47 research outputs found

    Leghorn melezlerine ait bazı yumurta kalite özellikleri ve kuluçka performansları

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    This study examined the hatchability performance of the offspring and some egg quality characteristics, which will be obtained from crossing Leghorn breed chickens and five different genotypes. The study's experiment was carried out in the Prof. Dr. Hümeyra Özgen Research and Application Farm in Selcuk University. In the present study, which was designed to have one male and twelve females belonging to each genotype, a total of 186 eggs from each flock were examined. No adverse results were found in the incubation results of the crosses made with our local breed Denizli and Araucana, Brahma, and Cornish breeds, whose breeders increased locally. When egg quality characteristics were examined, the difference in egg weight between F1 genotypes was insignificant and ranged between 46.91-51.54 g on average. When the F2 generation was investigated, egg weight differed between genotype groups, and the average weights ranged between 57.6-67.14 g. In addition, the effect of genotype on egg shell strength values were found to be significant. In addition, the effect of genotype on egg shell strength and shell weight values were found to be significant. However, the effect on the Haugh Unit and yellow height were insignificant in the same generation. As a result, hybridizing genotypes with low yield performance with commercially important genotypes could provide a genotype for alternative production systems for future generations.Bu çalışma Leghorn ırkı tavuklar ile beş farklı genotipin melezlemesi sonucunda elde edilecek yavruların kuluçka performansı ve bazı yumurta kalite özelliklerini incelemek için yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın deneyi Selçuk Üniversitesi Prof. Dr. Hümeyra Özgen Çiftliğinde gerçekleştirildi. Her bir genotipe ait bir erkek yirmi dişi hayvan olacak şekilde planlanan çalışmada toplamda her sürüden 186 yumurta incelendi. Yerli ırkımız olan Denizli ve lokal olarak yetiştiriciği artan Aracuana, Brahma, Cornish ırkları ile yapılan birleştirmelerde kuluçka sonuçlarında olumsuzluk bulunmamıştır. Yumurta kalite özellikleri incelendiğinde ise F1 genotipler arasında yumurta ağırlığı bakımından farkın önemsiz olduğu ve ortalama 46.91-51.54 g arasında değiştiği tespit edildi. F2 kuşağı incelendiğinde ise yumurta ağırlığının genotip grupları arasında farklılık gösterdiği ve ağırlık ortalamalarının 57.6-67.14 g arasında değiştiği tespit edildi. Ayrıca aynı kuşakta genotipin kabuk mukavemeti ve kabuk ağırlığı değerlerine etkisi önemli, Haugh Unit ve sarı yüksekliğine etkisi ise önemsiz bulundu. Sonuç olarak, düşük verim performansına sahip genotiplerin ticari önemi olan genotiplerle melezlemeleri gelecek nesiller için alternatif üretim sistemlerine bir genotip kazandırılabileceği sonucuna varıldı

    Comparison of Hematological Phenotypes of COPD Exacerbations in Hospitalized Patients after Emergency Department Admission

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    Introduction:The aging of the communities and higher pollution levels increases chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) burden and are projected to rise in the number of the patients with COPD and its exacerbations. There is little evidence for short-term outcomes of COPD exacerbations of the biomarkers that are easily available. Biomarker-based hematological phenotype classification is useful and effective for outcome predictions. This study evaluates the relationship between the phenotypes of patients with COPD who presented in the emergency department due to COPD exacerbation and admitted to the hospital have been evaluated.Methods:All hospitalized patients older than 18 years old who presented to the emergency department due to the COPD exacerbation between July 2018 and July 2020 were included in the study. The patient data evaluated retrospectively for vital parameters, biomarker results, and mortality rates. The primary outcome measure of the study was determined as the thirty-day mortality rates of the groups. Secondary outcome measures were determined by comparing the differences between the trophilic and eosinophilic groups.Results:One hundred forty-three patients were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 74.8±10.6. One hundred and two of the patients (71.3%) were male. The neutrophilic and eosinophilic groups had a statistically significant difference in body temperature and heart rate (p=0.018 and p=0.001, respectively). In contrast, no significant difference was observed for systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and sPO2 (p=0.400, p=0.564, p=0.248, respectively). One month mortality of the neutrophilic and eosinophilic groups were 15.9% and 3.2%, respectively. Blood neutrophil count levels have been assigned in 3 different groups for mortality and compared which had no significant difference for 1,3 and 12-month mortality (p=0.142, 0.280, 0.351 respectively).Conclusion:The patients admitted to the hospital via the emergency department had no mortality difference between different neutrophil levels or hematologic phenotypes. Further studies are required to assess cutoff values of blood neutrophil counts as an independent biomarker

    Investigation of theileria equi, babesia caballi, neospora spp. and toxoplasma gondii by serological methods in horse breed for touristic purpose in Nevşehir province

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    Protozoal hastalıklar atlarda ölümlere ve ciddi ekonomik kayıplara neden olur. Bazılarının zoonotik potansiyelleri ise halk sağlığı açısından önem arz eder. Bu çalışmanın amacı Nevşehir ilinde turistik amaçlarla yetiştirilen atlarda doku (Neospora spp. ve Toxoplasma gondii) ve kan (Theileria equi ve Babesia caballi) protozoonlarının yaygınlığını belirlemektir. Bu amaçla yaşları 3-24 arasındaki 105 dişi attan kan alınarak serumları çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen serumlar Neospora spp., T.equi ve B.caballi antikorlarına karşı c-ELISA ve T.gondii antikorlarına karşı da Sabin-Feldman Dye testleri ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda 105 atın ikisinde (%1,90) anti-Neospora spp., dokuzunda (%8.57) anti-T.gondii, ikisinde (%1,90) anti-B.caballi ve 77 (%73,33)’sinde de anti-T.equi antikorları tespit edilmiştir. Atlardan birinde (%0,95) T.equi, B.caballi ve T.gondii, birinde (%0,95) T.equi ve B.caballi, ikisinde (%1,90) Neospora spp. ve T.equi ve altısında (%5,71) ise T.gondii ve T.equi’nin neden olduğu miks enfeksiyonlar belirlenmiştir. Ki-kare testi ile ≤ 7 ve >7 yaş grupları ile Neospora spp., T.gondii ve B.caballi seroprevalansları arasında istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmazken, 7 yaş üzerindeki atlarda yüksek T.equi seroprevalansının önemli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ile İç Anadolu bölgesinde Nevşehir ilinde atlarda T.equi’ye maruziyet oranının oldukça yüksek olduğu, prevalansın yaşla birlikte arttığı, ayrıca protozoon kaynaklı miks enfeksiyonların görülebileceği ve bunun tedavide göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir durum olduğu ortaya konmuştur.Protozoan diseases cause deaths in horses and serious economic losses. Some of them have zoonotic potential and are important for public health. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of tissue (Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii) and blood (Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) protozoa of horses, raised for touristic purposes, in the Nevşehir provice Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For this aim, a total of 105 blood samples were collected from female horses from various breeds between the ages of 3-24 in Nevşehir province. Sera samples were tested against anti-Neospora spp., T.equi and B.caballi antibodies with c-ELISA method, while Sabin Feldman Dye Test was used for the detection of anti-T.gondii antibodies. At the end of the serologic examination, it was determined that two of 105 (1.90%) horses had anti-Neospora spp.; nine (8.57%) had anti-T.gondii; two (1.90%) had anti-B.caballi and 77 (73.33%) had anti-T.equi antibodies. Mixed infections were also detected in one horse (0.95%) caused by T.equi, B.caballi and T.gondii, one (0.95%) by T.equi and B.caballi, two (1.90%) by Neospora spp. and T.equi and in six horses (5.71%) by T.gondii and T.equi. There was no statistically significant difference between the age groups and Neospora spp., T. gondii and B.caballi seropositivity, while high T.equi seroprevalence was found to be significant in horses over 7 years old with the chi-square test. With this study, it was set forth that the exposure rate to T.equi in horses in Nevşehir province in the Central Anatolia region is quite high; also the prevalence increases with age, and protozoal mixed infections are likely to occur, which should not be ignored in treatment

    The frequency of Duchenne muscular dystrophy/Becker muscular dystrophy and Pompe disease in children with isolated transaminase elevation: results from the observational VICTORIA study

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    IntroductionElevated transaminases and/or creatine phosphokinase can indicate underlying muscle disease. Therefore, this study aims to determine the frequency of Duchenne muscular dystrophy/Becker muscular dystrophy (DMD/BMD) in male children and Pompe disease (PD) in male and female children with isolated hypertransaminasemia.MethodsThis multi-center, prospective study enrolled patients aged 3–216 months with serum alanine transaminase (ALT) and/or aspartate transaminase (AST) levels >2× the upper limit of normal (ULN) for ≥3 months. Patients with a known history of liver or muscle disease or physical examination findings suggestive of liver disease were excluded. Patients were screened for creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) levels, and molecular genetic tests for DMD/BMD in male patients and enzyme analysis for PD in male and female patients with elevated CPK levels were performed. Genetic analyses confirmed PD. Demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of the patients were analyzed.ResultsOverall, 589 patients [66.8% male, mean age of 63.4 months (standard deviation: 60.5)] were included. In total, 251 patients (188 male and 63 female) had CPK levels above the ULN. Of the patients assessed, 47% (85/182) of male patients were diagnosed with DMD/BMD and 1% (3/228) of male and female patients were diagnosed with PD. The median ALT, AST, and CPK levels were statistically significantly higher, and the questioned neurological symptoms and previously unnoticed examination findings were more common in DMD/BMD patients than those without DMD/BMD or PD (p < 0.001).DiscussionQuestioning neurological symptoms, conducting a complete physical examination, and testing for CPK levels in patients with isolated hypertransaminasemia will prevent costly and time-consuming investigations for liver diseases and will lead to the diagnosis of occult neuromuscular diseases. Trial RegistrationClinicaltrials.gov NCT04120168

    Decision support systems for integrated product and production system design.

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    Conventional product and production system design procedure is a sequential one where the production system is designed after product development efforts are completed. In most cases, this sequential framework results in either sub-optimal products due to the lack of manufacturing capability to provide the requirements or high production cost due to expensive machine tools. In order to minimize the sensitivity of product performance to manufacturing and assembly variations, an integrated design methodology along with tools to aid optimal decision making is required. The first part of this thesis develops an integrated product design methodology along with tools to aid optimal decision making for robustness. Optimum design of production capacity requires information about the future such as the future market demand and production requirements. Moreover, there is a tradeoff between the cost of a manufacturing system and its quality characteristics, and it is necessary to identify this tradeoff to position products optimally. Therefore, it is important to understand the tradeoffs between the total cost of production affected by the adjustments in production capacity, and the resulting changes in product quality. The second part of this thesis quantifies the economic advantage of using perfect demand forecast, and develops a simulation-based method to aid optimal capacity planning decisions by quantifying the tradeoff between the capital and operating cost of a production facility and the quality of finished products. The potential benefits of using multiple types of machine tools performing the same task with different price and quality characteristics is also demonstrated in this section. The last parts of the thesis study robustness issues against demand uncertainty in capacity planning. Resource sharing through product mix flexibility and part commonality are two important strategies to minimize risk due to uncertainty in the volume mix of demand for firms with product portfolios consisting of multiple products. An integrated decision support system is developed to create robust capacity investment policies against uncertainty in volume mix of demand by adding an optimum amount of flexibility to the production facility. Finally, a method to find various part commonality configurations by analyzing cost-quality tradeoffs of different resource sharing alternatives as a result of a capacity planning problem is presented.Ph.D.Applied SciencesIndustrial engineeringMechanical engineeringOperations researchUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/124450/2/3138193.pd

    Design and optimization of an asymmetric 3-DOF planarparallel robot mechanism

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    YÖK Tez No: 575237Bu çalışmamızda Asimetrik Üç Serbestlik Dereceli Bir Düzlemsel Paralel Robot Mekanizmasının Tasarımı, Optimizasyonu ve Prototipinin Gerçekleştirilmesi için öncelikli olarak literatür araştırılması yapıldı. Bu konu, çok sayıda makalede öne çıktı. Bazı yazarların makaleleri incelendi. Bizim seçtiğimiz mekanizmanın sanal olarak tasarımı yapıldı ve optimizasyonu için en uygun algoritma olarak "Karınca Aslanı Algoritması" seçildi. Karınca aslanı algoritması ile her iterasyon, mekanizmanın çalışma uzayının bize haritasını çıkartarak maksimum çalışma uzayını elde ettik.In this study, a literature review was done primarily for the design, optimization and prototype of an asymmetric three degree of freedom planar parallel robot mechanism. This topic came forward in many articles. Some authors' articles were examined. Our chosen mechanism has been virtually designed then Ant Lion Algorithm has been chosen as the most appropriate algorithm for its optimization. With the Ant lion algorithm, each iteration, we obtained the maximum working space by mapping the working space of the mechanism to us

    Çoklu Melez Parsellerinde Yer Alan Yonca Genotiplerinin Tohum Tutma Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Bu araştırma, göller yöresinden toplanmış 10 adet yonca (Medicago sativa L.) genotipinde tohum tutma özellikleri ve bazı verim unsurlarını belirlemek amacıyla 2014 yılında Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi deneme arazisinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada kullanılan bitkisel materyaller içerisinde, en uzun bitki boyu (103.22 cm) 6 nolu genotipten, en yüksek bitkide sap sayısı (55.44 adet/bitki), salkımda çiçek sayısı (62.33 adet) ve bitki başına tane verimi (78.94 g) 2 nolu genotipten, en fazla salkımda meyve sayısı (40.77 adet) 3 nolu genotipten, en iyi meyve/çiçek oranı (%80) ve bin tane ağırlığı (1.93 g) 4 numaralı genotipten ve en yüksek meyvede tane sayısı (5.56 adet) 9 nolu genotipten elde edilmiştir. Verime etki eden faktörler bakımından 2, 3, 4 ve 6 numaralı genotiplerin diğer genotiplere oranla daha iyi durumda oldukları belirlenmiştir

    Testing Amenability of Oil Shales to Gravitational Cleaning

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    This study aims at investigating the possibility of cleaning of oil shales by gravitational methods. Laboratory scale Dense Medium Separation (DMS) tests were applied on Himmetoglu oil shale from Bolu, Türkiye. DMS tests were conducted at a separation specific gravity range of 1.10 to 1.80 with 0.1 increments on size fractionated oil shale samples of -30+18, -18+10, -10+0.5 and -0.5 mm. Results showed that the extent of ash rejection and improvements in calorific values increased with increasing fineness and the highest cleaning performance was achieved with DMS tests on the -0.5 mm fraction. 1.10 and 1.20 were the most effective separation specific gravities for all size fractions, implying that the organic rich portion in the Himmetoglu oil shale is relatively light. With the -0.5 mm size fraction and at 1.20 separation specific gravity, the ash of Himmetoğlu oil shale could be reduced from 34.76% to 16.65% and calorific value increased from 4312 to 5821 kCal·kg-1. Possible DMS cleaning scenarios on the entire feed at the separation specific gravities of 1.10, 1.20 and 1.30 were also assessed based on DMS results of all size fractions. It was seen that an opportunity exists for application of DMS on oil shale particularly at 1.20 and 1.30 separation specific gravities. However, it was seen that gravitational cleaning of oil shale is more difficult as compared to DMS cleaning of coals and lignites. Sharp separations with high recoveries seems to be unlikely with coarser fractions and sufficient liberation between organic matter and inorganic constituents necessitates comminution down to finer sizes

    A new charge analysis derived from the results of semi-emprical MO-Lcao calculation

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    In this study we present a new approach for computing the partial atomic charge derived from the wavefunctions of molecules. This charge, which we call the "y-charge", was calculated by taking into account the energy level and orbital populations in each molecular orbital (MO). The charge calculations were performed in the software, which was developed by us, developed using the C# programming language. Partial atomic charges cannot be calculated directly from quantum mechanics. According to a partitioning function, the electron density of constituent molecular atoms depends on the electrostatic attraction field of the nucleus. Taking into account the Boltzmann population of each MO as a function of its energy and temperature we obtain a formula of partial charges

    Use of Ultrasound to Enhance Flotation Performance: Flotation Cleaning of Oil Shale after Ultrasonic Pre-Treatment

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    This study aims at determining the contribution of ultrasonication to conventional flotation. In this regard, enhancing the performance of flotation cleaning of an oil shale sample was attempted using ultrasonic pre-treatment. The use of the excitation effect through ultrasonication was investigated towards fine and ultra-fine ash making-inorganic particles that are clogged in pores/voids or are attached as coatings on surfaces of larger entities. Ultrasonic pre-treatment was applied prior to flotation at a range of ultrasonic power levels and for different durations of ultrasonication. This pre-treatment proved to be useful in improving the extent of ash rejection and producing a cleaner oil shale concenrate at remarkable combustible recoveries. Conventional flotation cleaning (without ultrasonic pretreatment) could reduce the ash content of the cleaned oil shale from 34.76% to 16.82. Ultrasonic-aided flotation resulted in further decrease in ash to 11.82 % at 82.66 % combustible recovery. Comparative XRD and SEM analyses showed that inorganic particles in the pores/voids or attached to the surfaces of larger particles were effectively removed after ultrasonic pre-treatment. This has significantly improved the liberation between organic and inorganic entities, leading to a more effective separation process through fllotatio