18 research outputs found

    L’éducation À La Santé, Facteur De Promotion De L’action Pédagogique Des Établissements Scolaires

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    Health education is an essential dimension of global education, its absence or marginal position in school life affects the quality of educational action in schools, and deprives students of cognitive and psychosocial skills. In addition, the improvement of learning combines the promotion of the wellbeing of the learner and the good relationship with his teacher and his peers. Both of these conditions can be built by health education. These remarks imply the recasting and broadening of the teaching function so that these fields of "education to" health, the environment, citizenship etc ... are integrated into the professional identity of the teacher and the educational director of the school. Therefore, decision-makers must base their institutional and strategic reform choices on the integration of these interdisciplinary fields into the initial training of teachers. In this perspective, we can renovate the school approach; classically articulated around disciplines and refocusing it around social objectives. Thus, we can work for a new school paradigm that stumbles towards the school of promotion of the individual and society, advocated by the strategic vision of reform of the Moroccan education system 2015-2030


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    Effluent from red meat slaughter are characterized by a significant microbiological and organic load; coliform indicators of faecal contamination, pathogenic bacteria, and parasites. The spread of pathogens from the effluent and sludge resulting from their treatment, are a potential microbiological risk to the receiving environment and public health. Treatment by electrocoagulation with iron electrodes and aluminum allows a reduction of 5 logarithmic units of coliforms, the elimination of bacteria up to 100% (total disinfection) with the increase of the voltage and the addition of sodium chloride

    Étude de la qualité bactériologique et physico-chimique des eaux de certains puits et sources par l’utilisation d’une analyse en composantes principales (ACP): Une étude de cas de la région de Meknès (MAROC)

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    The present study aims to investigate the impact of anthropogenic factors on the quality of groundwater in some wells and springs in the region of Meknes, used for the various purpose by the local population. This work was conducted for a duration of 6 months by monthly withdrawal from February to July 2013. The main physico-chemical and biological components of water quality have been measured and a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed based on the average values ​​of each parameter, it was able to reveal the existence of a relatively strong spatial variation of these descriptors, making it appear four groups of very well differentiated and unequal stations: the first two groups together five wells and two springs provide a good quality water or slightly polluted and the last two which contain the other wells where the water is very polluted.La présente étude a pour objectif d’étudier l’impact des facteurs anthropiques sur la qualité des eaux souterraines de certains puits et sources de la région de Meknès, utilisées à différents usage par la population locale. Ce travail a été réalisé pendant une durée de 6 mois, par des prélèvements mensuels de Février à juillet 2013. Les principales composantes physico-chimiques et bactériologiques de la qualité de l’eau ont donc été mesurées puis une analyse en composantes principales (ACP) a été réalisée à partir des valeurs moyennes de chaque paramètre ; on a pu révéler ainsi l’existence d’une variation spatiale relativement marquée de ces descripteurs, faisant apparaître quatre groupes de stations très inégaux et bien différenciés : les deux premiers groupes rassemblent 5 puits et les deux sources fournissent une eau de bonne qualité ou légèrement polluée et les deux derniers qui contiennent les autres puits dont l’eau est très polluée

    Situation Épidémiologique des Leishmanioses au Niveau de la Ville d’El Hajeb (Centre du Maroc) Durant la Période de 2013 à 2017

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    Les leishmanioses sont des maladies infectieuses transmises à l’homme par la piqure d’un phlébotome femelle. Elles constituent la deuxième cause de mortalité mondiale d’origine parasitaire après le paludisme et elles sont endémiques dans les pays d’Asie et d’Afrique. Au Maroc, elles posent un vrai problème de santé. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer leur situation épidémiologique dans la ville d’EL Hajeb située au centre du Maroc, analyser leur évolution en fonction du sexe et de l’âge et apprécier leur distribution géographique selon le milieu. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué une étude rétrospective durant la période de 2013 à 2017, colligeant tous les cas des leishmanioses déclarés au niveau de cette ville. Les données ont été collectées au niveau des registres des cas auprès de la délégation du Ministère de la santé d’El Hajeb. Au total vingt-un nouveaux cas ont été déclarés infectés. La coexistence des deux formes des leishmanioses: cutanée (80,95%) et viscérale (19,05%) avec une prédominance du milieu rurale (76,47%). Seuls les enfants sont concernés par la leishmaniose viscérale et le plus jeune âge était de 13 mois. Le sex-ratio femme/homme était de 1,1. L’âge moyen de contamination est de 3,75 années pour la forme viscérale et de 25,82 années pour la forme cutanée. L’élimination des leishmanioses au Maroc d’ici 2030 nécessite l’adoption d’une approche globale en agissant sur les foyers de contamination par une surveillance et une prise en charge appropriées, une lutte efficace contre les vecteurs et les réservoirs et une innovation dans les stratégies de sensibilisation.Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease transmitted to humans by the bite of female sand fly. These parasitic infections are the second most common cause of parasite mortality worldwide after malaria and are endemic Asian and African countries. In Morocco, they pose a real health problem. The objective of this study is to determine the epidemiological situation of these diseases in the city of El Hajeb in central Morocco, analyze their evolution according to sex and age and assess their geographical distribution according to the environment. To do this, we carried out a retrospective study during the period from 2013 to 2017, collecting all the new cases of cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis declared in this city. Data were collected at the register level from the delegation of the Ministry of health of El Hajeb. A total of twentyone new cases were declared infected. The coexistence of the two forms of leishmaniasis: 80.95% of cutaneous forms and 19.05% of the visceral form declared only in children. The rural population is the most concerned (76.47%) the sex ratio between men women was around 1.1. the average age of contamination by the visceral form is 3.75 years by the cutaneous form. The elimination of leishmaniasis in Morocco by 2030 requires the adoption of a global approach by acting on the foci of contestation through regular surveillance, integrated management of actions against vector and reservoirs and an innovation in sensibilisation strategy

    Traitement des effluents d’abattoir de viande rouge par électrocoagulation-flottation avec des électrodes en fer

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    L’effluent de l’abattoir municipal de la ville de Meknès est caractérisé par une forte charge organique polluante et une coloration rouge due à la concentration élevée en sang. Les analyses physicochimiques et microbiologiques ont révélé des concentrations importantes en paramètres globaux de pollution, et une charge microbiologique marquée par la dominance des coliformes. La demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) moyenne est de 2 240 mg d’O2•L‑1. La concentration moyenne en azote total est de 290 mg•L‑1. Les orthophosphates sont à une concentration moyenne de 35 mg•L‑1. La matière extractible à l’hexane (MEH) varie entre 900 et 1 100 mg•L‑1. Les coliformes fécaux sont de 67•103 UFC•mL‑1.Le traitement par électrocoagulation-flottation utilisant des électrodes plates de fer, avec une tension électrique de 12 V et un temps de contact de 25 min, a donné de bons résultats. Il a permis l’abattement de 92,6 % de DCO, 76,2 % d’azote total, et 95,4 % des orthophosphates. Les MEH sont éliminées à 62,5 % grâce au phénomène de flottation favorisé par le dégagement des bulles d’hydrogène issues de la réduction de l’eau à la cathode, et le brassage de l’effluent par agitation dans la cellule électrolytique. Ce processus a permis également la décoloration de cet effluent, illustrée par une diminution de l'absorption à 450 nm supérieure à 90 %, et une diminution remarquable de l'absorbance UV à 254 nm, traduisant l’élimination de matière organique dissoute par des mécanismes d'oxydation électrochimiques. Les coliformes fécaux sont réduits de trois unités logarithmiques.The effluent of the municipal slaughterhouse in Meknes City, Morocco, is characterized by a high organic pollution load and red colour due to the high concentration of blood. Physicochemical and microbiological analyzes revealed significant levels of pollution and microbiological load marked by the dominance of coliform bacteria. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) is 2,240 mg O2•L‑1. The average concentration of total nitrogen is 290 mg•L‑1 and that for orthophosphates is 35 mg•L‑1. Fat and grease content varies between 900 and 1,100 mg•L‑1. The number of fecal coliforms is 67•103 UFC•mL‑1. Treatment by electrocoagulation-flotation using iron plate electrodes, with a voltage of 12 V and a contact time of 25 min, gave good results. It can achieve reductions in chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 92.6%. Total nitrogen removal was 76.2%, and the reduction of orthophosphate was 95.4%. Fat and grease can be reduced by 62.5% thanks to the flotation step, favoured by the release of hydrogen bubbles from the reduction of water at the cathode and the mixing of the effluent by stirring in the electrolytic cell. This process also enabled the reduction of the red colour, as illustrated by the decrease in absorbance at 450 nm, a reduction exceeding 90%, and a remarkable decrease in UV absorbance at 254 nm, reflecting the removal of dissolved organic material by electrochemical oxidation mechanisms. Fecal coliforms are reduced by three logarithmic units

    Traitement des effluents d’abattoir de viande rouge par électrocoagulation-flottation avec des électrodes en fer

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    L’effluent de l’abattoir municipal de la ville de Meknès est caractérisé par une forte charge organique polluante et une coloration rouge due à la concentration élevée en sang. Les analyses physicochimiques et microbiologiques ont révélé des concentrations importantes en paramètres globaux de pollution, et une charge microbiologique marquée par la dominance des coliformes. La demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) moyenne est de 2 240 mg d’O2•L‑1. La concentration moyenne en azote total est de 290 mg•L‑1. Les orthophosphates sont à une concentration moyenne de 35 mg•L‑1. La matière extractible à l’hexane (MEH) varie entre 900 et 1 100 mg•L‑1. Les coliformes fécaux sont de 67•103 UFC•mL‑1.Le traitement par électrocoagulation-flottation utilisant des électrodes plates de fer, avec une tension électrique de 12 V et un temps de contact de 25 min, a donné de bons résultats. Il a permis l’abattement de 92,6 % de DCO, 76,2 % d’azote total, et 95,4 % des orthophosphates. Les MEH sont éliminées à 62,5 % grâce au phénomène de flottation favorisé par le dégagement des bulles d’hydrogène issues de la réduction de l’eau à la cathode, et le brassage de l’effluent par agitation dans la cellule électrolytique. Ce processus a permis également la décoloration de cet effluent, illustrée par une diminution de l'absorption à 450 nm supérieure à 90 %, et une diminution remarquable de l'absorbance UV à 254 nm, traduisant l’élimination de matière organique dissoute par des mécanismes d'oxydation électrochimiques. Les coliformes fécaux sont réduits de trois unités logarithmiques.The effluent of the municipal slaughterhouse in Meknes City, Morocco, is characterized by a high organic pollution load and red colour due to the high concentration of blood. Physicochemical and microbiological analyzes revealed significant levels of pollution and microbiological load marked by the dominance of coliform bacteria. The average chemical oxygen demand (COD) is 2,240 mg O2•L‑1. The average concentration of total nitrogen is 290 mg•L‑1 and that for orthophosphates is 35 mg•L‑1. Fat and grease content varies between 900 and 1,100 mg•L‑1. The number of fecal coliforms is 67•103 UFC•mL‑1. Treatment by electrocoagulation-flotation using iron plate electrodes, with a voltage of 12 V and a contact time of 25 min, gave good results. It can achieve reductions in chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 92.6%. Total nitrogen removal was 76.2%, and the reduction of orthophosphate was 95.4%. Fat and grease can be reduced by 62.5% thanks to the flotation step, favoured by the release of hydrogen bubbles from the reduction of water at the cathode and the mixing of the effluent by stirring in the electrolytic cell. This process also enabled the reduction of the red colour, as illustrated by the decrease in absorbance at 450 nm, a reduction exceeding 90%, and a remarkable decrease in UV absorbance at 254 nm, reflecting the removal of dissolved organic material by electrochemical oxidation mechanisms. Fecal coliforms are reduced by three logarithmic units

    The Cutaneous Leishmaniasis and the Sand Fly: Knowledge and Beliefs of the Population in Central Morocco (El Hajeb)

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    Background. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a neglected parasitic dermal disease transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected female sand fly. Morocco hopes to eliminate all forms of leishmaniasis by 2030. These dermatoses pose a real public health problem in the country. Although the information is available on the disease, individual knowledge of cutaneous leishmaniasis and sand fly is not yet developed. Exploring people’s beliefs and popular behaviours about cutaneous leishmaniasis and its vector allows health officials to know the sociocultural aspects of the disease and to improve prevention and control actions. Objectives. To identify the knowledge of cutaneous leishmaniasis and its vector in the population in central Morocco. Methods. Based on the epidemiological data of leishmaniases in the province of El Hajeb, we conducted a field survey and personal interviews in April and May 2019, among 281 persons belonging to the localities where leishmaniases were registered. Results. Our results show that the participants use the concept of “Chniwla” (61.6%) for sand fly and the concept of “Hboub Chniwla” (50.8%) for cutaneous leishmaniasis; 24.6% of the respondents do not know how the disease is transmitted to humans and 43.7% use traditional treatments and home remedies to cure themselves. 44% of participants believe that sand fly does not transmit the disease to humans and only 6.4% were aware of their responsibility in vector control. Conclusions. The study concluded that there is a need to simplify the scientific terminology in the health education of citizens regarding these dermatoses and their vector by integrating the popular concepts obtained in this study to raise public awareness and facilitate their involvement as active actors in the prevention of cutaneous leishmaniasis

    Public health monitoring using Geographic Information Systems: case viral hepatitis E

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    Among the major parasitic diseases having major health and socio-economic impacts in the world and in Morocco, are viral hepatitis. These are acute inflammations of the liver caused by a virus. The 3 most frequently encountered viruses are viruses A, B, C. The objective of this study is to map health events, in our case the incidence of viral hepatitis E in the different prefectures of the region of Meknes-Fez by creating a database containing geographic and health parameters in geographic information system (GIS). This database was then used to create the risk map which identifies the high-risk prefectures. This study shows that the average incidence of viral hepatitis H is higher in the prefecture of Meknes during all the years of the study, with a high risk compared to other prefectures and provinces which have an average risk. Indeed, the mapping of health events is a descriptive tool implemented to evaluate the spatial disparities of incidence, which allowed us to perform a spatio-temporal analysis of the epidemic. Spatial technologies, such as geographic information systems (GIS), offer a new option for disease prevention, predicting risk locations based on factors favoring the emergence or re-emergence of the epidemic

    Evaluation of the bacteriological and physicochemical risk of hospital effluents: case of the Mohamed V hospital in Meknes

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    Like other countries, Morocco is committed to protecting environment. One of the actions is Law 28 00 on waste because it is harmful to environment and to health. However, hospital effluents are getting out of hand. This study looked at those at Mohamed V Hospital, which serves a population of almost 2 million people. The methodology relates to physicochemical and bacteriological analyzes of representative samples of these effluents by monthly samples over a period of one year. These were carried out in front of the four wings of the hospital between 11 a.m. and noon (maximum activity period). The search for bacteria of medical interest was carried out at the medical analysis laboratory of the Mohamed V hospital. The bacterial count as well as the physicochemical analyzes were carried out at the drinking water & wastewater pollution control laboratory of the Autonomous Distribution Authority of Water and Electricity of Meknes and of the environment and health laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences of Meknes. The results showed that some parameters correlate with others and that these effluents pose a threat to the environment and to health. Indeed, the chemical pollution values are high (NH4 +, NO2-, NO3-) compared to WHO standards. The presence of pathogenic germs is demonstrated such as pseudomonas, acinetobacter, clostridium, staphylococcus and streptococcus. On the other hand, these effluents are biodegradable since the COD / DBOS ratio varies between 1.1 and 2 (<2)

    Ecological sanitation a new approach to protect public health and environment in rural areas of Morocco

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    Wastewater and human excreta are threatening the quality of groundwater and watercourses in rural areas of Morocco. The new sanitation approach that has advantage to solve the problems of pathogens of human waste at source and offering the possibility of reusing them after treatment is called Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) could be an alternative solution to the conventional one. It is in this perspective that our study made an investigation on economic, ecological, sustainable sanitation techniques adapted to the Moroccan context. Indeed, a survey was carried out at Dayet Ifrah village to assess the population appreciation of the EcoSan structures installed. Survey results showed that these structures have been generally accepted by almost all users and non-users (95%). On the other hand, a pilot-scale system composed by two types of filters (vertical constructed wetland and vertical Multi-Soil-Layering) have been installed in order to treat domestic wastewater coming from a single household and their performance was evaluated. The filters showed good performance to remove organic pollution (> 84.5%) and orthophosphate (> 68%). The reduction of ammonium were 84.5% and 35.3% for vertical Multi-Soil-Layering and vertical constructed wetland, respectively. The quality of the wastewater treated was evaluated in accordance with the standard of the rejection limit value adopted by Morocco