 1 Sepatan. The interview was conducted directly by visiting the speakers to the school. MI Al-Hikmah 1 Sepatan is a school located in one of the areas in Pondok Jaya, Sepatan, Tangerang, Banten. The results showed that teachers use lecture and question and answer learning methods. However, teachers use the question and answer method more often. Because if applying the lecture method, it will make students passive during the learning. The teacher also approaches the students, so that the learning atmosphere in the classroom is pleasant and knows how the characteristics of each student. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that designing instructional strategies is crucial for teachers when carrying out class learning


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    In this study, the researcher discussed the low level of basic English skills of fourth grade students at SDN 1 Jlarem, Boyolali. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors caused the low basic English proficiency of Grade IV students at SDN 1 Jlarem. This research method is a type of descriptive qualitative method in which the researcher describes and explains the results of the research using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Using the snowball sampling method, the researcher obtained the qualification data of 15 fourth grade students at SDN 1 Jlarem Boyolali. From the results of observations, interviews and documentation, it was found that each child experienced different low English skills, regarding internal and external factors that caused their low basic English skills


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    In this study, the researcher discussed the low level of basic English skills of fourth grade students at SDN 1 Jlarem, Boyolali. The purpose of this study was to find out what factors caused the low basic English proficiency of Grade IV students at SDN 1 Jlarem. This research method is a type of descriptive qualitative method in which the researcher describes and explains the results of the research using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. Using the snowball sampling method, the researcher obtained the qualification data of 15 fourth grade students at SDN 1 Jlarem Boyolali. From the results of observations, interviews and documentation, it was found that each child experienced different low English skills, regarding internal and external factors that caused their low basic English skills

    Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Sma Melalui Model Inquiry Based Learning Berbantuan Media Wayang Sukuraga Pada Materi Sistem Indra: (Analysis of Critical Thinking Ability of High School Students Through an Inquiry-Based Learning Model Assisted by Wayang Sukuraga Media on The Material)

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    This study aims to analyze the critical thinking ability of high school students using the Inquiry Based Learning model assisted by sukuraga puppet media on the sensory system material. This study used a study sample of 35 students. The type of research used in this study is pre-experimental with a pretest posttest one group design research design. This research was conducted as many as 2 meetings using the Inquiry Based Learning learning model assisted by Wayang Sukuraga media. The research instruments used are 8 items of description questions with indicators that include 5 indicators of critical thinking, namely 1) Providing simple explanations, 2) Making further explanations, 3) Building basic skills, 4) Making inferences, 5) Setting strategies and techniques. The results showed an increase after being given treatment for students' critical thinking abilities. This can be seen by the increase in posttest results based on 5 critical thinking indicators of 85.8. The N-Gain score in this study was 0.64 which belonged to the "moderate" category. This shows that the Inquiry Based Learning learning model assisted by Wayang Sukuraga media can improve students' critical thinking skills. Keywords: Critical Thinking Ability, Indra System, Inquiry Based Learning Model, Wayang Sukuraga Media   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SMA menggunakan model Inquiry Based Learning berbantua media wayang Sukuraga pada materi sistem indra. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel penelitian sebanyak 35 peserta didik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pra-eksperimental dengan desain penelitian pretest posttest one group design. Penelitian ini dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali pertemuan dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Inquiry Based Learning berbantuan media Wayang Sukuraga.Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah 8 butir soal uraian dengan indikator yang meliputi 5 indikator berpikir kritis yaitu 1) Memberikan penjelasan sederhana, 2) Membuat penjelasan lebih lanjut, 3) Membangun keterampilan dasar, 4) Membuat inferensi, 5) Mengatur strategi dan teknik. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan setelah diberikannya perlakuan terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan meningkatnya hasil posttest berdasarkan 5 indikator berpikir kritis sebesar 85,8. Skor N-Gain yang pada penelitian ini sebesar 0,64 yang termasuk kategori “sedang”. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Inquiry Based Learning berbantuan media Wayang Sukuraga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Kata kunci: Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis, Sistem Indra, Model Inquiry Based Learning, Media Wayang Sukurag

    Penerapan Media Audio Visual Berbasis Video Pembelajaran pada Siswa Kelas IV di SDN Cengklong 3

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    This study aims to find out how teachers at SDN Cengklong 3 apply audio visual media during online learning. The object of this study is students who are conducting online learning using audio visual media in the form of learning videos containing explanations of materials sent by teachers every hour of school lessons. Cengklong 3 is an elementary school located in one of the areas on Jl. Raya Salembaran Gg. Gledek RT 007/04, Cengklong, Tangerang, Banten. The results showed that teachers use audio visual learning media based on learning videos containing teacher explanations. However, our research developed a learning video that explains using animation so that students will more easily understand the lesson and students do not feel saturated when viewing the learning video. The conclusion that can be drawn from this study is to apply audio visual media based on video learning animation is very effective and very crucial for students and teachers during online learning


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    This study aims to analyze the critical thinking ability of high school students using the Inquiry Based Learning model assisted by sukuraga puppet media on the sensory system material. This study used a study sample of 35 students. The type of research used in this study is pre-experimental with a pretest posttest one group design research design. This research was conducted as many as 2 meetings using the Inquiry Based Learning learning model assisted by Wayang Sukuraga media. The research instruments used are 8 items of description questions with indicators that include 5 indicators of critical thinking, namely 1) Providing simple explanations, 2) Making further explanations, 3) Building basic skills, 4) Making inferences, 5) Setting strategies and techniques. The results showed an increase after being given treatment for students' critical thinking abilities. This can be seen by the increase in posttest results based on 5 critical thinking indicators of 85.8. The N-Gain score in this study was 0.64 which belonged to the "moderate" category. This shows that the Inquiry Based Learning learning model assisted by Wayang Sukuraga media can improve students' critical thinking skills