15,173 research outputs found

    Langmuir probe measurements of double-layers in a pulsed discharge

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    Langmuir probe measurements were carried out which confirm the occurrence of double-layers in an argon positive column. Pulsing the discharge current permitted probe measurements to be performed in the presence of the double-layer. Supplementary evidence, obtained from DC and pulsed discharges, indicated that the double-layers formed in the two modes of operation were similar. The double-layers observed were weak and stable; their relation to other classes of double-layers are discussed, and directions for future work are suggested

    A fluid description of plasma double-layers

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    The space-charge double-layer that forms between two plasmas with different densities and thermal energies was investigated using three progressively realistic models which are treated by fluid theory, and take into account four species of particles: electrons and ions reflected by the double-layer, and electrons and ions transmitted through it. The two plasmas are assumed to be cold, and the self-consistent potential, electric field and space-charge distributions within the double-layer are determined. The effects of thermal velocities are taken into account for the reflected particles, and the modifications to the cold plasma solutions are established. Further modifications due to thermal velocities of the transmitted particles are examined. The applicability of a one dimensional fluid description, rather than plasma kinetic theory, is discussed. Theoretical predictions are compared with double layer potentials and lengths deduced from laboratory and space plasma experiments

    On the interpretation of ionospheric resonances stimulated by Alouette I

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    Interpretation of ionospheric resonances stimulated by Alouette I - electrostatic plasma wave theory, observation of group delay, and application to ionospher

    Hypervelocity impact facility for simulating materials exposure to impact by space debris

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    As a result of man's venturing into space, the local debris contributed by his presence exceeds, at some orbital altitudes, that of the natural component. Man's contribution ranges from fuel residue to large derelect satellites that weigh many kilograms. Current debris models are able to predict the growth of the problem and suggest that spacecraft must employ armor or bumper shields for some orbital altitudes now, and that, the problem will become worse as a function of time. The practical upper limit to the velocity distribution is on the order of 40 km/s and is associated with the natural environment. The maximum velocity of the man-made component is in the 14-16 km/s range. The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) has verified that the 'high probability of impact' particles are in the microgram to milligram range. These particles can have significant effects on coatings, insulators, and thin metallic layers. The surface of thick materials becomes pitted and the local debris component is enhanced by ejecta from the debris spectrum in a controlled environment. The facility capability is discussed in terms of drive geometry, energetics, velocity distribution, diagnostics, and projectile/debris loading. The facility is currently being used to study impact phenomena on Space Station Freedom's solar array structure, other solar array materials, potential structural materials for use in the station, electrical breakdown in the space environment, and as a means of clarifying or duplicating the impact phenomena on the LDEF surfaces. The results of these experiments are described in terms of the mass/velocity distribution incident on selected samples, crater dynamics, and sample geometry

    A simple derivation of the electromagnetic field of an arbitrarily moving charge

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    The expression for the electromagnetic field of a charge moving along an arbitrary trajectory is obtained in a direct, elegant, and Lorentz invariant manner without resorting to more complicated procedures such as differentiation of the Lienard-Wiechert potentials. The derivation uses arguments based on Lorentz invariance and a physically transparent expression originally due to J.J.Thomson for the field of a charge that experiences an impulsive acceleration.Comment: The following article has been accepted by the American Journal of Physics. After it is published, it will be found at http://scitation.aip.org/ajp; 12 pages, 1 figur

    Understanding the tsunami with a simple model

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    In this paper, we use the approximation of shallow water waves (Margaritondo G 2005 Eur. J. Phys. 26 401) to understand the behaviour of a tsunami in a variable depth. We deduce the shallow water wave equation and the continuity equation that must be satisfied when a wave encounters a discontinuity in the sea depth. A short explanation about how the tsunami hit the west coast of India is given based on the refraction phenomenon. Our procedure also includes a simple numerical calculation suitable for undergraduate students in physics and engineering

    A Survey of 56 Mid-latitude EGRET Error Boxes for Radio Pulsars

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    We have conducted a radio pulsar survey of 56 unidentified gamma-ray sources from the 3rd EGRET catalog which are at intermediate Galactic latitudes (5 deg. < |b| < 73 deg.). For each source, four interleaved 35-minute pointings were made with the 13-beam, 1400-MHz multibeam receiver on the Parkes 64-m radio telescope. This covered the 95% error box of each source at a limiting sensitivity of about 0.2 mJy to pulsed radio emission for periods P > 10 ms and dispersion measures < 50 pc cm-3. Roughly half of the unidentified gamma-ray sources at |b| > 5 deg. with no proposed active galactic nucleus counterpart were covered in this survey. We detected nine isolated pulsars and four recycled binary pulsars, with three from each class being new. Timing observations suggest that only one of the pulsars has a spin-down luminosity which is even marginally consistent with the inferred luminosity of its coincident EGRET source. Our results suggest that population models, which include the Gould belt as a component, overestimate the number of isolated pulsars among the mid-latitude Galactic gamma-ray sources and that it is unlikely that Gould belt pulsars make up the majority of these sources. However, the possibility of steep pulsar radio spectra and the confusion of terrestrial radio interference with long-period pulsars (P > 200 ms) having very low dispersion measures (< 10 pc cm-3, expected for sources at a distance of less than about 1 kpc) prevent us from strongly ruling out this hypothesis. Our results also do not support the hypothesis that millisecond pulsars make up the majority of these sources. Non-pulsar source classes should therefore be further investigated as possible counterparts to the unidentified EGRET sources at intermediate Galactic latitudes.Comment: 24 pages, including 4 figures and 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Inter-organisational coordination of H1N1 outbreak: data collection, and analyses of a pilot field study

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    Improving effectiveness in response to H1N1 outbreaks requires us to understand how different organisations within the outbreak coordination network work collectively to share information needed to operate at optimal level. Research for developing reliable framework for the collection of inter-organisational coordinated response data and its impact on decision-making and support system for disease outbreak is lacking to date. We introduce a pilot field study using social networks based approach to capture H1N1 inter-organisational coordination data by introducing qualitative questionnaire and quantitative survey, which resulted in discovering the hidden social networks of coordination. Here, we propose a schema that can be used to classify the quantitative data collection and preparation for further empirical analysis, and suggest that lessons learned from this can be applied to explore possible data collection and analysis for other types of natural and man made crises.postprin