181 research outputs found

    Le benzÚne en air intérieur : bilan des niveaux de concentration rencontrés

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    National audienceLe réseau multidisciplinaire RSEIN, Recherche santé environnement intérieur, rassemble depuis 2001 des experts français, chercheurs, métrologues, modélisateurs, épidémiologistes, médecins, évaluateurs de risque, dont les activités sont liées à la qualité de l'air intérieur. En partenariat étroit avec l'Observatoire de la qualité de l'air intérieur (OQAI), le réseau RSEIN assure une veille scientifique dans le domaine de l'environnement intérieur au sens large, excepté le champ de l'hygiÚne industrielle et celui des rayonnements électromagnétiques. Le bulletin trimestriel Info Santé Environnement Intérieur, téléchargeable sur le site Internet du réseau http://rsein.ineris.fr, rassemble ces travaux de veille et fournit notamment les analyses des publications scientifiques internationales considérées comme les plus importantes et/ou intéressantes parmi l'ensemble des articles répertoriés chaque trimestre. Les brÚves synthÚses du bulletin traitent indifféremment des substances, des micro-environnements et des effets sanitaires intégrés à la veille RSEIN. ParallÚlement à la publication du bulletin, la présente rubrique, financée par l'ADEME, a pour objectif d'apporter chaque trimestre un éclairage plus particulier sur un thÚme choisi par le comité de rédaction RSEIN en s'appuyant sur les données de la littérature publiées récemment. Au sein de cette rubrique, le Centre scientifique et technique du bùtiment (CSTB) ou l'un de ses partenaires est chargé d'apporter des compléments sur le sujet traité, de rapporter les actualités de l'OQAI ou d'aborder des thÚmes non couverts par la veille RSEIN

    Les pressings : exposition au tétrachloroéthylÚne et risques sanitaires

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    National audienceTetrachloroethylene is a solvent widely used in French dry-cleaning facilities. In 1995, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified it as probably carcinogenic to humans (group 2A). Chronic exposure through inhalation also has non-carcinogenic effects, mainly renal and neurological; toxic effects on reproduction have also been reported. Five exploratory tetrachloroethylene measurement campaigns were conducted to assess the health risk in the general population. These measurements took place in one dry-cleaning facility located in a shopping mall and in four dry-cleaners on the ground floor of residential buildings, all of them with different types of machines and ventilation systems. Concentrations ranged from 0.050 to 0.680 mg/m3 in the shopping mall, from 8 to 53 mg/m3 in the dry-cleaners in residential buildings and from 0.29 to 2.9 mg/m3 in the flats immediately above them. These results show a reduction of tetrachloroethylene concentrations in some flats and thus the potential effect of the type of dry-cleaning machine and of ventilation on the tetrachloroethylene concentrations in indoor air. A worst-case health risk assessment based on the toxicological reference value for inhalation was conducted for the general population. The hazard quotients calculated for non-carcinogenic effects indicate that there is no reason for concern about the health of mall customers chronically exposed to it. The results in residential buildings suggest that people living immediately above ground-floor dry-cleaners may have health risks if the dry-cleaner uses a type-3 machine in a shop without mechanical ventilation. Individual excess risks, estimated with available unit risks, exceed the WHO benchmark of 10-5 regardless of the machine technology or type of ventilation. The principal uncertainties of this study are related to : measurements ; lack of knowledge about variables influencing the atmospheric emissions, seasonal effects of dry-cleaning activity, and residents' lifestyle ; working assumptions about the duration of population exposure ; the toxicological reference values used which could be questioned following the publication of the Toxicological Review by the US EPA in 2008.Le tĂ©trachloroĂ©thylĂšne (C2Cl4) est un solvant utilisĂ© dans le secteur du nettoyage Ă  sec. Ses effets sanitaires non cancĂ©rigĂšnes, observĂ©s chez l'homme par inhalation suite Ă  une exposition chronique, sont principalement de type neurologique et rĂ©nal ; des effets toxiques sur la reproduction ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©s. Il est classĂ© probablement cancĂ©rogĂšne pour l'homme par le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC) depuis 1995. Un travail d'Ă©valuation des risques sanitaires pour la population gĂ©nĂ©rale a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ© Ă  partir des rĂ©sultats de cinq campagnes de mesures exploratoires portant sur un pressing situĂ© dans la galerie marchande d'un centre commercial et sur quatre pressings situĂ©s en bĂątiments rĂ©sidentiels, prĂ©sentant diffĂ©rents types de machine et de ventilation. Les concentrations mesurĂ©es Ă©taient comprises entre 0,050 et 0,680 mg/m3 dans le centre commercial. Les concentrations moyennes variaient entre 8 et 53 mg/m3 dans les pressings rĂ©sidentiels et entre 0,29 et 2,9 mg/m3 dans les appartements situĂ©s Ă  l'Ă©tage supĂ©rieur. Ces rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent la potentielle influence d'une ventilation mĂ©canique contrĂŽlĂ©e (VMC) et d'une machine de nouvelle gĂ©nĂ©ration sur les concentrations en tĂ©trachloroĂ©thylĂšne mesurĂ©es dans les appartements et les pressings. Les risques sanitaires associĂ©s aux niveaux d'exposition estimĂ©s Ă  partir de ces concentrations ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©s par une approche majorante. En l'Ă©tat des connaissances toxicologiques actuelles, le risque d'apparition d'effets non cancĂ©rigĂšnes pour les clients du centre commercial (machine de quatriĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration, absence de VMC) est non prĂ©occupant. En ce qui concerne les personnes rĂ©sidant au-dessus d'une installation de nettoyage Ă  sec non munie d'une VMC et utilisant une machine de troisiĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration, le risque est prĂ©occupant. Pour les personnes rĂ©sidant au-dessus d'une installation de nettoyage Ă  sec munie d'une VMC et utilisant une machine de quatriĂšme gĂ©nĂ©ration, le risque est non prĂ©occupant. La caractĂ©risation du risque cancĂ©rigĂšne permet de calculer des excĂšs de risque supĂ©rieurs Ă  la valeur de 10-5 vie entiĂšre considĂ©rĂ©e comme risque " acceptable " par l'Organisation mondiale de la santĂ© (OMS), quelle que soit l'installation concernĂ©e. Les principales incertitudes de cette Ă©tude relĂšvent : de la mesure ; de dĂ©fauts de connaissances : paramĂštres influençant les Ă©missions atmosphĂ©riques, effet saisonnier de l'activitĂ© de nettoyage Ă  sec, habitudes de vie des rĂ©sidents ; d'hypothĂšses de travail majorantes concernant la durĂ©e d'exposition des populations ; des valeurs toxicologiques de rĂ©fĂ©rence (VTR) utilisĂ©es qui pourraient ĂȘtre remises en cause du fait de la parution du Toxicological review de l'United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) en 2008

    The bridge between classical and ‘synthetic’/chemical psychoses: towards a clinical, psychopathological and therapeutic perspective

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    © 2019 Orsolini, Chiappini, Papanti, De Berardis, Corkery and Schifano. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The critical spread and dissemination of novel psychoactive substances (NPS), particularly among the most vulnerable youngsters, may pose a further concern about the psychotic trajectories related to the intake of new synthetic drugs. The psychopathological pattern of the “new psychoses” appears to be extremely different from the classical presentation. Therefore, clinicians need more data on these new synthetic psychoses and recommendations on how to manage them. The present mini-review aims at deepening both the clinical, psychopathological features of synthetic/chemical NPS-induced psychoses and their therapeutic strategies, according to the different NPS classes implicated, by underlining the main differences with the “classical” psychoses. A comprehensive review was conducted using the PubMed/Medline database by combining the search strategy of free-text terms and exploding a range of MESH headings relating to the topics of novel psychoactive substances and synthetic/chemical psychoses as follows: {(Novel Psychoactive Substances[Title/Abstract]) AND Psychosis[Title/Abstract])} and for each NPS categories as well, focusing on synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones, without time and/or language restrictions. Finally, an overview of the main clinical and psychopathological features between classical versus NPS-induced chemical/synthetic psychoses is provided for clinicians working with dual disorders and addiction psychiatry. Further insight is given here on therapeutic strategies and practical guidelines for managing patients affected with synthetic/chemical NPS-induced psychoses.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Molecular Imprinted Polymers Coupled to Photonic Structures in Biosensors: The State of Art

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    Optical sensing, taking advantage of the variety of available optical structures, is a rapidly expanding area. Over recent years, whispering gallery mode resonators, photonic crystals, optical waveguides, optical fibers and surface plasmon resonance have been exploited to devise different optical sensing configurations. In the present review, we report on the state of the art of optical sensing devices based on the aforementioned optical structures and on synthetic receptors prepared by means of the molecular imprinting technology. Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are polymeric receptors, cheap and robust, with high affinity and selectivity, prepared by a template assisted synthesis. The state of the art of the MIP functionalized optical structures is critically discussed, highlighting the key progresses that enabled the achievement of improved sensing performances, the merits and the limits both in MIP synthetic strategies and in MIP coupling

    Use of Medicinal Cannabis and Synthetic Cannabinoids in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): a systematic review

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    Background and Objectives: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a common psychiatric disorder resulting from a traumatic event, is manifested through hyperarousal, anxiety, depressive symptoms, and sleep disturbances. Despite several therapeutic approaches being available, both pharmacological and psychological, recently a growing interest has developed in using cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids stems from their consideration as more efficient and better tolerated alternatives for the treatment of this condition. The present paper aims to evaluate the clinical and therapeutic potentials of medical cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids in treating PTSD patients. Methods: A systematic electronic search was performed, including all papers published up to May 2019, using the following keywords (((cannabis[Title/Abstract]) OR (synthetic cannabinoids [Title/Abstract])) AND ((PTSD[Title/Abstract]) OR (Posttraumatic stress disorder[Title/Abstract]))) for the topics ‘Cannabis’, ‘Synthetic Cannabinoids’, ‘PTSD’, and MESH terms, on the PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science online databases. For data gathering purposes, PRISMA guidelines were followed. Results were organized into two groups, considering cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids as different therapeutic approaches for PTSD. Results: Present data show that cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids, both acting on the endocannabinoids system, may have a potential therapeutic use for improving PTSD symptoms, e.g., reducing anxiety, modulating memory-related processes, and improving sleep. Conclusions: Even though the current literature suggests that cannabis and synthetic cannabinoids may have a role in the treatment of PTSD, there is currently limited evidence regarding their safety and efficacy. Therefore, additional research is needed in order to better understand the effectiveness and therapeutic usage of these drug classes and monitor their safety.Peer reviewe

    Etude simultanée de la composition chimique de la fraction organique des particules secondaires et de la phase gazeuse atmosphériques en site réel et en atmosphÚre simulée

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    National audienceSecondary Organic Aerosols (SOAs) are formed in the atmosphere by gas-to-particle conversion of oxygenated Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs). However, the community currently lacks data to describe these multiphase phenomena and assess their climate and health impacts. This analytical work intends to improve our understanding of SOA by an original study based on the development of a simultaneous sampling method for gaseous and particulate phases. Both phases are analyzed by the same sensitive and rapid analytical technique coupling thermal-desorption, gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS). The method involves derivatization of oxygenated SVOCs, in gas and particulate phases, on a solid support fitting with TD, to improve their analytical response and facilitate their identification. This work presents this development performed combining smog chamber experiments and the MEGAPOLI field campaign.Les AĂ©rosols Organiques Secondaires (AOS) sont formĂ©s dans l'atmosphĂšre par conversion de gaz organiques en particules ; ils sont issus de l'oxydation en phase gazeuse de ComposĂ©s Organiques Volatils (COV) prĂ©curseurs, menant Ă  la formation de ComposĂ©s Organiques Semi-Volatils (COSV) oxygĂ©nĂ©s se partageant entre les phases gazeuse et particulaire. La communautĂ© manque actuellement de donnĂ©es pour dĂ©crire ces phĂ©nomĂšnes multiphasiques et Ă©valuer leurs impacts climatiques et sanitaires. Ce travail analytique se propose ainsi d'amĂ©liorer notre connaissance des AOS par une Ă©tude originale basĂ©e sur la mise au point d'une mĂ©thode de prĂ©lĂšvement simultanĂ© des phases gazeuse et particulaire et leur analyse par une mĂȘme technique analytique sensible et rapide, le couplage thermo-dĂ©sorption/chromatographie en phase gazeuse/spectromĂ©trie de masse (TD-GCMS). La mĂ©thode consiste en une dĂ©rivatisation indispensable des COSV oxygĂ©nĂ©s, prĂ©levĂ©s en phase gazeuse comme en phase particulaire, sur un support solide thermo-dĂ©sorbable afin d'amĂ©liorer leur rĂ©ponse analytique et de faciliter leur identification. Ce travail prĂ©sente le dĂ©veloppement rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  partir d'expĂ©riences en chambres de simulation atmosphĂ©rique - dont CESAM, chambre spĂ©cialement conçue pour l'Ă©tude des phĂ©nomĂšnes multiphasiques - et de la campagne de terrain du projet europĂ©en MEGAPOLI

    SOA formation study from limonene ozonolysis in indoor environment : gas and particulate phases chemical characterization and toxicity prediction

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    International audienceLimonene is widely employed in scented products used in indoor environments such as fresheners and household cleaners (Nazaroff 2004). It also displays one of the highest potential for the formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols (SOAs) following ozonolysis (Jaoui 2006; Chen 2010). Besides, indoor ozone concentration, influenced by outdoor concentration and indoor sources, can be quite important to initiate gas phase chemistry (Weschler 2000) and possibly lead to secondary products formation. This work investigates SOAs formation from the ozonolysis of limonene as emitted from a detergent, in order to gather information on aerosols that are an important source of exposure for people using household products

    Reactive oxygen species and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 mediate hexachlorobenzene-induced cell death in FRTL-5 rat throyd cells

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    Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is an organochlorine pesticide widely distributed in the environment. We have previously shown that chronic HCB exposure triggers apoptosis in rat thyroid follicular cells. This study was carried out to investigate the molecular mechanism by which the pesticide causes apoptosis in FRTL-5 rat thyroid cells exposed to HCB (0.005, 0.05, 0.5, and 5ÎŒM) for 2, 6, 8, 24, and 48 h. HCB treatment lowered cell viability and induced apoptotic cell death in a dose- and time-dependent manner, as demonstrated by morphological nuclear changes and the increase of DNA fragmentation. The pesticide increased activation of caspases- 3, -8, and full-length caspase-10 processing. HCB induced mitochondrial membrane depolarization, release of cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), from the mitochondria to the cytosol, and AIF nuclear translocation. Cell death was accompanied by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Blocking of ROS production, with a radical scavenger (Trolox), resulted in inhibition of AIF nuclear translocation and returned cells survival to control levels, demonstrating that ROS are critical mediators of HCB-induced apoptosis. The pesticide increased ERK1/2, JNK, and p38 phosphorylation in a timeand dose-dependent manner. However, when FRTL-5 cells were treated with specific MAPK inhibitors, only blockade of MEK1/2 with PD98059 prevented cell loss of viability, as well as caspase-3 activation. In addition, we demonstrated that HCB-induced production of ROS has a critical role in ERK1/2 activation. These results demonstrate for the first time that HCB induces apoptosis in FRTL-5 cells, by ROS-mediated ERK1/2 activation, through caspase-dependent and -independent pathways.Fil: Chiappini, Florencia Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Houssay. Centro de Estudios FarmacolĂłgicos y BotĂĄnicos; Argentina; Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina;Fil: Pontillo, Carolina Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina;Fil: Randi, Andrea Silvana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina;Fil: Alvarez, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina;Fil: Kleiman, Diana Leonor. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina

    Hexachlorobenzene triggers apoptosis in rat thyroid follicular cells

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    Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) is a widespread environmental pollutant. Chronic exposure of humans to HCB produces a number of effects, such as triggering of porphyria, increased synthesis of liver microsomal enzymes, neurological symptoms, immunological disorders and thyroid dysfunctions. In rats HCB induced hepatic porphyria, neurotoxic effects and toxic effects on the reproductive system, thyroid function and immune system. HCB is also known to cause tumors of the liver, thyroid and mammary gland in laboratory animals. The aim of this study was to investigate parameters of thyroid growth regulation, mainly cell proliferation and apoptosis in thyroid tissue from HCB (0.1, 1, 10, 100, and 500 mg/kg body weight)-treated female Wistar rats. The current study demonstrates that only the exposure to the highest HCB dose for 30 days, has adverse effects on thyroid endpoints examined related to thyroid gland morphology, and 3,3ÂŽ,5,5ÂŽ-tetraiodothyronine (T(4,) thyroxine) serum levels, without changes in TSH concentrations or in thyroid gland weight. Morphological changes, included flattened epithelium and increased colloid size compared with control tissue. Transforming growth factor (TGF-beta1) mRNA levels, evaluated by RT-PCR, revealed a significant upregulation after exposure to HCB (1, 10, 100 mg/kg body weight). Cell proliferation evaluated by 5ÂŽ-Br deoxiuridine (BrdU) incorporation into DNA, was not altered at any dose. HCB (1, 10, 100 mg/kg body weight) induces apoptosis, evaluated by in situ end-labeling of fragmented DNA, TUNEL, in rat thyroid glands. This process is associated with dose-dependent increases in cytochrome c release from the mitochondria and procaspase-9 processing to its active product. Caspase-8 was not activated. These studies indicate that doses of HCB that do not disrupt thyroid economy induce TGF-beta1 expression and apoptosis in the thyroid gland, involving the mitochondrial pathway.Fil: Chiappini, Florencia Ana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lux, Victoria Adela R.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de BiologĂ­a y Medicina Experimental. FundaciĂłn de Instituto de BiologĂ­a y Medicina Experimental. Instituto de BiologĂ­a y Medicina Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Randi, Andrea Silvana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Kleiman, Diana Leonor. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de BioquĂ­mica Humana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentin

    Multi-tool formaldehyde measurement in simulated and real atmospheres for indoor air survey and concentration change monitoring

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    Formaldehyde is of particular health concern since it is carcinogenic for human and ubiquitous in indoor air where people spend most of their time. Therefore, it is important to have suitable methods and techniques to measure its content in indoor air. In the present work, four different techniques have been tested in the INERIS exposure chamber and in indoor environments in comparison to a standard active method: passive sampling method based on the reaction of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine with formaldehyde, two on-line continuous monitoring systems based on fluorescence and UV measurements and a portable commercialised analyser based on electrochemical titration. Two formaldehyde concentrations, about 10 and 25 Όg m−3 were generated in an exposure chamber under controlled conditions of temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed to simulate real conditions and assess potential influence on passive sampling and continuous systems response. Influence of sampling periods on passive sampling has also been evaluated. The real atmosphere experiments have been performed in four different indoor environments: an office, a furniture shop, a shopping mall, and residential dwellings in which several potential formaldehyde sources linked to household activities have been tested. The analytical and sampling problems associated with each measurement method have been identified and discussed. An overall agreement between each technique has been observed and continuous analyzers allowed for formaldehyde concentrations change monitoring and secondary formation of that pollutant observation
