38 research outputs found

    El tiempo de desplazamiento y su efecto en indicadores de la calidad de vida rural: un estudio en el municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México

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    El uso de los bienes públicos por parte de las autoridades que gobiernan una región delimitada administrativamente es uno de los problemas enfrentados por las sociedades, incluyendo las rurales. Una red de caminos rurales es un ejemplo de bienes con escaso mantenimiento por parte de la autoridad, además de ser la vía de flujo de bienes y servicios. Su buen estado y mantenimiento es un factor que influencia el desarrollo rural. En esta investigación se analiza el efecto de los caminos rurales en indicadores sociales relacionados con la calidad de vida de una población rural. Se estimó el tiempo de desplazamiento de las comunidades hacia la cabecera municipal como medida de alejamiento de los servicios; se revisaron indicadores indirectos sobre marginación, electrificación, y niveles de educación bá- sica, así como efectos directos en el ingreso económico, gasto familiar y condiciones escolares con que cuentan las familias rurales debido al estado de los caminos. La marginación y la electrificación no mostraron dependencia con el alejamiento; sin embargo se identificó un menor aprovechamiento escolar en los planteles fuera de la cabecera municipal, además de que el ingreso familiar se reduce hasta en 40% conforme aumenta el tiempo de desplazamiento

    Priorización Ejidal De Criterios Sobre Bienes Públicos: El Caso De Caminos Rurales

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    En este artículo se fijó como objetivo definir las preferencias de la población sobre el mantenimiento de los caminos rurales como vías de flujo de bienes y servicios que usan cotidianamente, para ello se presenta un modelo de participación de la sociedad rural donde se integra la opinión de los beneficiarios en el mantenimiento de los caminos rurales basado en un proceso de análisis jerárquico que valora la importancia de criterios económicos, sociales y ambientale

    Implementation of stubble in agricultural production: A review

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    Objective: Elucidate the benefits that agricultural residues or stubble have in agricultural activities, this through a bibliographic and objective review that helps to make the actors of agricultural sector aware of the benefits and their correct implementation in production systems. Design/methodology/approach: Detailed review of scientific articles from the main academic databases and repositories. Taking into account aspects such as the use of stubble as plant cover; effects and changes in physical and chemical structure of soil; crop yield and use for livestock feeding. Results: The use of stubble has beneficial effects on agricultural activities. In agriculture it is proven that they have positive effects for the proliferation of beneficial organisms and assimilation of nutrients, which are easily absorbed by plants, consequently, crop yield is maximized in quantity and quality. In livestock sector, the stubble implement provides nutrients such as proteins, ashes and vitamins, which together with conventional diets, reduce production costs and improve meat and milk production. Limitations on study/implications: The repertoire of scientific articles of stubble is very broad, making it difficult to assimilate the information. In Mexico, particularly, more research is needed to inform farmers of the possible uses of stubble. Findings/conclusions: The use of stubble in agricultural activities generates benefits at ecological and economic levels, which ensure the sustainability and resilience of agroecosystems. Nutritional content of stubble is a function of the species and/or varieties of agricultural species. The lack of knowledge in the management of stubble leads to these being incinerated, releasing particles and toxic and polluting substances for the environment, further favoring the conditions for greenhouse effect. Keywords: stubble, vegetation cover, yield, sustainability, resilience.Objective: To elucidate the benefits that agricultural residues or stubble have in agricultural activities, through a bibliographic and objective review that could help to make the actors of agricultural sector aware of the benefits and their correct implementation in production systems. Design/methodology/approach: A detailed review of scientific articles from the main academic databases and repositories was performed. We took into account aspects such as the use of stubble as plant cover; effects and changes in physical and chemical structure of soil; crop yield and use for livestock feeding. Results: The use of stubble has beneficial effects on agricultural activities. In agriculture, they have positive effects for the proliferation of beneficial organisms and assimilation of nutrients, which are easily absorbed by plants. Consequently, crop yield is maximized both in quantity and quality terms. In livestock sector, the stubble implement provides nutrients such as proteins, ashes and vitamins, which together with conventional diets, reduce production costs and improve meat and milk production. Limitations on study/implications: The repertoire of scientific articles related to stubble is very broad, making it difficult to assimilate the information. In Mexico, particularly, more research is needed to inform farmers of the possible uses of stubble. Findings/conclusions: The use of stubble in agricultural activities generates benefits at ecological and economic levels, which ensure the sustainability and resilience of agroecosystems. Nutritional content of stubble is a function of the species and/or varieties of agricultural species. The lack of knowledge in the management of stubble leads to these being incinerated, releasing particles and toxic and polluting substances for the environment, further favoring the conditions for greenhouse effect

    Variabilidad genetica de Liometopum apiculatum Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) como una medida de conservación en México

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    Objetive: to measure genetic divergence of Liometopum apiculatum Mayr of three different sites in Mexico based on cytochrome oxidase subunit I.Design/Methodology/Approach: we sampled populations of L. apliculatum (escamol) on three collecting sites: Otumba, Mexico State; Pinos, Zacatecas and Matehuala, San Luis Potosí and compared amplified DNA extracts with NCBI GenBank established molecular taxonomic patterns.Results: we build a two-parameter genetic distance model with the three populations of L. apiculantum that confirms sites connectivity in spite of distance based on the cytochrome oxidase subunit I. These similarities uphold the adaptation of L. apiculatum to adverse climate conditions.Limitations on study/implications: the similarity, based on cytochrome oxidase subunit I, may allow the use of queen ants from different sites in order to enhance the reproduction of ants, but requires acceptability tests of the ant queens.Findings/Conclusions: DNA of L. apiculatum showed a very little genetic divergence on ant nests analyzed. We think of a strategy to enhance Liometopum reproduction activities based on the use of alien queen ants in the needed nests.Objetivo: comprobar la divergencia genética de Liometopum apiculatum con base al fragmento Citocromo oxidasa subunidad I, usando tres poblaciones diferentes.Diseño/Metodología/Enfoque: Se tomaron muestras de poblaciones de L. apliculatum (escamol) en tres sitios de recolección: Otumba, Estado de México; Pinos, Zacatecas y Matehuala, San Luis Potosí y compararon extractos de ADN amplificados con patrones taxonómicos moleculares establecidos por NCBI GenBank.Resultados: Se construyó un modelo de distancia genética de dos parámetros con las tres poblaciones de L. apiculantum que confirma la conectividad de los sitios a pesar de la distancia basada en la subunidad citocromo oxidasa I. Estas similitudes mantienen la adaptación de L. apiculatum a condiciones climáticas adversas. Limitaciones en el estudio/implicaciones: la similitud, basada en la subunidad I del citocromo oxidasa, puede permitir el uso de hormigas reinas de diferentes sitios para mejorar la reproducción de otros nidos, pero requiere pruebas de aceptabilidad de las hormigas reinas introducidas.Hallazgos/Conclusiones: el ADN de L. apiculatum mostró muy poca divergencia genética en los nidos de hormigas analizados. Es posible una estrategia para mejorar las actividades de reproducción de esta hormiga basada en la reintroducción de hormigas reina en los nidos

    Atractivos turísticos culturales Zongolica Veracruz, México

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    La actividad turística en el municipio de Zongolica, Veracruz, México, se centra en el aprovechamiento de sus sitios naturales, y es considerado un destino deturismo de aventura

    Fertilización foliar en la calidad de tallos de lisianthus ‘flamenco purple’ (Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners.)

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    Objetivo: Evaluar dos fuentes de fertilización foliar para mejorar la calidad y vida postcosecha de tallos de lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) ‘Flamenco Purple’ Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Plantas de lisianthus fueron asperjadas con diferentes fuentes de fertilización (T1:Bayfolan Forte®;  T2: Humifert® (Cosmosel) (10 mL L-1); T3: (Ca(NO3)2+ KNO3) y T4:  Humifert® (Cosmosel) (20 mL L-1) cada semana, a partir de la aparición de los primeros botones florales, realizando cuatro aplicaciones. Las variables evaluadas en precosecha fueron: altura de planta, diámetro del tallo, número de hojas y número de botones florales; y en postcosecha: vida de florero, peso fresco de los tallos, y análisis nutrimental (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu y Zn) de flores, hojas y tallo. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente al azar y comparación de medias (Tukey, ?= 0.05) con 8 repeticiones. Resultados: El tratamiento con Humifert® (20 mL L-1) incrementó significativamente la longitud del tallo (16 %) con relación al testigo, este tratamiento implicó la presencia de ácidos húmicos que mejoran la absorción de nutrimentos en la hoja. Por otro lado, el tratamiento de Ca(NO3)2+ KNO3 aumentó 2.8 días más la vida de florero con relación a los tallos testigo. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Establecer una relación costo beneficio para determinar el número mínimo de aplicaciones de fertilizantes foliares que garanticen mayor calidad de tallos.   Hallazgos/conclusiones: La aplicación de Humifert® (20 mL L-1) y Ca(NO3)2+ KNO3 mejoraron la calidad de los tallos de lisianthus ‘Flamenco Purple’, por lo cual son una buena opción para los floricultores

    In vitro multiplication of lulo (Solanum quitoense Lamarck) for preservation purposes

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of treatment, temperature and time using the minimum growth technique under in vitro conditions on stems with a length of 2 mm of Solanum quitoense. There were 8 treatments with different concentrations of mannitol, sucrose and Murashige and Skoog(1962) (0 ,5g L-1, 10 g L-1, 15 g L-1, 20 g L-1, 25 g L-1, 30 g L-1,30 g L-1), the experiments were placed in a room at 25 ºC and another at 21 ºC, the growth of the stem was recorded every fifteen days. The Generalized Linear Model showed that the treatments with the best results were those using 20 g L -1 and 30 g L-1 of mannitol in S. quitoense, which reduced in vitro growth in a remarkable way, preserving the characteristics of subsistence and vigor at a temperature of 21 ºC, while the applied concentrations of sucrose promoted rapid growth of the stem and shoot

    Potential distribution models of Sechium tacaco (Pittier) C. Jeffrey in Costa Rica

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    Objective: To determine the current and potential distribution of S. tacaco in Costa Rica with seven machine learning models, to optimize the management of phytogenic resources of S. tacaco, aimed at identifying patterns of geographic distribution and possible climatic adaptations that allow to have perspectives on their conservation and breeding. Design/Methodology/Approach: 21 occurrence records together with 19 bioclimatic variables and the altitude variable were used to evaluate seven machine learning models and an assembly of them. Open-source libraries executed in Rstudio were used. Results: The distribution models were inferred by the variables bio1, bio2, bio3, bio4, bio12, bio13, bio14, bio18 and bio19. The GAM model obtained the highest AUC (0.96) and TSS (0.9) values, however, the seven evaluated models and the assembly showed adequate performance (AUC> 0.5 and TSS> 0.4). The bioclimatic variables related to temperature turned out to be the ones with the greatest contribution to the models and the main limitations in the distribution of S. tacaco. Limitations/Implications: A greater number of occurrence records may be required to evaluate distribution models. Conclusions: The areas with high suitability for the potential distribution of S. tacaco are found in the central valleys of Costa Rica, covering regions of the provinces of Alajuela, Cartago, San José and Puntarenas. These can be sources of germplasm for future conservation and breeding studies. Keywords: Machine learning, germplasm, conservation, breeding.Objective: Determine current and potential distribution of S. tacaco in Costa Rica with seven Species Distribution Models (SDM), in order to optimize the management of S. tacaco genetic resources, aimed at identifying patterns of geographic distribution and possible climatic adaptations allowing to have perspectives on their conservation and genetic breeding. Design/Methodology/Approach: 21 points of occurrence together with 19 bioclimatic variables and altitude were used to evaluate seven machine learning models and an assembly of these. Open-source libraries running in Rstudio were used. Results: Distribution models were inferred by the variables bio1, bio2, bio3, bio4, bio12, bio13, bio14, bio18 y bio19. The generalized additive model obtained the highest values ??of area under the curve (0.96) and True skill statistic (0.90), however, the seven models tested and the assembly showed adequate performance (AUC> 0.5 and TSS> 0.4). Bioclimatic variables related to temperature were the ones with the greatest contribution to the models and the main limitations in the distribution of S. tacaco. Study limitations/implications: Possibly a greater number of occurrence points are required to evaluate distribution models. Findings/Conclusions. Areas with high potential distribution suitability for S. tacaco are found in central valleys of Costa Rica, covering regions of the provinces of Alajuela, Cartago, San José and Puntarenas. These areas can be sources of germplasm for future conservation and breeding studies

    Genetic transformation of Paulownia elongata S. Y. Hu., mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens and biolistic system

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    Objective: The most appropriate conditions for genetic transformation through direct (bioballistic) and indirect (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) transformation systems in Paulownia elongata were established. Design/methodology/approach: Starting from in vitro propagation through both direct and indirect organogenesis, internodal stem segments with 0.5 to 1 cm length were determined as the best explant. The optimum dose for selection media was determined to be 15 mg L-1 of kanamycin. It was possible to obtain transgenic plants under both transformation systems. In the case of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, two hours of incubation, 48 h of co-cultivation, and optical density of 0.9 were used; while for bioballistics, the best conditions were 120 PSI of shot pressure, shot height at level 6 (16 cm), and vacuum pressure of 22 Hg mm, with particle inflow gun system (PIG). Results: Both systems produced complete transformants, chimeras, as well as those confirmed by histochemical X-GLUC and PCR analysis, producing a total of 14 positive plants by A. tumefaciens transformation from 26 trials and ten positive plants by the bioballistic system from 30 trials; a construction with chitinase and glucanase, NPT II selection gene and the GUS reporter gene were used. Findings/conclusions: So far, this has been the first report including integration of chitinase and glucanase genes